218 research outputs found

    Complete families of commuting functions for coisotropic Hamiltonian actions

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    Let G be an algebraic group over a field F of characteristic zero, with Lie algebra g=Lie(G). The dual space g^* equipped with the Kirillov bracket is a Poisson variety and each irreducible G-invariant subvariety X\subset g^* carries the induced Poisson structure. We prove that there is a family of algebraically independent polynomial functions {f_1,...f_l} on X, which pairwise commute with respect to the Poisson bracket and such that l=(dim X+tr.deg F(X)^G)/2. We also discuss several applications of this result to complete integrability of Hamiltonian systems on symplectic Hamiltonian G-varieties of corank zero and 2.Comment: Changed presentatio

    Changing strategies for Russian companies in the conditions of economic crisis: The experience of a monographic study

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    This article covers stable patterns of economic behavior of Russian enterprises within the frames of the two previous economic crises of 1998-1999 and 2008-2009, as well as anti-crisis actions in the modern conditions. The empirical bases of this research were depth interviews with persons responsible for strategic decisions making at three enterprises operating within the Ural region and Russia. Interview materials of the experts are supplemented with the data about management and financial accounting of the companies, and with the reviews of the companies’ major products markets. © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved

    Практика Европейского Суда по правам человека в определении «коридора» допустимых ограничений свободы предпринимательской деятельности

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    The subject of the article is the application of the concept of the range of permissible restrictions on rights and freedoms that not enshrined in the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in the practice of the European Court of Human Rights.The purpose of the research is to identify the basic position of the Court on the question of determining the degree of proportionate balance between public and private interests in establishing restrictions on the rights and freedoms of a person in the sphere of business activity.The methodology. In the process of the research, both general scientific and special methods of knowing socio-legal phenomena (formal legal method, circular causality method) were used. The multivariance of achieving common standards for assessing the range of permissible restrictions on the freedom to conduct a business is determined by analyzing the balanced influence of internal and external factors, the interaction of many dichotomies and adichotomies.Results, scope of application. The provisions of the Convention define the range of rights and freedoms protected. However, the Court in its practice broadly interprets the list of rights and freedoms protected by the Convention. The Court considers the Convention as a "living instrument" in order to adapt it to changing conditions of public life. The Court’s current practice does not imply that the Court has exceeded its powers. The court implements the idea of circular causality of legal phenomena, perceived including in European space. European tradition recognizes the possibility of changing the legal space in different ways. The main way of transforming the legal system is to change quantitative parameters. It is possible to accumulate the qualities of practical implementation of the principles enshrined in the Convention by ensuring the realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms. Investigators of the Court's practice mainly analyse the characteristics of the protection of human rights and freedoms explicitly mentioned in the Convention. The complexity of the study of the Court's practice for the protection of unrecognized human rights and freedoms stems from its heterogeneity. However, an analysis of the practice of protecting such rights and freedoms reveals the internal mechanisms of the Court to ensure the equilibrium of legal space. The article defines the basic position of the Court on the question of determining the degree of proportionate balance between public and private interests in establishing restrictions on the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen not expressly enshrined in the Convention. The realization of economic rights and freedoms requires the greatest flexibility of the mechanism for the protection of rights and freedoms. Intensive economic development requires a rapid change in the legal space. The interpretation of human rights and freedoms has an impact on the level of protection of the economic rights and freedoms. The text of the Convention has been modified without adopting its new edition.Conclusions. Law enforcers are particularly interested in analyzing the Court's practice in cases related indirectly to the protection of freedom to conduct a business. The Court determines the main vectors of interpretation of the freedom to conduct a business. Law enforcers can use the Court's approach in interpreting the provisions of the Convention without risking being accused of human rights and freedoms violations. The generalizations make it possible to establish the ideological and substantive component of the basic axiological imperative of the Court in the protection of the economic rights and freedoms through the protection of the right to property. It was concluded that the Court's decisions justified the need to protect the freedom to conduct a business by its inherent connection with the right to property, as well as the universality of the criteria for determining the legality of restricting the rights and freedoms.Исследуется практика Европейского Суда по правам человека по делам об определении правомерности ограничения свободы предпринимательской деятельности. Установлено, что, несмотря на определение круга защищаемых прав и свобод положениями Конвенции о защите прав человека и основных свобод, Европейский Суд по правам человека (ЕСПЧ) в своей практике расширительно толкует перечень прав и свобод, получающих защиту в ЕСПЧ. Сделан вывод, что ЕСПЧ в своих решениях обосновывает защиту свободы предпринимательской деятельности ее имманентной связью с правом собственности, а также универсальностью критериев определения правомерности ограничения прав и свобод человека и гражданина. Практика ЕСПЧ по признанию свободы предпринимательской деятельности в качестве фундаментальной свободы через закрепленное в Конвенции право собственности позитивно сказывается на формировании равновесного экономического пространства и создании условий для экономического развития стран, входящих в Совет Европы

