149 research outputs found


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    Στην παρούσα εργασία γίνεται αριθμητική προσομοίωση των μέσων ιδιοτήτων κατακορύφων τυρβωδών ανωστικών φλεβών από γραμμικό διαχύτη με ένα, δύο, τρία ή πέντε ακροφύσια από τα οποία εκβάλλει πόσιμο ύδωρ σε υδάτινο ήρεμο περιβάλλον αλμυρού ύδατος. Οι αριθμητικές προσομοιώσεις πραγματοποιήθηκαν με το λογισμικό ANSYS FLUENT CFD (version R.3). Τα αποτελέσματα που προκύπτουν από την προσομοίωση συγκρίνονται με αντίστοιχα της ολοκληρωματικής μεθόδου για κυκλικές τυρβώδεις ανωστικές φλέβες και παρουσιάζουν αρκετά καλή συμφωνία. Η μοντελοποίηση έγινε σε τρεις διαστάσεις, χρησιμοποιώντας είτε το μοντέλο τύρβης Spalart-Allmaras είτε  το k-ω. Από την σύγκριση των αποτελεσμάτων μεταξύ των μεθόδων συμπεραίνεται η ικανοποιητική ακρίβεια των παραδοχών της ολοκληρωματικής μεθόδου και η καλύτερη συμπεριφορά του Spalart-Allmaras σε ροές πλουμίων

    High frequency dynamics in a monatomic glass

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    The high frequency dynamics of glassy Selenium has been studied by Inelastic X-ray Scattering at beamline BL35XU (SPring-8). The high quality of the data allows one to pinpoint the existence of a dispersing acoustic mode for wavevectors (QQ) of 1.5<Q<12.51.5<Q<12.5 nm1^{-1}, helping to clarify a previous contradiction between experimental and numerical results. The sound velocity shows a positive dispersion, exceeding the hydrodynamic value by \approx 10% at Q<3.5Q<3.5 nm1^{-1}. The Q2Q^2 dependence of the sound attenuation Γ(Q)\Gamma(Q), reported for other glasses, is found to be the low-QQ limit of a more general Γ(Q)Ω(Q)2\Gamma(Q) \propto \Omega(Q)^2 law which applies also to the higher QQ region, where Ω(Q)Q\Omega(Q)\propto Q no longer holds.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett. (Accepted


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    Στην παρούσα εργασία μελετάται πειραματικά η ροή σε σήραγγα υπό συνθήκες ελεύθερης επιφάνειας και έντονης κλίσης πυθμένα 1:10. Διερευνάται η δυνατότητα μείωσης της ταχύτητας ροής μέσω συνδυασμού κατακόρυφων, πλευρικών στοιχείων τραχύτητας και λεκανών καταστροφής ενέργειας με οδοντώσεις. Η μελετώμενη διάταξη στηρίζεται στην ύπαρξη επαναλαμβανομένων τμημάτων (modules) εντός των οποίων επιτυγχάνεται επαναληψιμότητα της ροής. Η αποτελεσματικότητα του σχεδιασμού διερευνήθηκε σε υδραυλικό ομοίωμα κλίμακας 1:12,5 που βασίσθηκε σε συνθήκες δυναμικής ομοιότητας κατά Froude για χαρακτηριστικές τιμές παροχής. Η επεξεργασία των μετρήσεων έδειξε ότι με κατάλληλη διάταξη πλευρικών στοιχείων τραχύτητας και διαμόρφωση της λεκάνης καταστροφής ενέργειας ελέγχεται η τιμή της ταχύτητας, ικανοποιείται η απαίτηση μεγίστου βάθους ροής σε σχέση με τις διαστάσεις της σήραγγας και επιτυγχάνεται επαναληψιμότητα της ροής σε κάθε module.The free-surface flow in a tunnel of steep bed slope 1:10 is studied experimentally. The effectiveness of vertical roughness elements on the side walls and energy dissipation basins with blocks is investigated, with the aim to reduce flow velocity in the tunnel. The design is based on the concept of repeated modules in order to achieve flow repeatability. The scale of the physical model was 1:12.5 under Froude similarity conditions. The analysis of measurements indicates that a suitable arrangement of vertical roughness elements on the side walls and a suitable design of the energy dissipation basin can control the flow velocity magnitude, satisfy the maximum flow depth requirement with respect to the tunnel dimensions, and achieve flow repeatability in each modul

    Stress distribution and the fragility of supercooled melts

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    We formulate a minimal ansatz for local stress distribution in a solid that includes the possibility of strongly anharmonic short-length motions. We discover a broken-symmetry metastable phase that exhibits an aperiodic, frozen-in stress distribution. This aperiodic metastable phase is characterized by many distinct, nearly degenerate configurations. The activated transitions between the configurations are mapped onto the dynamics of a long range classical Heisenberg model with 6-component spins and anisotropic couplings. We argue the metastable phase corresponds to a deeply supercooled non-polymeric, non-metallic liquid, and further establish an order parameter for the glass-to-crystal transition. The spin model itself exhibits a continuous range of behaviors between two limits corresponding to frozen-in shear and uniform compression/dilation respectively. The two regimes are separated by a continuous transition controlled by the anisotropy in the spin-spin interaction, which is directly related to the Poisson ratio σ\sigma of the material. The latter ratio and the ultra-violet cutoff of the theory determine the liquid configurational entropy. Our results suggest that liquid's fragility depends on the Poisson ratio in a non-monotonic way. The present ansatz provides a microscopic framework for computing the configurational entropy and relaxational spectrum of specific substances.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, Final version published in J Phys Chem

    Entrepreneurial sons, patriarchy and the Colonels' experiment in Thessaly, rural Greece

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    Existing studies within the field of institutional entrepreneurship explore how entrepreneurs influence change in economic institutions. This paper turns the attention of scholarly inquiry on the antecedents of deinstitutionalization and more specifically, the influence of entrepreneurship in shaping social institutions such as patriarchy. The paper draws from the findings of ethnographic work in two Greek lowland village communities during the military Dictatorship (1967–1974). Paradoxically this era associated with the spread of mechanization, cheap credit, revaluation of labour and clear means-ends relations, signalled entrepreneurial sons’ individuated dissent and activism who were now able to question the Patriarch’s authority, recognize opportunities and act as unintentional agents of deinstitutionalization. A ‘different’ model of institutional change is presented here, where politics intersects with entrepreneurs, in changing social institutions. This model discusses the external drivers of institutional atrophy and how handling dissensus (and its varieties over historical time) is instrumental in enabling institutional entrepreneurship

    Recurrent governance challenges in the implementation and alignment of flood risk management strategies: a review

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    In Europe increasing flood risks challenge societies to diversify their Flood Risk Management Strategies (FRMSs). Such a diversification implies that actors not only focus on flood defence, but also and simultaneously on flood risk prevention, mitigation, preparation and recovery. There is much literature on the implementation of specific strategies and measures as well as on flood risk governance more generally. What is lacking, though, is a clear overview of the complex set of governance challenges which may result from a diversification and alignment of FRM strategies. This paper aims to address this knowledge gap. It elaborates on potential processes and mechanisms for coordinating the activities and capacities of actors that are involved on different levels and in different sectors of flood risk governance, both concerning the implementation of individual strategies and the coordination of the overall set of strategies. It identifies eight overall coordination mechanisms that have proven to be useful in this respect