387 research outputs found

    Investigation of Primary School Teachers’ Conflict Resolution Skills in Terms of Different Variables

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    In this study, it is aimed to determine the level of conflict resolution skills of primary school teachers and whether they vary by different variables. The study was organised in accordance with the scanning model. The universe of the study consists of primary school teachers working at 14 primary schools, two from each of the seven geographical regions. The sample group consists of 191 primary school teachers that were randomly selected from schools that make up the universe. The “Conflict Resolution Skills” scale that was developed by Rahim in order to determine conflict resolution skills and adapted into Turkish by Gümüşeli (2001) was used in this study. As a result of this study, it was found out that the conflict resolution skills of primary school teachers are at the medium level. It is seen that primary school teachers generally prefer the Integrating Approach as a general way of conflict resolution. Upon examining the relations of teachers’ conflict resolution skills with their demographic properties, a significant difference was found between the independent variables of age and duration of service and compromising approach. It was concluded that teachers between the ages of 34 and 39 tend to use the compromising approach more than teachers in other age groups, while teachers with a period of service of 21 and more tend to use the compromising approach more than teachers working at other durations of service. Conflict resolution skills of primary school teachers do not vary significantly by the variables of marital status, gender, educational status, geographical region and the province they work

    Examination of Stress-coping Methods of Primary School Teachers in Terms of Different Variables

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    This research is a study that aims to reveal whether there is a significant difference between primary school teachers’ stress-coping methods and their demographic features, and if any, whether it is negative or positive. The study consists of 191 primary school teachers working in 14 primary schools in seven geographical regions. The “Stress-Coping Methods” scale developed by Aydın (2008) was used in this study in order to determine stress-coping methods. As a result of this study, it was found that the stress-coping skills of primary school teachers are at the intermediate level and primary school teachers prefer the self-confident approach most. Nevertheless, it was concluded that married teachers prefer the despair approach, male teachers that are older than 46 years prefer the optimistic approach, teachers with the experience of 21 years and more prefer the submissive approach, and teachers working in the Southeastern Anatolia Region prefer the despair approach more

    Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis of the hTERC region in acute myeloid leukemia patients

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    Objective: The telomerase RNA component (hTERC) gene is located at 3q26. Increased hTERC gene expression has been frequently observed and amplification was shown using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in different cancers. The aim of this study was to determine whether hTERC gene amplification is detectable by FISH in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells. Material and Methods: FISH and karyotype results at the time of diagnosis of 23 adult AML patients were retrospectively evaluated. Additionally, fixed cells were hybridized with an hTERC region-specific FISH probe to determine gene amplification. Results: Ten of the 23 patients had a normal karyotype and 6 had an abnormal karyotype. hTERC region amplification was not observed in any of the patients. Conclusion: Although it was reported that hTERC gene amplification may partially contribute to increased telomerase expression and activity in leukemic cells, it is not possible to make such a conclusion based on the results of the this study, as hTERC amplification was not observed in the study group. This suggests that increased telomerase activity via gene amplification in the development of AML may not be as important a factor as it is in solid tumors

    Effects of Virtual Experiments Oriented Science Instruction on Students’ Achievement and Attitude

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    This study was conducted to identify the effects of virtual experiment technique on seventh grade students' electricity achievement and attitudes towards science laboratory. The subjects were 69 seventh grade students in two classes of the same teacher. Randomly assigned experimental group students received virtual experiments oriented instruction, whereas control group students performed physical experiments. Achievement test and attitude scales were given as pretests prior to instruction and as posttests after four weeks of instruction. Two separate covariance analysis were conducted in this study and both of them indicated statistical significant differences. In accordance with these significant results, it can be concluded that virtual experiments have a substantial role in education by providing safe medium and interactive genuine models for students. Therefore, it is suggested that virtual experiments can be used in different contexts and various steps of education whenever possibleThis study was conducted to identify the effects of virtual experiment technique on seventh grade students' electricity achievement and attitudes towards science laboratory. The subjects were 69 seventh grade students in two classes of the same teacher. Randomly assigned experimental group students received virtual experiments oriented instruction, whereas control group students performed physical experiments. Achievement test and attitude scales were given as pretests prior to instruction and as posttests after four weeks of instruction. Two separate covariance analysis were conducted in this study and both of them indicated statistical significant differences. In accordance with these significant results, it can be concluded that virtual experiments have a substantial role in education by providing safe medium and interactive genuine models for students. Therefore, it is suggested that virtual experiments can be used in different contexts and various steps of education whenever possible


