21 research outputs found

    A Telemeter System for Continuous Observations of Cosmic-Ray Intensity

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    A simple telemeter system was constructed and has been in operation since March, 1972 for sending the cosmic-ray data from the underground observatory to our laboratory in the university. The system was simplified by considering both the distance (~3.5 km) and the amounts of data to be sent. The same punched paper tape as that at the underground is produced simultaneously at our laboratory, through which the remote apparatus in the tunnel can be monitored. A satisfactory data-sending has been obtained by utilizing the present system. Based on the experimental results, some improvements for the future performation are also mentioned.Article信州大学理学部紀要 8(1): 27-35(1973)departmental bulletin pape

    Theoretical Calculation of Cosmic-Ray Solar Semi-Diurnal Variation -Nucleonic Component

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    Theoretical calculations of the solar semi-diurnal variation expected at 41 stations for the nucleonic component have been made for two types of spectra, the power- and exponential-type. The latitude distribution of the semi-diurnal anisotropy has also been considered of both forms of the cosine- and the square of the cosine-function of the geographic latitude. Calculated results for four cases of the combination of these spectral and latitude dependences are compared. It is found that a difference in the results for the two types of the latitude distribution is appreciably large, particularly in the amplitude at high and very high latitude stations. A tendency is also shown in comparison of the results for the two types of spectral dependences that the calculated values with some higher cut-off rigidity in the power-type spectrum rather corresponds to the values with the rigidity giving the peak intensity in the exponential-type spectrum. Finally the expected relative amplitude and average deflection angle are tabulated for the case where the spectral form is of the exponential-type of R^γexp(-R/R_0) and the latitude distribution has a form of (√3)/2cos^2λ.Article信州大学理学部紀要 5(1): 37-64(1970)departmental bulletin pape

    SSL for Auditory ERP-Based BCI

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    A brain–computer interface (BCI) is a communication tool that analyzes neural activity and relays the translated commands to carry out actions. In recent years, semi-supervised learning (SSL) has attracted attention for visual event-related potential (ERP)-based BCIs and motor-imagery BCIs as an effective technique that can adapt to the variations in patterns among subjects and trials. The applications of the SSL techniques are expected to improve the performance of auditory ERP-based BCIs as well. However, there is no conclusive evidence supporting the positive effect of SSL techniques on auditory ERP-based BCIs. If the positive effect could be verified, it will be helpful for the BCI community. In this study, we assessed the effects of SSL techniques on two public auditory BCI datasets—AMUSE and PASS2D—using the following machine learning algorithms: step-wise linear discriminant analysis, shrinkage linear discriminant analysis, spatial temporal discriminant analysis, and least-squares support vector machine. These backbone classifiers were firstly trained by labeled data and incrementally updated by unlabeled data in every trial of testing data based on SSL approach. Although a few data of the datasets were negatively affected, most data were apparently improved by SSL in all cases. The overall accuracy was logarithmically increased with every additional unlabeled data. This study supports the positive effect of SSL techniques and encourages future researchers to apply them to auditory ERP-based BCIs


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    A multi-directional muon telescope having an area of 8m² was constructed in a tunnel with a vertical depth of approximately 50 m. w. e. at Matsumoto. Continuous measurements of cosmic-ray intensity have been made since April 7, 1971. A preliminary report is presented concerning the underground site, experimental apparatus, and its arrangement, as well as some examples of experimental data obtained, and analyzed results of cosmic-ray daily variation. Counting-rates are 6 x 10⁴/hr of vertical component for 8 m² area at a depth of ~50 m. w. e., and 3.4 x 10⁴ /hr of N-component at ~42 m. w. e., 0.85 x 10⁴ /hr of S-component at ~92 m. w. e. for each of 6 m² area, 1. 1 x 10⁴ /hr of E-component at ~65 m. w. e., and 1. 55 x 10⁴ /hr of W-component at ~53 m.w.e. for each of 4m² area, inclined at 40° to the vertical. It is found that the observed phases of diurnal and semidiurnal vectors for five components are indicative of the extraterrestrial nature of the daily variation. The observation thus may provide an important information on the modulation of cosmic-ray intensity variation.Article信州大学教養部紀要. 第二部, 自然科学 6: 9-30(1972)departmental bulletin pape

    Evaluation of the home nursing science lecture performance through the teaching evaluation scale

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    The home nursing science course has become more important, so the quality of that course must be improved for the students, in Jap an. To improve the home nursing science lecture, we conducted a survey of first-year nursing students of nursing school for associate nurses, using a scale to assess the teaching-learning process in nursing lectures. In addition, the evaluation of the lecture was also done by colleague teacher. According to the study, it was found that it has been important to develop the motivation of students, and to make approach for positive attitude of students. Then, teachers have been progressed by themselves with aspiration

    Life in the fast lane: Revisiting the fast growth—High survival paradigm during the early life stages of fishes

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    Early life survival is critical to successful replenishment of fish populations, and hypotheses developed under the Growth-Survival Paradigm (GSP) have guided investigations of controlling processes. The GSP postulates that recruitment depends on growth and mortality rates during early life stages, as well as their duration, after which the mortality declines substantially. The GSP predicts a shift in the frequency distribution of growth histories with age towards faster growth rates relative to the initial population because slow-growing individuals are subject to high mortality (via starvation and predation). However, mortality data compiled from 387 cases published in 153 studies (1971–2022) showed that the GSP was only supported in 56% of cases. Selection against slow growth occurred in two-thirds of field studies, leaving a non-negligible fraction of cases showing either an absence of or inverse growth-selective survival, suggesting the growth-survival relationship is more complex than currently considered within the GSP framework. Stochastic simulations allowed us to assess the influence of key intrinsic and extrinsic factors on the characteristics of surviving larvae and identify knowledge gaps on the drivers of variability in growth-selective survival. We suggest caution when interpreting patterns of growth selection because changes in variance and autocorrelation of individual growth rates among cohorts can invalidate fundamental GSP assumptions. We argue that breakthroughs in recruitment research require a comprehensive, population-specific characterization of the role of predation and intrinsic factors in driving variability in the distribution and autocorrelation of larval growth rates, and of the life stage corresponding to the endpoint of pre-recruited life. -- Keywords : critical period ; growth-mortality ; individual characteristics ; larval physiology ; predation ; recruitment endpoint

    Comparison of the EEG between before and during sleeping by the RCE analysis

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    It is crucial to practically estimate the dozing like the driver dozing, because many people cannot have enough sleeping caused by irregular hour and much stress. In the conventional study, the electroencephalogram (EEG) has been a promising indicator to driver dozing. Furthermore, it is known that frequency of the EEG is highly related to the sleep and the wake conditions. Therefore, we propose to extract frequency components of the EEG from the whole cerebral cortex, by using the rhythmic component extraction (RCE), proposed by Tanaka et al. RCE extracts a component by combining multi-channel signals with weights that are optimally sought for such that the extracted component maximally contains the power in the frequency range of interest and suppresses that in unnecessary frequencies. We found difference between the features obtained by RCE in the sleep and in the wake conditions. This implies that this method is available for analyzing the sleeping.APSIPA ASC 2009: Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association, 2009 Annual Summit and Conference. 4-7 October 2009. Sapporo, Japan. Oral session: Advances in Signal Processing for Brain Data Analysis and Feature Extraction (5 October 2009)