27 research outputs found

    Hard Single Diffraction in pbarp Collisions at root-s = 630 and 1800 GeV

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    Using the D0 detector, we have studied events produced in proton-antiproton collisions that contain large forward regions with very little energy deposition (``rapidity gaps'') and concurrent jet production at center-of-mass energies of root-s = 630 and 1800 Gev. The fractions of forward and central jet events associated with such rapidity gaps are measured and compared to predictions from Monte Carlo models. For hard diffractive candidate events, we use the calorimeter to extract the fractional momentum loss of the scattered protons.Comment: 11 pages 4 figures. submitted to PR

    Управління глобальними ланцюгами поставок підприємств на основі моделі DART: взаємозв’язок інновацій та цифрових технологій

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    Ця стаття узагальнює аргументи та контраргументи в межах наукової дискусії з питання управління глобальними ланцюгами постачань. Систематизація літературних джерел та підходів до розв'язання проблеми управління глобальними ланцюгами постачань засвідчила, що з урахуванням нових викликів і загроз потребують трансформації процеси управління як самими підприємствами, так і їх ланцюгами постачань. Актуальність розв'язання наукової проблеми полягає в тому, що пандемія COVID-19 мала значний вплив на виробничі процеси майже усіх галузей економіки всього світу, що призвело до загрози функціонування глобальних ланцюгів постачання. Компанії змушені шукати чинники, які впливають на стійкість ланцюга постачання та покращують операційну ефективність діяльності. Метою даної роботи є дослідження стійкості ланцюга постачання компанії під час дії пандемії COVID-19. Для досягнення поставленої мети, у рамках даного дослідження авторами розроблено інтегровану стійку модель ланцюга постачання. Представлена модель поєднує фактори, які лежать в основі моделі DART:інновації, цифрові технології та створена спільна додана вартість. Детерміновану вибірку даних сформовано на основі результатів опитування 329 співробітників логістичних компаній. За результатами емпіричного дослідження встановлено, що створення спільної доданої вартості в ланцюгу постачання оцінюється наступними факторами: діалог, доступ, оцінка ризиків, прозорість, інновації та цифрові технології. Окрім цього, результати емпіричного аналізу засвідчили, що рівень пояснювальної дисперсії для обраної моделі у створенні спільної доданої вартості становив 71.9%. Результати дослідження мають практичне значення та можуть бути взяті до уваги при розробці стійкої моделі ланцюга постачання із поєднанням моделі DART: інновацій, цифрових технологій та створення спільної доданої вартості.The global supply chain process has been badly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Consequently, firms search for factors that influence supply chain resilience and improve firm operational performance. The current research develops an integrated resilient supply chain model that combines factors underpinned DART model, innovation, digital technology, and value co-creation to investigate supply chain resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research framework was empirically tested with a data set of 329 responses from employees working in logistics firms. the study find that supply chain resilience is determined by value co-creation, the DART model, innovation, and digital technology. The factors underpinning the DART model, including dialogue, access, risk assessment, and transparency, have positively impacted value co-creation. The structural model shows that dialogue has a positive impact on developing value co-creation between manufacturing firms and stakeholders, Empirical investigation revealed that value cocreation in supply chain operations is estimated by dialogue, access, risk assessment, transparency, innovation, and digital technology and revealed substantial variance 2 71.9% in measuring value co-creation. This research is significant as it develops a resilient supply chain model with the combination of the DART model, innovation, digital technology, and value co-creation and investigates supply chain resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although current research contributes to theory, practice, and method, disclosing research limitations opens numerous avenues for future researchers. This study does not claim to include all factors that impact the value co-creation process in supply chain operations. For instance, other factors, such as IT infrastructure, commitment, and integrative quality, may positively influence value co-creation. Second, supply chain resilience is determined by value co-creation and network capability. Therefore, the research encourages academicians and policymakers to investigate the supply chain resilience phenomenon with other market-oriented facts. future researchers are suggested to investigate the current research model in longitudinal method

    Пароксизмальная кинезиогенная дискинезия: длительный путь от симптома к диагнозу (клиническое наблюдение)

