330 research outputs found

    How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character by Paul Tough

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    In an effort to help students succeed we steep them in homework, emphasize the importance of grades, and, to some extent, convey that test scores are the only goal that students should aspire for. There is probably an underlying assumption that somehow test scores will translate into an ability to navigate difficult life circumstances and also lead to a happy life. Paul Tough questions these well-intentioned assumptions in his book How Children Succeed. He grapples with questions that we as educators, policymakers and parents constantly struggle with: “Which skills and traits really (italics added) lead to success? How do these skills develop?

    Faktor-faktor yang Berpengaruh pada Loyalitas Pengguna Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kabupaten Buton

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kualitas layanan,kepuasan pasien, citra rumah sakit dan nilai terhadap loyalitas pasien. Penelitian ini adalahpenelitian kuantitatif dengan desain studi cross-sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian iniadalah Pasien rawat inap RSUD Kabupaaten Buton, sampel berjumlah 67 orang danmerupakan pasien yang telah atau sedang melakukan pengobatan di pelayanan rawat inapRumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kabupaten Buton. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakankuesioner yang dilakukan selama bulan September-November 2015 di RSUD KabupatenButon Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan metode analisis regresi berganda. Hasilpenelitian secara simultan menunjukkan bahwa variabel kualitas pelayanan, kepuasan, citrarumah sakit dan nilai berpengaruh signifikan terhadap loyalitas pasien.dapat diketahui nilaiR2 sebesar 44,6% maka dapat disimpulakan bahwa loyalitas pasien dapat dijelaskan olehkualitas layanan, kepuasan pasien, citra dan nilai, sedangkan sisanya yaitu 55,4% loyalitaspasien dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel-variabel lainnya yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini

    Relación de ayuda de la enfermera y nivel de adherencia del adulto en el tratamiento antirretroviral. Hospital Regional Docente de Trujillo, 2015

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    La presente investigación es de tipo descriptiva-correlacional, de corte transversal, se realizó con el propósito de determinar la reciprocidad que existe entre la “Relación de ayuda de la enfermera y nivel de adherencia del adulto en el tratamiento antirretrovi ral“; la muestra estuvo constituida por 198 adultos que cumplieron con los criterios establecidos. Los datos fueron recogidos a través de dos instrumentos, una encuesta para medir el Nivel de Relación de Ayuda de la enfermera elaborado por Morillo Chamorro Shirley y Vértiz Almengor Ana, modificado por las investigadoras; y el Test de Cumplimiento Autocomunicado de Morinski- Green-Levine para valorar el nivel de adherencia. Los resultados fueron que el 69% de los pacientes tienen una buena relación de ayuda de la enfermera, y el 31% una relación de ayuda regular. El 84% de los pacientes son adherentes y el 16% no son adherentes; se utilizó la prueba Chi cuadrado dando como resultado una relación significativa con un p<0.05 entre la relación de ayuda de la enfermera y el nivel de adherencia del adulto en el Tratamiento Antirretroviral.This research is correlational descriptive, cross-sectional type, was performed in order to determine the correlation between the "ratio and support patient adherence level of adult antiretroviral treatment"; the sample consisted of 198 adults who met the criteria. Data were collected through two instruments, a survey to measure the level ratio nurse helping Chamorro Morillo prepared by Shirley and Ana Almengor Vertiz, as amended by the researchers; and Compliance Test Autocomunicado of Morinski-Green-Levine to assess the level of adherence. The results were that 69% of patients have a good relationship helps nurse, and 31% ratio of regular contributions. 84% of patients are adherent and 16% are nonadherent; chi square test resulting in a significant association with p <0.05 between the relationship of help from the nurse and the level of adherence in adult antiretroviral treatment was used

    Satisfaction with Intrauterine Device Insertion Procedure Among Adolescent and Young Adult Women in a Clinical Trial

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate satisfaction with intrauterine device (IUD) insertion procedures among adolescent and young adult women. METHODS: This secondary analysis of data from a multisite, single-blind, sham-controlled randomized trial of women having a levonorgestrel 13.5-mg IUD inserted enrolled participants from March 2015 through July 2016 at three family planning clinics in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Eligible participants were 14-22 years of age, nulliparous, not pregnant, and English-speaking. Randomization was computer-generated allocation in block sizes of four to a 1% lidocaine paracervical or sham block. Only patients were blinded. Satisfaction was measured with three items that assessed overall satisfaction with the procedure, whether participants would recommend the IUD to a friend, and the perception that the IUD was worth the discomfort. Predictors included demographics, sexual and reproductive history, pain after IUD insertion, and treatment group. RESULTS: Ninety-five women enrolled; 93 (97.9%) were included in the analysis. Forty-five (47.4%) were white, 34 (36.0%) were black, 62 (66.0%) were privately insured, and 75 (79.0%) had used contraception previously. Most (n=73 [76.8%]) reported high overall satisfaction with the procedure, 64 (67.4%) would recommend an IUD to a friend, and 79 (83.2%) perceived the IUD was worth the discomfort. The odds of reporting high overall satisfaction were lower among adolescents compared with young adults (odds ratio [OR] 0.07, 95% CI 0.008-0.68); those who never had a gynecologic examination compared with those who had (OR 0.26, 95% CI 0.07-0.99); and decreased as pain score increased (OR 0.96, 95% CI 0.94-0.99). Higher pain scores were negatively correlated with the odds of recommending an IUD to a friend and perceiving the IUD was worth the discomfort. CONCLUSION: Adolescent and young adult women report high levels of satisfaction after the IUD insertion procedure. Young age, lack of experience with gynecologic examinations, and high pain were inversely related to satisfaction

