740 research outputs found

    Utjecaj načina korištenja zemljišta / vegetacijskog pokrova i ekspozicije na svojstva tla u slivnom području Gökdere u sjeverozapadnoj Turskoj

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    Different studies have shown that the effects of land use conversion on soil properties are variable, so that more researches that focus on different ecological regions and land use types are required. The objectives of this study were (1) to evaluate the effects of land use types in two aspects (north and south) on soil properties and (2) to examine the impact of tillage and grazing on hydrological soil properties. Primarily, three different main land use type /land cover (LUTLC) were selected in north and south facing slope to investigate the soil properties, namely, forest, grassland, and agricultural land. Soil samples were taken from a soil depth of 30 cm. For these soil samples, various soil properties such as texture, dry bulk density (BD), soil organic matter (SOM), soil pH, water stable aggregates (WSA) field capacity, wilting point, infiltration rate, and saturated hydraulic capacity (Ks) were analyzed. According to the results BD, WSA, SOM, Ks, and infiltration rate significantly change with LUTLC and aspect. Soil characteristics negatively affected by tillage practices and grazing are SOM, WSA, infiltration rate, Ks, and BD. Finally, the findings indicated that tillage and over grazing, in semi – arid region, effected adversely on soil properties, and that over grazing damaged the hydrological properties of surface soil.Brojne studije pokazale su da konverzija zemljišta ima raznoliki utjecaj na svojstva tla, pa stoga daljnja istraživanja treba usmjeriti na različite ekološke regije i načine korištenja zemljišta. Ciljevi ove studije su: (1) procijeniti utjecaj korištenja zemljišta na različitim ekspozicijama (sjeverna i južna) na svojstva tla i (2) ispitati utjecaj obrade tla i ispaše na hidrološka svojstva tla. Za ispitivanje svojstva tala odabrana su tri različita načina korištenja zemljišta/vegetacijskog pokrova (LUTLC) na sjevernim i južnim padinama, a to su šuma, travnjak i obradiva površina. Uzorci tla uzeti su sa dubine od 30 cm. U uzorcima tla analizirani su sljedeći parametri: tekstura tla, gustoća tla (BD), organska tvar u tlu (SOM), pH, stabilnost agregata u vodi (WSA), kapacitet tla za vodu, točka venuća, stopa infiltracije i zasićena hidraulička provodljivost (Ks). Rezultati su pokazali da se gustoća tla (BD), stabilnost agregata u vodi (WSA), organska tvar u tlu (SOM), hidraulička provodljivost i stopa infiltracije, značajno mijenjaju s načinom korištenja zemljišta/promjenom vegetacijskog pokrova (LUTLC) te s ekspozicijom. Značajke tala na koje nepovoljno utječu obrada tla i ispaša su organska tvar u tlu (SOM), stabilnost agregata u vodi (WSA), stopa infiltracije, hidraulička provodljivost (Ks) i gustoća tla (BD). Na kraju, rezultati sugeriraju da obrada tla i prekomjerna ispaša u polu-suhom području negativno utječu na svojstva tala, te da prekomjerna ispaša šteti hidrološkim svojstvima površinskog tla

    The Relation Between Lifelong Learning Tendency and Achievement Motivation

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    The aim of this study is to reveal the relation between lifelong learning tendency and achievement motivation. The sampling of the study consisted of 570 prospective teachers attending a pedagogical formation course at two universities in Turkey in 2016. Relational screening model was used in the study and the data were collected through achievement focused motivation scale and lifelong learning tendency scale. The collected data were analysed using regression analysis on SPSS 22. As the findings suggest, there is a low, positive correlation (r=0.095) between prospective teachers’ achievement motivation and lifelong learning tendency at 95% confidence interval. As for the correlation between lifelong learning tendency and the sub-dimensions of achievement motivation, lifelong learning tendency has a significant correlation with the expansion of objective (r=0,139), self-consciousness (r=0,128) and internal effect (r=0,089). However, it doesn’t correlate significantly with external effect (r=-0,024). As the standardised regression coefficient (β) indicates, the relative order of importance of predictor values on lifelong learning tendency is as follows; external effect, expansion of objective, self-consciousness and internal effect

    Morphology and anatomy of Hedysarum pannosum (Boiss.) Boiss. (Fabaceae)

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate morphological, anatomical, palynological, fruit and seed micromorphological properties of Hedysarum pannosum (Boiss.) Boiss. A detailed description of the species is reported for the first time in this study. The morphological features of the species have been compared with the results of previous investigations. Anatomical studies have been carried out on cross- sections of roots, stems, leaflets and petioles. The anatomical results show that the plants have secondary growth roots, protruding stems, amphistomatic and equifacial leaves with tannin, triangular shaped petioles. Hedysarum pannosum pollen are tricolpate, prolate and pollen exine ornamentation is reticulate. Fruits have trichomes on their setae and tomentose trichomes have papillae. Seeds are reniform and they have rugolo-reticulate ornamentation

