49 research outputs found

    A Neurogenetic Dissociation between Punishment-, Reward-, and Relief-Learning in Drosophila

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    What is particularly worth remembering about a traumatic experience is what brought it about, and what made it cease. For example, fruit flies avoid an odor which during training had preceded electric shock punishment; on the other hand, if the odor had followed shock during training, it is later on approached as a signal for the relieving end of shock. We provide a neurogenetic analysis of such relief learning. Blocking, using UAS-shibirets1, the output from a particular set of dopaminergic neurons defined by the TH-Gal4 driver partially impaired punishment learning, but left relief learning intact. Thus, with respect to these particular neurons, relief learning differs from punishment learning. Targeting another set of dopaminergic/serotonergic neurons defined by the DDC-Gal4 driver on the other hand affected neither punishment nor relief learning. As for the octopaminergic system, the tbhM18 mutation, compromising octopamine biosynthesis, partially impaired sugar-reward learning, but not relief learning. Thus, with respect to this particular mutation, relief learning, and reward learning are dissociated. Finally, blocking output from the set of octopaminergic/tyraminergic neurons defined by the TDC2-Gal4 driver affected neither reward, nor relief learning. We conclude that regarding the used genetic tools, relief learning is neurogenetically dissociated from both punishment and reward learning. This may be a message relevant also for analyses of relief learning in other experimental systems including man

    Event Timing in Associative Learning

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    Associative learning relies on event timing. Fruit flies for example, once trained with an odour that precedes electric shock, subsequently avoid this odour (punishment learning); if, on the other hand the odour follows the shock during training, it is approached later on (relief learning). During training, an odour-induced Ca++ signal and a shock-induced dopaminergic signal converge in the Kenyon cells, synergistically activating a Ca++-calmodulin-sensitive adenylate cyclase, which likely leads to the synaptic plasticity underlying the conditioned avoidance of the odour. In Aplysia, the effect of serotonin on the corresponding adenylate cyclase is bi-directionally modulated by Ca++, depending on the relative timing of the two inputs. Using a computational approach, we quantitatively explore this biochemical property of the adenylate cyclase and show that it can generate the effect of event timing on associative learning. We overcome the shortage of behavioural data in Aplysia and biochemical data in Drosophila by combining findings from both systems

    No evidence for visual context-dependency of olfactory learning in Drosophila

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    How is behaviour organised across sensory modalities? Specifically, we ask concerning the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster how visual context affects olfactory learning and recall and whether information about visual context is getting integrated into olfactory memory. We find that changing visual context between training and test does not deteriorate olfactory memory scores, suggesting that these olfactory memories can drive behaviour despite a mismatch of visual context between training and test. Rather, both the establishment and the recall of olfactory memory are generally facilitated by light. In a follow-up experiment, we find no evidence for learning about combinations of odours and visual context as predictors for reinforcement even after explicit training in a so-called biconditional discrimination task. Thus, a ‘true’ interaction between visual and olfactory modalities is not evident; instead, light seems to influence olfactory learning and recall unspecifically, for example by altering motor activity, alertness or olfactory acuity

    Behavioral Analyses of Sugar Processing in Choice, Feeding, and Learning in Larval Drosophila

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    Gustatory stimuli have at least 2 kinds of function: They can support immediate, reflexive responses (such as substrate choice and feeding) and they can drive internal reinforcement. We provide behavioral analyses of these functions with respect to sweet taste in larval Drosophila. The idea is to use the dose–effect characteristics as behavioral “fingerprints” to dissociate reflexive and reinforcing functions. For glucose and trehalose, we uncover relatively weak preference. In contrast, for fructose and sucrose, preference responses are strong and the effects on feeding pronounced. Specifically, larvae are attracted to, and feeding is stimulated most strongly for, intermediate concentrations of either sugar: Using very high concentrations (4 M) results in weakened preference and suppression of feeding. In contrast to such an optimum function regarding choice and feeding, an asymptotic dose–effect function is found for reinforcement learning: Learning scores reach asymptote at 2 M and remain stable for a 4-M concentration. A similar parametric discrepancy between the reflexive (choice and feeding) and reinforcing function is also seen for sodium chloride (Niewalda T, Singhal S, Fiala A, Saumweber T, Wegener S, Gerber B, in preparation). We discuss whether these discrepancies are based either on inhibition from high-osmolarity sensors upon specifically the reflexive pathways or whether different sensory pathways, with different effective dose–response characteristics, may have preferential access to drive either reflex responses or modulatory neurons mediating internal reinforcement, respectively

