2,207 research outputs found

    FLTSATCOM-B launch

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    The prelaunch mission operation report of the Fleet Satellite Communications System (FLTSATCOM-B) spacecraft is presented. The orbit requirements, mission profiles, parking orbit, and transfer orbit for the FLTSATCOM-B spacecraft are described

    Flexible autonomy: an online approach to developing mathematics subject knowledge for teachers

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    This paper uses an adaptation of Brookfield’s (2017) lenses to critically reflect upon a Subject Knowledge Enhancement Course designed and taught by the authors. Learning occurs through a synthesis of asynchronous engagement with online e-learning modules, weekly synchronous tutorials and self-reflection following formative and summative assessment opportunities. Interrogating the course design, learner feedback and observation, and tutor pedagogic choices through connectivist and social constructivist learning theory, the paper concludes that the common perceived learning gains occur through the flexibility in learning, and the supported autonomy that learners are given. Further developments in our offer should therefore aim to improve these opportunities for learners where possible

    Adherence to prophylaxis in adolescents and young adults with severe haemophilia, A qualitative study with patients

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    © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.Abstract Introduction: Reported levels of adherence to prophylaxis among young people with haemophilia (YPH) vary widely and are predominately based on estimations made by healthcare professionals and parents. Reasons for (non)adherence among YPH in particular have not been evidenced. Aim: to examine experiences in relation to prophylaxis with YPH themselves, and barriers and facilitators to their adherence. Methods: 11 Participants were recruited in five haemophilia centres across England and Wales. All patients who met the inclusion criteria (aged 12-25, diagnosed with haemophilia, on prophylaxis) were approached during a routine check-up appointment, and all participants who agreed to take part were interviewed. Interviews were audio recorded, transcribed and analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Results: Self-reported adherence to prophylaxis was good. Few participants admitted to intentionally skipping injections although they reported sometimes forgetting. However, due to the increasingly personalised and flexible approach to prophylaxis, adherence is not straightforward to define. Barriers to adherence included a busy lifestyle, dislike of the intravenous injection, venous access issues, anxiety or stress and being out of one’s normal routine. Support was an important facilitator to adherence, including support from health professionals at the haemophilia centre as well as friends. Parents appear to be very involved with their sons’ haemophilia management, even after their sons leave home. Conclusion: What this study adds is that the increasingly flexible and personalized approach to managing prophylaxis in haemophilia may sometimes lead to confusion around treatment frequency and dosing. This may lead to accidental non-adherence, which is distinct from both skipping and forgetting. Advice from haemophilia teams may not always be consistent, and is likely to be interpreted differently by different individuals. Some additional training and education of patients and their families to increase their knowledge and skills around prophylaxis may reduce this confusion and therefore is likely to improve adherence further.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    A parallel multistate framework for atomistic non-equilibrium reaction dynamics of solutes in strongly interacting organic solvents

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    We describe a parallel linear-scaling computational framework developed to implement arbitrarily large multi-state empirical valence bond (MS-EVB) calculations within CHARMM. Forces are obtained using the Hellman-Feynmann relationship, giving continuous gradients, and excellent energy conservation. Utilizing multi-dimensional Gaussian coupling elements fit to CCSD(T)-F12 electronic structure theory, we built a 64-state MS-EVB model designed to study the F + CD3CN -> DF + CD2CN reaction in CD3CN solvent. This approach allows us to build a reactive potential energy surface (PES) whose balanced accuracy and efficiency considerably surpass what we could achieve otherwise. We use our PES to run MD simulations, and examine a range of transient observables which follow in the wake of reaction, including transient spectra of the DF vibrational band, time dependent profiles of vibrationally excited DF in CD3CN solvent, and relaxation rates for energy flow from DF into the solvent, all of which agree well with experimental observations. Immediately following deuterium abstraction, the nascent DF is in a non-equilibrium regime in two different respects: (1) it is highly excited, with ~23 kcal mol-1 localized in the stretch; and (2) not yet Hydrogen bonded to the CD3CN solvent, its microsolvation environment is intermediate between the non-interacting gas-phase limit and the solution-phase equilibrium limit. Vibrational relaxation of the nascent DF results in a spectral blue shift, while relaxation of its microsolvation environment results in a red shift. These two competing effects result in a post-reaction relaxation profile distinct from that observed when DF vibration excitation occurs within an equilibrium microsolvation environment. The parallel software framework presented in this paper should be more broadly applicable to a range of complex reactive systems.Comment: 58 pages and 29 Figure

