195 research outputs found

    Distance and face to face physical education and sports perception ın secondary school students: a comparative metaphor study

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    Bu araştırmanın amacı, ortaokul öğrencilerinin “Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Dersi [BES]” ile “Uzaktan Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Dersi [UBES]”ne ilişkin sahip oldukları algıları metaforlar yoluyla belirlemektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda çalışma grubunu 2021 yılı bahar döneminde 6, 7 ve 8. sınıfta öğrenim gören ortaokul öğrencileri oluşturmaktadır. Veri toplamak amacıyla öğrencilere Google forms üzerinden “metafor formu” hazırlanmıştır. İki bölümden oluşan bu formun ilk bölümünde; “beden eğitimi dersi … gibidir çünkü…” ifadesi verilmiş ve ikinci bölümde ise “uzaktan beden eğitimi dersi … gibidir çünkü…” ifadesi verilerek öğrencilerden boşlukları doldurmaları istenmiştir. Verilerin analizi sonucunda öğrencilerin BES ve UBES kavramlarına ilişkin toplam 103 adet geçerli metafor belirlenmiştir. Üretilen metaforların gerekçeleri dikkate alınarak öncelikle “olumlu ifadeler” ve “olumsuz ifadeler” temaları altında değerlendirme yapılmıştır. BES’nde olumsuz bir kavrama rastlanmıyorken UBES’nde üretilen 103 metaforun 70’i olumsuz kavramlardan oluşmaktadır. BES’nde “sağlık, yaşam ve eğlence” yönüne vurgu yaptıkları görülürken UBES’nde “sıkıcı ve özgürlüğümüzün kısıtlanması” kavramlarının sık tekrar ettiği görülmüştür. Ayrıca üretilen metaforlar, BES için 9, UBES için 8 tema altında toplanmıştır. BES ve UBES’ne yönelik “eğitim imgeleri, değer imgeleri, duyuşsal imgeler, sağlık imgeleri, motivasyon imgeleri, soyut imgeler, somut imgeler ve fizyolojik imgeler” olmak üzere benzer 8 tema ortaya koyulurken BES’nde farklılaşan tema olarak “doğa imgeleri” nin bulunması öğrencilerin UBES’nde doğadan uzak kaldıklarının bir göstergesidir.The aim of this research is to determine the perceptions of secondary school students about "Physical Education and Sports Lesson [BES]" and "Distance Physical Education and Sports Lesson [UBES]" through metaphors. For this purpose, the study group consists of secondary school students studying in the 6th, 7th and 8th grades in the spring semester of 2021. In order to collect data, a "metaphor form" was prepared for the students via Google forms. In the first part of this form, which consists of two parts; The expression “physical education lesson is like … because…” was given and in the second part, the statement “distance physical education lesson is like … because…” was given and students were asked to fill in the blanks. As a result of the analysis of the data, a total of 103 valid metaphors related to the concepts of BES and UBES and how they felt in these lessons were determined. Considering the reasons for the metaphors produced, first of all, evaluations were made under the themes of "positive expressions" and "negative expressions". While there is no negative concept in BES, 70 of the 103 metaphors produced in UBES consist of negative concepts. While it was seen that they emphasized the aspects of "health, life and entertainment" in BES, it was observed that the concepts of "boring and restricting our freedom" were frequently repeated in UBES. In addition, the metaphors produced were grouped under 9 themes for BES and 8 themes for UBES. While 8 similar themes were revealed for PPS and UBES, including "educational images, value images, affective images, health images, motivational images, abstract images, concrete images and physiological images", "nature images" were found as a differentiating theme in PPS. It is an indication that students stay away from nature in UBES

