61 research outputs found

    A New Suaeda Record For Flora of Turkey: Suaeda Aegyptiaca (Hasselquist) Zohary (Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae)

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    DergiPark: 903661trkjnatBu çalışmada, Şanlıurfa ili Akçakale ilçesinden Suaeda aegyptiaca (Hasselquist) Zohary türü Türkiye florası için yeni kayıt olarak verilmektedir. Tür, Suaedoideae altfamilyası, Suaeda Forssk. ex J.F. Gmel. cinsi Salsina Moq. seksiyonu altında sınıflandırılmıştır. Türün kapsamlı betimi, Türkiye’deki dağılış haritası, habitat özellikleri, morfolojik karakterleri ve fotoğrafları verilmiştir.In this study, Suaeda aegyptiaca (Hasselquist) Zohary is reported as a new record for Turkish flora from Akçakale district in Şanlıurfa province. The species is classified under section Salsina Moq. of the genus Suaeda Forssk. ex J.F. Gmel. in Suaedoideae subfamily. The comprehensive description, distribution maps in Turkey, habitat features, morphological characteristics and digital images of the species are given

    Honamlı, Kıl, Kilis ve Saanen keçilerinde kafatasının dorsal landmarklar kullanarak geometrik morfometrik analizi

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    The study aimed was to analyze the dorsal aspect of the skulls of Honamlı, Hair, Kilis, and Saanen goats by the geometric morphometric method. A total of 48 adult goat skulls, 6 male and 6 female, were used for each breed. After the skulls were photographed dorsally, 10 homologous landmarks were marked. As a result of our study, the degree of dorsal separation of the skulls according to sex was found to be limited. Nevertheless, significant separation was seen in the Honamlı skulls of females and in the Honamlı and Saanen skulls of males. This information may serve as a reference for the skull remains of ruminants.Çalışmada geometrik morfometri yöntemi ile Honamlı, Kıl, Kilis ve Saanen keçisine ait kafataslarının dorsal yönden analizi amaçlandı. Her ırk için ayrı ayrı 6 erkek ve 6 dişi olmak üzere toplamda 48 adet ergin keçi kafatası kullanıldı. Kafatasları dorsal yönden fotoğraflandıktan sonra 10 adet homolog landmark işaretlendi. Çalışmamız neticesinde dorsal yönden cinsiyete göre kafataslarının birbirinden ayrılma derecesi sınırlı olarak saptandı. Buna rağmen dişilerde Honamlı kafataslarında, erkeklerde ise Honamlı ve Saanen kafataslarında belirgin ayrılmalar görüldü. Bu bilgilerin geviş getirenlere ait kafatası kalıntıları için referans oluşturabileceği düşünülmektedir

    Microcnemum coralloides (Chenopodiaceae-Salicornioideae): un ejemplo de las disyunciones intraespecíficas Este-Oeste en la región mediterránea

