5,164 research outputs found

    Explicit wave action conservation for water waves on vertically sheared flows

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    This paper addresses a major shortcoming of the current generation of wave models, namely their inability to describe wave propagation upon ambient currents with vertical shear. The wave action conservation equation (WAE) for linear waves propagating in horizontally inhomogeneous vertically-sheared currents is derived following Voronovich (1976). The resulting WAE specifies conservation of a certain depth-averaged quantity, the wave action, a product of the wave amplitude squared, eigenfunctions and functions of the eigenvalues of the boundary value problem for water waves upon a vertically sheared current. The formulation of the WAE is made explicit using known asymptotic solutions of the boundary value problem which exploit the smallness of the current magnitude compared to the wave phase velocity and/or its vertical shear and curvature; the adopted approximations are shown to be sufficient for most of the conceivable applications. In the limit of vanishing current shear, the new formulation reduces to that of Bretherton and Garrett (1968) without shear and the invariant is calculated with the current magnitude taken at the free surface. It is shown that in realistic oceanic conditions, the neglect of the vertical structure of the currents in wave modelling which is currently universal might lead to significant errors in wave amplitude. The new WAE which takes into account the vertical shear can be better coupled to modern circulation models which resolve the three-dimensional structure of the uppermost layer of the ocean

    Dialectal oronyms and historical morphosyntax: the method of Menéndez Pidal and adverbial formations with “cima” and “somo”

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    Debemos a Ramón Menéndez Pidal el diseño de un método de comparación de los topónimos actuales con las áreas dialectales de carácter léxico en los primeros siglos de los romances peninsulares. En este trabajo, mostramos que el método pidalino puede aplicarse a las secuencias gramaticales, en concreto a los relacionantes locativos formados a partir de los orónimos cima y somo. Tras trazar el ámbito geográfico de dichos orónimos y sus términos afines en la actualidad, lo comparamos con la ubicación de los datos de esas secuencias que ofrecen los textos antiguos: la uniformidad de ambas distribuciones es muy alta, hecho que abona el método e invita a ahondar en los aspectos dialectales de la (morfo)sintaxis histórica del españolWe owe to Ramón Menéndez Pidal the design of a comparative method that brings together present-day toponyms and Medieval Ibero-Romance lexical dialectal areas. In this contribution, we claim the method can be applied to grammatical sequences, such as the locative adverbials formed from the oronyms cima / somo [‘summit’]. After tracing the geographic extension of these oronyms and their related terms, we compare it with the location of those adverbials as attested in Medieval charters and literary texts: the uniformity of both distributions is very high, thus supporting the validity of the method and serving to spur on research on Spanish historical (morpho) syntax from a dialectal standpoin

    Differences of the oral colonization by Streptococcus of the mutans group in children and adolescents with Down syndrome, mental retardation and normal controls

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    Objective: to compare the concentration and serotype of Streptococcus mutans in saliva of Down syndrome (DS), mental retarded (MR) and healthy control (C) individuals of the Región Metropolitana Sur of Santiago of Chile. Design of the study: Hundred and seventy nine male and females children and adolescents, aged between 5 to 19 years, 59 DS, 60 MR and 60 C were studied. Saliva samples were cultured in TYCSB agar for quantification, biochemical and serological tests. ANOVA and Chi-square for homogeneity tests were applied. Results: C, DS and MR presented Streptococcus mutans (serotypes c, e, f) and Streptococcus sobrinus (d, g, h), but only among DS and MR non-typifiable (No-tip) Streptococcus mutans were found. MR and DS showed higher bacteria concentration scores than C (P=0.001). Serotypes showed a significant heterogeneity of concentration scores: d, g, h showed the highest and No-tip the lowest one (P = 0.037). Conclusions: No-tip bacteria were absent in C and present in MR and DS; this result indicates different immune and ecological conditions among these human groups. The score of Streptococcus mutans in saliva was higher in DS and MR than in C

