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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi berkembang pesat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Salah satu bidang yang mandapatkan pengaruh dari perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi adalah bidang pendidikan. Smartphone memiliki potensi dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan dan pembelajaran. Android menjadi sistem operasi smartphone terbesar di dunia yang memiliki berbagai fitur untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengimplementasikan mobile learning berbasis android untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Materi yang digunakan dalam mobile learning ini adalah materi sistem pembumian. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan teknik quasi experiment berbentuk pre-test and post-test group dan bertempat di SMK Pekerjaan Umum Negeri Bandung. Objek penelitian yaitu kelas XI-TIPTL sebanyak 37 orang siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa hasil belajar aspek kognitif sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan mobile learning mengalami peningkatan dengan kriteria sedang. Pada ranah afektif, penilaian sikap dilihat dari prosedur pembelajaran menggunakan mobile learning didapatkan hasil capaian ranah afektif dengan kategori sangat baik. Pada ranah psikomotorik dilihat dari penilaian praktikum pemasangan sistem pebumian yang telah didukung menggunakan mobile learning dan jobsheet praktikum didapatkan hasil capaian ranah psikomotorik dengan kategori A. Berdasarkan hasil uji angket didapatkan hasil bahwa secara keseluruhan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan mobile learning dapat diterima secara baik. ;--- The development of information and communication technology is growing rapidly in everyday life. One area that gets the influence of the development of information and communication technology is the field of education. Smartphones have the potential to improve the quality of education and learning. Android becomes the world's largest smartphone operating system that has various features to meet everyday needs. The purpose of this study is to implement android-based mobile learning to improve student learning outcomes. The material used in this mobile learning is grounding system. This research uses quantitative approach with quasi experiment technique in the form of pre-test and post-test group and held at SMK Pekerjaan Umum Negeri Bandung. The object of research are 37 student class XI-TIPTL. The results showed that the learning outcomes of cognitive aspects before and after using mobile learning increased with moderate criteria. On the affective aspect, attitude assessment seen from the learning procedure using mobile learning obtained the results of affective aspects with very good category. In the psychomotor aspect seen from the assessment of the practice of mounting of the pebumian system that has been supported using mobile learning and worksheet practicum obtained the achievement of psychomotor aspects with category A. Based on the result of questionnaire test, it is found that overall learning by using mobile learning can be accepted well

    Effects on the Lipid Peroxidation and the Antioxidant Defense Systems of the Use of Isoflurane or Sevoflurane in Calves Undergoing Surgery

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    Background: Incoming anaesthesia created by the use of many drugs with different physicochemical properties is a source of stress and trauma for the body. This event increases the oxidative response and changes the balance between oxidant/antioxidant capacity in the organism in favor of oxidant capacity. This situation is defined as oxidative stress. For these reasons, studies are conducted to determine the effects of general anaesthetic agents on oxidant and antioxidant systems in the organism. In this study, it was aimed to determine the effects of isoflurane and sevoflurane used for general anaesthesia in humans and animals on lipid peroxidation and antioxidant defense system in calves.Materials, Methods & Results: The study included 14 calves of different breeds, ages, sexes, and weighing, average 2 weeks old. The cases randomly were divided into 2 groups, the isoflurane group (group I), and the sevoflurane group (group II), and each group included 7 animals. Before general anaesthesia, 0.04 mg/kg atropine was administered intramuscularly to all animals for premedication. At 15 min after atropine administration, isoflurane was administered at an inspiratory concentration of 3-5% in group I, and sevoflurane was administered at an inspiratory concentration of 5-7% in group II, via a face mask for 15 min for the induction of anaesthesia. Endotracheal intubation was performed in all cases at the 15min of the induction period following the onset of general anaesthesia symptoms. After the induction, anaesthesia was continued at an inspiratory concentration of 1.5-3% in the isoflurane group and inspiratory concentration of 2.5-4% in the sevoflurane group. Blood samples were taken just before anaesthesia, just before skin incision, at the end of anaesthesia and surgery, and at the 24h postoperatively. The malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), and glutathione (GSH) levels were measured spectrophotometrically in samples. In group I, MDA and antioxidant parameters SOD, CAT, GSH-Px, GSH did not observe a significant change in their concentrations through the study (P > 0.05). In group II, MDA value decreased significantly before incision (P 0.05). During the study, a statistically insignificant increase was observed in the concentrations of CAT, GSH-Px, GSH compared to pre-anaesthesia (P > 0.05). Pre-anaesthesia values of all measured biochemical parameters did not differ significantly between groups (P > 0.05). Before skin incision, at the end of anaesthesia and surgery, and at the 24h postoperatively MDA was lower (P 0.05). Discussion: An important advantage of sevoflurane compared to currently available anaesthetics is that it provides rapid induction due to its low solubility in blood and tissues, and rapid recovery due to its low solubility in fat. This feature is proof that the side effects of sevoflurane anaesthesia are minimal. The findings of this study show that sevoflurane exposure decreases lipid peroxidation and enhances antioxidant defense. The potential effect of sevoflurane on oxidative stress may lead to its preferred clinical use of sevoflurane compared to isoflurane