    A model for non-monotonic intensity coding

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    Peripheral neurons of most sensory systems increase their response with increasing stimulus intensity. Behavioural responses, however, can be specific to some intermediate intensity level whose particular value might be innate or associatively learned. Learning such a preference requires an adjustable transformation from a monotonic stimulus representation at the sensory periphery to a non-monotonic representation for the motor command. How do neural systems accomplish this task? We tackle this general question focusing on odour intensity learning in the fruit fly; whose first- and second-order olfactory neurons show monotonic stimulus response curves. Nevertheless, flies form associative memories specific to particular trained odour intensities. Thus, downstream of the first two olfactory processing layers, odour intensity must be re-coded to enable intensity-specific associative learning. We present a minimal, feed-forward, three-layer circuit, which implements the required transformation by combining excitation, inhibition, and, as a decisive third element, homeostatic plasticity. Key features of this circuit motif are consistent with the known architecture and physiology of the fly olfactory system, whereas alternative mechanisms are either not composed of simple, scalable building blocks or not compatible with physiological observations. The simplicity of the circuit and the robustness of its function under parameter changes make this computational motif an attractive candidate for tuneable non-monotonic intensity coding

    A rift between implicit and explicit conditioned valence in human pain relief learning

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    Pain is aversive, but does the cessation of pain (‘relief’) have a reward-like effect? Indeed, fruitflies avoid an odour previously presented before a painful event, but approach an odour previously presented after a painful event. Thus, event-timing may turn punishment to reward. However, is event-timing also crucial in humans who can have explicit cognitions about associations? Here, we show that stimuli associated with pain-relief acquire positive implicit valence but are explicitly rated as aversive. Specifically, the startle response, an evolutionarily conserved defence reflex, is attenuated by stimuli that had previously followed a painful event, indicating implicit positive valence of the conditioned stimulus; nevertheless, participants explicitly evaluate these stimuli as ‘emotionally negative’. These results demonstrate a rift between the implicit and explicit conditioned valence induced by pain relief. They might explain why humans in some cases are attracted by conditioned stimuli despite explicitly judging them as negative

    Genome-Wide Association Analyses Point to Candidate Genes for Electric Shock Avoidance in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Electric shock is a common stimulus for nociception-research and the most widely used reinforcement in aversive associative learning experiments. Yet, nothing is known about the mechanisms it recruits at the periphery. To help fill this gap, we undertook a genome-wide association analysis using 38 inbred Drosophila melanogaster strains, which avoided shock to varying extents. We identified 514 genes whose expression levels and/or sequences covaried with shock avoidance scores. We independently scrutinized 14 of these genes using mutants, validating the effect of 7 of them on shock avoidance. This emphasizes the value of our candidate gene list as a guide for follow-up research. In addition, by integrating our association results with external protein-protein interaction data we obtained a shock avoidance- associated network of 38 genes. Both this network and the original candidate list contained a substantial number of genes that affect mechanosensory bristles, which are hairlike organs distributed across the fly's body. These results may point to a potential role for mechanosensory bristles in shock sensation. Thus, we not only provide a first list of candidate genes for shock avoidance, but also point to an interesting new hypothesis on nociceptive mechanisms

    Event Timing in Associative Learning: From Biochemical Reaction Dynamics to Behavioural Observations

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    Associative learning relies on event timing. Fruit flies for example, once trained with an odour that precedes electric shock, subsequently avoid this odour (punishment learning); if, on the other hand the odour follows the shock during training, it is approached later on (relief learning). During training, an odour-induced Ca++ signal and a shock-induced dopaminergic signal converge in the Kenyon cells, synergistically activating a Ca++-calmodulin-sensitive adenylate cyclase, which likely leads to the synaptic plasticity underlying the conditioned avoidance of the odour. In Aplysia, the effect of serotonin on the corresponding adenylate cyclase is bi-directionally modulated by Ca++, depending on the relative timing of the two inputs. Using a computational approach, we quantitatively explore this biochemical property of the adenylate cyclase and show that it can generate the effect of event timing on associative learning. We overcome the shortage of behavioural data in Aplysia and biochemical data in Drosophila by combining findings from both systems

