134 research outputs found

    Model of Economic Phenomenon

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    As is known, economic phenomena represent the most important part of the subject of economic science. However, modern economic theory avoids a clear definition of this category. Thus, it remains unclear what is economic phenomena, and thus the economy is in its essence as suc

    Effect of local thermal equilibrium misbalance on long-wavelength slow magnetoacoustic waves

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    Evolution of slow magnetoacoustic waves guided by a cylindrical magnetic flux tube that represents a coronal loop or plume, is modeled accounting for the effects of finite gas pressure, weak nonlinearity, dissipation by thermal conduction and viscosity, and the misbalance between the cooling by optically thin radiation and unspecified heating of the plasma. An evolutionary equation of the Burgers–Malthus type is derived. It is shown that the cooling/heating misbalance, determined by the derivatives of the combined radiative cooling and heating function, with respect to the density, temperature, and magnetic field at the thermal equilibrium affect the wave rather strongly. This effect may either cause additional damping, or counteract it, or lead to the gradual amplification of the wave. In the latter case, the coronal plasma acts as an active medium for the slow magnetoacoustic waves. The effect of the cooling/heating misbalance could be important for coronal slow waves, and could be responsible for certain discrepancies between theoretical results and observations, in particular, the increased or decreased damping lengths and times, detection of the waves at certain heights only, and excitation of compressive oscillations. The results obtained open up a possibility for the diagnostics of the coronal heating function by slow magnetoacoustic waves

    Human capital for digital economy modernization

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    The article outlines the scientific approaches to the formation of digital technologies of the ecosystem of professional education and management of the formation of human capital for the real sector of the Russian economy. It has been proposed to highlight specific competences as training units (quantums), digitize them, create a level classifier and build an ordering system, a system of choice used for order fulfillment, a continuous (from general education to professional education for a given position) professional education system based on individual educational trajectories with well-defined (digitized) parameters and focused investments in human capital. Using the formed systems, it has been proposed to provide digital modernization of the main didactic processes with guaranteed achievement of specific diagnosed learning outcomes in accordance with the order.For new competencies it is possible to develop ontological models of employee professional activities. Herewith it is planned to solve several important tasks, including the development and adoption of a general concept of continuous professional education, the selection and classification of didactic units for specific professions, the development and introduction of a classification system for educational organizations according to their levels of competence, the development and introduction of a system for qualifying teachers, formation of a system of educational trajectories (necessary competencies) for business, development of pedagogical technologies standards that guarantee the achievement of results (the right people - in the right place - at the right time). It has been offered to select several branches of the real sector of the economy for the implementation of pilot projects with the subsequent dissemination of experience throughout the Russian economy

    Determination of ππ\pi\pi scattering lengths from measurement of π+π\pi^+\pi^- atom lifetime

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    The DIRAC experiment at CERN has achieved a sizeable production of π+π\pi^+\pi^- atoms and has significantly improved the precision on its lifetime determination. From a sample of 21227 atomic pairs, a 4% measurement of the S-wave ππ\pi\pi scattering length difference a0a2=(.0.25330.0078+0.0080stat.0.0073+0.0078syst)Mπ+1|a_0-a_2| = (.0.2533^{+0.0080}_{-0.0078}|_\mathrm{stat}.{}^{+0.0078}_{-0.0073}|_\mathrm{syst})M_{\pi^+}^{-1} has been attained, providing an important test of Chiral Perturbation Theory.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Coronal Shock Waves, EUV Waves, and Their Relation to CMEs. III. Shock-Associated CME/EUV Wave in an Event with a Two-Component EUV Transient

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    On 17 January 2010, STEREO-B observed in extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and white light a large-scale dome-shaped expanding coronal transient with perfectly connected off-limb and on-disk signatures. Veronig et al. (2010, ApJL 716, 57) concluded that the dome was formed by a weak shock wave. We have revealed two EUV components, one of which corresponded to this transient. All of its properties found from EUV, white light, and a metric type II burst match expectations for a freely expanding coronal shock wave including correspondence to the fast-mode speed distribution, while the transient sweeping over the solar surface had a speed typical of EUV waves. The shock wave was presumably excited by an abrupt filament eruption. Both a weak shock approximation and a power-law fit match kinematics of the transient near the Sun. Moreover, the power-law fit matches expansion of the CME leading edge up to 24 solar radii. The second, quasi-stationary EUV component near the dimming was presumably associated with a stretched CME structure; no indications of opening magnetic fields have been detected far from the eruption region.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures. Solar Physics, published online. The final publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co