    Comparison of the Effects of Isoflurane and Sevoflurane General Anaesthesia after Induction by Propofol on Clinical and Physiological Measurements in Calves

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    Background: In veterinary surgical operations for cats and dogs, inhalation anaesthesia is known to be a good option for general anaesthesia in long operations or emergency cases. Studies have revealed that during inhalation anaesthesia, the heart and respiratory functions of the animals are more stable compared to injectable anaesthesia. However, there are few studies performed with the use of inhalation anaesthesia in ruminants. In this research, the goal is to evaluate the effects of isoflurane and sevoflurane after induction with propofol in calves based on clinical and physiological parameters and to find a more reliable strategy for general anaesthesia in ruminants.Materials, Methods & Results: The research was carried out on 30 calves, from new-born up to 3-months-old, undergoing surgery operation. Each group consisted of 15 animals that were divided as isoflurane and sevoflurane. For premedication, atropine was administered at a dose of 0.04 mg/kgvia subcutaneous injection in calves. For induction, 15 min after atropine application, propofol was given at 5-6 mg/kgvia intravenous infusion. Then, endotracheal intubation was performed and inhalation anaesthesia began at 5 min after induction. In the isoflurane group, the onset of anaesthesia concentration was set to 3-5% and the maintenance was set to a concentration of 1.5-3%. In the sevoflurane group, the onset of anaesthesia concentration was set to 5-7% and the maintenance was set to a concentration of 2.5-4%. To monitor the calves, the heart rate (HR), the pulse rate (PR), the systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), the respiratory rate (RR), the rectal temperature (RT) and the electrocardiogram (ECG) measurements were recorded before anaesthesia, the premedication, the induction periods, at 5, 15, 30, 45, 60, and 75 min after the onset of inhalation anaesthesia during the operation period. Blood samples were taken before anaesthesia, premedication, induction periods, at 30 and 75 min during the operation and the red blood cell (RBC) count, white blood cell (WBC) count, the amount of haemoglobin (HGB), the haematocrit concentration (HCT), and the platelet (PLT) count were evaluated. Based on the findings, isoflurane and sevoflurane suppressed the cardiovascular system minimally. Both anaesthetic agents caused decreases that did not exceed the physiological limits compared to the measurements taken before the initiation of anaesthesia. Although no significant differences were detected between the groups (P > 0.05) at clinical parameters, the RT differences were regarded as statistically significant according to the measurements that were taken before anaesthesia at all measurement times (P < 0.05). In both groups, the changes that occurred in the P wave, the PR interval, and in the QRS, R and T waves remained within the reference values given in the literature. Both anaesthetic agents have similar effects on the ECG. The dramatic no changes throughout anaesthesia in terms of the amount of HGB and HCT, the RBC, the WBC, and the PLT were not statistically significant, which may be associated with good tissue perfusion.Discussion: Since no serious complications occurred with either anaesthetic option, we have concluded that isoflurane and sevoflurane have similar effects on the cardiopulmonary systems of calves. In addition, the effects of propofol, which is used for induction, have been evaluated and observed and this drug is an effective and reliable option to initiate inhalation anaesthesia. The research on the use of this anaesthetic in calves is limited and most of the existing studies investigated its combination with injectable anaesthetics. As a result, in this research, we concluded that isoflurane and sevoflurane induce similar physiological measurement results, blood parameters, and ECG results and that both anaesthetics cause minimal complications