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    Paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia belongs to the group of primary dyskinesias, which also includes paroxysmal non-kinesigenic dyskinesia and exercise-induced paroxysmal dyskinesia. Due to the rarity of this disease group, as well as to the existence of a wide spectrum of disorders associated with transient movement abnormalities, the diagnosis is often difficult. A thorough analysis of clinical presentation, objective registration of paroxysmal events (video-electroencephalography monitoring) is helpful in the diagnosis. The most common causes of paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia are mutations in the PRRT2 gene, while paroxysmal non-kinesigenic dyskinesia is caused by the MR1 gene mutations.The paper describes a clinical case of a 13 year old patient with acute, movement-associated, shortterm dystonic, choreic and ballistic hyperkinesis attacks. The patient had been treated with the diagnosis of epilepsy, tics, and dystonia for a long time without any effect. During diagnostic workup, a mutation in the PRRT2 gene intron was identified by a new generation sequencing of gene panel. Despite of this mutation has not been previously described, taking into account the type of Informed consent statement hyperkinesis attacks, association of their onset to movements, as well as the data of instrumental assessments, the diagnosis of paroxysmal kinesi-genic dyskinesia was made. Treatment with carbamazepine was successful with complete control over hyperkinesis.The diagnosis of paroxysmal dyskinesias remains based on the analysis of clinical picture and the trigger type. Molecular genetic diagnostics, with consideration of the most frequent causal mutations related to these conditions, can minimize both time and financial costs.Пароксизмальная кинезиогенная дискинезия относится к группе первичных дискинезий, которая также включает пароксизмальную некинезиогенную дискинезию и пароксизмальную дискинезию, индуцированную физическими нагрузками. Ввиду редкости заболеваний этой группы, а также наличия большого спектра состояний, протекающих с преходящими двигательными нарушениями, установление диагноза довольно часто вызывает затруднения. В этом помогает тщательный анализ клинической картины и использование данных объективной регистрации пароксизмальных событий (электроэнцефалография с видеомониторингом). Наиболее частая причина пароксизмальной кинезиогенной дискинезии - мутации в гене PRRT2, а пароксизмальной некинезиогенной дискинезии - мутации в гене MR1.В статье приводится описание клинического наблюдения пациента 13 лет с внезапно возникавшими при движении короткими дистоническими, хореическими и баллическими атаками гиперкинезов. Пациент длительное время без эффекта лечился с диагнозом эпилепсии, тиков, дистонии. В ходе диагностического поиска у пациента методом секвенирования нового поколения панели генов была выявлена мутация в интроне гена PRRT2. Несмотря на то что вышеуказанная мутация ранее не была описана, с учетом вида гиперкинезов, их связи с движением, а также на основании данных инструментальных методов исследований был установлен диагноз пароксизмальной кинезиогенной дискинезии. Проведено успешное лечение карбамазепином с достижением полного контроля над гиперкинезами.Основой диагностики пароксизмальных дискинезий по-прежнему остается анализ клинической картины и вида провоцирующего фактора. Молекулярно-генетическая диагностика с учетом наиболее частых причинных мутаций данных состояний может минимизировать как временные, так и финансовые затраты

    MENJADI MUSLIM TETAP DANI Potret Kehidupan Orang Dani Islam di Kampung Walesi Papua

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    Disputes on the phenomenon of locally insight of religiousness have upraised slightly recent days. On the other hand, it has dictated society to state frontally the truthfulness of their belief. This phenomenon has affected groups of society to accuse, to trump up and to fight cross over each other on behalf of a religion and witnessed publicly over people through wide ranges of media. This paper intends to discover the phenomenon of locally insight on religiousness through visualizing the daily life of Dani Moslem in Assoyeleget, a country side`s of Walesi village-in Wamena, in which the people still living their life in traditional ways, even though they have confessed Islam as their religion. This research is conducted ethnographically with qualitative approach in the process of data collecting and analyzing. Data are collected by using participant-observation, in-depth interview, focus group discussion (FGD) and documentation. Moreover, regarding on research purpose, researcher have stayed in the research field and followed almost every community activities, particularly the activities which are related to the research purpose. This research suggested that preaching of Islamic teaching from the urban city to the hinterland in Wamena as well as the Dani`s people believe today was preached by the volunteers group arranged by Indonesian government named Pelopor Pembebasan Irian Barat (West Irian Liberation Pioneer) that consist of Javanese people. Majority of them were Moslem and they have main duty to secure the process of Act of Free Choice in West Irian and. Since then, in their daily life, they show good attitude and behaves which attracted the young generation of Dani whom still dressed on traditional way, and finally they were getting closer and converted their belief into Islam. During the process for accepting Islamic teaching as a new religion for Dani`s people, they found that most of Islamic teaching are mutual accord with local tradition, however, in some cases, problem are arise when local tradition view contradicted to Islamic teaching, such us marriage, cutting off body`s parts when a member of family die, cremation and the most extremely tradition is living together with pig. Particularly in the case living together with pig that pig is and extraordinary mammal for them and controlled almost life aspects of Dani people because pig is a symbol of power for a man, pig can take a role as a unifier factor, kinship bridging and also for medical therapy. Therefore, Dani people were addressed into resistance, adoption, adaptation, acculturation and assimilation that slowly underway as the result of two encountered values, local tradition and Islamic teaching. The Dani Moslem in Assoyeleget village was stand in between options which they must be taken. The option that not only to strengthen their identity as Dani`s tribe but also to strengthen their belief as Moslem. Only by doing both reasons, they would not lose their pigs as one of the main symbols of Dani man and also not lose their alliances with the other larger group, that�s groups of Moslem society which usually give a hand due to their livelihood

