2,381 research outputs found

    High performance subgraph mining in molecular compounds

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    Structured data represented in the form of graphs arises in several fields of the science and the growing amount of available data makes distributed graph mining techniques particularly relevant. In this paper, we present a distributed approach to the frequent subgraph mining problem to discover interesting patterns in molecular compounds. The problem is characterized by a highly irregular search tree, whereby no reliable workload prediction is available. We describe the three main aspects of the proposed distributed algorithm, namely a dynamic partitioning of the search space, a distribution process based on a peer-to-peer communication framework, and a novel receiver-initiated, load balancing algorithm. The effectiveness of the distributed method has been evaluated on the well-known National Cancer Institute’s HIV-screening dataset, where the approach attains close-to linear speedup in a network of workstations


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat peningkatan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis siswa SMP Negeri 1 Langsa setelah diimplementasikan model pembelajaran creative problem solving (CPS). Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian The One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Sampel dalam penelitian adalah kelas VII-C SMP Negeri 1 Langsa, berjumlah 26 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah pre-test dan post-test. Berdasarkan pengujian hipotesis diperoleh thitung = 9,42 ˃ = 2,059 maka disimpulkan menolak dan menerima artinya pada nilai signifikan α = 0,05 bahwa terdapat peningkatan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis siswa SMP Negeri 1 Langsa setelah diimplementasikan model pembelajaran creative problem solving (CPS)

    Post-Radical-Prostatectomy Urinary Incontinence: The Management of Concomitant Bladder Neck Contracture

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    Urinary incontinence postradical prostatectomy is a common problem which adversely affects quality of life. Concomitant bladder neck contracture in the setting of postprostatectomy incontinence represents a challenging clinical problem. Postprostatectomy bladder neck contracture is frequently recurrent and makes surgical management of incontinence difficult. The aetiology of bladder neck contracture and what constitutes the optimum management strategy are controversial. Here we review the literature and also present our approach

    Peran Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan Di SDN 18/III Tarutung Kabupaten Kerinci

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    This study aims to: (1) describe the role of school principals in increasing educational support through planning, organizing, and supervising school programs in SDN 18 / III Tarutung, Kerinci Regency; (2) describe the obstacles in improving the quality of education. This research is a case study using qualitative. The subjects of the study were the Principal, educators, and education staff. The results of this study indicate the role of school principals in improving the quality of education: (1) planning and initiating programs, curriculum, learning policies, counseling guidance with educators and education staff; (2) creating an organizational structure that requires parents through the school board and completing the required infrastructure; (3) educating educators and education in the administration process, and learning media; (4) disciplining educators and education personnel in the learning process from the admission process to the completion of the teaching and learning program. (5) Give a good and calm example at work, motivate and respect moral and material responsibilities, increase welfare, include educators and education personnel in training and education and motivate senior teachers to have a lifelong spirit of education; (6) Apply the principle of kinship in all activities. The constraint that speaks is the factor of facilities and infrastructure in supporting student learning activities.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mendeskripsikan peran kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan dukungan pendidikan melalui perencanaan, pengorganisasian, dan pengawasan program sekolah di SDN 18 / III Tarutung Kabupaten Kerinci; (2) mendeskripsikan kendala dalam peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus dengan menggunakan kualitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah Kepala Sekolah, Pendidik, dan Tenaga Kependidikan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan peran kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan: (1) perencanaan dan inisiasi program, kurikulum, kebijakan pembelajaran, bimbingan konseling dengan pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan; (2) membuat struktur organisasi yang mengharuskan orang tua melalui dewan sekolah dan melengkapi infrastruktur yang dibutuhkan; (3) mendidik pendidik dan pendidikan dalam proses administrasi, dan media pembelajaran; (4) pendisiplinan pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan dalam proses pembelajaran dari proses penerimaan sampai dengan penyelesaian program belajar mengajar. (5) Memberi contoh yang baik dan tenang dalam bekerja, memotivasi dan menghormati tanggung jawab moral dan material, meningkatkan kesejahteraan, mengikutsertakan pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan dalam pelatihan dan pendidikan serta memotivasi guru senior agar memiliki jiwa pendidikan yang kekal; (6) Menerapkan prinsip kekeluargaan dalam segala aktivitas. Kendala yang berbicara adalah faktor sarana dan prasarana dalam menunjang kegiatan belajar siswa

    Esthésioneuroblastome nasosinusien: Nouvelles modalités thérapeutiques

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    Introduction : L’esthésioneuroblastome est une tumeur maligne rare des cavités nasosinusiennes. La chirurgie par voie externe et la radiothérapie ont été le traitement de référence. L’utilisation ces dernières années de la chirurgie endoscopique endonasale et de la chimiothérapie parait prometteuse.Observations : Nous présentons deux cas cliniques de patients traités pour esthésioneuroblastome nasosinusien : Le premier par une chirurgie endoscopique endonasale et une radiothérapie, le second par une chimio-radiothérapie. L’évolution a été favorable respectivement à 39 mois et à 49 mois.Discussion : A travers une revue de la littérature, nous discuterons les différentes modalités thérapeutiques de cette tumeur.Mots clés : esthésioneuroblastome, sinus, traitement


