446 research outputs found

    Use of different approach in finding catch effort relationship in hook and line fishery in Kombuthurai village of Thoothukudi district of Tamil Nadu

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    Kombuthurai has been described as a fishing village in Thoothukudi district, Tamil Nadu which has gained immense importance by practicing sustainable fishing practices. In Kombuthurai village during 2009-2013, catch per unit effort (CPUE) has varied from 0.20 tonnes to the maximum of 0.25 tonnes during this period. It is interesting to know that despite the range of effort varying from 1598hrs to 1720hrs, the catch remained in the range of 347.4 tonnes to a maximum of 430.8tonnes. The influence of various variables (latitude, longitude, distance, depth, seasons, years and fishing gear type) on CPUE was studied by General Linear Model (GLM) and Generalized Linear Model (GLMs). Normal distribution with identity link function and a gamma distribution with log link function were used in GLMs. The variables that were found to be significant in both of the models and distributions are year and season. GLM model was good fit with R2 ranging from 67.60% to a high of 91.7%.The low and high abundance of CPUE were categorized taking the below and above average CPUE. A binary logistic regression model was used between the CPUE abundance and with above mentioned independent variables. The binary logistic regression model explained 75.4% (Nagelkerke R2) of the variance in high CPUE abundance and correctly classified 88% of cases. The independent variable such as latitude, longitude, depth, and distance added significantly to the model, but the year, season and hooks did not add significantly to the model

    Assessment of temporary overvoltages during network lines re-energization

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    Power system blackouts are very infrequent, but they have a Brobdingnagian effect on the system performance and devices. The present research work offers remarkable techniques for the assessment of temporary overvoltages all through the re-energization of network lines. The main goal of this research work is to first-rate and reenergize the network lines for the purpose of restoration. In the later stage, the magnitudes and durations of the Temporary Overvoltages (TOVs) that occurred during the energization of unloaded transformer are estimated.The assortment and re-energization of network lines is done on the basis of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and conceptual method respectively. The assessment of TOVs is done on the basis of MATLAB/Simulink and Feed Forward Neural Networks (FFNNs). The proposed models are verified on IEEE 30 bus test system for the analysis purpose. The Mean Absolute Percentage Error (%MAPE) obtained through various forecasting methods is examined to check the robustness of the proposed approaches. The simulation and FFNN results presented in this research work helps in designing the exact withstand voltage rating for various network components employed at the moment of re-energization

    A comparison of different fuzzy inference systems for prediction of catch per unit effort (CPUE) of fish

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    60-69Present work was aimed to design Mamdani- Fuzzy Inference System (FIS), Sugeno -FIS and Sugeno-Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) model for the prediction of CPUE of fish. The system was implemented using MATLAB fuzzy toolbox. A prediction of CPUE was made using the models trained. The accuracy of fuzzy inference system models was compared using mean square error (MSE) and average error percentage. Comparative study of all the three systems provided that the results of Sugeno-ANFIS model (MSE =0.05 & Average error percentage=11.02%) are better than the two other Fuzzy Inference Systems. This ANFIS was tested with independent 28 dataset points. The results obtained were closer to training data (MSE=0.08 and Average error percentage=13.45%)

    Validation of chlorophyll-a and sea surface temperature concentration and their relationship with the parameters—diffuse attenuation coefficient and photosynthetically active radiation using MODIS data: A case study of Gujarat coastal region