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    Microcnemum is a monotypic genus of Salicornioideae comprising rare, annual, hygrohalophytic herbs growing in hypersaline inland lagoons and salt pans. Microcnemum coralloides shows an East-West disjunction in the Mediterranean region: M. coralloides subsp. coralloides occurs in central and eastern Spain while M. coralloides subsp. anatolicum grows in Turkey, Syria, Armenia and Iran. We studied the phylogeny, biogeography and morphological differentiation of M. coralloides. Molecular analyses, using five western and eight eastern accessions of the species, were based on three different markers (nuclear ITS and plastid atpB-rbcL spacer and trnT/F region) analysed with Maximum Parsimony and Maximum Likelihood. Estimates of divergence times were calculated using a Likelihood Ratio Test (LRT) and the Penalized Likelihood (PL) method. The two subspecies can be clearly distinguished by their different seed testa surface. Other diagnostic characters were not found. The molecular data (ITS and ML analysis of the trnT/F region) indicate that M. coralloides subsp. coralloides originated from within M. coralloides subsp. anatolicum which implies an East Mediterranean origin and subsequent westward dispersal. Age estimates for the split of the two subspecies range from 2.8–0.5 million years ago. Considering the relatively low genetic differentiation and the low crown group age (0.7–0.1 mya) of M. coralloides subsp. coralloides in comparison to M. coralloides subsp. anatolicum we favour the hypothesis that the Iberian part of the species range was established during cold periods of the Early Pleistocene and that the range of the species was fragmented during a warmer period soon after its arrival in Iberia.Microcnemum es un género monotípico de Salicornioideae que consiste en hierbas higrohalófilas, anuales, raras, que crecen en cuencas endorréicas hipersalinas del interior y salares. Microcnemum coralloides muestran una disyunción Este-Oeste en la región mediterránea: M. coralloides subsp. coralloides aparece en el centro y el levante español, mientras que M.coralloides subsp. anatolicum crece en Turquía, Siria, Armenia e Irán. Estudiamos la filogenia, la biogeografía y la diferenciación morfológica de M. coralloides. Los análisis moleculares, empleando cinco adquisiciones occidentales y ocho orientales de la especie, se basaron en tres marcadores distintos (ITS nuclear, espaciadores plástidos atpBrbcL y región trnT/F) analizados con Máxima Parsimonia y Máxima Verosimilitud. Las estimaciones de tiempos divergentes se calcularon empleando una Prueba de Verosimilitud (LRT) y el método de Verosimilitud Penalizada. Las dos subspecies se distinguen claramente por la diferencia en la superficie de su envoltura. No se encontraron otras características de diferenciación. Los datos moleculares (ITS y análisis ML de la región trnT/F) indican que M. coralloides subsp. coralloides originó de dentro de M. coralloides subsp. anatolicum, lo cual implica un origen en el este del Mediterráneo y su posterior dispersión hacia el oeste. Las estimaciones de edad para la separación de las dos subespecies data desde hace 2,8 a 0,5 millones de años. En vista de la diferenciación genética, relativamente baja y la reducida edad del grupo terminal (0,7-0,1 millones de años) de M. coralloides subsp. coralloides en comparación con M. coralloides subsp. anatolicum, favorecemos la hipótesis de que la parte ibérica de la gama de la especie se estableció durante periodos fríos del Bajo Pleistoceno y que la gama de la especie se fragmentó durante un periodo más cálido no mucho después de su llegada a la Península

    Conservation Status of Three Rare and Endemic Species From Turkey (Kalidium Wagenitzii, Muscari Adilii Verbascum Gypsicola)

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    DergiPark: 751851trkjnatBu çalışma ile Türkiye’nin İç Anadolu bölgesi için endemik olan K. wagenitzii (Aellen) Freitag amp; G. Kadereit, M. adilii M. B. Güner amp; H. Duman ve V. gypsicola Vural amp; Aydoğdu türlerinin popülasyon yapıları ve yayılış alanlarının belirlenmesi ve bunların sonucunda IUCN tehlike kategorilerinin tekrardan değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu türlerin seçilmesinin nedeni sahip oldukları sınırlı yayılış alanları ile insan faktörü sonucu yüksek oranda yok olma riski taşımalarıdır. Çok yıllık halofitik K. wagenitzii türünün Tuz Gölü çevresinde 5 lokalitede yayılışı belirlenmiş ve toplam olgun birey sayısı 6458 olarak belirlenmiştir. Yaşam alanları toplamı 36 km2 olmasına karşın yayılış alanı 213 km2 dir. Tarım amaçlı kontrolsüz su kaynaklarının kullanılması önemli bir tehdit faktörüdür. K. wagenitzii türünün tehdit kategorisi IUCN Kırmızı Liste kriterlerine göre EN olarak değerlendirilmiştir. M. adilii marnlı toprakları tercih etmekte ve habitat tipi P. nigra ve meşe ormanlarının yıkımı sonucu oluşan steplerdir. Nallıhan-Beypazarı çevresinde 3 lokaliteden bilinmekte ve olgun birey sayısı 6144 olarak belirlenmiştir. Yaşam alanları toplamı ve yayılış alanı sırasıyla 12 km2 ve 28 km2 dir. Tür üzerindeki baskılar yol inşası ve tarım alanlarının büyümesi, ağaçlandırma çalışmaları ve fabrika kurulumu olup CR kategorisinde değerlendirilmiştir. V. gypsicola marnlı topraklarda yayılmaktadır. Beypazarı-Nallıhan çevresinden 3 lokalite ve Sivirihisar-Eskişehir’de bir lokalite yayılışı bulunmaktadır. Olgun birey sayısı 2755 olarak belirlenmiştir. Yaşam alanları toplamı 16 km2 ve yayılış alanı 269 km2 dir. Aşırı otlatma ve tarım alanlarının büyümesi ile birlikte fabrika kurulumu tür üzerindeki baskılar olup EN olarak değerlendirilmiştir.In this study, we aimed to determine the population size and distribution areas and to re-evaluate IUCN threat categories of Kalidium wagenitzii (Aellen) Freitag amp; G. Kadereit, Muscari adilii M.B. Güner amp; H. Duman and Verbascum gypsicola Vural amp; Aydoğdu, which are endemics of the Central Anatolia region of Turkey. The three species have limited distribution areas and high risk of extinction as a result of human impact. The perennial halophytic species K. wagenitzii was found in 5 localities around Salt Lake (Tuz Gölü) and a total number of 6458 mature individuals were determined. The area of occupancy of the species is 36 km2 and the extent of occurrence is 213 km2. Uncontrolled use of water resources for agricultural purposes is a serious threat factor for the species. Kalidium wagenitzii is listed in EN category according to the IUCN Red List criteria. Muscari adilii prefers marly soils and its habitat type is formed by secondary succession after the destruction of Pinus nigra and oak forests. It is known from 3 localities around Nallıhan-Beypazarı with a population size of 6144 mature individuals. The area of occupancy and the extent of occurrence of the species is 12 km2 and 28 km2, respectively. The pressures on the species are road construction and increase of farmland, afforestation and factory establishment. According to the IUCN Red List criteria, the species is listed in CR category. Verbascum gypsicola is distributed on marly soils. It is known from 3 localities around Nallıhan–Beypazarı and one locality in Sivrihisar-Eskişehir with 2755 mature individuals in total. The area of occupancy of the species is 16 km2 and the extent of occurrence is 269 km2. Overgrazing and expansion of agricultural land, together with factory establishment are the major threats for this species, which is listed as EN in IUCN Red List.

    Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oils from Centaurea appendicigera and Centaurea helenioides

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    The chemical components and antimicrobial activity of the essential oils from Centaurea appendicigera C. Koch and Centaurea helenioides Boiss, two different endemic members of the genus Centaurea L. (Asteraceae), were studied. The essential oils of air-dried C. appendicigera and C. helenioides were obtained by hydrodistillation in a Clevenger-type apparatus and analyzed by GC-MS. Forty-five and fifty-one components were identified in the essential oils of C. appendicigera and C. helenioides, respectively, and the main components of these taxa were found to be ?-caryophyllene (17.5) from C. appendicigera and caryophyllene oxide (18.2) from C. helenioides. The antimicrobial activity of the isolated essential oil of the plants was also investigated, and demonstrated moderate antibacterial activity against Gram-positive, Gram-negative bacteria, and yeast-like fungi. © 2009 Informa UK Ltd.Karadeniz Teknik ÜniversitesiThis study was supported by grants from Karadeniz Technical University and State Planning Agency (DPT) of Turkey

    CBS ile Yeşilırmak Nehir Yatağı Tokat merkez bölümünde deprem riskinin irdelenmesi

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    Tokat province was established hundreds years ago and has rapidly grown since 1960’s. In spite of being on the first degree of  earthquake zone, the planning and application facilities have not been maintained parallel to the growing and the lands, which is not suitable for settlements, have been used to consruct public or commercial buildings. One of the misused lands is the riverbed of Yeşilırmak in Tokat province city centre. In this study, land use changes in this area have been determined and interpretated in terms of earthquake by using GIS and RS. For this purpose, firstly, the areal photograph taken in 1963 and one meter high resolution satellite image sensed in 2001 by IKONOS of study area were obtained. Secondly, areal photograph of study area has been scanned and coordinated by using georeferencing process in ArcMap software according to the coordinates of satellite image which has been geometricly corrected in the previous studies. After geometric correction of aerial photograph of study area, the shore line of riverbed has been vectorized as a line object by hand digitizing method. And then shore line data, counterlines (in 20 m), geological map, digital elevation model derived from counterlines and satellite image have been overlayed. As a result, it has been concluded that, the shore line’s positions of old riverbed is different than the former. Nowadays, there are more public, commercial and official buildings in this area. For this reason, some measures should be taken, before earthquake comes.Keywords: GIS, RS, riverbed, earthquake, Tokat Province.Bu çalışmada Tokat ilinin bir kısmının üzerinde kurulu olduğu Yeşilırmak Nehir Yatağı’nın eski ve yeni kullanım durumu CBS ve UA olanakları kullanılarak karşılaştırılmış ve deprem açısından değerlendirilmiştir.  Bu amaçla Yeşilırmak Nehri’nin ulaşılabilen en eski hava fotoğrafı (1963) ve Tokat İl merkezine ait 2000 ocak ayı IKONOS uydu görüntüsü ile çakıştırılarak karşılaştırma ve yorumlama yoluna gidilmiştir. Sonuç olarak 1963 yılında kesinlikle ırmak yatağı olduğu görülen yerlerde yoğun bir şekilde  yapılaşmanın oluştuğu ve deprem açısından sakıncalı olduğu ve dolayısıyla  gerekli tedbirlerin alınması önerilmiştir.    Anahtar Kelimeler: CBS, uzaktan algılama, nehir yatağı, deprem,Tokat

