17 research outputs found

    Examining sexual functions of women before and after menopause in Turkey

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    Background: Sexuality is an important factor that completes the lives of individuals and affects people in all age groups.Objectives: To examine the sexual functions of women before and after menopause.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at the Family Health Centers in Tunceli Turkey,\ between September 2014 and February 2015. The study data were obtained using a Questionnaire and the Female Sexual Function Index. The data wereanalyzed by number, percentage distribution, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and using binary logistic regression analysis.Results: The mean Female Sexual Function Index score of the women was 23.8±8.0. The Female Sexual Function Index score of 59.7% of women was below the cut-off score (26.55) and was accepted indicative of sexual dysfunction. Low educational level (P < 0.01), low income (P < 0.01), and menopausal status (P < 0.0001) of the women were risk factors for sexual dysfunction.Conclusion: Prevalence of sexual dysfunction in the women was very high and they indicated no effort to seek medical care. Low educational and income level and menopausal status of the women were three factors increasing the risk of sexual dysfunction. Awareness of the society and the healthcare professionals about the issue should be increased.Keywords: Associated factors, sexual functions, women

    Gama amino butirik asit (GABA) reseptörlerinin genetik polimorfizmleri ile idiyopatik jeneralize epilepsi arasındaki ilişkinin araştırılması

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    TÜBİTAK TBAG Proje01.03.2012Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological diseases worldwide. Gamma amino butyric acid (GABA), the most important inhibitory neurotransmitter of the central nervous system, and its receptors are commonly mentioned in the pathophysiology of epilepsies. Some of the single nucleotide polymorphisms in the genes encoding GABA receptors have been reported to increase susceptibility to temporal lobe epilepsy. There are a limited number of studies analyzing the relationship of GABA receptors and idiopathic epilepsy, which is the most widespread (65%) when etiologically classified. In Turkish population, genetic polymorphisms of GABAA, GABAB1 and GABAB2 receptors have not been studied before. For these reasons, in this study we aimed to determine the frequencies of genetic polymorphisms of GABA receptors A, B1 and B2 in Turkish population by PCR-RFLP (polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism) method, and to investigate the correlation between these polymorphisms and idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE). A second aim of this study was to analzye the role of GABA receptor polymorphisms in differential diagnosis of pschogenic non-epileptic seizure (PNES). In this context, 196 IGE patients, 107 PNES subjects and 109 controls were inculded in this study. Polymorphic allele frequencies were very close to each other in the three groups (0.457 in IGE patients, 0.453 in PNES patients and 0.427 in controls) for the GABAA α1 rs2279020 polymorphism. A statistically significant relationship was not found between this polymorphism and IGE. We did not observe polymorphic alleles in Turkish population for GABAA 2 rs17852044, GABAA 3 rs79829085 and GABAB1 G1465A. For GABAB1 C59T polymorphism, when IGE patients and PNES subjects were compared, C59T polymorphism was found to increase IGE risk 1,5 times, but this result was not significant (P=0.164). The frequency of C59T polymorphism in control population was found as 0.110 in this study. We observed that four polymorphisms found on GABAB2 gene (rs3780428-rs1999501- rs967932-rs94688) did not constitute a significant risk for IGE when considered alone. When the genotype combinations were taken into account, we concluded that having polymorphic homozygote genotype for rs944688 and wild type genotype for rs967932 and rs1999501 had 15 times protective effect against IGE for PNES subjects (P=0.001). The same genotype combination constituted 12 times protective effect against IGE in control subjects (P=0.009). This triple combined genotype can be used to differentiate subjects who have psychogenic seizures (PNES) from those having epileptic seizures. All of the studied polymoprhisms were studied for the first time in Turkish populatio

