3,464 research outputs found

    Performance Deficits of NK1 Receptor Knockout Mice in the 5-Choice Serial Reaction-Time Task: Effects of d-Amphetamine, Stress and Time of Day

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    Background: The neurochemical status and hyperactivity of mice lacking functional substance P-preferring NK1 receptors (NK1R-/-) resemble abnormalities in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Here we tested whether NK1R-/- mice express other core features of ADHD (impulsivity and inattentiveness) and, if so, whether they are diminished by d-amphetamine, as in ADHD. Prompted by evidence that circadian rhythms are disrupted in ADHD, we also compared the performance of mice that were trained and tested in the morning or afternoon.Methods and Results: The 5-Choice Serial Reaction-Time Task (5-CSRTT) was used to evaluate the cognitive performance of NK1R-/- mice and their wildtypes. After training, animals were tested using a long (LITI) and a variable (VITI) inter-trial interval: these tests were carried out with, and without, d-amphetamine pretreatment (0.3 or 1 mg/kg i.p.). NK1R-/- mice expressed greater omissions (inattentiveness), perseveration and premature responses (impulsivity) in the 5-CSRTT. In NK1R-/- mice, perseveration in the LITI was increased by injection-stress but reduced by d-amphetamine. Omissions by NK1R-/- mice in the VITI were unaffected by d-amphetamine, but premature responses were exacerbated by this psychostimulant. Omissions in the VITI were higher, overall, in the morning than the afternoon but, in the LITI, premature responses of NK1R-/- mice were higher in the afternoon than the morning.Conclusion: In addition to locomotor hyperactivity, NK1R-/- mice express inattentiveness, perseveration and impulsivity in the 5-CSRTT, thereby matching core criteria for a model of ADHD. Because d-amphetamine reduced perseveration in NK1R-/- mice, this action does not require functional NK1R. However, the lack of any improvement of omissions and premature responses in NK1R-/- mice given d-amphetamine suggests that beneficial effects of this psychostimulant in other rodent models, and ADHD patients, need functional NK1R. Finally, our results reveal experimental variables (stimulus parameters, stress and time of day) that could influence translational studies

    The influence of test experience and NK1 receptor antagonists on the performance of NK1R-/- and wildtype mice in the 5 Choice Serial Reaction Time Task

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    Genetically-altered mice, lacking functional NK1 receptors (NK1R-/-), express abnormal behaviours that are prominent in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: namely, inattentiveness and impulsivity (indicated by their greater %omissions and premature responses in the 5 Choice Serial Reaction Time Task: ‘5 CSRTT’) and locomotor hyperactivity. Here, we investigated how behaviour in the 5 CSRTT is affected by repeated testing and whether the abnormalities expressed by NK1R-/- mice are mimicked by treating wildtypes with an NK1R antagonist (L 733060 or RP 67580; 5 or 10 mg/kg). Repeated testing with a variable (VITI) or fixed, prolonged (LITI) intertrial interval reduced %omissions. Premature responses also declined, but only in NK1R /- mice in the VITI test. By contrast, perseveration increased in both genotypes. RP 67580 (10 mg/kg) increased the %omissions in both genotypes in the VITI, an action which cannot be attributed to NK1R antagonism. Neither drug affected perseveration. However, for premature responses, the profile of the response suggests that the low and high doses of RP 67580 (VITI) and L 733060 (LITI) have opposing effects on this behaviour. We infer that the effect of NK1R antagonists in the 5 CSRTT is confounded by animals’ test experience and non-specific drug effects at sites other than NK1R, possibly L type Ca2+v channels