    Factors Predicting Microinvasion in Ductal Carcinoma in situ

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    Background: Whether sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) should be performed in patients with pure ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) of the breast has been a question of debate over the last decade. The aim of this study was to identify factors associated with microinvasive disease and determine the criteria for performing SLNB in patients with DCIS. Materials and Methods: 125 patients with DCIS who underwent surgery between January 2000 and December 2008 were reviewed to identify factors associated with DCIS and DCIS with microinvasion (DCISM). Results: 88 patients (70.4%) had pure DCIS and 37 (29.6%) had DCISM. Among 33 DCIS patients who underwent SLNB, one patient (3.3%) was found to have isolated tumor cells in her biopsy, whereas 1 of 14 (37.8%) patients with DCISM had micrometastasis (7.1%). Similarly, of 16 patients (18.2%) with pure DCIS and axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) without SLNB, none had lymph node metastasis. Furthermore, of 20 patients with DCISM and ALND, only one (5%) had metastasis. In multivariate analysis, the presence of comedo necrosis [relative risk (RR)=4.1, 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.6-10.6, P=0.004], and hormone receptor (ER or PR) negativity (RR=4.0, 95% CI=1.5-11, P=0.007), were found to be significantly associated with microinvasion. Conclusions: Our findings suggest patients presenting with a preoperative diagnosis of DCIS associated with comedo necrosis or hormone receptor negativity are more likely to have a microinvasive component in definitive pathology following surgery, and should be considered for SLNB procedure along with patients who will undergo mastectomy due to DCIS

    Renal replacement therapies in the aftermath of the catastrophic Marmara earthquake

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    Renal replacement therapies in the aftermath of the catastrophic Marmara earthquake.BackgroundRenal replacement therapy is of vital importance in the treatment of crush syndrome victims, who are frequently encountered after catastrophic earthquakes. The Marmara earthquake, which struck Northwestern Turkey in August 1999, was characterized by 477 victims who needed dialysis.MethodWithin the first week of the disaster, questionnaires containing 63 clinical and laboratory variables were sent to 35 reference hospitals that treated the victims. Information considering the features of dialyses obtained through these questionnaires was submitted to analysis.ResultsOverall, 639 casualties with renal complications were registered, 477 of whom (mean age 32.3 ± 13.7 years, 269 male) needed dialysis. Among these, 452 were treated by a single dialysis modality (437 intermittent hemodialysis, 11 continuous renal replacement therapy and 4 peritoneal dialysis), while 25 victims needed more than one type of dialysis. In total, 5137 hemodialysis sessions were performed (mean 11.1 ± 8.0 sessions per patient) and mean duration of hemodialysis support was 13.4 ± 9.0 days; this duration was shorter in the non-survivors (7.0 ± 8.7 vs. 10.0 ± 9.8 days, P = 0.005). Thirty-four victims who underwent continuous renal replacement therapy had higher mortality rates (41.2 vs. 13.7%, P < 0.0001). Only eight victims were treated by peritoneal dialysis, four of whom also required hemodialysis or continuous renal replacement therapy. The mortality rate in the dialyzed victims was 17.2%, a significantly higher figure compared to the mortality rate of the non-dialyzed patients with renal problems (9.3%; P = 0.015).ConclusionSubstantial amounts of dialysis support may be necessary for treating the victims of mass disasters complicated with crush syndrome. Dialyzed patients are characterized by higher rates of morbidity and mortality

    3 serbestlik dereceli (3R) bir robot manipülatörünün kontrolü ve görüntü işlemeye dayalı nesne taşınması