    Effects of Flunixin Meglumine on Oxidant and Antioxidant System after Disbudding with Caustic Paste in Calves

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    Background: Disbudding is often practiced in modern farm because of the reasons for the safekeeping of the animal, other animals lessen the risk of injury and less aggressive behavior. Without regard to the method of disbudding leads to disruption behavioral changes, cardiac and endocrine responses related pain of animals. Sedation, local anesthesia and analgesia are performed studies in order to eliminate of cardiac, endocrine, behavioral response which is caused by pain associated with disbudding. In this study, it was aimed to determine the effect on the oxidant and antioxidant system in the calves of disbudding by using the caustic paste with and without painkiller.Materials, Methods &amp; Results: The animal material of the study was created 24 Simmentals calves in different sexes on average 2 weeks (± 2 days) and 50 kg (± 15 kg) live weight. The cases were randomly divided into 2 groups of 12 calves in each group. In the group I (analgesia group); caustic paste+painkiller (2.2 mg-1 flunixin meglumine intravenous, IV) and group II (non-analgesia group); as disbudding applied with caustic pasta application only were divided into 2 groups. In the I group, 15th min before the application, flunixin meglumine at a dose of 2.2 mg-1 was administered IV and the horn blunting was performed by caustic paste method. Blood samples were taken at 15, 30 and 60th min after completion of horn blunting and physiological findings were recorded. In group II, the horns of the calves were disbudding with the same technique (but no analgesia aplication). Blood samples were taken at 15, 30 and 60th min after completion of horn blunting and physiological findings were record. Cortisol, glucose, total oxidant capacity (TOC) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC), 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzymes measurements (ELISA) were performed in both groups. TOC and TAC tests were used to determine the oxidative stress index in the obtained serum, 8-OHdG measurement which is the most sensitive and most frequent oxidative DNA damage indicator for determination of oxidative damage; GSH, SOD enzymes were analyzed by ELISA using commercial kit for the evaluation of antioxidant potential. For evaluation of pain in animals, cortisol (ELISA) and glucose level in serum were measured with ELISA by using commercial kit. In the group without flunixin meglumine, cortisol was increased significantly from the 15th min (P &lt; 0.05), but there was no increase in the 30 and 60th min in painkiller administered group. Glucose levels were higher in the group not using painkillers than those used at 15th (P &lt; 0.001) and 30, 60th min (P &lt; 0.05). TOC (P &lt; 0.001) and 8-OHdG (P &lt; 0.05) values were significantly higher in the group without painkiller while TAC, GSH and SOD levels (P &lt; 0.05) were significantly decreased.Discussion: It has been observed that sedation (such as xylazine) and local anesthesia (such as lidocaine) use removed pain-induced stress in the disbudding with caustic paste in calves. However, in order to remove the endocrine response, it is necessary to combine the anesthesia protocol with the analgesic (such as flunixin meglumine) combination. According to our results concluded that the painkiller given before the disbudding process was supporting the antioxidant system, reducing the level of cortisol and oxidative stress

    Damascus keçilerinde süt yağ asidi profili ile SCD, FASN ve SREBPF1 genlerinin ekspresyon seviyeleri arasındaki i̇lişki

