64 research outputs found

    Tinjauan Persepsi Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Untuk Tujuan Ibadah Sebagai Satu Keperluan Bagi Masyarakat Muslim Awam Di Malaysia (A Perception Survey On Arabic Language Learning For Worship Purpose As A Requirement For Public Muslim Society In Malaysia)

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    Bahasa Arab merupakan satu bahasa yang mempunyai kedudukan istimewa dalam Islam. Ia dipilih untuk menjadi bahasa pengantara bagi membawa mesej Islam. AlQuran dan hadis yang merupakan panduan utama umat Islam disampaikan kepada mereka dalam bahasa Arab. Selain itu, kesemua amal ibadah umat Islam tidak terlepas daripada penggunaan bahasa Arab, malah menjadi syarat sesuatu ibadah itu diterima oleh Allah SWT khususnya yang melibatkan ibadah seperti solat dan haji. Hal ini menjadikan bahasa Arab amat sinonim dengan Islam dan umatnya. Kepentingan bahasa ini dalam kehidupan setiap muslim menjelaskan keperluan untuk mempelajari dan menguasai bahasa Arab. Selain itu, kepelbagaian bangsa dan bahasa umat Islam di seluruh dunia menjadi asas utama perlunya usaha mempelajari bahasa Arab khususnya bagi tujuan ibadah. Oleh itu, dapat difahami bahawa pembelajaran bahasa Arab oleh setiap individu muslim bukan merupakan satu pilihan tetapi satu keperluan. Artikel ini dihasilkan dengan tujuan untuk meninjau persepsi berkaitan pembelajaran bahasa Arab dalam kalangan masyarakat muslim awam di Malaysia. Kajian dijalankan melalui soal selidik yang dimuat naik dalam laman sosial Facebook® melibatkan sejumlah 616 responden di seluruh Malaysia. Sasaran utama bagi kajian ini ialah masyarakat muslim awam daripada pelbagai latar belakang pendidikan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan majoriti masyarakat awam mengiktiraf kepentingan pembelajaran bahasa Arab bagi masyarakat muslim khususnya bagi memahami bacaan-bacaan asas dalam ibadah. Selain itu, pelbagai cadangan turut dikemukakan oleh responden bagi meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Berdasarkan dapatan daripada kajian ini, satu rumusan cadangan modul pembelajaran bahasa Arab untuk tujuan ibadah telah dicadangkan bagi membantu masyarakat awam mempelajari bahasa ini berdasarkan cadangan responden

    Instructional Feedback Analysis of an Online Virtual Language Learning Platform Through EZ-Arabic among Malaysian Teachers of Primary Schools

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    The use of online educational courseware serves as an important teaching and learning aid among digital generation. It is increasingly becoming the focus of researchers in designing and developing new and up-to-date educational aids that cater to the learning needs of 21st century learners as well as keeping in-line with the transformation of latest technologies. This paper aims to analyze instructional feedback of an online virtual language learning platform through EZ-Arabic among Malaysian teachers of primary schools. It is a virtual Arabic virtual learning platform which is specifically designed for primary school?s learners in Malaysia. The respondents were purposively selected from 118 primary school teachers by using an adapted survey related to this study via an online virtual learning platform from 11 Jun until 22 October 2016. This interactive Arabic virtual learning tool prototype enables teachers and students access to additional Arabic language learning aids that complement traditional learning methods. It facilitates Arabic learning enhancement through a compendium and a variety of open-sources of learning tools such as e-book of Arabic text books, educational games, audio-video learning aids, online translator, online chat-box for discussion, link of Arabic keyboard for typing purpose, and links of various websites in learning Arabic for children. General findings indicate that teachers show a very good preference of using virtual language learning platform in teaching Arabic by using computer programmes with mixed competency levels and usages of ICT skills. Moreover, the respondents show promising expectation in using mobile learning. The implication of this study is to help educational stakeholders to better understand issues related to teaching and learning implementation of e-learning in their institutions

    EZ-Arabic for children : a virtual learning resource tool for Malaysian primary schools