    The comparison of local tumor control after microwave ablation, surgical resection and combined treatment for colorectal liver metastases

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    Aim. We aimed to compare the local therapeutic efficiency of microwave ablation (MWA), surgical resection, and combined treatment, assess the outcomes, and identify predictive factors for local treatment response in colorectal liver metastases (CLMs). Methods. From March 2013 to September 2019, a total of 54 patients with 302 CLMs were enrolled in this retrospective study. Eleven patients (20.4%) were treated with MWA, 9 patients (16.7%) with surgery, and 34 patients (63%) with the combined method. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to investigate overall survival (OS) and hepatic progression-free survival (HPFS) using the Cox proportional hazard regression model. The logistic regression analysis was used to identify the predictive factors for the local treatment response. Results. Total treatment response was achieved in 46.3% (n=25) of the patients. Local tumor progression was seen in 7.4% (n=4) of the patients, and the rate of intrahepatic distal recurrence was 46.3% (n=25). There were no significant differences in HPFS and OS between the three groups (p=0.56 and 0.90, respectively). Younger age

    Skipping Posterior Dynamic Transpedicular Stabilization for Distant Segment Degenerative Disease

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    Objective. To date, there is still no consensus on the treatment of spinal degenerative disease. Current surgical techniques to manage painful spinal disorders are imperfect. In this paper, we aimed to evaluate the prospective results of posterior transpedicular dynamic stabilization, a novel surgical approach that skips the segments that do not produce pain. This technique has been proven biomechanically and radiologically in spinal degenerative diseases. Methods. A prospective study of 18 patients averaging 54.94 years of age with distant spinal segment degenerative disease. Indications consisted of degenerative disc disease (57%), herniated nucleus pulposus (50%), spinal stenosis (14.28%), degenerative spondylolisthesis (14.28%), and foraminal stenosis (7.1%). The Oswestry Low-Back Pain Disability Questionnaire and visual analog scale (VAS) for pain were recorded preoperatively and at the third and twelfth postoperative months. Results. Both the Oswestry and VAS scores showed significant improvement postoperatively (P < 0.05). We observed complications in one patient who had spinal epidural hematoma. Conclusion. We recommend skipping posterior transpedicular dynamic stabilization for surgical treatment of distant segment spinal degenerative disease

    Dynamic Stabilisation in the Treatment of Degenerative Disc Disease with Modic Changes

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    Objective. Posterior dynamic stabilization is an effective alternative to fusion in the treatment of chronic instability and degenerative disc disease (DDD) of the lumbar spine. This study was undertaken to investigate the efficacy of dynamic stabilization in chronic degenerative disc disease with Modic types 1 and 2. Modic types 1 and 2 degeneration can be painful. Classic approach in such cases is spine fusion. We operated 88 DDD patients with Modic types 1 and 2 via posterior dynamic stabilization. Good results were obtained after 2 years of followup. Methods. A total of 88 DDD patients with Modic types 1 and 2 were selected for this study. The patients were included in the study between 2004 and 2010. All of them were examined with lumbar anteroposterior (AP) and lateral X-rays. Lordosis of the lumbar spine, segmental lordosis, and ratio of the height of the intervertebral disc spaces (IVSs) were measured preoperatively and at 3, 12, and 24 months after surgery. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) analysis was carried out, and according to the data obtained, the grade of disc degeneration was classified. The quality of life and pain scores were evaluated by visual analog scale (VAS) score and Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) preoperatively and at 3, 12, and 24 months after surgery. Appropriate statistical method was chosen. Results. The mean 3- and 12-month postoperative IVS ratio was significantly greater than that of the preoperative group (P < 0.001). However, the mean 1 and 2 postoperative IVS ratio was not significantly different (P > 0.05). Furthermore, the mean preoperative and 1 and 2 postoperative angles of lumbar lordosis and segmental lordosis were not significantly different (P > 0.05). The mean VAS score and ODI, 3, 12, and 24 months after surgery, decreased significantly, when compared with the preoperative scores in the groups (P = 0.000). Conclusion. Dynamic stabilization in chronic degenerative disc disease with Modic types 1 and 2 was effective