40 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of Castration Sanction Formulation in The Perspective of Indonesian Criminal Law Renewal

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    The development of crimes should be balanced by the development of criminal law-oriented policies protecting society. The castration sanction policy as a government reaction on the rise of sexual violence against children has a negative side in its establishment. The research method used in this research was normative juridical research that examined the rules or norms in positive law to find the truth based on the legal scholarly logic of the normative side. The results of research obtained were, firstly, the existence of the castration sanction based on ius constitutum did not reflect the essence of punishment so that the offenders repented, and it only aimed to arrest the offender and focused on the dehumanization potential of the offenders. Since the reality of sex crime in Indonesia was seen as an alarming phenomenon, the existence of this castration sanction was not immediately abolished from the criminal law of Indonesia in the future. Secondly, the existence of the castration sanction is still needed as long as it is positioned as a specific action and alternative to aggravated sex offenders.Keywords: Castration, Crime, Criminal law renewal, Criminal law

    Registration Nazhir To The Minister Of Religion Of Indonesia: A Perspective Review Of The Rules Of Islamic Law

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    The birth of the Waqf Law and the Waqf Implementation Regulations brought a new policy direction regarding the regulation of nazhir. Nazhir as an institution that plays a role in the process of productivity of waqf assets is required to be professional in carrying out their duties, therefore a new regulation is formed regarding the nazhir registered with the Ministry of Religion. Regulations for the implementation of waqf in several articles state the obligation to register nazhir, but the rules for these obligations are not accompanied by sanctions rules that allow punishment for those who do not implement these rules. This study discusses the policy of registering nazhir before and after the issuance of the Waqf Law and the policy of registering nazhir to the Minister of Religion from the perspective of the rules of Islamic law. This research is normative research, with a prescriptive discussion. The results of this study stated that the rules for registering nazhir before the issuance of the Waqf Law are contained in the Land Waqf Regulation and Presidential Instruction Number 1 of 1991, while the rules for registering nazhir after the birth of the Waqf Law are contained in Article 14 (1) of the Waqf Law. In terms of Islamic law, nazhir's registration rules to the Minister of Religious Affairs meet the elements of ijtihad through mashlahah mursalah and amr studies in ushuliyyah rules

    The Concept of Restorative Justice in Islamic Criminal Law: Alternative Dispute Settlement Based on Justice

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    This study discusses the concept of restorative justice in Islamic criminal law as an alternative to restorative justice-based dispute resolution. This study is to analyze the concept of restorative justice in the context of Islamic criminal law and identify its potential use as a more just and recovery-oriented dispute resolution method. This research method is a literature study by collecting and analyzing primary and secondary sources related to the concept of restorative justice in Islamic criminal law. This study used a descriptive-analytical approach to understand the essence and principles of restorative justice and how it can be applied in the context of Islamic criminal law. The results of the study show that the concept of restorative justice in Islamic criminal law emphasizes recovery, reconciliation, and reintegration of offenders into society. This approach pays special attention to the needs of victims, encourages their active participation in the dispute resolution process, and involves the community as a key stakeholder. This study also identifies the potential for using the concept of restorative justice in Islamic criminal law as an alternative to resolving disputes. A restorative approach allows the parties involved to reach mutually satisfactory agreements, restore damaged relationships, and reduce the risk of repeat offenses. In conclusion, the concept of restorative justice in Islamic criminal law can be an alternative that has the potential to improve justice in dispute resolution. Keywords: restorative justice, Islamic criminal law, justice, dispute

    Arah Pembaharuan Hukum Pidana Indonesia di Tengah Pluralisme Hukum Indonesia

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    Perbedaan antara hukum pidana Indonesia yang tercermin dalam KUHP dengan struktur sosial menunjukkan telah terjadi pluralisme hukum. Perbedaan ini karena KUHP sebagai lex generalis berasal dari Belanda yang memiliki latar belakang perbedaan budaya dengan Indonesia. Pembaharuan hukum pidana Indonesia saat ini mengarah kepada usaha mengkristalisasi hukum yang hidup dalam masyarakat kedalam hukum positif. Melalui pembaharuan hukum pidana Indonesia arah pembangunan hukum pidana diarahkan kepada re-orientasi pokok-pokok pikiran, ide-ide dasar, atau nilai sosio-filosofis, sosio-kultural dan sosio-politik yang sesuai dengan keinginan masyarakat Indonesia yang tercermin dalam Pancasila. Pembaharuan hukum pidana yang menyasar re-orientasi substansi hukum pidana Indonesia dapat dilakukan melalui kriminalisasi perbuatan yang oleh masyarakat dianggap sebagai perbuatan jahat namun saat ini tidak dikategorikan sebagai tindak pidana. Kemudian kriminalisasi yang bersumber dari hukum adat juga harus diikuti dengan sanksi adat yang menyertai perbuatan yang di kriminalisasi untuk menjaga eksistensi hukum adat yaitu menjaga keseimbangan