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    1370-1376In-situ data of chlorophyll-a concentrations (Chl-a) and sea surface temperature (SST) of the Gujarat region for the period, 2002-2009 were obtained from Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), Hyderabad. Out of nearly 100 sampling points, 22 and 67 points qualified for comparison with the satellite measurements of Chl-a and SST, respectively. Chl-a concentrations were estimated from the MODIS satellite data (4 km resolution) with the existing global ocean color algorithms, namely, OC2V4, OC4V4, and OC3M. The SST was calculated with the help of bands 31 and 32 using MODIS-Aqua sensor long wave SST algorithm and European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) assimilation SST retrieval model (split window method). The satellite images were processed using global Sea WiFS Data Analysis System (SeaDAS) software v.7.3.1. Chl-a retrieved from OC3M algorithm had high coefficient of determination (R2=0.74) and less root mean square error (RMSE=1.24) as compared to OC2V4 and OC4V4 (R2=0.541 & 0.542 and RMSE=1.94 and 1.84, respectively) with in-situ data. The SST retrieved from MODIS-Aqua sensor long wave SST algorithm had a high coefficient of correlation as compared to ECMWF assimilation model (0.798 & 0.32 respectively) with in-situ data and RMSE were 0.80 and 2.65, respectively. SST and Chl-a showed an inverse correlation, with a coefficient of correlation (R) =0.530. Daily retrieval of Chl-a and SST value had very high degree of correlation with remote sensed eight days composite and monthly composite value (0.958 & 0.876, respectively). Retrieval of the value of diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm wavelength (Kd or Kd_490), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and vertical attenuation coefficient of PAR (Kd(PAR)) were done and found that Kd and Kd(PAR) had very high degree of positive correlation (R=0.994). In addition, it was found that PAR had a positive correlation with SST(R=0.512) and negative correlation with Chl-a (R=-0.446). The range of this parameter values supports the case-I water and fish assemblage area

    Study of various reasons for interruption of anti-tubercular treatment in patients of tuberculosis reporting to tertiary care center of west Rajasthan

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    Background: Tuberculosis is a major cause of death in India. Premature cessation of treatment in tuberculosis patient is a leading cause for developing MDR (multidrug resistant tuberculosis) as well as a major threat to control programs. Despite the easy approach and free of cost, availability to antitubercular medicines the interruptions of the treatment are still on a high. So, we analyzed  such various reasons  leading to interrupt the antitubercular treatment.Methods: Total 150 patients who interrupted the antitubercular treatment, were interviewed with a predesigned questionnaire and the result was analyzed.Results: Out of total 150 patients 115 (76.7%)  male and 35 (23.3%)  female were interviewed, who were  having  history of antitubercular treatment interruption. Out of 150 patients, 79 (52.7%) patients stopped their treatment because of improvement. Total 25 (16.7%) patients had stopped their treatment because of high cost, 16 (10.7%) due to personal/family reason, 17 (11.4%) patients had stopped their treatment due to nausea/vomiting/anorexia, 5 (3.3%) due to alcoholism/drug or other addiction, 2 (1.3%) patients  had stopped their treatment because they were advised to stop it  by health personnel and long distance travelled to take drugs.Conclusions: Improvement of symptoms was  the most common reason  in patients who received DOTS treatment and high cost of treatment in patients who received non DOTS treatment. Poor education and socioeconomic status of society are the other reasons for possible treatment interruptions because as soon as the patient improves, they move out to earn their wages to run the family with the unavoidable default from the treatment


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    ABSTRACT For distributed computing system (DCS) where server nodes can fail permanently with nonzero probability, the reliability of the system can be defined as the probability that the system run the entire tasks successfully assign on it before all the nodes fail. In heterogeneous distributed system where various nodes of the system have different characteristics, reliability of the system is highly dependent on the tasks allocation strategies. So, this paper presents a rigorous framework for efficient tasks allocation in heterogeneous distributed environment, with the goal of maximizing the system reliability. Reliability of the system is characterized in the presence of communication uncertainties and topological changes due to node's failure. Node failure has adverse effects on the system reliability. Thus, one possible way to improve reliability is to make the communication among the tasks as local as possible. For this, an overlapped clustering approach has been used. Further, we calculate the reliability of each node of the DCS to determine the actual capabilities of each node. Here, our purpose is to assign the more costly task to more reliable node of the DCS. Then we utilize the load balancing policies for handling the node's failure effect as well as maximizing the service reliability of the DCS. A numeric example is presented to illustrate the importance of incorporating overlapping cluster and load balancing on the reliability study