    İşletmelerin Finansal Yönetiminde Nakit Akış Rasyo Analizi

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    ABSTRACT Cash flow ratio analysis measures financial performance using data from balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flow. Information obtained from this analysis helps managers to make critical decisions. There are several ratios such as Cash Flow Adequacy, Long Term Debt Payment, Dividend Payout, Reinvestment, Debt Coverage, Depreciation- Amortization Impact, Cash Flow to Sales, Operations Index, Cash Flow Return on Assets, Debt- Service Coverage. This article examines a hypothetical company financial statements to show how to calculate the ratios and interpret them.Nakit akış rasyo analizi finansal performans ölçümü amacıyla yararlanılan ve bilanço, gelir tablosu ve nakit akış tablosu verilerinin kullanımıyla elde edilen rasyoların hesaplanarak yorumlanması ve işletme yönetiminin yararına sunulmasıdır. Bu amaçla çeşitli rasyolar ortaya atılmıştır. Bunlar nakit akış yeterliliği, uzun vadeli borç ödeme, kar payı ödeme, nakdin yeniden yatırımı, borç karşılama, amortisman etkisi, satışların İFEEN\'e (İşletme Faaliyetlerinde Elde Edilen Nakit) dönüşü, faaliyet göstergesi, varlıkların nakit yaratma gücü, İFEEN\'in finansman giderlerini karşılama yeteneği gibi rasyolardır. Bu makalede rasyoların hesaplanması varsayımsal bir işletmenin finansal tablolarından yararlanılarak yapılmış ve rasyolar yorumlanmıştır

    İşletmelerde Finans Karar Destek Sistemi

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    İşletmelerin yönetimi ile ilgili kararların bilimsel bir şekildealınabilmesi amacıyla finansal bilgilere önemli ölçüde gereksinimduyulmaktadır. Finansal bilgilerin üretilebilmesi amacıyla, finans karar desteksisteminin kurulması gerekmektedir. Finans karar destek sisteminin üreteceğibilgiler finansal planlama, finansal durum analizi, fon yönetimi ve denetim gibibilgiler olacaktır. Finans karar destek sisteminin üreteceği bilgilerden finansalyönetim kararları yanında stratejik yönetim ve pazarlama yönetimi, üretim,insan kaynakları gibi işlevsel yönetim alanları ile ilgili kararların desteklenmesiamacıyla da yararlanılabilir

    The effects of image compression on quantitative measurements of digital panoramic radiographs

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    Objectives: The aims of this study were to explore how image compression affects density, fractal dimension, linear and angular measurements on digital panoramic images and assess inter and intra-observer repeatability of these measurements. Study Design: Sixty-one digital panoramic images in TIFF format (Tagged Image File Format) were compressed to JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) images. Two observers measured gonial angle, antegonial angle, mandibular cortical width, coronal pulp width of maxillary and mandibular first molar, tooth length of maxillary and mandibular first molar on the left side of these images twice. Fractal dimension of the selected regions of interests were calculated and the density of each panoramic radiograph as a whole were also measured on TIFF and JPEG compressed images. Intra-observer and inter-observer consistency was evaluated with Cronbach's alpha. Paired samples t-test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to evaluate the difference between the measurements of TIFF and JPEG compressed images. Results: The repeatability of angular measurements had the highest Cronbach's alpha value (0.997). There was statistically significant difference for both of the observers in mandibular cortical width (MCW) measurements (1st ob. p: 0.002; 2nd ob. p: 0.003), density (p<0.001) and fractal dimension (p<0.001) between TIFF and JPEG images. There was statistically significant difference for the first observer in antegonial angle (1st ob p< 0.001) and maxillary molar coronal pulp width (1st ob. p< 0.001) between JPEG and TIFF files. Conclusions: The repeatability of angular measurements is better than linear measurements. Mandibular cortical width, fractal dimension and density are affected from compression. Observer dependent factors might also cause statistically significant differences between the measurements in TIFF and JPEG images

    The engineering performance of eco-friendly concretes containing diatomite fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag

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    Approximately 10 % of CO2 is emitted from an ordinary Portland cement production. In cement and concrete production, CO2 emissions can be greatly reduced by using Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCMs). In addition, the microstructure and durability properties of concrete are greatly improved when silica-rich SCMs are used. In this study, Eco-Friendly concrete design was carried out using three different SCMs. Diatomite, ground granulated blast furnace (GGBFS) and fly ash (FA) were used as the SCM in the concrete mixtures. SCMs were used instead of cement at ratios of 5, 10, 15, and 20 wt %. When diatomite was used at the rate of 20 %, the standard consistency water increased 1.7 times as compared to the reference mixture. With the increase in the replacement ratio, the final setting times of the pastes increased. The high active SiO2 content of diatomite shortened the initial setting time and increased the compressive strength. The use of 5 % diatomite reduced the slump value by 57 % as compared to the reference mixture. The slump and Ve-Be tests of GGBFS and FA mixtures showed similar properties to the reference mixture. The 28-day compressive strength of concrete varied between 29.2–34.6 MPa. With the increase in the curing time of the concrete mixtures, up to 50 % improvements were observed in the compressive strength. Especially on the 180th day, a compressive strength of 44.1 MPa was obtained in concrete mixtures with a 10 % replacement ratio. While using the FA in the mixtures improved the abrasion properties, the opposite result was observed in the case of the GGBFS. It was observed that the mixtures with 5 % FA showed the closest properties to the reference mixture. As a result, it was determined that SCMs with different properties could be used in environmentally friendly concrete mixtures by up to a 20 % replacement ratio