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    In this thesis, detecting predefined objects in the workspace of TQ MA2000 robotic manipulator via image processing methods, and moving these objects from determined location to another location by the robot, was applied. Determining the location of objects using digital image processing techniques through the image captured by the camera, calculating the angle values of the robot's joints extracted from inverse kinematics analysis in order to take the objects into the determined location and motion control of the robot were performed respectively. The camera was positioned on the top sighting the entire workspace of the robot. OpenCV libraries were used for the implementation of image processing techniques and the software was developed in the Code∷Block development environment in C++ language. Robot wrist portion was not used due to redundant and the wrist offset, so the first three joints, which are the main joints, were used. Analytical solution technique was preferred in the inverse kinematics analysis and inverse kinematics analysis software is written subsequently. Motion control of robot was performed with L298 motor driver cards and Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller, and software was developed in the Arduino IDE environment. Calculated angle values of robot's joints were sent to Arduino from the Code∷Block environment via serial port. This improved system is suitable for educational purposes in the robotics and robot control applications based on image processing.Bu tezde, TQ MA2000 robot manipülatörünün çalışma uzayı içerisindeki tanımlanmış nesneleri görüntü işleme yöntemi ile algılaması ve nesneleri bulunduğu konumdan alıp başka bir konuma taşıması işlemi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kameradan alınan görüntüden görüntü işleme ile nesnelerin konumunun tespit edilmesi, robotun tespit edilen konumdaki nesneleri alabilmesi için eklemlerinin alması gereken açı değerlerinin ters kinematik analizi ile hesaplanması ve robotun tespit edilen konuma kontrollü hareketi işlemleri sırasıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kamera, robotun tüm çalışma uzayını tepeden görecek şekilde yerleştirilmiştir. Görüntü işleme tekniklerinin uygulanmasında OpenCV kütüphaneleri kullanılmış ve yazılım Code∷Blocks geliştirme ortamında, C++ dilinde yazılmıştır. Robotun bilek kısmı, eklem kaçıklıklı ve artık yapılı olması nedeniyle kullanılmamış, ana eklemleri olan ilk üç eklem kullanılmıştır. Ters kinematik analizinde, analitik çözüm yöntemi tercih edilmiştir ve yazılımı görüntü işleme yazılımının devamına yazılmıştır. Robotun hareket kontrolü, L298 motor sürücü entegreli kartlar ve Arduino Mega 2560 mikrodenetleyicisi ile yapılmış, yazılımı Arduino IDE ortamında yazılmıştır. Robotun eklemlerinin alacağı açı değerleri Arduino'ya Code∷Blocks ortamından seri port üzerinden gelmektedir. Geliştirilen bu sistem, robotik ve görüntü işlemeye dayalı robot kontrol uygulamalarında eğitim amaçlı kullanılmaya elverişli durumdadır

    Design of a String Encoder-and-IMU-Based 6D Pose Measurement System for a Teaching Tool and Its Application in Teleoperation of a Robot Manipulator

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    Potassium permanganate is mostly used for lightening denim in the textile industry. It is an inorganic chemical compound and an oxidizing agent. PP is sprayed to denim with a spray gun as microparticles. During the spraying process, these microparticles can be inhaled by workers causing lung diseases in the long term. PP spray is one of the most dangerous practices in the textile industry for the health and safety of workers. Robots can carry out PP spray instead of humans to protect workers' health. Also, robots offer less labor cost, no labor mistake, fast production, and standardization in every product. The use of robots requires the teaching of tasks to robots. For this teaching procedure, it is necessary to record the teaching tool's movements with high precision and accuracy. In this study, it is aimed at measuring the position and orientation, i.e. the pose, of the teaching tool in six dimensions using an inertial measurement unit (IMU) and six string encoders. In addition to this, the measured pose information is transferred to a robot manipulator for tracking the recorded trajectory. In that way, the operator's movements can be copied and then used by robots to regenerate the best product while protecting the health of workers. The pose measurement system was designed and experimentally tested. The obtained results show that the system satisfies accuracy and precision expectations for the target application

    Design of a String-Encoder and IMU Based 6D Pose Measurement System

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    Industrial robots have been a part of industrial production for a long time and they are expanding their sphere of influence with developing technologies. The use of robots requires the teaching of tasks to robots. For this teaching procedure, it is necessary to record the teaching tool's movements in high precision and accuracy. In this paper, it is aimed to measure the position and orientation, in other words the pose of the teaching tool in six dimensions using an inertial measurement unit and four string-encoders attached to the teaching tool. Then, the measured pose information can be transferred to a robot manipulator for tracking the recorded trajectory of the teaching tool. In that way, operator's movement can be copied and then used by robots to reproduce best product which has been produced by the operator. The 6D pose measurement system was designed and experimentally tested, and the obtained results show that the system satisfies accuracy and precision expectations for target applications