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    This innovation features a virtual Arabic learning tool prototype, which is specifically designed for learners at primary schools in Malaysia. The innovative process begun with the literature analysis of 3 theories based on the work of Nation (2003), Prensky (2001) and Mayer (2001). The design and development of this game-based learning prototype are modelled on the methods and approaches of design and development research (Richey & Klein, 2007) or formerly known as developmental research (Richey, Klein & Nelson, 2004). This method is also known as designed case (Reigeluth & Frick, 1999), design-based research (Reeves, 2006 & Herrington, et. al, 2007), formative research (Nieveen, 2007), and design research (Bannan-Ritland, 2003; Van der Akker, 2007). This prototype is designed and developed based on ‘design principles’ adapted from a study by Muhammad Sabri (2011), which was conducted on the design and development of an online Arabic vocabulary learning games prototype among pre-university learners in IIUM. This expanded Arabic virtual learning tool prototype enables teachers and students access to additional Arabic language learning aids, and complementing traditional learning methods. It facilitates Arabic learning enhancement through a compendium and variety of open-sources of learning tools such as the followings : a) E-book of Arabic text books, including extra reading story books, b) Educational Arabic games, c) Audio learning aids (MP 3) in Arabic, d) Visual learning aids (MP 4) in Arabic, e) Online dictionary and translator for Arabic, f) Online chat-box for virtual discussion and synchronous learning, g) Arabic keyboard for PC without stickers in Arabic letters, and h) Links of various websites for learning Arabic for children. The prototype provides a new learning experience for students who have been through a traditional Arabic teaching and learning methods, by immersing into the attractive, interesting and interactive virtual learning environment. The prototype is still in its pilot phase of design and development by analysing the feedbacks from teachers and pupils from several selected teachers in Malaysian primary schools. The prospect potential market and use of this product are wide, it includes: schools, universities and other learning institutions, special programmes, eg: J-Qaf, KAFA, states religious schools, etc. The URL for this prototype is http://ezarabic.net/v1/. This initial prototype won bronze medal award in 2012 International Islamic University Malaysia Research, Invention and Innovation Exhibition (IRIIE 2012) which was organised on 21-22 February 2012

    Evaluating the use of e-portfolio as an alternative assessment tool for students majoring Arabic and Islamic studies: some experiences from International Islamic University Malaysia

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    In line with the development of technology these days, evaluating student’s knowledge and performance at higher learning institution is not only based on the summative approach. It is rather formative approach in nature where the evaluation process is carried out consistently from the beginning of the academic semester until the end of the learning session for that current semester. One of the evolving tools to be used in this respect is an electronic portfolio (e-portfolio). The existence of this medium has opened a different dimension to the educators in evaluating and assessing students in a more appropriate and meaningful manner reflecting their intellectual development as well as learning experiences they have undergone. Additionally, e-portfolio can serve as a mediator for peer evaluation. Here, the students’ works can be reviewed later rated by their peers including classmates and the instructor alike. Features of the current e-portfolio system such as, rating the artifacts, sharing of learning materials, and communicating via internal messaging tool are only a few out of many others which can benefit it users.Taking this into account, this paper will discuss some issues as stated above pertaining to the use of e-portfolio for educational purposes as an alternative evaluation and assessment toolin particular at higher learning institution level. A field work in investigating the satisfaction of using the electronic portfolio will also be conducted to justify it use among the students. Thus, the teaching and learning process is currently not dependable on the instructors alone. It is rather a mutual communication between the instructor and his student as well as the student and his peers

    Mind Mapping: Reading Comprehension Technique of Arabic Texts for Students in Higher Education

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    In the context of the curriculum in Madrasah (Islamic school), using mind mapping in the learning process of Arabic text reading skills is an alternative chosen to improve student's reading competence. This study aimed to describe the design process of learning Arabic text reading skills by utilizing mind mapping techniques, as well as showing the form of mind mapping that has been prepared by students individually and in groups. Qualitative method was a suitable method used in this research with the object of research was students of Arabic language study program. The research data was extracted through observation and documentation. Observation is done by observing the course of the learning process and documentation in the form of student work in the form of mind mapping is analyzed. The International Class Program (ICP) of students selected in this study amounted to 50 students in department of Arabic Language and Literature at Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang.The findings of this study showed that the compiled mind mapping shows the creativity of students, where each student makes a different and varied mind map, both in shapes, colors, and hyphens. The concept of the Buzan model mind mapping used in this study. This study concluded that learning text reading skills using mind mapping has made students more creative, active, confident, and easy to understand

    Need Analysis On Developing Arabic Language M- Learning Basic Level During Covid-19

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    The Coronavirus (or Covid-19), which spread in early 2020, has resulted in a change of learning mode in known educational institutions where there is a shift from face-to-face to online learning. This study was conducted to identify the needs for developing mobile learning (m-learning) modules at the basic level for Arabic language among students as well as identifying the level of student acceptance for m-learning. A set of questionnaires was distributed to the respondents to identify the need for developing such m-learning. The data obtained were then analyzed using SPSS software and interpreted based on the total mean score and standard deviation. The study found that the respondents saw a great need at developing a module for basic level Arabic m-learning and were positive to use the latest technology in the learning process. This study proposes learning strategies and activities through m-learning that can be used throughout this pandemic in order to continue online teaching and learning sessions