    Aspekte des assoziatives Lernens bei Taufliegen

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    Past experience contributes to behavioural organization mainly via learning: Animals learn otherwise ordinary cues as predictors for biologically significant events. This thesis studies such predictive, associative learning, using the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. I ask two main questions, which complement each other: One deals with the processing of those cues that are to be learned as predictors for an important event; the other one deals with the processing of the important event itself, which is to be predicted. Do fruit flies learn about combinations of olfactory and visual cues? I probe larval as well as adult fruit flies for the learning about combinations of olfactory and visual cues, using a so called ‘biconditional discrimination’ task: During training, one odour is paired with reinforcement only in light, but not in darkness; the other odour in turn is reinforced only in darkness, but not in light. Thus, neither the odours nor the visual conditions alone predict reinforcement, only combinations of both do. I find no evidence that either larval or adult fruit flies were to solve such task, speaking against a cross-talk between olfactory and visual modalities. Previous studies however suggest such cross-talk. To reconcile these results, I suggest classifying different kinds of interaction between sensory modalities, according to their site along the sensory-motor continuum: I consider an interaction ‘truly’ cross-modal, if it is between the specific features of the stimuli. I consider an interaction ’amodal’ if it instead engages the behavioural tendencies or ‘values’ elicited by each stimulus. Such reasoning brings me to conclude that different behavioural tasks require different kinds of interaction between sensory modalities; whether a given kind of interaction will be found depends on the neuronal infrastructure, which is a function of the species and the developmental stage. Predictive learning of pain-relief in fruit flies Fruit flies build two opposing kinds of memory, based on an experience with electric shock: Those odours that precede shock during training are learned as predictors for punishment and are subsequently avoided; those odours that follow shock during training on the other hand are learned as signals for relief and are subsequently approached. I focus on such relief learning. I start with a detailed parametric analysis of relief learning, testing for reproducibility as well as effects of gender, repetition of training, odour identity, odour concentration and shock intensity. I also characterize how relief memories, once formed, decay. In addition, concerning the psychological mechanisms of relief learning, first, I show that relief learning establishes genuinely associative conditioned approach behaviour and second, I report that it is most likely not mediated by context associations. These results enable the following neurobiological analysis of relief learning; further, they will form in the future the basis for a mathematical model; finally, they will guide the researchers aiming at uncovering relief learning in other experimental systems. Next, I embark upon neurogenetic analysis of relief learning. First, I report that fruit flies mutant for the so called white gene build overall more ‘negative’ memories about an experience with electric shock. That is, in the white mutants, learning about the painful onset of shock is enhanced, whereas learning about the relieving offset of shock is diminished. As they are coherently affected, these two kinds of learning should be in a balance. The molecular mechanism of the effect of white on this balance remains unresolved. Finally, as a first step towards a neuronal circuit analysis of relief learning, I compare it to reward learning and punishment learning. I find that relief learning is distinct from both in terms of the requirement for biogenic amine signaling: Reward and punishment are respectively signalled by octopamine and dopamine, for relief learning, either of these seem dispensible. Further, I find no evidence for roles for two other biogenic amines, tyramine and serotonin in relief learning. Based on these findings I give directions for further research.Vergangene Ereignisse beeinflussen die Organisation des Verhaltens hauptsĂ€chlich durch das Lernen: Tiere lernen natĂŒrlich vorkommende neutrale Reize als Signal fĂŒr biologisch relevante Ereignisse zu nutzen. Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit derartigen assoziativen LernvorgĂ€ngen bei der Taufliege Drosophila melanogaster. Ich stelle zwei, sich ergĂ€nzende, grundlegende Fragen: Die eine Frage beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der Verarbeitung von Reizen, die als Signal fĂŒr ein wichtiges Ereignis erlernt werden. Die andere Frage behandelt die Verarbeitung des Ereignisses selbst. Lernen Taufliegen etwas ĂŒber Kombinationen von olfaktorischen und visuellen Reizen? Sowohl bei larvalen, als auch bei adulten Taufliegen wird das Lernen von Kombinationen aus olfaktorischen und visuellen Stimuli untersucht. Ich verwende einen sogenannten „bikonditionalen Diskriminierungs-Versuchsaufbau“: WĂ€hrend des Trainings wird ein Duft nur im Licht und nicht im Dunkeln mit Reinforcement kombiniert, wĂ€hrend ein anderer Duft nur im Dunkeln und nicht im Licht mit Reinforcement kombiniert wird. Somit signalisieren weder die DĂŒfte, noch die visuellen Bedingungen allein das Reinforcement, sondern nur eine Kombination aus Beiden. Ich finde keine Beweise dafĂŒr, dass larvale oder adulte Taufliegen eine solche Aufgabe lösen können. Dies spricht gegen eine Interaktion zwischen olfaktorischen und visuellen ModalitĂ€ten. Allerdings weisen frĂŒhere Studien auf derartige Interaktionen hin. Um meine Ergebnisse mit den bekannten Studien in Einklang zu bringen, ordne ich die unterschiedlichen Interaktionen zwischen den sensorischen ModalitĂ€ten nach ihrer Lage entlang des sensorisch-motorischen Kontinuums: Ich bezeichnen eine Interaktion fĂŒr „echt“ cross-modal, wenn sie zwischen den spezifischen Eigenschaften der beiden Reize stattfindet. Ich halte eine Interaktion fĂŒr „amodal“, wenn sie zwischen den von den Reizen induzierten Verhaltenstendenzen und „Werten“ stattfindet. Aufgrund dieser Argumentation komme ich zu der Schlussfolgerung, dass unterschiedliche Verhaltensaufgaben unterschiedliche Interaktionen zwischen den sensorischen ModalitĂ€ten erfordern. Ob eine Art von Interaktion gefunden wird oder nicht hĂ€ngt von der neuronalen Vernetzung ab, welche charakteristisch fĂŒr Art und Entwicklungsstadium ist. Assoziatives Lernen von Schmerz-Erleichterung bei Taufliegen Taufliegen entwickeln zwei unterschiedliche Arten von GedĂ€chtnissen basierend auf Erfahrung mit Elektro-Schock: DĂŒfte, die wĂ€hrend des Trainings dem Schock vorausgehen, werden als Bestrafungssignale gelernt und deshalb vermieden. DĂŒfte, die wĂ€hrend des Trainings auf den Schock folgen, werden als Erleichterungssignale gelernt und deshalb bevorzugt. Ich beschĂ€ftige mich mit der zweiten Art dieses assoziativen Lernens, das ich als „Erleichterungslernen“ bezeichne. Ich beginne mit einer detaillierten parametrischen Analyse des Erleichterungslernens. Die Reproduzierbarkeit, sowie die EinflĂŒsse des Geschlechts, der Anzahl an Trainingswiederholungen, der DuftintensitĂ€t, der Duftkonzentration und der SchockintensitĂ€t werden geprĂŒft. Ich teste, wie das ErleichterungsgedĂ€chtnis, nachdem es gebildet wurde, wieder gelöscht wird. Des Weiteren gehe ich zwei wichtigen Fragen zu den psychologischen Mechanismen des Erleichterungslernen nach: Zum einen zeige ich, dass das Erleichterungslernen echtes assoziativ konditioniertes AnnĂ€herungsverhalten etabliert. Zum anderen zeige ich, dass vorausgegangenes Kontext-Schock Training das folgende Erleichterungslernen nicht beeinflusst. Das Erleichterungslernen wird also nicht durch Kontextassoziation vermittelt. Diese Ergebnisse erlauben die folgende neurobiologische Analyse des Erleichterungslernens. Außerdem werden sie in Zukunft als Grundlage fĂŒr ein mathematisches Modell des Erleichterungslernens dienen. Schließlich werden die Forscher/innen, die das Erleichterungslernen in anderen experimentellen Systemen untersuchen, von diesen parametrischen Erkenntnissen profitieren. In einer neurobiologischen Analyse des Erleichterungslernens zeige ich, dass der Verlust der Funktion des sogenannten white Gens die beiden unterschiedlichen Arten von Schock-Induziertem Lernen zusammenhĂ€ngend beeinflusst: Das Bestrafungslernen wird verstĂ€rkt und das Erleichterungslernen wird abgeschwĂ€cht. Auf Grund dieses Ergebnisses schlagen ich vor, dass sich diese zwei Arten von Lernen in einem Gleichgewicht befinden sollen, welches vom white Gen beeinflusst wird. Die zugrunde liegenden molekularen Mechanismen eines solchen Gleichgewichts sind noch nicht bekannt. Schließlich vergleiche ich das Erleichterungslernen mit dem Belohnungslernen und dem Bestrafungslernen. Ich zeige, dass das Erleichterungslernen anders ist als beide: Bestrafung und Belohnung werden entsprechend von Dopamin und Octopamin vermittelt. FĂŒr das Erleichterungslernen sind beide diese biogenen Aminen unnötig. Ebenso finde ich beim Erleichterungslernen keinen Beleg fĂŒr die Rolle von zwei weiteren Aminen: Tyramin und Serotonin. Aufgrund dieser Ergebnisse schlage ich vor weitere Forschungsrichtungen

    Reversing Stimulus Timing in Visual Conditioning Leads to Memories with Opposite Valence in Drosophila

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    Animals need to associate different environmental stimuli with each other regardless of whether they temporally overlap or not. Drosophila melanogaster displays olfactory trace conditioning, where an odor is followed by electric shock reinforcement after a temporal gap, leading to conditioned odor avoidance. Reversing the stimulus timing in olfactory conditioning results in the reversal of memory valence such that an odor that follows shock is later on approached (i.e. relief conditioning). Here, we explored the effects of stimulus timing on memory in another sensory modality, using a visual conditioning paradigm. We found that flies form visual memories of opposite valence depending on stimulus timing and can associate a visual stimulus with reinforcement despite being presented with a temporal gap. These results suggest that associative memories with non-overlapping stimuli and the effect of stimulus timing on memory valence are shared across sensory modalities