    La imprescindible distinción entre texto y testimonio : el CORDE y los criterios de fiabilidad lingüística

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    Este artículo se centrará en los problemas y posibilidades del corpus CORDE para la lengua medieval (974-1492). Entre los problemas, nos detendremos en la escasa fiabilidad filológica de las dataciones que ofrece y de algunos de los textos que reúne. Entre las posibilidades de explotación, pasaremos revista principalmente a los modos en que puede aquilatarse más oportunamente la ingente masa de datos a que el corpus da acceso, proponiendo una clasificación de los textos del CORDE en función de su calidad e idoneidad filológica como fuentes de datos lingüísticos a partir de una herramienta de filtrado que clasifica los textos en función de su fiabilidad filológica.This paper addresses the strengths and weaknesses of the CORDE corpus with regard to the Old Spanish period (974-1492). Among its weaknesses, we focus mainly on dating inaccuracy and the unclear criteria underlying corpus compilation. Turning to the possibilities for further exploitation, we contribute a searchable tool allowing to filter CORDE's data in terms of textual quality and philological accuracy: each Old Spanish text in the corpus is classified according to a list of parameters indicative of its general validity for historical linguistic research purposes, and a userfriendly three-colour code is then assigned to assess its reliability status

    Growth hormone response to growth hormone-releasing peptide-2 in growth hormone-deficient Little mice

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate a possible direct, growth hormone-releasing, hormone-independent action of a growth hormone secretagogue, GHRP-2, in pituitary somatotroph cells in the presence of inactive growth hormonereleasing hormone receptors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The responses of serum growth hormone to acutely injected growth hormone-releasing P-2 in lit/litmice, which represent a model of GH deficiency arising frommutated growth hormone-releasing hormonereceptors, were compared to those observed in the heterozygous (lit/&#43;) littermates and wild-type (&#43;/&#43;) C57BL/6J mice. RESULTS: After the administration of 10 mcg of growth hormone-releasing P-2 to lit/lit mice, a growth hormone release of 9.3±1.5 ng/ml was observed compared with 1.04±1.15 ng/ml in controls (p<0.001). In comparison, an intermediate growth hormone release of 34.5±9.7 ng/ml and a higher growth hormone release of 163±46 ng/ml were induced in the lit/&#43; mice and wild-type mice, respectively. Thus, GHRP-2 stimulated growth hormone in the lit/lit mice, and the release of growth hormone in vivo may be only partially dependent on growth hormone-releasing hormone. Additionally, the plasma leptin and ghrelin levels were evaluated in the lit/lit mice under basal and stimulated conditions. CONCLUSIONS: Here, we have demonstrated that lit/lit mice, which harbor a germline mutation in the Growth hormone-releasing hormone gene, maintain a limited but statistically significant growth hormone elevation after exogenous stimulation with GHRP-2. The present data probably reflect a direct, growth hormone-independent effect on Growth hormone S (ghrelin) stimulation in the remaining pituitary somatotrophs of little mice that is mediated by growth hormone S-R 1a

    The necessary distinction between text and copy text: on the linguistic reliability of the CORDE corpus