    First πK\pi K atom lifetime and πK\pi K scattering length measurements

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    The results of a search for hydrogen-like atoms consisting of πK±\pi^{\mp}K^{\pm} mesons are presented. Evidence for πK\pi K atom production by 24 GeV/c protons from CERN PS interacting with a nickel target has been seen in terms of characteristic πK\pi K pairs from their breakup in the same target (178±49178 \pm 49) and from Coulomb final state interaction (653±42653 \pm 42). Using these results the analysis yields a first value for the πK\pi K atom lifetime of τ=(2.51.8+3.0)\tau=(2.5_{-1.8}^{+3.0}) fs and a first model-independent measurement of the S-wave isospin-odd πK\pi K scattering length a0=13a1/2a3/2=(0.110.04+0.09)Mπ1\left|a_0^-\right|=\frac{1}{3}\left|a_{1/2}-a_{3/2}\right|= \left(0.11_{-0.04}^{+0.09} \right)M_{\pi}^{-1} (aIa_I for isospin II).Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    First measurement of the π+π\pi^+\pi^- atom lifetime

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    The goal of the DIRAC experiment at CERN (PS212) is to measure the π+π\pi^+\pi^- atom lifetime with 10% precision. Such a measurement would yield a precision of 5% on the value of the SS-wave ππ\pi\pi scattering lengths combination a0a2|a_0-a_2|. Based on part of the collected data we present a first result on the lifetime, τ=[2.910.62+0.49]×1015\tau=[2.91 ^{+0.49}_{-0.62}]\times 10^{-15} s, and discuss the major systematic errors. This lifetime corresponds to a0a2=0.2640.020+0.033mπ1|a_0-a_2|=0.264 ^{+0.033}_{-0.020} m_{\pi}^{-1}.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Coronal Shock Waves, EUV waves, and Their Relation to CMEs. I. Reconciliation of "EIT waves", Type II Radio Bursts, and Leading Edges of CMEs

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    We show examples of excitation of coronal waves by flare-related abrupt eruptions of magnetic rope structures. The waves presumably rapidly steepened into shocks and freely propagated afterwards like decelerating blast waves that showed up as Moreton waves and EUV waves. We propose a simple quantitative description for such shock waves to reconcile their observed propagation with drift rates of metric type II bursts and kinematics of leading edges of coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Taking account of different plasma density falloffs for propagation of a wave up and along the solar surface, we demonstrate a close correspondence between drift rates of type II bursts and speeds of EUV waves, Moreton waves, and CMEs observed in a few known events.Comment: 30 pages, 15 figures. Solar Physics, published online. The final publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co

    Evidence for πK\pi K-atoms with DIRAC

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    We present evidence for the first observation of electromagnetically bound π±K\pi^\pm K^\mp-pairs (πK\pi K-atoms) with the DIRAC experiment at the CERN-PS. The πK\pi K-atoms are produced by the 24 GeV/c proton beam in a thin Pt-target and the π±\pi^\pm and KK^\mp-mesons from the atom dissociation are analyzed in a two-arm magnetic spectrometer. The observed enhancement at low relative momentum corresponds to the production of 173 ±\pm 54 πK\pi K-atoms. The mean life of πK\pi K-atoms is related to the s-wave πK\pi K-scattering lengths, the measurement of which is the goal of the experiment. From these first data we derive a lower limit for the mean life of 0.8 fs at 90% confidence level.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    DIRAC: A High Resolution Spectrometer for Pionium Detection

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    The DIRAC spectrometer has been commissioned at CERN with the aim of detecting π+π\pi^+ \pi^- atoms produced by a 24 GeV/cc high intensity proton beam in thin foil targets. A challenging apparatus is required to cope with the high interaction rates involved, the triggering of pion pairs with very low relative momentum, and the measurement of the latter with resolution around 0.6 MeV/cc. The general characteristics of the apparatus are explained and each part is described in some detail. The main features of the trigger system, data-acquisition, monitoring and setup performances are also given.Comment: 49 pages, 37 figures. Figures 1, 2, 5 and 28 are removed because of size limitations imposed by hep-ex. They don't offer essential information. Latex class file 'elsart.cls' also provide