    Voxel-based simulation approach for molecular communications via diffusion

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    © . This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Molecular communications via diffusion (MCvD) systems are easily simulated for micro-scale topologies and applications. On the other hand, due to the high path loss, there is a need for the emission of a very large number of molecules to have a detectable signal for the macro-scale topologies. Therefore, the simulation of macro-scale MCvD systems or applications has its own challenges. In this work, a voxel-based simulator for MCvD is proposed and analyzed. The proposed simulator is able to consider a very large amount of molecules since it does not track every molecule, instead it simulates the aggregate behavior. We assess the correctness of such a simulation approach through comparative studies with a particle-based (i.e., per-molecule) simulation. We present the effect of voxel side-length on the modeling accuracy and devise a framework for selecting the optimal voxel side-length for high-accuracy simulations.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    Attorneys\u27 Liens

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    In vitro istraživanje protugljivičnih svojstava, ukupnog sadržaja polifenola i antioksidativne aktivnosti različitih dijelova odabranih voćkarica

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the antifungal properties, total polyphenolic content and antioxidant activity of sapwood, heartwood and bark parts obtained from three different fruit trees; olive (Olea europaea L.), loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) and date plum (Diospyros lotus L.) grown in Turkey. Firstly, the hydrodistillation products (essential oil, hydrosol, hot-water extract) were acquired from these parts of selected trees, and methanol and ethanol extracts of the same samples were also prepared for the analysis. The antifungal activities of essential oil, hydrosol, hot-water extract, ethanol and methanol extracts were determined against wood-rot fungus Coniophora puteana. In addition, polyphenol contents and antioxidant activities of ethanol and methanol extracts were investigated. According to the results, generally, the essential oil of the parts of three fruit trees was found to inhibit the fungal growth. All hot water extracts and hydrosols of these trees showed no antifungal activity against C. puteana. It was found that olive tree had higher antifungal activity than loquat and date plum trees. The methanol extract of loquat bark gave the highest total phenolic content, total flavonoid content and condensed tannin content compared to parts of the other trees. Furthermore, the highest total polyphenol content and antioxidant activity among three fruit trees were determined in ethanol and methanol extracts of the bark and heartwood of loquat tree. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that the parts of studied fruit trees have less or more antifungal and antioxidant activity depending on the experimental parameters, and therefore they can be evaluated as alternative natural antifungal and antioxidant sources.Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti protugljivična svojstva, ukupni sadržaj polifenola i antioksidativne aktivnosti bjeljike, srži i dijelova kore drva triju voćkarica koje se uzgajaju u Turskoj: masline (Olea europaea L.), nušpule (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) i draguna (Diospyros lotus L.). Najprije su od dijelova odabranih stabala izolirani produkti hidrodestilacije (esencijalna ulja, hidrosol, vodeni ekstrakt), a zatim su za analizu izolirani i ekstrakti u metanolu i etanolu. Protugljivična aktivnost esencijalnog ulja, hidrosola, vodenog ekstrakta te ekstrakata u metanolu i etanolu određena je na primjeru gljive uzročnice smeđe truleži, Coniophora puteana. Osim toga, istraženi su sadržaj polifenola i antioksidativna aktivnost ekstrakta u metanolu i etanolu. Rezultati pokazuju da esencijalna ulja iz dijelova voćkarica usporavaju rast gljiva. Svi vodeni ekstrakti i hidrosol nisu pokazali protugljivično djelovanje na C. puteana. Utvrđeno je da drvo masline ima jaču protugljivičnu aktivnost nego drvo nušpule i drvo draguna. Ekstrakt kore nušpule u metanolu ima najveći ukupni sadržaj fenola, ukupni sadržaj flavonoida i kondenziranog tanina u usporedbi s dijelovima ostalih vrsta drva. Nadalje, za ekstrakt kore i srži drva nušpule u etanolu i metanolu utvrđen je najveći ukupni sadržaj polifenola i antioksidativna aktivnost od svih triju voćkarica. Na temelju tih rezultata može se zaključiti da dijelovi istraživanih voćkarica imaju manje ili više protugljivično i antioksidativno djelovanje, ovisno o parametrima istraživanja te se stoga mogu ocijeniti kao alternativni prirodni izvori protugljivičnih i antioksidativnih sredstava