43 research outputs found

    Open string field theory without open strings

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    Witten's cubic open string field theory is expanded around the perturbatively stable vacuum, including all scalar fields at levels 0, 2, 4 and 6. The (approximate) BRST cohomology of the theory is computed, giving strong evidence for the absence of physical open string states in this vacuum.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX; v2: reference adde

    Open/Closed Duality, Unstable D-Branes, and Coarse-Grained Closed Strings

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    At the final stage of unstable D-brane decay in the effective field theory approach, all energy and momentum of the initial state are taken up by two types of fluids, known as string fluid and tachyon matter. In this note, we compare motion of this fluid system to that of macroscopic collection of stretched closed strings and find a precise match at classical level. The string fluid reflects low frequency undulation of the stretched strings while the tachyon matter encodes the average effect of high frequency oscillations turned on those strings. In particular, the combined fluid system has been known to have a reduced speed of light, depending on the composition, and we show that this property is exactly reproduced in classical motion on the closed string side. Finally we illustrate how the tachyon matter may be viewed as an effective degrees of freedom carrying high frequency energy-momentum of Nambu-Goto strings by coarse-graining the dynamics of the latter.Comment: LaTeX, 29 pages, 4 figure file

    Interpolating between open and closed strings - a BSFT approach

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    We address the conjecture that at the tachyonic vacuum open strings get transformed into closed strings. We show that it is possible in the context of boundary string field theory to interpolate between the conventional open string theory, characterized by having the D25 brane as the boundary state, and an off-shell (open) string theory where the boundary state is identified with the closed string vacuum, where holomorphic and antiholomorphic modes decouple and where bulk vertex operator correlation functions are identical to those of the closed string.Comment: 13 pages;v2: references added;v3: version to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Non-orientable Boundary Superstring Field theory with Tachyon field

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    We use the BSFT method to study the unoriented open string field theory (type I). The partition function on the Mobius strip is calculated. We find that, at the one-loop level, the divergence coming from planar graph and unoriented graph cancel each other as expected.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, references adde

    D-Brane Probe and Closed String Tachyons

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    We consider a D-brane probe in unstable string background associated with flux branes. The twist in spacetime metric reponsible for the supersymmetry breaking is shown to manifest itself in mixing of open Wilson lines with the phases of some adjoint matter fields, resulting in a nonlocal and nonsupersymmetric form of Yang-Mills theory as the probe dynamics. This provides a setup where one can study fate of a large class of unstable closed string theories that include as a limit type 0 theories and various orbifolds of type II and type 0 theories. We discuss the limit of C/Zn{\bf C}/Z_n orbifold in some detail and speculate on couplings with closed string tachyons.Comment: LaTeX, 17 pages, typos fixed, references update

    Bouncing Universe with Quintom Matter

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    The bouncing universe provides a possible solution to the Big Bang singularity problem. In this paper we study the bouncing solution in the universe dominated by the Quintom matter with an equation of state (EoS) crossing the cosmological constant boundary. We will show explicitly the analytical and numerical bouncing solutions in three types of models for the Quintom matter with an phenomenological EoS, the two scalar fields and a scalar field with a modified Born-Infeld action.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Tachyon Tube and Supertube

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    We search for tubular solutions in unstable D3-brane. With critical electric field E=1, solutions representing supertubes, which are supersymmetric bound states of fundamental strings, D0-branes, and a cylindrical D2-brane, are found and shown to exhibit BPS-like property. We also point out that boosting such a {\it tachyon tube} solution generates string flux winding around the tube, resulting in helical electric fluxes on the D2-brane. We also discuss issues related to fundamental string, absence of magnetic monopole, and finally more tachyon tubes with noncritical electric field.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure

    A String-Inspired Quintom Model Of Dark Energy

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    We propose in this paper a quintom model of dark energy with a single scalar field ϕ\phi given by the lagrangian L=V(ϕ)1αμϕμϕ+βϕϕ{\cal L}=-V(\phi)\sqrt{1-\alpha^\prime\nabla_{\mu}\phi\nabla^{\mu}\phi +\beta^\prime \phi\Box\phi}. In the limit of β\beta^\prime\to0 our model reduces to the effective low energy lagrangian of tachyon considered in the literature. We study the cosmological evolution of this model, and show explicitly the behaviors of the equation of state crossing the cosmological constant boundary.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted by PL

    Strings as Flux Tube and Deconfinement on Branes in Gauge Theories

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    We propose gauge theories in which the unstable branes and the fundamental string are realized as classical solutions. While the former are represented by domain wall like configurations of a scalar field coupled to the gauge field, the latter is by a confined flux tube in the bulk. It is shown that the confined flux tube is really a source of the bulk B-field. Our model also provides a natural scenario of the confinement on the brane in the context of the open string tachyon condensation. It is also argued that the fundamental string can be realized as a classical solution in a certain IIB matrix model as in our model.Comment: 14 pages, no figures, references added, v3: minor chang

    Backreaction and the rolling tachyon -- an effective action point of view

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    We compute the decay of an unstable D9 brane in type IIA string theory including backreaction effects using an effective field theory approach. The open string tachyon on the brane is coupled consistently to the space-time metric, the dilaton and the RR 9-form. The purpose of this note is to address the fate of the open string energy density, which remains constant if no interaction with the closed string modes is included. Our computations show that taking only into account the coupling to the massless closed strings the total energy stored in the open string sector vanishes asymptotically, independently how small one chooses g_s. We find also the large time behaviour of the fields in the Einstein and string frames.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures; v2: references adde