    Morphine modulation of pain processing in medial and lateral pain pathways

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Despite the wide-spread use of morphine and related opioid agonists in clinic and their powerful analgesic effects, our understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying opioid analgesia at supraspinal levels is quite limited. The present study was designed to investigate the modulative effect of morphine on nociceptive processing in the medial and lateral pain pathways using a multiple single-unit recording technique. Pain evoked neuronal activities were simultaneously recorded from the primary somatosensory cortex (SI), ventral posterolateral thalamus (VPL), anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), and medial dorsal thalamus (MD) with eight-wire microelectrode arrays in awake rats.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The results showed that the noxious heat evoked responses of single neurons in all of the four areas were depressed after systemic injection of 5 mg/kg morphine. The depressive effects of morphine included (i) decreasing the neuronal response magnitude; (ii) reducing the fraction of responding neurons, and (iii) shortening the response duration. In addition, the capability of cortical and thalamic neural ensembles to discriminate noxious from innocuous stimuli was decreased by morphine within both pain pathways. Meanwhile, morphine suppressed the pain-evoked changes in the information flow from medial to lateral pathway and from cortex to thalamus. These effects were completely blocked by pre-treatment with the opiate receptor antagonist naloxone.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results suggest that morphine exerts analgesic effects through suppressing both sensory and affective dimensions of pain.</p

    Towards an Efficient Finite Element Method for the Integral Fractional Laplacian on Polygonal Domains

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    We explore the connection between fractional order partial differential equations in two or more spatial dimensions with boundary integral operators to develop techniques that enable one to efficiently tackle the integral fractional Laplacian. In particular, we develop techniques for the treatment of the dense stiffness matrix including the computation of the entries, the efficient assembly and storage of a sparse approximation and the efficient solution of the resulting equations. The main idea consists of generalising proven techniques for the treatment of boundary integral equations to general fractional orders. Importantly, the approximation does not make any strong assumptions on the shape of the underlying domain and does not rely on any special structure of the matrix that could be exploited by fast transforms. We demonstrate the flexibility and performance of this approach in a couple of two-dimensional numerical examples

    Evolutionary Toggling of Vpx/Vpr Specificity Results in Divergent Recognition of the Restriction Factor SAMHD1

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    SAMHD1 is a host restriction factor that blocks the ability of lentiviruses such as HIV-1 to undergo reverse transcription in myeloid cells and resting T-cells. This restriction is alleviated by expression of the lentiviral accessory proteins Vpx and Vpr (Vpx/Vpr), which target SAMHD1 for proteasome-mediated degradation. However, the precise determinants within SAMHD1 for recognition by Vpx/Vpr remain unclear. Here we show that evolution of Vpx/Vpr in primate lentiviruses has caused the interface between SAMHD1 and Vpx/Vpr to alter during primate lentiviral evolution. Using multiple HIV-2 and SIV Vpx proteins, we show that Vpx from the HIV-2 and SIVmac lineage, but not Vpx from the SIVmnd2 and SIVrcm lineage, require the C-terminus of SAMHD1 for interaction, ubiquitylation, and degradation. On the other hand, the N-terminus of SAMHD1 governs interactions with Vpx from SIVmnd2 and SIVrcm, but has little effect on Vpx from HIV-2 and SIVmac. Furthermore, we show here that this difference in SAMHD1 recognition is evolutionarily dynamic, with the importance of the N- and C-terminus for interaction of SAMHD1 with Vpx and Vpr toggling during lentiviral evolution. We present a model to explain how the head-to-tail conformation of SAMHD1 proteins favors toggling of the interaction sites by Vpx/Vpr during this virus-host arms race. Such drastic functional divergence within a lentiviral protein highlights a novel plasticity in the evolutionary dynamics of viral antagonists for restriction factors during lentiviral adaptation to its hosts. © 2013 Fregoso et al

    Preparation, structural characterisation and antibacterial properties of Ga-doped sol-gel phosphate-based glass