    Minding the gap between communication skills simulation and authentic experience

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    CONTEXT: Concurrent exposure to simulated and authentic experiences during undergraduate medical education is increasing. The impact of gaps or differences between contemporaneous experiences has not been adequately considered. We address two questions. How do new undergraduate medical students understand contemporaneous interactions with simulated and authentic patients? How and why do student perceptions of differences between simulated and authentic patient interactions shape their learning? METHODS: We conducted an interpretative thematic secondary analysis of research data comprising individual interviews (n = 23), focus groups (three groups, n = 16), and discussion groups (four groups, n = 26) with participants drawn from two different year cohorts of Year 1 medical students. These methods generated data from 48 different participants, of whom 17 provided longitudinal data. In addition, data from routinely collected written evaluations of three whole Year 1 cohorts (response rates ≥ 88%, n = 378) were incorporated into our secondary analysis dataset. The primary studies and our secondary analysis were conducted in a single UK medical school with an integrated curriculum. RESULTS: Our analysis identified that students generate knowledge and meaning from their simulated and authentic experiences relative to each other and that the resultant learning differs in quality according to meaning created by comparing and contrasting contemporaneous experiences. Three themes were identified that clarify how and why the contrasting of differences is an important process for learning outcomes. These are preparedness, responsibility for safety, and perceptions of a gap between theory and practice. CONCLUSIONS: We propose a conceptual framework generated by reframing common metaphors that refer to the concept of the gap to develop educational strategies that might maximise useful learning from perceived differences. Educators need to 'mind' gaps in collaboration with students if synergistic learning is to be constructed from contemporaneous exposure to simulated and authentic patient interactions. The strategies need to be tested in practice by teachers and learners for utility. Further research is needed to understand gaps in other contexts

    Rapid generation of reaction permeability in the roots of black smoker systems, Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus

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    The deep levels of former black smoker hydrothermal systems are widespread in the Troodos ophiolite in Cyprus. They are marked by zones of hydrothermal reaction in the sheeted dyke unit close to the underlying gabbros. These zones are characterized by the presence of epidosite (epidote-quartz rock). In the reaction zones, the dykes are altered to a range of greenschist facies mineral assemblages, from a low degree of alteration with a five to seven phase metabasaltic assemblage to a high degree of alteration with a two to three phase epidosite assemblage. Individual dykes may contain the full range, with the epidosites forming yellow-green stripes within a darker background, often extending for more than several metres, parallel to the dyke margins. Field relations show that the alteration took place on a dyke-by-dyke basis and was not a regional process. SEM petrography reveals that the epidosites contain millimetre scale pores. The minerals surrounding the pores show euhedral overgrowths into the free pore space, indicating a former transient porosity of up to 20%. We conclude that the epidosites formed by reaction between newly intruded basaltic dykes and actively circulating black smoker fluid leading to extensive dissolution of primary dyke minerals. This reaction generated the porosity in the stripes and transiently led to a much increased permeability, allowing the rapid penetration of the black smoker fluid into the dykes and flow along them in fingers. As the system evolved, the same flow regime allowed mineral precipitation and partial infilling of the porosity. This mechanism allows rapid recrystallization of the rock with release of metals and other components into the fluid. This explains the depletion of these components in epidosites and their enrichment in black smoker vent fluids and the relatively constant composition of vent fluids as fresh rock is continually mined

    Psychometric properties of the Vertigo symptom scale – Short form

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of the study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Vertigo symptom scale – short form (VSS-SF), a condition-specific measure of dizziness, following translation of the scale into Norwegian.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional survey design was used to examine the factor structure, internal consistency and discriminative ability (sample I, n = 503). A cross-sectional pre-intervention design was used to examine the construct validity (sample II, n = 36) of the measure and a test-retest design was used to examine reliability (sub-sample of sample II, n = 28).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The scree plot indicated a two factor structure accounting respectively for 41% and 12% of the variance prior to rotation. The factors were related to vertigo-balance (VSS-V) and autonomic-anxiety (VSS-A). Twelve of the items loaded clearly on either of the two dimensions, while three items cross-loaded. Internal consistency of the VSS-SF was high (alpha = 0.90). Construct validity was indicated by correlation between path length registered by platform posturography and the VSS-V (r = 0.52), but not with the VSS-A. The ability to discriminate between dizzy and not dizzy patients was excellent for the VSS-SF and sub-dimension VSS-V (area under the curve 0.87 and 0.91, respectively), and acceptable for the sub-dimension VSS-A (area under the curve 0.77). High test-retest reliability was demonstrated (ICC VSS-SF: 0.88, VSS-V: 0.90, VSS-A: 0.90) and no systematic change was observed in the scores from test to retest after 2 days.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Using a Norwegian translated version of the VSS-SF, this is the first study to provide evidence of the construct validity of this instrument demonstrating a stable two factor structure of the scale, and the identified sub-dimensions of dizziness were related to vertigo-balance and autonomic-anxiety, respectively. Evidence regarding a physical construct underlying the vertigo-balance sub-scale was provided. Satisfactory internal consistency was indicated, and the discriminative ability of the instruments was demonstrated. The instrument showed satisfactory test-retest reliability.</p
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