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    In this study, the relationship between the expression levels of SCD, FASN, SREBPF1 genes and milk fatty acid profiles in goat milks with low (LSFA) and high (HSFA) saturated fatty acid content was investigated and correlated. In HSFA group, SCD, FASN and SREBPF1 genes were approximately 7, 9 and 4 folds more expressed than LSFA in milk somatic cells, respectively (P<0.01). Also, positive correlations were determined between SCD and FASN (0.907; P<0.001), SCD and SREBPF1 (0.628; P<0.001), FASN and SREBPF1 (0.720; P <0.001) genes. Positive and important correlation was found between C6:0 (Caproic acid) and SCD (0.468; P<0.05) and SREBPF1 (0.388; P<0.05) genes. On the other hand, positive correlations were found between all of these three genes and C8:0 (Capric acid) and C10:0 (Caprylic acid). In milk samples, C14:0 (Myristic acid) and SREBPF1 genes were correlated positively (0.469; P<0.05). Moreover, positive correlation was found between the odour index and SCD (0.553; P<0.01), FASN (0.444; P<0.05), SREBPF1 (0.499, P<0.05) genes. The results showed that SCD, FASN and SREBPF1 genes have important effects on the milk fatty acid profile and milk quality of goats and these genes may be candidate in selection applications in goats.Bu çalışmada, doymuş yağ asidi içeriği düşük (LSFA) ve yüksek (HSFA) olan keçi sütlerinde SCD, FASN, SREBPF1 genlerinin ekspresyon düzeyleri ile süt yağ asidi profilleri ve aralarındaki ilişki araştırılmıştır. HSFA grubunda süt somatik hücrelerinde SCD, FASN ve SREBPF1 genleri, LSFA grubuna göre yaklaşık sırasıyla 7, 9 ve 4 kat daha fazla ifade edilmiştir (P<0,01). Ayrıca, SCD ve FASN (0,907; P<0,001), SCD ve SREBPF1 (0,628; P<0,001), FASN ve SREBPF1 (0,720; P <0,001) genleri arasında pozitif korelasyonlar tespit edilmiştir. C6:0 (Kaproik asit) ile SCD (0,468; P<0,05) ve SREBPF1 (0,388; P<0,05) genleri arasında pozitif ve önemli korelasyonlar bulunmuştur. Bununla birlikte, bu üç genin tamamı ile C8:0 (Kaprik asit) ve C10:0 (Kaprilik asit) yağ asitleri arasında pozitif korelasyonlar belirlenmiştir. Süt örneklerinde C14:0 (Miristik asit) ve SREBPF1 geni arasında pozitif korelasyon gözlenmiştir (0,469; P<0,05). Ayrıca, koku indeksi ile SCD (0,553; P<0,01), FASN (0,444; P<0,05), SREBPF1 (0,499, P<0,05) genleri arasında pozitif korelasyon tespit edilmiştir. Sonuçlar, SCD, FASN ve SREBPF1 genlerinin keçilerin süt yağ asidi profili ve süt kalitesi üzerinde önemli etkileri olduğunu ve bu genlerin keçilerde seleksiyon uygulamalarında aday olabileceğini göstermiştir

    Comparison of Use of Isoflurane or Sevoflurane for Anaesthesia Induced by Mask in Calves