    Символіка позначень кольору в іспанському та українському художньому текстах

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    Якімова С. Е. Символіка позначень кольору в іспанському та українському художньому текстах / С. Е. Якімова // Одеський лінгвістичний вісник : зб. наук. праць / [голов. ред. Н. В. Петлюченко] ; Нац. ун-т «Одес. юрид. акад.». – Вип. 3.- Спец. вип., присвячений 200-річчю від дня народження Т. Г. Шевченка. – Одеса : Гельветика, 2014. – С. 245-252.Статтю присвячено порівняльному дослідженню символіки позначень кольору в іспанських та українських художніх текстах, засобам її вербалізації, а також аналізу подібностей та відмінностей позначень кольору у двох лінгвокультурах

    Problems and mechanisms of sustainable development of rural areas (at the example of the Republic of Mordovia)

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    Sustainable development of rural areas is a priority in today's Russia, as evidenced by the system of regulations adopted in 2010-2015. Measures of government regulation aimed at ensuring food security and improving the living standards of the rural population include activities for the growth and modernization of agricultural production, development of the market of agricultural raw materials and food, as well as expansion and strengthening of the network of rural social infrastructure. These measures which are actively used since 2006, have failed to overcome the crisis processes in most regions, which indicates the need for revision of rural development policy. In the article the need for differentiation of government support in accordance with the typology of rural areas, considering the potential and the level of social, economic and environmental development is argued. The system of indicators and an integrated approach to assessing the sustainability of rural areas are suggested. The proposals for additional measures to support the depressed rural areas are suggested.peer-reviewe

    An effective method to compute closure ordering for nilpotent orbits of θ\theta-representations

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    We develop an algorithm for computing the closure of a given nilpotent G0G_0-orbit in \g_1, where \g_1 and G0G_0 are coming from a Z\Z or a Z/mZ\Z/m\Z-grading \g= \bigoplus \g_i of a simple complex Lie algebra \g

    Ethno-Cultural Code as a Value-Semantic Dominant of the Supply Chain Management in Media Industry

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    Abstract- The present article is devoted to the actual problem of identifying supply chain management position in real mass media discourses, as well as the question of determining intra-linguistic and extra-linguistic sources of the synergistic binomial of ethno-linguistic culture. This article examines the cultural code, which is the key to understanding ethno-culture, including the unique value-semantic topics of the people's living space, determining the dominant principles of the world perception. The purpose of the article is to analyze representation of the ethno-cultural code in the artistic and mass media discourses. The methodological basis of the research is interpretation of culture as a semiotic space. Used copyright methods include: value-semantic and lingvo-suggestive. The article presents results of the study of cultural code as a value-semantic dominant of artistic and mass-media texts through a communicative and pragmatic analysis of multi-genre texts for disclosure of features of mentality in a cultural code. The authors come to the conclusion that in the semantic structure of a word it is necessary to single out a special component, “cultural meaningâ€, which is formed not by a simple set of individual words, but in text space based on their interaction. The value-sense space created by the cultural code is the basis of entire ethnic community, and deconstruction of the value-sense dominant destroys it

    Prospects for the development of a modern system of higher education in Russia

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    В данной статье рассматривается вопрос эффективности подготовки будущих специалистов в рамках современного российского образовательного пространства высшей школы, а так же результаты реформ, связанных с присоединением России к Болонскому процессу.This article examines the effectiveness of future specialists training in the context of the contemporary Russian educational space of higher education and the results of reforms related to Russia’s accession to the Bologna Process

    Affine spherical homogeneous spaces with good quotient by a maximal unipotent subgroup

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    For an affine spherical homogeneous space G/H of a connected semisimple algebraic group G, we consider the factorization morphism by the action on G/H of a maximal unipotent subgroup of G. We prove that this morphism is equidimensional if and only if the weight semigroup of G/H satisfies some simple condition.Comment: v2: title and abstract changed; v3: 16 pages, minor correction