    Buku Ajar Mata Kuliah Pemeriksaan Psikologi Tes Proyektif

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    Contrasting selective patterns across the segmented genome of bluetongue virus in a global reassortment hotspot

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    For segmented viruses, rapid genomic and phenotypic changes can occur through the process of reassortment, whereby co-infecting strains exchange entire segments creating novel progeny virus genotypes. However, for many viruses with segmented genomes, this process and its effect on transmission dynamics remain poorly understood. Here, we assessed the consequences of reassortment for selection on viral diversity through time using bluetongue virus (BTV), a segmented arbovirus that is the causative agent of a major disease of ruminants. We analysed ninety-two BTV genomes isolated across four decades from India, where BTV diversity, and thus opportunities for reassortment, are among the highest in the world. Our results point to frequent reassortment and segment turnover, some of which appear to be driven by selective sweeps and serial hitchhiking. Particularly, we found evidence for a recent selective sweep affecting segment 5 and its encoded NS1 protein that has allowed a single variant to essentially invade the full range of BTV genomic backgrounds and serotypes currently circulating in India. In contrast, diversifying selection was found to play an important role in maintaining genetic diversity in genes encoding outer surface proteins involved in virus interactions (VP2 and VP5, encoded by segments 2 and 6, respectively). Our results support the role of reassortment in driving rapid phenotypic change in segmented viruses and generate testable hypotheses for in vitro experiments aiming at understanding the specific mechanisms underlying differences in fitness and selection across viral genomes

    Preserving the impossible: conservation of soft-sediment hominin footprint sites and strategies for three-dimensional digital data capture.

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    Human footprints provide some of the most publically emotive and tangible evidence of our ancestors. To the scientific community they provide evidence of stature, presence, behaviour and in the case of early hominins potential evidence with respect to the evolution of gait. While rare in the geological record the number of footprint sites has increased in recent years along with the analytical tools available for their study. Many of these sites are at risk from rapid erosion, including the Ileret footprints in northern Kenya which are second only in age to those at Laetoli (Tanzania). Unlithified, soft-sediment footprint sites such these pose a significant geoconservation challenge. In the first part of this paper conservation and preservation options are explored leading to the conclusion that to 'record and digitally rescue' provides the only viable approach. Key to such strategies is the increasing availability of three-dimensional data capture either via optical laser scanning and/or digital photogrammetry. Within the discipline there is a developing schism between those that favour one approach over the other and a requirement from geoconservationists and the scientific community for some form of objective appraisal of these alternatives is necessary. Consequently in the second part of this paper we evaluate these alternative approaches and the role they can play in a 'record and digitally rescue' conservation strategy. Using modern footprint data, digital models created via optical laser scanning are compared to those generated by state-of-the-art photogrammetry. Both methods give comparable although subtly different results. This data is evaluated alongside a review of field deployment issues to provide guidance to the community with respect to the factors which need to be considered in digital conservation of human/hominin footprints

    Effects of ecstasy/polydrug use on memory for associative information

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    Rationale Associative learning underpins behaviours that are fundamental to the everyday functioning of the individual. Evidence pointing to learning deficits in recreational drug users merits further examination. Objectives A word pair learning task was administered to examine associative learning processes in ecstasy/polydrug users. Methods After assignment to either single or divided attention conditions, 44 ecstasy/polydrug users and 48 non-users were presented with 80 word pairs at encoding. Following this, four types of stimuli were presented at the recognition phase: the words as originally paired (old pairs), previously presented words in different pairings (conjunction pairs), old words paired with new words, and pairs of new words (not presented previously). The task was to identify which of the stimuli were intact old pairs. Results Ecstasy/ploydrug users produced significantly more false-positive responses overall compared to non-users. Increased long-term frequency of ecstasy use was positively associated with the propensity to produce false-positive responses. It was also associated with a more liberal signal detection theory decision criterion value. Measures of long term and recent cannabis use were also associated with these same word pair learning outcome measures. Conjunction word pairs, irrespective of drug use, generated the highest level of false-positive responses and significantly more false-positive responses were made in the divided attention condition compared to the single attention condition. Conclusions Overall, the results suggest that long-term ecstasy exposure may induce a deficit in associative learning and this may be in part a consequence of users adopting a more liberal decision criterion value