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    Background: Inhalation anaesthesia is an effective and reliable general anaesthesia method for inactivity, analgesia, and unconsciousness in extensive surgical procedures. Although widely used, especially in small animals, there are very few studies investigated the reliability and superiority of inhalation anaesthesia in surgical procedures for ruminants. This study intended to evaluate the anaesthetic effects of isoflurane and sevoflurane in different surgical cases with endotracheal intubation following the induction of anaesthesia using a calve-specific facemask, which is not yet a routine option in cattle.Materials, Methods & Results: The study was conducted on 14 calves, from new-born up to 3 months-old, that undergoing various surgical operations. The animals were divided into isoflurane and sevoflurane groups, and each group contained 7 animals. In all cases, atropine (0.04 mg/kg was administered intramusculer as premedication before 15 min from anaesthesia induction. For induction, the anaesthetic agent was given at an inspiratory concentration of 3-5% in the isoflurane group and at an inspiratory concentration of 5 - 7% in the sevoflurane group during 5 min via mask at 15min after atropine administration. In both groups, endotracheal intubation was performed (about 1-3 min) after of general anaesthesia symptoms starting. At 5min after induction, anaesthesia was continued at 1.5 - 3% in the isoflurane group and at 2.5 - 4% in the sevoflurane group during operation. The animals were monitored during anaesthesia and,  anaesthetic effect, reaction of the calve, pronounced side effects, Heart Rate (HR), Systolic Arterial Blood Pressure (SABP), Diastolic Arterial Blood Pressure (DABP), Mean Arterial Blood Pressure (MABP), Respiration Rate (RR), Pulse Rate (PR), Arterial Oxygen Saturation (SpO2) were recorded at before anaesthesia, the premedication period, 5, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90min of anaesthesia. During anaesthesia, from the clinical parameters, mucosal capillary refilling time was evaluated by applying finger pressure to the oral mucosa. Mucous membrane color was determined by observing the oral mucosa. The time for palpebral reflex and swallowing reflex disappearance was measured and processed into individual forms. Anaesthesia induction and reanimation times were determined and recorded in the forms. After the operation, the return of the swallowing reflex and the time to stand up were recorded. During the operation, urination, defecation, salivation, vomiting, animal reactions, the shape and duration of the reamination period were recorded. In the isoflurane group anaesthesia induction was 3.71 ± 0.28 min, head movements started and came to the sterno- abdominal position at 4.57 ± 0.36 min, got up at 8.71 ± 0.42 min without assistance, meanwhile. In sevoflurane group, anaesthesia induction was 2.57 ± 0.20 min, head movements started and came to the sterno- abdominal position at 3.86 ± 0.40 min, the time to stand up was determined as 6.43 ± 0.29 min. During anaesthesia, HR, SABP, DABP, MABP, RR, PR, SpO2 findings were within physiological acceptable limits in 2 groups. In terms of indicators, there were no obvious differences in either group. The results revealed no significant difference between groups during anaesthesia.Discussion: The isoflurane and sevoflurane anaesthesia used in this study provided an adequate anaesthetic effect in calves characterized by adequate analgesia and muscle relaxation without any complications. The results of our study revealed that there was no significant difference between isoflurane and sevoflurane in calves. Both anaesthetic agents can be used safely for general anaesthesia in calves

    Afyonkarahisar'da satışa sunulan kaymaklardan izole edilen staphylococcus aureus suşlarında metisilin ve panton-valentine lökosidin genlerinin araştırılması

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    This study aimed to investigate the methicillin and Panton-Valentine leukocidin genes in Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from clotted cream samples produced and sold in Afyonkarahisar. A total of 110 clotted cream samples sold in public bazaars of Afyonkarahisar were collected between November 2019 and December 2020. Conventional cultural methods achieved the isolation of S. aureus from clotted cream samples. For the confirmation of S. aureus strains isolated from samples and determination of mecA and pvl genes in the strains, PCR was used. In this study, while S. aureus was isolated from 14 of 110 clotted cream samples by standard cultural methods, 13 (11.8%) of 110 samples were typed to be S. aureus by PCR. The mecA and pvl genes were found in none of the 13 S. aureus strains. In this study, in which the pvl gene was investigated for the first time in the S. aureus strains isolated from clotted creams in Turkey, it was thought that more research should be done to determine mecA and pvl genes in this traditional product and other dairy products.Bu çalışmada, Afyonkarahisar'da üretilen ve satılan kaymak örneklerinden izole edilen Staphylococcus aureus suşlarında metisilin ve Panton-Valentine lökosidin genlerinin araştırılması amaçlandı. Kasım 2019 ile Aralık 2020 tarihleri arasında Afyonkarahisar halk pazarlarında satışa sunulan toplam 110 kaymak örneği toplandı. Kaymak örneklerinden S. aureus izolasyonu konvansiyonel kültür yöntemleri kullanılarak gerçekleştirildi. Örneklerden izole edilen S. aureus suşlarının doğrulanması ve suşlarda mecA ve pvl genlerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla PZR kullanıldı. Çalışmada 110 kaymak örneğinin 14'ünden standart kültürel yöntemlerle S. aureus izole edilirken, 110 örneğin 13'ü (%11,8) PZR ile S. aureus olarak tiplendirildi. On üç S. aureus suşunun hiçbirinde mecA ve pvl genleri bulunmadı. Türkiye'de kaymaklardan izole edilen S. aureus suşlarında ilk kez pvl geninin araştırıldığı bu çalışmada, bu geleneksel ürün ve diğer süt ürünlerinde mecA ve pvl genlerinin belirlenmesi için daha fazla araştırma yapılması gerektiği düşünüldü