    Minimal Deviation Melanoma on the Heel: Case Report

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    Minimal deviasyon melanom (MDM), benign nevüsten daha fazla, klasik malign melanomdan daha az atipik melanositleri içeren melanositik tümördür. Histolojik olarak atipik melanositlerdermisin retiküler tabakasına ulaşmışlardır (Clark level 4). Yetmiş yaşındaki erkek olgu, kliniğimize sol topuğunda 1 yıldır bulunan kitle nedeni ile başvurdu. Fizik muayenesinde olgunun soltopuk mediyalinde kahverengi, 2x2 cm boyutlarında, üzeri ülsere solid kitle olduğu tespit edildi.Kitle her yönde 1 cm’lik sağlam doku dâhil edilerek eksize edildi ve defekt sol inguinal bölgedenalınan tam kalınlıktaki deri grefti ile onarıldı. Patolojik inceleme sonucu kitle MDM olarak tanımlandı. MDM, benign nevüsler ile agresif malign melanom arasında bir noktada bulunmaktadır.MDM’nin metastatik potansiyeli malign melanomdan daha azdır. Tedavi için malign melanomagöre daha az agresif eksizyonun yeterli olduğu görüşü hâkimdir.Minimal deviation melanomas (MDM) are melanocytic tumours that were more atypical than ordinary nevi but less atypical than conventional melanomas. Histologically they are expansive growth of atypical melanocytes with expansion into the reticular layer of the dermis (Clark level IV). Seventy years old man, applied our clinic for a mass on his left heel. On examination, a 2x2 cm size, brown solid mass that has ulceration on surface was visible on inferior of left medial malleol. The mass was excised with a 1 cm margin and defect was reconstructed by skin grafts. After pathological examination that mass was explained as MDM. MDM’s hold on a point between benign nevus and the typical, biologically aggressive malignant melanoma. The metastatic potential of MDM is lower than malign melanoma. Most of the initial reports recommended a “less aggressive” form of therapy for MDM because of their more favourable outcome

    Minimal Deviation Melanoma on the Heel: Case Report

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    Minimal deviasyon melanom (MDM), benign nevüsten daha fazla, klasik malign melanomdan daha az atipik melanositleri içeren melanositik tümördür. Histolojik olarak atipik melanositlerdermisin retiküler tabakasına ulaşmışlardır (Clark level 4). Yetmiş yaşındaki erkek olgu, kliniğimize sol topuğunda 1 yıldır bulunan kitle nedeni ile başvurdu. Fizik muayenesinde olgunun soltopuk mediyalinde kahverengi, 2x2 cm boyutlarında, üzeri ülsere solid kitle olduğu tespit edildi.Kitle her yönde 1 cm’lik sağlam doku dâhil edilerek eksize edildi ve defekt sol inguinal bölgedenalınan tam kalınlıktaki deri grefti ile onarıldı. Patolojik inceleme sonucu kitle MDM olarak tanımlandı. MDM, benign nevüsler ile agresif malign melanom arasında bir noktada bulunmaktadır.MDM’nin metastatik potansiyeli malign melanomdan daha azdır. Tedavi için malign melanomagöre daha az agresif eksizyonun yeterli olduğu görüşü hâkimdir.Minimal deviation melanomas (MDM) are melanocytic tumours that were more atypical than ordinary nevi but less atypical than conventional melanomas. Histologically they are expansive growth of atypical melanocytes with expansion into the reticular layer of the dermis (Clark level IV). Seventy years old man, applied our clinic for a mass on his left heel. On examination, a 2x2 cm size, brown solid mass that has ulceration on surface was visible on inferior of left medial malleol. The mass was excised with a 1 cm margin and defect was reconstructed by skin grafts. After pathological examination that mass was explained as MDM. MDM’s hold on a point between benign nevus and the typical, biologically aggressive malignant melanoma. The metastatic potential of MDM is lower than malign melanoma. Most of the initial reports recommended a “less aggressive” form of therapy for MDM because of their more favourable outcome

    Mukormikozis Enfeksiyonu Sonrası Oluşmuş Dudak Yarığı Burnu Deformitesi: Vaka Sunumu]

