35 research outputs found

    Mice deficient in CD38 develop an attenuated form of collagen type II-induced arthritis

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    CD38, a type II transmembrane glycoprotein expressed in many cells of the immune system, is involved in cell signaling, migration and differentiation. Studies in CD38 deficient mice (CD38 KO mice) indicate that this molecule controls inflammatory immune responses, although its involvement in these responses depends on the disease model analyzed. Here, we explored the role of CD38 in the control of autoimmune responses using chicken collagen type II (col II) immunized C57BL/6-CD38 KO mice as a model of collagen-induced arthritis (CIA). We demonstrate that CD38 KO mice develop an attenuated CIA that is accompanied by a limited joint induction of IL-1β and IL-6 expression, by the lack of induction of IFNγ expression in the joints and by a reduction in the percentages of invariant NKT (iNKT) cells in the spleen. Immunized CD38 KO mice produce high levels of circulating IgG1 and low of IgG2a anti-col II antibodies in association with reduced percentages of Th1 cells in the draining lymph nodes. Altogether, our results show that CD38 participates in the pathogenesis of CIA controlling the number of iNKT cells and promoting Th1 inflammatory responses

    CD38 promotes pristane-induced chronic inflammation and increases susceptibility to experimental lupus by an apoptosis-driven and TRPM2-dependent mechanism

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    In this study, we investigated the role of CD38 in a pristane-induced murine model of lupus. CD38-deficient (Cd38-/-) but not ART2-deficient (Art2-/-) mice developed less severe lupus compared to wild type (WT) mice, and their protective phenotype consisted of (i) decreased IFN-I-stimulated gene expression, (ii) decreased numbers of peritoneal CCR2hiLy6Chi inflammatory monocytes, TNF-α-producing Ly6G+ neutrophils and Ly6Clo monocytes/macrophages, (iii) decreased production of anti-single-stranded DNA and anti-nRNP autoantibodies, and (iv) ameliorated glomerulonephritis. Cd38-/- pristane-elicited peritoneal exudate cells had defective CCL2 and TNF-α secretion following TLR7 stimulation. However, Tnf-α and Cxcl12 gene expression in Cd38-/- bone marrow (BM) cells was intact, suggesting a CD38-independent TLR7/TNF-α/CXCL12 axis in the BM. Chemotactic responses of Cd38-/- Ly6Chi monocytes and Ly6G+ neutrophils were not impaired. However, Cd38-/- Ly6Chi monocytes and Ly6Clo monocytes/macrophages had defective apoptosis-mediated cell death. Importantly, mice lacking the cation channel TRPM2 (Trpm2-/-) exhibited very similar protection, with decreased numbers of PECs, and apoptotic Ly6Chi monocytes and Ly6Clo monocytes/macrophages compared to WT mice. These findings reveal a new role for CD38 in promoting aberrant inflammation and lupus-like autoimmunity via an apoptosis-driven mechanism. Furthermore, given the implications of CD38 in the activation of TRPM2, our data suggest that CD38 modulation of pristane-induced apoptosis is TRPM2-dependent.We would like to thank Dr. Yasuo Mori for providing the Tr pm 2−/− mice, Clara Sánchez for animal husbandry at the IPBLN-CSIC Animal Facility, and Thomas S. Simpler and Uma Mudunuru for animal husbandry at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). We would also like to thank Laura Montosa from the Centro de Instrumentación Cientifica (CIC) at the Universidad de Granada (UGR) for technical support with microscopy, as well as Mohamed Tassi and Ana Santos at CIC, UGR, and Sandra García-Jiménez, Victoria Romero-del-Amo, Gemma Palencia-López, and Samuel Ruiz-Santiago at Campus Formación Granada for tissue preparations, H&E staining, and other staining procedures. Work performed in the Sancho lab was supported in part by the European Commission in collaboration with the following Funding Agencies: (i) Junta de Andalucía (J.A.), Consejería Innovación Ciencia y Empresa y Consejería Educación y Ciencia, Project: PC08-CTS-04046 to J.S. and M.Z., and (ii) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO), Projects: SAF-2011-27261 to J.S. and M.Z. and SAF2014-55088-R to R.M. Work performed in the Lund lab was supported by funds provided by UAB.S

    Variations in the morphology of rice plants regenerated from protoplasts using different culture procedures - Protoclonal variation of protoplast-derived rice plants

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    Rice protoplasts were cultured using 4 different culture procedures such as agarose embedding (AE) without feeder cells and the use of filter membranes (MEM), one layer of nylon mesh (MS1), or a double layer of nylon mesh (MS2) with the inclusion of Lolium multiflorum as feeder cells. The protoplast plating efficiency was highest on the MEM, followed by MS2, MS1 and AE. However, plant regeneration frequencies were highest for MS1, followed by MS2, MEM and AE. The protoclonal plants differed in the morphology of leaves, flowers, spikelets, and panicles in comparison to seed-derived plants. They varied in almost every phenotypic characters evaluated. In many cases, the variation was significantly different in characteristics such as plant height, flag leaf length and width and ratio, and in panicle characteristics such as panicle length, number of primary branches, and number of spikelets per panicle. The number of seeds per panicle was greatly reduced in protoclonal plants when compared with seed-derived control plants. The seeds showed also significant differences in grain length and width in comparison to the control plants. Among the 4 groups of protoclonal plants derived from the 4 different culturing procedures themselves, there were also variations in almost all the phenotypic characteristics assessed.close91

    Kcne2 deletion causes early-onset nonalcoholic fatty liver disease via iron deficiency anemia

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    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an increasing health problem worldwide, with genetic, epigenetic, and environmental components. Here, we describe the first example of NAFLD caused by genetic disruption of a mammalian potassium channel subunit. Mice with germline deletion of the KCNE2 potassium channel β subunit exhibited NAFLD as early as postnatal day 7. Using mouse genetics, histology, liver damage assays and transcriptomics we discovered that iron deficiency arising from KCNE2-dependent achlorhydria is a major factor in early-onset NAFLD in Kcne2(─/─) mice, while two other KCNE2-dependent defects did not initiate NAFLD. The findings uncover a novel genetic basis for NAFLD and an unexpected potential factor in human KCNE2-associated cardiovascular pathologies, including atherosclerosis