    Innovative first order elimination kinetics working model for easy learning

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    Background:  General pharmacology is the backbone of therapeutic pharmacology. In general pharmacology, pharmacokinetics is a very difficult topic for undergraduate medical students. Knowledge of the kinetics and of the effects of drugs is necessary for the correct use of drugs in therapy. As in the body most of the drugs follow first order elimination kinetics, so it is necessary for all students to know about basic concept of first order kinetics. This can be easily understood by using working models. Our present study is a step in that direction. The objective of this study was planned to develop first order elimination kinetics working models to teach pharmacokinetics principle to the under graduate medical students.Methods: The current study was planned and executed by the department of pharmacology in SHKM government medical college, Mewat, Haryana, India in the first quarter of 2016. This model was developed from household waste materials like thermocol sheets, coke bottles, waste water pipe, colour etc.Results: As we know learning is better with live experimentation as compare to theoretical learning, so difficult topics such as elimination kinetics will be taught by help of working models.Conclusions: First order elimination kinetics is easily understood with the help of above working model. More and more working models could be developed for teaching difficult topics

    A study on innovativeness and regulating conflicts between the fishers and farmers in the Balua wetland

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    Wetlands store ground and surface water even when the rainfall is erratic. However, the rising demand for water and land to sustain the ever increasing population has manifested in many kinds of conflicts in wetlands. In the study area, Balua Chaur (wetland) in Bihar state of India, 16 conflicts emerged when the flooded lands offarmers was accessed by the fishers to fish. Such conflicts had further marginalized the already indigent fishers. Factor analysis, to reduce the socioeconomic and psychological variables of the fishers that were associated with innovativeness and further analysis of ANOVA and regression was used. In case of fishers, two major groups of interrelated variables that accounted for 60.6 % of the total variance were identified through this method. Factor 1 accounted for 34.8 % of the total variance that included innovativeness, income, education, mass media exposure, extension contact, livestock ownership, land ownership, mobile use collaborating and competing style of conflict management and named as innovative factors. The ANOVA table and stepwise multiple regression model exhibited that the nuclear family type and livestock have significant impact on the innovativeness of fishers with R2 value 0.255. In this paper, peace and prosperity model based upon the analysis of primary information collected from the fishers, farmers and key informants is proposed to foster innovativeness to enhance the productivity of wetland and resolve conflict to mobilize the resources in efficient and judicial manner

    Evaluation of the effects of FYM and gypsum on onion (Allium cepa L.) production under sodic water irrigation

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    A field experiment was conducted at CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar to study the effect of FYM and gypsum on onion (Allium cepa L.) production under sodic water irrigation. Treatments comprised of three levels of farm yard manure (FYM) (F0- no FYM, F1- 10 t/ha and F2- 20 t/ha FYM) and three levels of gypsum (G0- nogypsum, G1- 50% neutralization of RSC and G2- 100% neutralization of RSC) in addition to control (irrigation with sodic water and no FYM and no gypsum F0G0). Results of the study showed that the seedling mortality was maximum (77.50 %) in control (F0G0) treatment, while minimum number of seedlings mortality (18.17 %) was observed in (F2G2) treatment followed by (25.17 %) (F2G1) treatment. There was significant increase in growth and yield of onion with application of FYM and gypsum. Moreover, maximum bulb yield (180.83 q/ha) was recorded in (F2G2) followed by F2G1 (152.22 q/ha) where 100% sodicity of water was neutralized by the application of gypsum and 20 t/ha FYM. Under sodic water conditions, increasing level of gypsum and FYM help in reducing the sodicity of irrigation water and thereby, increasing the yield of onion. The study concluded that in present situation of scarcity of good quality water for agricultural purposes, use of amendments like FYM and gypsum were best alternative for the best possible use of poor quality ground water and simultaneously sustain the yield of vegetable crops like onion which are sensitive to sodic water