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    Amaç: Anodermal yırtık ya da kesik olarak tanımlanan anal fissür oluşumunda konstipasyon başta olmak üzere birçok faktör etkilidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı anne sütüyle beslenmenin, defekasyonun, anal bölge temizliği ve bakımının anal fissür gelişimine etkisinin belirlenmesidir. Gereç ve yöntem: Bu çalışmaya İzmir Bornova Atatürk Sağlık Ocağı ve Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Pediatrik Gastroenteroloji Polikliniğine Ocak-Mart 2006 arasında başvuran yaşları 1-17 ay arası (ortalama  standart sapma 6,6  4,0 ay) 72 bebek (40 erkek 32 kız) alındı. Bunlar anal fissür saptanan ve saptanmayan bebekler olarak iki gruba ayrıldı. Bebeğin yaşı, beslenmesi, defekasyon ritmi, gaita kıvamı, doğumdan sonraki gaita çıkış zamanı, konstipasyon için tedavi görüp görmediği, önceki anal fissür öyküsü ve yıkanma sıklığı kaydedildi. Hazır bez kullanımı, anal bölge bakımı ve temizliğinde kullanılan ajanlar soruldu. Bebeklerin tümüne ayrıntılı anal bakı yapıldı. Bulgular: Anal fissürü olan grupta 29, olmayan grupta 43 bebek vardı. Anne sütü ile beslenme anal fissür gelişiminden koruyucu bulundu (eksponensiyel B = 0,11, %95 CI = 0,02 - 0,76). Defekasyon ritmi ve gaita kıvamı iki grup arasında anlamlı farklı olmasına karşın regresyon analizinde anlamlı farklı bulunmadı (sırası ile p=0,09 ve 0,29). Anal bölge temizliğinde ıslak mendil kullanımının anal fissür riskini anlamlı arttırdığı saptandı (eksponensiyel B= 11,0, %95 CI= 2,13 - 57,6). Önceki anal fissür öyküsü regresyon analizinde anlamlılığını yitirdi (eksponensiyel B= 4,34, %95 güven aralığı= 0,89 - 20,99). Regresyon analizi modeline alındığında yaştaki her 1 aylık artışın fissür riskini 1,4 kat arttırdığı bulundu. Doğumdan sonra ilk defekasyon zamanı, konstipasyon tedavisi, yıkanma sıklığı ve anal bölge bakımının her iki grup arasında anlamlı farklılık göstermedi. Sonuç: Anne sütü alımının anal fissür gelişimi riskini azalttığı, ıslak mendil kullanımının ise arttırdığı düşünülmüştür. Objective: Many factors especially constipation play a role in the development of anal fissure that is defined as anodermal tear or cut. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of breast feeding, defecation, anal hygiene and care on development of anal fissure. Material and method: The study included 72 children (40 males 32 females) aged 1-17 months (mean  standard deviation 6.6  4.0 months) who presented to Izmir Bornova Ataturk Health Center and Celal Bayar University Pediatric Gastroenterology Outpatient Department between January-March 2006. These were grouped into two as babies with and without an anal fissure. Age, nutrition, defecation rhythm, stool consistency, time of first defecation after birth, history of constipation treatment, history of previous anal fissure and bathing frequency were recorded. Use of diapers, agents used in anal care and hygiene were questioned. All the children had anal examination. Results: The anal fissure group included 29 babies whereas the one without anal fissure included 43 babies. Breast feeding was found to be protective against anal fissure development (eksponential B = 0.11, %95 confidence interval = 0.02-0.76). Defecation rhythm and stool consistency was not found to be significant in regression analysis although they were significantly different between the two groups (p=0.09 ve 0.29 respectively). Use of baby wipes for cleaning anal region was detected to increase risk of anal fissures significantly (eksponential B= 11.0, %95 CI= 2.13-57.6). Previous history of anal fissure lost its significance in regression analysis (eksponential B= 4.34, %95 confidence interval = 0.89-20.99). It was detected that increase of one month of age increased the risk of anal fissure development by 1.4 times. Time of defection after birth, bathing frequency and anal care was not significantly different between the groups. Conclusion: It was thought that the risk of anal fissure development decreased with breast feeding while it increased with the use of wet wipes

    Antioxidant role of melatonin against nicotine’s teratogenic effects on embryonic bone development

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    Objective(s): This study investigated the possible effects of low (3 mg/kg) and high (6 mg/kg) doses of nicotine on the skeletal development of rat fetuses by the double staining method and the protective role of melatonin (10 mg/kg) against these effects.Materials and Methods: Eighteen adult female Wistar-Albino rats were divided into six groups (n=3, each) as control, low-dose nicotine, high-dose nicotine, low-dose nicotine+melatonin, high-dose nicotine + melatonin and melatonin. While nicotine was given to the experimental groups on gestation days 1–20, nicotine and melatonin were administered together to the treatment groups. The fetuses were delivered by cesarean section on the 20th day of pregnancy. The skeletal systems of the fetuses were stained using the double staining method. The forelimbs and hindlimbs of the fetuses were firstly investigated under a stereomicroscope, and then their photos were taken. The total bone length, the length of the ossified part and the ossification rate were calculated using the ImageJ program.Results: The degree of ossification in the bones of the feet and the hands was determined. When the total bone length and the length of the ossified part were evaluated, they were significantly decreased in the nicotine groups (

    Contesting the EU, contesting democracy and rule of law in Europe: conceptual suggestions for future research