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    Mucormycosis is an acute fulminant fungal infection. Mucormycosis usually accompanies uncontrolled diabetes [in particular, patients with ketoacidosis], malignancies like lymphoma or leukemia, renal failure, organ transplantations, long-term corticosteroid or immunosuppressant therapy, and conditions including burns, cirrhosis, protein-energy malnutrition or AIDS, though it also may be seen in healthy individuals. A 21-year-old male patient applied to our clinic with cleft lip and nasal deformity. It was understood from his medical history that he was diagnosed with lymphoma at age 10 and he developed an infection in his palate and nose during the treatment course. His cleft palate and nasal deformity was repaired by surgery in our clinic. Herein we reported a case of nasal deformity and incomplete cleft palate caused by mucormycosis infection

    Gallbladder perforation

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    Safra kesesi perforasyonları (SKP) klasik olarak üç tipte sınıflandırılmıştır: Tip I: Akut gelişir, safra peritonitiyle sonlanır, Tip II: Kapalı perforasyon sonucu perikolesistik ab-se veya subdiafragmatik abse gelişir, Tip III: Kronik olarak kolesistoenterik fistül gelişir. Bu retrospektif çalışmada Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Genel Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı'nda Ocak 1984-Nisan 1995 yılan arasında ameliyat edilen 23 safra kesesi perforasyonlu hasta bu klassifikasyona gö¬re sınıflandırıldı. Hastaların 16'sı (%69,5) kadın, yedi¬si (%30,5) erkek olup, ortalama yaş 53,9 (34-73) idi. Tip I dokuz (%39,2), Tip II sekiz (%34,8) ve Tip III altı (%26) hastada saptandı. Ek sistemik hastalıklar Tip II ve Tip III ile kıyaslandığında en fazla Tip Fde görüldü (p<0,05). Yedi (%30,5) hastaya kolesistekto-mi, 16 (%69,5) hastaya kolesistektomi +ilave cerrahi prosedürler uygulandı. On (%43,5) hastada postopera-tif komplikasyonlar gelişti. Komplikasyon gelişimi Tip I grubunda Tip II ve IIl'e göre anlamlı olarak yüksek bulundu (p<0,05) . İki (% 8,7) hasta erken postopera-tif dönemde sepsis nedeniyle kaybedildi. Ölen hastalar Tip I grubunda idi. Tip I SKP'lu hastalarda morbidite ve mortalite yüksek olduğu için hızlı preoperatif tanı ve tedavi gerekmektedir. Akut kolesistitte erken cerrahi girişimin SKP'larında tanıda gecikmeleri önleyerek morbidite ve mortalüeyi azaltacağı düşüncesindeyiz.Traditionally, gallbladder perforations are classified as either: Type I, acute free perforation with bile-stained peritoneal fluid; type II, subacute perforation with pericholecystic abscess; type III, chronic perforation with formation of cholecysto- enteric fistula. Between January 1984-April 1995 period In the department of General Surgery, Çukurova University, School of Medicine, 23 cases with gallbladder perforation were evaluated retrospectively. There were 16 (69.5%) female, seven (30.5 %) male and the median age was 53.9 (34-73). Type I in nine (39.2 %) cases, type II in eight (34.8 %) and type III in six (26%) were detected. The incidence of severe systemic diseases were more common in type I as compared others (<0.05). Cholecystectomy were performed in seven (30.5%) cases, cholecystectomy and additional surgical procedures in 16 (69.5%). Ten (43.5%) cases had developed postoperative complications. The complication rate was more common in type I as compared others (<0.05). In the early postoperative period, two (10%) cases died due to sepsis. They were also in type I cases. Type I having high morbidity and mortality rate, needs immediate pre-operative diagnostic approach. Early cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis appears to reduce the morbidity and mortality due to a delay in diagnosis

    Radii of starlikeness of some special functions

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    Cem Karaca müziği ve sol görüşü

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    Ankara : İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, 2013.This work is a student project of the The Department of History, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University.by Melike Ünal.Ünal, Melike. HIST 200-17ÜNAL HIST 200-17/7 2012-1