    Manyetik yüklü meşe palamut bazlı aktif karbon ile sulu çözeltilerden METİL VİYOLE giderimi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Aktif karbon, büyük kristal formu ve oldukça geniş iç gözenek yapısı ile karbonlu adsorbanlar olarak tanınmaktadır. Aktif karbonlar insan sağlığına ve doğaya zarar vermeyen, kullanışlı ürünler olup oldukça yüksek gözenekliliğe ve iç yüzey alanına sahiptirler. Bu çalışmada meşe palamudu iç kabuklarının H3PO4 ile kimyasal aktivasyonu ile aktif karbon elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen aktif karbona manyetik özellik kazandırılarak sulardan boyarmadde giderimi amaçlanmıştır. Meşe palamudu iç kabuğu, aktif karbon ve manyetik aktif karbonun karakteristik özelliklerini belirlemek için SEM, FT-IR, XRD ve BET gibi analitik yöntemler kullanılmıştır. Adsorpsiyon şartları adsorban miktarı(0,1-1 g), başlangıç pH'ı (2-9), başlangıç boyar madde derişimi (25-150 mg/L), temas süresi (5-180dk), sıcaklık (298-318K) gibi parametrelere göre incelenmiştir. Adsorpsiyon için en uygun pH=6, adsorban miktarı 0,1 gr ve uygun sıcaklığın 298K olarak belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen veriler incelendiğinde Langmuir ve Freundlich izotermlerinden ikisine de uymasına rağmen sonuçlar incelendiğinde Langmuir izotermine daha uygun olduğu görülmektedir. Manyetik aktif karbonun 298 K'de maksimum adsorpsiyon kapasitesi Qmax= 156,25mg/g olarak bulunmuştur. Kinetik ve termodinamik çalışmalar da yapılmıştır. Manyetik aktif karbonun geri kazanım kapasitesini belirlemek için desorpsiyon işlemi yapılmıştır. NaOH ile yapılan desorpsiyon işlemleri 7 kez ard arda tekrar edilmiştir. Sonuçlar incelendiğinde manyetik özellik kazandırılmış aktif karbonun katyonik bir boyarmadde olan metil viyolenin uzaklaştırılmasında maliyeti düşük, doğal ve kolay uygulanabilir bir adsorbent olduğu gösterilmiştir.Activated carbon is known as carbonaceous adsorbents with its large crystal form and very large internal pore structure. Activated carbons are useful products that do not harm human health and nature and have very high porosity and inner surface area. The most common adsorbent known and used is activated carbon. In this study, activated carbon was obtained by chemical activation of the acorn inner shells with H3PO4. It is aimed to remove the dyestuff from the water by giving magnetic property to the activated carbon obtained. Analytical methods such as SEM, FT-IR, XRD and BET have been used to determine the characteristics of the acorn inner shell, activated carbon and magnetite activated carbon. Adsorption conditions include the amount of adsorbent (0.1-1.0 g), initial pH (2-9), initial dye concentration (25-100 mg / L), contact time (5min-180min), temperature (298-318K) were examined according to the parameters. The optimum pH = 6 for adsorption, the adsorbent amount was 0.1 g and the appropriate temperature was determined as 298K. According to the data obtained from both Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms, it is observed that the results are more suitable for Langmuir isotherm. The maximum maximum adsorption capacity of magnetite activated carbon at 298K was found to be Qmax = 156.25mg / g. Kinetic and thermodynamic studies were also conducted. Desorption process was performed to determine the recovery capacity of magnetite activated carbon. Desorption procedures with NaOH were repeated 7 times in succession. When the results were examined, it was shown that the activated carbon is a low cost, natural and easily applicable adsorbent