    Synthesis, spectral characterization and crystal structure of a noveltrinuclear di-n-butyltin(IV) complex with pyruvic acid-N(4)-cyclohexylthiosemicarbazone (H2PACT)

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    A new trinuclear di-n-butyltin(IV) complex with pyruvic acid-N(4)-cyclohexylthiosemicarbazone (H2PACT) ligand was synthesized and characterized by elemental analyses, molar conductivity, UV–Vis, FT-IR, 1H, 119Sn NMR spectroscopy and single crystal X-ray study. Single crystal X-ray diffraction data revealed that this complex was trinuclear cyclic fashion with the pyruvic acid-N(4)-cyclohexylthiosemicarbazone ligand. In the trinuclear di-n-butyltin(IV) complex, the ligand (H2PACT) is coordinated to the central tin(IV) atoms via the carboxylato-O, the azomethine-N and the thiolato-S atoms. The trinuclear tin system is formed by the bridges through the carbonyl oxygen atom of the carboxylate moieties and making the tin atom of seven coordinated in distorted pentagonal bipyramidal geometry. Single crystal X-ray data indicates that the complex (1) crystallized in cubic system with space group I-43d, a = b = c = 30.3273(17) Å, α = β = γ = 90°, Z = 16, μ(MoKα) = 1.209 mm−1, F(000) = 12,144, and final R1 = 0.0390, wR2 = 0.0843 for observed reflections 4582(I > 2σ(I))

    Synthesis and characterization of dimethyltin(IV) complex with 2-methylpyridylbenzhydrazone (AcPyBzh): Crystal structure of [Me2SnCl (AcPyBzh)]

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    The reaction of dimethyltin(IV) dihalide with 2-methylpyridylbenzhydrazone (AcPyBzh) afforded the complex compound [Me2SnCl(AcPyBzh)]. The complex was characterized by IR, 1H and 13C-{ 1H} NMR spectroscopic techniques and elemental analyses. The crystal structure of [Me2SnCL(AcPyBzh)] has been determined. The AcPyBzh anion in this complex acts as a monobasic NNO bidentate ligand, the tin(IV) lying in an elongated distrorted trigonal bipyramidal environment where the azomethine nitrogen and amidate oxygen, together with the two-methyl carbons, are in the equatorial plane, whereas the chloride is the apical ligand. The crystal is monoclinic, space group P2(I)/n, with a = 12.0945 (3), b = 7.5167 (2), c = 19.9795 (4) Å, α = 90°, β= 105.85°, γ = 90°

    Inheritance and diversification of symbiotic trichonymphid flagellates from a common ancestor of termites and the cockroach Cryptocercus

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    Cryptocercus cockroaches and lower termites harbour obligate, diverse and unique symbiotic cellulolytic flagellates in their hindgut that are considered critical in the development of social behaviour in their hosts. However, there has been controversy concerning the origin of these symbiotic flagellates. Here, molecular sequences encoding small subunit rRNA and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase were identified in the symbiotic flagellates of the order Trichonymphida (phylum Parabasalia) in the gut of Cryptocercus punctulatus and compared phylogenetically to the corresponding species in termites. In each of the monophyletic lineages that represent family-level groups in Trichonymphida, the symbionts of Cryptocercus were robustly sister to those of termites. Together with the recent evidence for the sister-group relationship of the host insects, this first comprehensive study comparing symbiont molecular phylogeny strongly suggests that a set of symbiotic flagellates representative of extant diversity was already established in an ancestor common to Cryptocercus and termites, was vertically transmitted to their offspring, and subsequently became diversified to distinct levels, depending on both the host and the symbiont lineages

    Sanctis A–C Three Racemic Procyanidin Analogues from The Lichen Parmotrema sancti-angelii

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    International audienceThe phytochemical investigation of the lichen Parmotrema sancti-angelii afforded three racemic compounds, sanctis A–C, which feature an original dibenzo-2,8-dioxabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane scaffold. These compounds were structurally characterized by extensive NMR spectroscopy analyses, comparison between experimental and theoretical NMR spectroscopic data, and X-ray crystallography. These metabolites are similar to procyanidin A and display a methyl group instead of a pendant aromatic ring at C-9, a so far unprecedented structural feature. A biosynthetic route to sanctis A–C is proposed