    Tinjauan persepsi pembelajaran Bahasa Arab untuk tujuan ibadah sebagai satu keperluan bagi masyarakat awam

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    Bahasa Arab merupakan satu bahasa yang mempunyai kedudukan istimewa dalam Islam. Ia dipilih untuk menjadi bahasa pengantara bagi membawa mesej Islam. Selain itu, kesemua amal ibadah umat Islam tidak terlepas daripada penggunaan bahasa Arab, malah menjadi syarat sesuatu ibadah itu diterima khususnya yang melibatkan ibadah solat dan haji. Hal ini menjadikan bahasa Arab amat sinonim dengan Islam dan umatnya. Kepelbagaian bangsa dan bahasa umat Islam di seluruh dunia menjadi asas utama perlunya usaha mempelajari bahasa Arab khususnya bagi tujuan ibadah. Kertas kerja ini bertujuan untuk meninjau persepsi berkaitan pembelajaran bahasa Arab dalam kalangan masyarakat awam di Malaysia. Kajian dijalankan melalui kajian soal selidik yang dimuat naik dalam laman sosial facebook®. Sasaran utama bagi kajian ini ialah masyarakat Muslim awam daripada pelbagai latar belakang. Hasil kajian menunjukkan majoriti masyarakat awam mengiktiraf kepentingan pembelajaran bahasa Arab bagi masyarakat Muslim khususnya bagi memahami bacaan-bacaan asas dalam ibadah. Pelbagai cadangan turut dikemukakan oleh responden bagi meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Berdasarkan dapatan ini, satu rangka modul pembelajaran bahasa Arab untuk tujuan ibadah akan dicadangkan bagi membantu masyarakat awam mempelajari bahasa ini


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    Pemanfaatan teknologi dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran bahasa Arab merupakan satu keperluan sejajar dengan kemajuan masa kini. Rancangan Al-Arabiyyah Fi Al-Radio merupakan satu medium pembelajaran bahasa Arab melalui radio untuk orang awam. Makalah ini membincangkan proses penambahbaikan yang telah dilakukan dalam rancangan Al-Arabiyyah Fi Al-Radio dengan pemanfaatan media sosial Facebook®. Realitinya, perkembangan Facebook® telah mewujudkan fenomena yang tersendiri di seluruh pelosok dunia. Berdasarkan dapatan kajian lepas, beberapa respons pendengar telah diambil kira untuk tujuan penambahbaikan rancangan. Makalah ini menyenaraikan beberapa penambahbaikan yang dilakukan khususnya menerusi kemudahan Live Video dalam Facebook®. Kesimpulannya, penambahbaikan rancangan Al-Arabiyyah Fi Al-Radio dapat dilakukan mengikut saranan pendengar dengan memanfaatkan kemudahan yang disediakan dalam Facebook®. Oleh itu, diharapkan rancangan ini dapat terus memberi manfaat kepada para pendengar setelah usaha penambahbaikan dilakukan selaras dengan respons pendengar

    Ez-Arabic untuk kanak-kanak = EZ-Arabic for chidren

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    This innovation features a virtual Arabic learning tool prototype which is specifically designed for learners at primary schools in Malaysia. The prototype provides a new learning experience for students who have been through the traditional Arabic teaching and learning methods by immersing into the attractive, interesting and interactive virtual learning environment. The prototype is still in its design and development stage by analysing the feedbacks from selected teachers and pupils from Malaysian primary schools. The prospect potential market and use of this product are wide; it includes schools, universities and other learning institutions, special programmes e.g. J-Qaf, KAFA and states religious schools

    Microstructural Analysis of Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu-TiO2 composite solder alloy after selective electrochemical etching

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    This work aims to provide deep morphological observation on the incorporated TiO2 nanoparticles within the SAC305 by selective electrochemical etching. Cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry were used to investigate the selective etching performances. The removal of β-Sn matrix was conducted at a fixed potential of−350 mV. Average erformances of 2.19 and 2.30 mAwere attained from the chronoamperometry. The efficiency of β-Sn removal was pproved according to the reduction of the intensities on the phase analysis. Successful observation of the TiO2 near the Cu6Sn5 layer was attained for an optimum duration of 120 s. Clusters of TiO2 nanoparticles were entrapped by Cu6Sn5 and Ag3Sn intermetallic compound (IMC) layer network and at the solder/substrate interface. The presence of TiO2 nanoparticles at the solder interface suppresses the growth of the Cu6Sn5 IMC layer. The absence of a β-Sn matrix also allowed in-depth morphological observations to be made of the shape and size of the Cu6Sn5 and Ag3Sn. It was found that TiO2 content facilitates the β-Sn removal, which allows better observation of the IMC phases as well as the TiO2 reinforcement particles