    Adıyaman İli Gölbaşı İlçesinde Yaşayan Bireylerde Kolorektal Kanser Taraması Tutumlarının Belirlenmesi Ve Gaitada Gizli Kan Taraması

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    Bu çalışmada Adıyaman ili Gölbaşı ilçesinde yaşayan bireylerde Gaitada Gizli Kan (GGK) testi ile Kolorektal Kanser (KRK) taraması ve bireylerin kanser taramasına yönelik tutumlarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmamızın örneklemini, Adıyaman ili Gölbaşı ilçesi 2 No’lu ASM’de Mart-Mayıs 2017 tarihleri arasında Aile Hekimliği polikliniğine başvuran 50-70 yaş arasındaki 563 birey oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmada bireylerin sosyodemografik özelliklerini ve kolorektal kanser risk faktörlerini belirleyen anket formu ile Kolorektal Kanser Taraması Tutum İnanç Ölçeği yüz yüze görüşme tekniği ile uygulanmış, vücut kitle indeksini belirlemek için katılımcıların boy ve kilo oranları araştırmacı tarafından ölçülmüştür. Elde edilen verilere göre bireylerin yaş ortalaması 59.35±6.15 ve % 52.6’sı kadın, % 88.6’sı evlidir. Kolorektal Kanser Taraması Tutum İnanç Ölçeği’nin alt boyutlarından alınan puan ortalamaları sırasıyla; önemseme - tutarlılık alt boyutu puan ortalaması (15.61±2.10), sosyal etki alt boyutu puan ortalaması (14.94±2.40), duyarlılık algısı alt boyutu puan ortalaması (10.18±2.20), yanıt etkinliği alt boyutu puan ortalaması (7.90±1.14) ve kanser endişesi alt boyutu puan ortalaması (6.82±1.95) olarak bulunmuştur. Önemseme-tutarlılık algısı üzerinde etkili olan faktörler; evli olmak olarak belirlenmiştir (p=0.000). Duyarlılık algısı üzerinde etkili olan faktörler; cinsiyet ve eğitim durumu olarak belirlenmiştir (p=0.000). Yanıt etkinliği algısı üzerinde etkili olan faktörler; eğitim durumu olarak belirlenmiştir (p=0.001). Kanser endişesi algısı üzerinde etkili olan faktörler; cinsiyet ve çalışma durumu olarak belirlenmiştir (p=0.000), (p<0.001). Çalışma kapsamında 563 bireye immunokimyasal gaitada gizli kan (iGGK) testi yapılmış (%93.8) ve katılımcıların %7.1’inin (n=40) test sonucu pozitif bulunmuştur. iGGK test sonucu pozitif çıkan bireylerden bir kişiye kolonoskopi sonrası tübüllovillöz adenom tanısı konmuştur. KRK, kansere bağlı ölümler arasında önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Risk düzeyi yüksek olan bireyler öncelikli olmak üzere KRK taramalarına katılımı arttırmak için toplum tabanlı taramalar yapılmalıdır. Toplum Sağlığı Merkezleri, Aile Sağlığı Merkezleri ve Kanser Erken Teşhis, Tarama ve Eğitim Merkezleri’nde çalışan hekim ve hemşirelerin KRK taramalarına katılımı arttırmak için toplumu bilgilendirmesi, tavsiye vermesi ve KRK risk faktörleri konusunda eğitim programları hazırlaması taramaları arttırmaya katkı sağlayacağı sonucuna varılmıştır