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    Este artículo se centrará en los problemas y posibilidades del corpus CORDE para la lengua medieval (974-1492). Entre los problemas, nos detendremos en la escasa fiabilidad filológica de las dataciones que ofrece y de algunos de los textos que reúne. Entre las posibilidades de explotación, pasaremos revista principalmente a los modos en que puede aquilatarse más oportunamente la ingente masa de datos a que el corpus da acceso, proponiendo una clasificación de los textos del CORDE en función de su calidad e idoneidad filológica como fuentes de datos lingüísticos a partir de una herramienta de filtrado que clasifica los textos en función de su fiabilidad filológica.Este artículo se centrará en los problemas y posibilidades del corpus CORDE para la lengua medieval (974-1492). Entre los problemas, nos detendremos en la escasa fiabilidad filológica de las dataciones que ofrece y de algunos de los textos que reúne. Entre las posibilidades de explotación, pasaremos revista principalmente a los modos en que puede aquilatarse más oportunamente la ingente masa de datos a que el corpus da acceso, proponiendo una clasificación de los textos del CORDE en función de su calidad e idoneidad filológica como fuentes de datos lingüísticos a partir de una herramienta de filtrado que clasifica los textos en función de su fiabilidad filológica.Este artículo se centrará en los problemas y posibilidades del corpus CORDE para la lengua medieval (974-1492). Entre los problemas, nos detendremos en la escasa fiabilidad filológica de las dataciones que ofrece y de algunos de los textos que reúne. Entre las posibilidades de explotación, pasaremos revista principalmente a los modos en que puede aquilatarse más oportunamente la ingente masa de datos a que el corpus da acceso, proponiendo una clasificación de los textos del CORDE en función de su calidad e idoneidad filológica como fuentes de datos lingüísticos a partir de una herramienta de filtrado que clasifica los textos en función de su fiabilidad filológica.This paper addresses the strengths and weaknesses of the CORDE corpus with regard to the Old Spanish period (974-1492). Among its weaknesses, we focus mainly on dating inaccuracy and the unclear criteria underlying corpus compilation. Turning to the possibilities for further exploitation, we contribute a searchable tool allowing to filter CORDE’s data in terms of textual quality and philological accuracy: each Old Spanish text in the corpus is classified according to a list of parameters indicative of its general validity for historical linguistic research purposes, and a userfriendly three-colour code is then assigned to assess its reliability status

    Ut grammatica poesis? The Spanish grammarian Vicente Salvá and the language of his novel Irene y Clara

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    Este trabajo parte del análisis de determinados rasgos morfosintácticos presentes en la versión española de Irene y Clara, cuya traducción del francés es obra de los gramáticos decimonónicos Vicente Salvá y José Mamerto Gómez Hermosilla, para comprobar en qué medida el uso escrito que revela la novela se corresponde con el uso prescrito en las obras gramaticales y retóricas de ambos autores, y en qué medida podemos considerar esta novela como un modelo práctico de prosa de la distancia comunicativa. El uso en la novela del doblado de los pronombres átonos, el leísmo y laísmo, la enclisis y la proclisis, el doblado de la negación con los indefinidos ningún o nada o la distribución del uso de las formas verbales en –ra y –se obedecen a regularidades que parecen encarnar unas determinadas elecciones normativas, de las que sin embargo no siempre hallamos eco en la producción metalingüística de nuestros dos gramáticos. Los datos contribuyen, por otro lado, a matizar la idea de una extraordinaria continuidad y estabilidad entre el primer español moderno y el actual, a la vez que ponen de manifiesto la heterogeneidad de las formas no ya solo diatópica, diastrática o diafásicamente marcadas, sino incluso ejemplares vigentes en ese primer español moderno.Vicente Salvá and José Mamerto Gómez Hermosilla, two of the most famous Spanish grammarians in the early 19th century, also co-authored an adaptation of a French novel which they titled Irene and Clara. In this paper we offer a detailed analysis of a bundle of key morphosintactic phenomena (among which third person clitic-object agreement, clitic position with regard to the main verb, clitic object doubling, negative agreement, selection of relative subordinators, selection of the subjunctive inflectional endings -ra / -se) as they appear in the novel, comparing this written usage with the prescriptive and descriptive judgments these two scholars offer in their respective grammatical works. Thus, we can check to which extent Irene and Clara’s linguistic form served as a model for educated, standardized, high-register prose abiding by the normative proposals of Salvá and Hermosilla. In a reverse move, the data also allow to ascertain or profile rules or reccomendations which are just fuzzily sketched in the grammatical works. All in all, the data reveal that even standard European Spanish (as seen and defined by educated linguists) by 1830 was still a long way from coinciding with the current norm