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    In ECE countries, democratisation and Europeanisation seemed to exist in a mutually reinforcing relationship and both concepts provided the main analytical lenses for studying these states. In the light of recent illiberal and anti-EU politics, two different concepts have started to receive increasing scholarly attention, namely the concepts of de-Europeanisation and autocratisation. Their exact meaning, however, remains unclear and the causal link between these specific processes and the rule of law has largely remained understudied. Against this backdrop, this chapter first summarises the state-of-the-art research on autocratisation and de-Europeanisation, and then examines the interaction and causal link between these two phenomena in times of declining democracies in Europe and rule of law problems.Security and Global Affair

    Quantifying the Link between Anatomical Connectivity, Gray Matter Volume and Regional Cerebral Blood Flow: An Integrative MRI Study

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    Background In the graph theoretical analysis of anatomical brain connectivity, the white matter connections between regions of the brain are identified and serve as basis for the assessment of regional connectivity profiles, for example, to locate the hubs of the brain. But regions of the brain can be characterised further with respect to their gray matter volume or resting state perfusion. Local anatomical connectivity, gray matter volume and perfusion are traits of each brain region that are likely to be interdependent, however, particular patterns of systematic covariation have not yet been identified. Methodology/Principal Findings We quantified the covariation of these traits by conducting an integrative MRI study on 23 subjects, utilising a combination of Diffusion Tensor Imaging, Arterial Spin Labeling and anatomical imaging. Based on our hypothesis that local connectivity, gray matter volume and perfusion are linked, we correlated these measures and particularly isolated the covariation of connectivity and perfusion by statistically controlling for gray matter volume. We found significant levels of covariation on the group- and regionwise level, particularly in regions of the Default Brain Mode Network. Conclusions/Significance Connectivity and perfusion are systematically linked throughout a number of brain regions, thus we discuss these results as a starting point for further research on the role of homology in the formation of functional connectivity networks and on how structure/function relationships can manifest in the form of such trait interdependency

    Pediatrik astım şiddeti ile yaşam kalitesi, anksiyete ve depresif semptomlarda değişme

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    Giriş: Bu çalışmanın amacı çocuklarda astım ilişkili semptom skoru ve yaşam kalitesindeki değişikliklerle ilişkili anksiyete-depresyon semptomlarındaki değişimi incelemektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu kohorta 6 ile 16 yaş arasında 35 astımlı çocuk alındı. Semptom skorları kaydedildi ve tüm çocuklar Pediatrik Astım Yaşam Kalitesi Anketi (PAQLQ), Hastane Anksiyete Depresyon Skalası (HADS) ve Epidemiyolojik Çalışmalar Depresyon Skalası (CES-D)’nı doldurdu. Dört hafta sonra tekrar çağrılarak tüm parametrelerdeki değişim değerlendirildi. Bulgular: İlk başvuru ve izlemdeki değerler karşılaştırıldığında semptom skoru, alevlenme ve acil servis başvuru sayısında anlamlı azalma saptandı (sırasıyla p< 0.001, p= 0.001 ve p= 0.004). Benzer şekilde, HADS anksiyete ve depresyon puanlarıyla birlikte CES-D puanı da ilk başvuruya göre kontrolde belirgin iyileşti (sırasıyla p< 0.001, p= 0.001 ve p< 0.001). Semptom skorundaki değişiklik, CES-D puanıyla beraber PAQLQ semptom, duygu ve total puanlarındaki değişikliklerle belirgin koreleydi (sırasıyla r= 0.39 p= 0.04, r= -0.57 p< 0.001, r= -0.66 p< 0.001, r= -0.66 p< 0.001). PAQLQ total puanın- daki değişiklik HADS anksiyete skoruyla anlamlı negatif korelasyon gösterdi (r= -0.42, p= 0.02). Sonuç: Çocuklarda astım semptomları ve yaşam kalitesindeki iyileşme depresyon-anksiyete semptomlarında düzelmeyle ilişkilidir.Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the change in anxiety-depression symptoms with the change in asthma related symptom score and quality of life in children. Materials and Methods: Thirty five children with asthma aged 6 to 16 years were enrolled in this cohort. Symptom scores were recorded and all children filled in Pediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (PAQLQ), Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS) and Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D). They were called in again four months later to evaluate for change in all parameters. Results: When initial presentation and follow-up values were compared, significant decrease in symptom score, number of exacerbations and num- ber of emergency visits was detected (p&lt; 0.001, p= 0.001 and p= 0.004 respectively). Similarly, HADS anxiety and depression scores as well as CES-D score improved significantly at follow-up when compared to the initial presentation (p&lt; 0.001, p= 0.001 and p&lt; 0.001 respectively). Change in symptom score was significantly correlated with changes in CES-D score as well as PAQLQ symptom, emotion and total scores (r= 0.39 p= 0.04, r= -0.57 p&lt; 0.001, r= -0.66 p&lt; 0.001, r= -0.66 p&lt; 0.001 respectively). Change in PAQLQ total score demonstrated significant negative correlation with the change in HADS anxiety score (r= -0.42, p= 0.02). Conclusion: Improvement in asthma symptoms and QoL is associated with improvement in depression-anxiety symptoms