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kemampuan siswa SMP Negeri 2 Langsa dalam menyelesaikan soal High Order Thinking Skills pada materi statistika yang ditinjau dari soal analisis, soal evaluasi, dan soal mencipta serta faktor-faktor apa saja yang membuat siswa keliru dalam menyelesaikan soal HOTS. Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII-1 SMP Negeri 2 Langsa yang berjumlah 15 siswa. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah kemampuan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). Dari Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persentase rata-rata kemampuan HOTS siswa di bagian menganalisis (analyze) sudah di kriteria cukup yaitu 58,88%, dan pada bagian mengevaluasi (evaluate) masih di kriteria cukup yaitu, 41,67%, begitu juga pada bagian mencipta (create) masih di kriteria lemah yaitu, 35,18%. faktor yang menyebabkan siswa keliru dalam menyelesaikan soal high order thinking meliputi: belum pernah menyelesaikan soal berbasis HOTS berdasarkan hasil tes dan wawancara, kurangnya pemahaman siswa terhadap soal, kurang teliti dalam proses pengerjaan soal, serta tidak maksimal selama proses pembelajaran yang berlangsung

    Threshold Verification Technique for Network Intrusion Detection System

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    Internet has played a vital role in this modern world, the possibilities and opportunities offered are limitless. Despite all the hype, Internet services are liable to intrusion attack that could tamper the confidentiality and integrity of important information. An attack started with gathering the information of the attack target, this gathering of information activity can be done as either fast or slow attack. The defensive measure network administrator can take to overcome this liability is by introducing Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) in their network. IDS have the capabilities to analyze the network traffic and recognize incoming and on-going intrusion. Unfortunately the combination of both modules in real time network traffic slowed down the detection process. In real time network, early detection of fast attack can prevent any further attack and reduce the unauthorized access on the targeted machine. The suitable set of feature selection and the correct threshold value, add an extra advantage for IDS to detect anomalies in the network. Therefore this paper discusses a new technique for selecting static threshold value from a minimum standard features in detecting fast attack from the victim perspective. In order to increase the confidence of the threshold value the result is verified using Statistical Process Control (SPC). The implementation of this approach shows that the threshold selected is suitable for identifying the fast attack in real time.Comment: 8 Pages, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Securit

    Mapping Contemporary Islamic Jurisprudence of Muḥammad Saʻīd Al-‘ashmāwī and Muḥammad Shaḥrūr

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    Muḥammad Saʻīd Al-‘Ashmāwī and Muḥammad Shaḥrūr are well known as contemporary Muslim thinkers. This article tries to map their contemporary ideas on Islamic jurisprudence. The main data of this research taken mainly from the works both of Al-‘Ashmāwī and Shaḥrūr. In particular, the paper tries to analyze Al-‘Ashmāwī‘s ideas on sharia, politics, hijab, marriage and divorce. On the other hand, the ideas of Shahrour on al-Qur\u27an, Sunnah and Fiqh, the theory of borders, pluralism, the commandment, inheritance, hijab, marriage, divorce, dowry, politics, and imamate are also critizised. After analyzing their lives and their ideas on Islamic jurisprudence, the paper found that their social, educational and practical backgrounds have affected their intellectual formations and ideas. Ashmawi is encouraged by diligence and enlightenment and is believed to be enlightened. Shahrour, however, takes a new approach in order to create the ḥudūd theory as a new way. As well as their intellectual background, Ashmawi has a good queen in Arabic, English and French as well as religion, Sharia, jurisprudence and theology. Shahrour is a good queen in Arabic, English, Russian, philosophy, philology and historical language

    Determining and mapping of vegetation using GIS and phytosociological approach in Mount Tahan, Malaysia.

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    The study on lowland tropical forest plants is complicated by the extreme species diversity, very complex plant mosaic and time constraints. These impediments however do not occur in mountain forest, where habitat diversity is clearly distinguished by small homogenous plants types. Plant association and composition study were presented in this work from two locations of Mount Tahan, Malaysia the relatively untrampled and the trampled site. In each site, plant species number, vegetation cover, plant height, and species cover and frequency in untrampled and trampled areas were counted or measured. The analysis included a field survey following the relevance method of Braun-Blanquet and mapping using a GIS. The study focused on altitudinal distribution of specific plants communities located between 1900 m and 2140 m altitude. The data from field survey were mapped and analyzed in GIS. The phytosociological classification revealed that untrampled areas in Botak and Puncak sites were high in species more diversified communities compared to the trampled areas. The results showed that Leptospermum flavescens was the dominant species most in both sites (Botak and Puncak), with 48%, specifically at the untrampled site. The abundance class and sociability value are also high for this species with score 4.5 out of 5, respectively. A total number of trees in the area probably play an important role in quantifying the species richness and diversity parameters. From the study it can be concluded that GIS technique useful in developing a tree mapping system and creating a geo-database for spatial analysis. Further studies are recommended to integrate more data into the system for better evaluation