    Pencegahan Korupsi Pasca Putusan MK Nomor 71/PUU/XIV/2016 Melalui Pendekatan Kebijakan

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    Korupsi sebagai extra ordinary crime dalam upaya memberantasnya tidak cukup hanya mengandalkan penegakan hukum pidana yang sifatnya represif namun juga harus menggunakan instrument pencegahan. Namun pasca putusan MK Nomor 71/PUU/XIV/2016 aspek pencegahan dalam rangka tindak pidana korupsi mengalami kemunduran dalam tataran regulasi karena putusan tersebut menyatakan tidak memiliki kekuatan hukum mengikat pasal 7 ayat (2) huruf g Undang-undang Nomor 10 Tahun 2016 yang merupakan salah satu regulasi yag bersifat pencegahan tindak pidana korupsi. Aspek pencegahan dalam upaya pemberantasan korupsi memiliki peran strategis karena tidak cukup apabila hanya menggunakan penegakan yang sifatnya represif. Dipandang dari sisi keadilan Pancasila serta politik kriminal putusan MK Nomor 71/PUU/XIV/2016 merupakan anomali ditengah gencarnya agitasi pemberantasan korupsi di Indonesia dan menyebabkan kerugian bagi masyarakat karena dalam tindak pidana korupsi masyarakat adalah korban. Corruption as an extraordinary crime in an attempt to eradicate it is not enough just to rely on criminal law enforcement that are repressive but also must use the instrument of prevention. But after the Constitutional Court decision No. 71 / PUU / XIV / 2016 aspects of prevention in the context of corruption suffered a setback in the level of regulation because the decision states do not have binding legal force of Article 7 paragraph (2) letter g of Law No. 10 of 2016 which is one regulation meant to be the prevention of corruption. Prevention aspects of the eradication of corruption has a strategic role because it is not enough if it only uses that are repressive enforcement. Viewed from the side of Pancasila justice and criminal politics, the Constitutional Court's decision No. 71 / PUU / XIV / 2016 was an anomaly in the midst of the incessant agitation to eradicate corruption in Indonesia and caused losses to the community because in the corruption act the community was a victim

    Considerations of the Public Prosecutor in Filing Charges and Demands for the Defendant in Sexual Violence Cases against Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities

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    In handling cases of sexual violence experienced by persons with intellectual disabilities,  the Public Prosecutor must have  great skills in  understanding the laws and regulations that will be used in drafting charges in court. The purpose of this study is to examine the  consideration of the Public Prosecutor in filing  charges and charges in case number PDM– 020/Eku.2/BTM/01/2022. The research method used is a  normative legal research method with a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The results  of the study show that First, the Public Prosecutor uses/determines the charges against the maker/sexual violence for persons with intellectual disabilities in case Number: PDM– 020/Eku.2/BTM/01/2022, based on objective factors and subjective factors. Objective factors refer to factors that relate to the rules of laws and regulations. Subjective  factors are  factors that are related or related to the perpetrator and criminal responsibility which he has carried out. Criminal liability. Second,  the  Public Prosecutor's claim in case Number PDM– 020/Eku.2/BTM/01/2022 is in accordance with the principle of legal certainty. However, the legal certainty provided by the Public Prosecutor does not necessarily provide benefits for victims with intellectual disabilities

    Overview Of Legal Assurance About Crimes Against The Dignity Of The President And Vice President In Indonesia Post The Decision Of The Constitutional Court

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    In the Indonesian constitution, the President is the holder of government power as well as the head of state. The Constitutional Court in Indonesia through its Decision Number 013-022/PUU-IV/2006 and Number 6/PUUV/2007 stated that the articles contained in the Criminal Code are in principle contrary to basic human rights. This study aims, First, to analyze the reformulation of articles on crimes against the dignity of the President and Vice President after the decision of the Constitutional Court. Second, reformulation of the regulation of criminal offenses against the dignity of the President and Vice President in the future. The research method used is normative juridical by examining library materials, both primary legal materials, and secondary legal materials. The results of the research, firstly, the articles on insulting the President and the Vice President do not explicitly mention limitations so that it can create legal uncertainty. Second, the provisions regarding haatzai articlesen and lese majeste do not have a binding force so that their inclusion in the draft Criminal Code is unconstitutional. The implications of the decision of the Constitutional Court in the legal system in Indonesia require that policymakers pay attention to the principles of human rights which in practice prioritize equality before the law, protection of freedom of opinion by the constitutional mandate