48 research outputs found

    Effects of Multiple Metal Binding Sites on Calcium and Magnesium-dependent Activation of BK Channels

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    BK channels are activated by physiological concentrations of intracellular Ca2+ and Mg2+ in a variety of cells. Previous studies have identified two sites important for high-affinity Ca2+ sensing between [Ca2+]i of 0.1–100 μM and a site important for Mg2+ sensing between [Mg2+]i of 0.1–10 mM. BK channels can be also activated by Ca2+ and Mg2+ at concentrations >10 mM so that the steady-state conductance and voltage (G-V) relation continuously shifts to more negative voltage ranges when [Mg2+]i increases from 0.1–100 mM. We demonstrate that a novel site is responsible for metal sensing at concentrations ≥10 mM, and all four sites affect channel activation independently. As a result, the contributions of these sites to channel activation are complex, depending on the combination of Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations. Here we examined the effects of each of these sites on Ca2+ and Mg2+-dependent activation and the data are consistent with the suggestion that these sites are responsible for metal binding. We provide an allosteric model for quantitative estimation of the contributions that each of these putative binding sites makes to channel activation at any [Ca2+]i and [Mg2+]i

    Climate Change Hotspots Identification in China through the CMIP5 Global Climate Model Ensemble

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    China is one of the countries vulnerable to adverse climate changes. The potential climate change hotspots in China throughout the 21st century are identified in this study by using a multimodel, multiscenario climate model ensemble that includes Phase Five of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) atmosphere-ocean general circulation models. Both high (RCP8.5) and low (RCP4.5) greenhouse gas emission trajectories are tested, and both the mean and extreme seasonal temperature and precipitation are considered in identifying regional climate change hotspots. Tarim basin and Tibetan Plateau in West China are identified as persistent regional climate change hotspots in both the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios. The aggregate impacts of climate change increase throughout the 21st century and are more significant in RCP8.5 than in RCP4.5. Extreme hot event and mean temperature are two climate variables that greatly contribute to the hotspots calculation in all regions. The contribution of other climate variables exhibits a notable subregional variability. South China is identified as another hotspot based on the change of extreme dry event, especially in SON and DJF, which indicates that such event will frequently occur in the future. Our results can contribute to the designing of national and cross-national adaptation and mitigation policies

    The interface between membrane-spanning and cytosolic domains in Ca2+-dependent K+ channels is involved in β subunit modulation of gating

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    Large-conductance, voltage-, and Ca(2+)-dependent K(+) (BK) channels are broadly expressed in various tissues to modulate neuronal activity, smooth muscle contraction, and secretion. BK channel activation depends on the interactions among the voltage sensing domain (VSD), the cytosolic domain (CTD), and the pore gate domain (PGD) of the Slo1 α-subunit, and is further regulated by accessory β subunits (β1–β4). How β subunits fine-tune BK channel activation is critical to understand the tissue-specific functions of BK channels. Multiple sites in both Slo1 and the β subunits have been identified to contribute to the interaction between Slo1 and the β subunits. However, it is unclear whether and how the interdomain interactions among the VSD, CTD, and PGD are altered by the β subunits to affect channel activation. Here we show that human β1 and β2 subunits alter interactions between bound Mg(2+) and gating charge R213 and disrupt the disulfide bond formation at the VSD–CTD interface of mouse Slo1, indicating that the β subunits alter the VSD–CTD interface. Reciprocally, mutations in the Slo1 that alter the VSD–CTD interaction can specifically change the effects of the β1 subunit on the Ca(2+) activation and of the β2 subunit on the voltage activation. Together, our data suggest a novel mechanism by which the β subunits modulated BK channel activation such that a β subunit may interact with the VSD or the CTD and alter the VSD–CTD interface of the Slo1, which enables the β subunit to have effects broadly on both voltage and Ca(2+)-dependent activation

    Tmem16F forms a Ca2+-Activated Cation Channel Required for Lipid Scrambling in Platelets during Blood Coagulation

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    Collapse of membrane lipid asymmetry is a hallmark of blood coagulation. TMEM16F of the TMEM16 family that includes TMEM16A/B Ca(2+)-activated Cl(−) channels (CaCCs) is linked to Scott syndrome with deficient Ca(2+)-dependent lipid scrambling. We generated TMEM16F knockout mice that exhibit bleeding defects and protection in an arterial thrombosis model associated with platelet deficiency in Ca(2+)-dependent phosphatidylserine exposure and procoagulant activity and lack a Ca(2+)-activated cation current in the platelet precursor megakaryocytes. Heterologous expression of TMEM16F generates a small-conductance Ca(2+)-activated nonselective cation (SCAN) current with subpicosiemens single-channel conductance rather than a CaCC. TMEM16F-SCAN channels permeate both monovalent and divalent cations, including Ca(2+), and exhibit synergistic gating by Ca(2+) and voltage. We further pinpointed a residue in the putative pore region important for the cation versus anion selectivity of TMEM16F-SCAN and TMEM16A-CaCC channels. This study thus identifies a Ca(2+)-activated channel permeable to Ca(2+) and critical for Ca(2+)-dependent scramblase activity during blood coagulation