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    A sol-gel preparation of Ga-doped phosphate-based glass with potential application in antimicrobial devices has been developed. Samples of composition (CaO)(0.30)(Na2O)(0.20-x) (Ga2O3) (x) (P2O5)(0.50) where x = 0 and 0.03 were prepared, and the structure and properties of the gallium-doped sample compared with those of the sample containing no gallium. Analysis of the P-31 MAS NMR data demonstrated that addition of gallium to the sol-gel reaction increases the connectivity of the phosphate network at the expense of hydroxyl groups. This premise is supported by the results of the elemental analysis, which showed that the gallium-free sample contains significantly more hydrogen and by FTIR spectroscopy, which revealed a higher concentration of -OH groups in that sample. Ga K-edge extended X-ray absorption fine structure and X-ray absorption near-edge structure data revealed that the gallium ions are coordinated by six oxygen atoms. In agreement with the X-ray absorption data, the high-energy XRD results also suggest that the Ga3+ ions are octahedrally coordinated with respect to oxygen. Antimicrobial studies demonstrated that the sample containing Ga3+ ions had significant activity against Staphylococcus aureus compared to the control

    Genetic dissection of photoperiod response based on GWAS of pre-anthesis phase duration in spring barley

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    Heading time is a complex trait, and natural variation in photoperiod responses is a major factor controlling time to heading, adaptation and grain yield. In barley, previous heading time studies have been mainly conducted under field conditions to measure total days to heading. We followed a novel approach and studied the natural variation of time to heading in a world-wide spring barley collection (218 accessions), comprising of 95 photoperiod-sensitive (Ppd-H1) and 123 accessions with reduced photoperiod sensitivity (ppd-H1) to long-day (LD) through dissecting pre-anthesis development into four major stages and sub-phases. The study was conducted under greenhouse (GH) conditions (LD; 16/8 h; ∼20/∼16°C day/night). Genotyping was performed using a genome-wide high density 9K single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) chip which assayed 7842 SNPs. We used the barley physical map to identify candidate genes underlying genome-wide association scans (GWAS). GWAS for pre-anthesis stages/sub-phases in each photoperiod group provided great power for partitioning genetic effects on floral initiation and heading time. In addition to major genes known to regulate heading time under field conditions, several novel QTL with medium to high effects, including new QTL having major effects on developmental stages/sub-phases were found to be associated in this study. For example, highly associated SNPs tagged the physical regions around HvCO1 (barley CONSTANS1) and BFL (BARLEY FLORICAULA/LEAFY) genes. Based upon our GWAS analysis, we propose a new genetic network model for each photoperiod group, which includes several newly identified genes, such as several HvCO-like genes, belonging to different heading time pathways in barley

    NLO QCD corrections to tW' and tZ' production in forward-backward asymmetry models

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    We consider Z' and W' models recently proposed to explain the top forward-backward asymmetry at the Tevatron. We present the next-to-leading order QCD corrections to associated production of such vector bosons together with top quarks at the Large Hadron Collider, for centre-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV. The corrections are significant, modifying the total production cross-section by 30-50%. We consider the effects of the corrections on the top and vector-boson kinematics. The results are directly applicable to current experimental searches, for both the ATLAS and CMS collaborations.Comment: 62 pages, 13 figures, 36 tables. v3 Updated to correspond to Journal version and incorporate supplementary materia

    The microRNA-29 family in cartilage homeostasis and osteoarthritis

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    MicroRNAs have been shown to function in cartilage development and homeostasis, as well as in progression of osteoarthritis. The objective of the current study was to identify microRNAs involved in the onset or early progression of osteoarthritis and characterise their function in chondrocytes. MicroRNA expression in mouse knee joints post-DMM surgery was measured over 7 days. Expression of miR-29b-3p was increased at day 1 and regulated in the opposite direction to its potential targets. In a mouse model of cartilage injury and in end-stage human OA cartilage, the miR-29 family were also regulated. SOX9 repressed expression of miR-29a-3p and miR-29b-3p via the 29a/b1 promoter. TGFβ1 decreased expression of miR-29a, b and c (3p) in primary chondrocytes, whilst IL-1β increased (but LPS decreased) their expression. The miR-29 family negatively regulated Smad, NFκB and canonical WNT signalling pathways. Expression profiles revealed regulation of new WNT-related genes. Amongst these, FZD3, FZD5, DVL3, FRAT2, CK2A2 were validated as direct targets of the miR-29 family. These data identify the miR-29 family as microRNAs acting across development and progression of OA. They are regulated by factors which are important in OA and impact on relevant signalling pathways