1,166 research outputs found

    Diffuse-interface model for rapid phase transformations in nonequilibrium systems

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    A thermodynamic approach to rapid phase transformations within a diffuse interface in a binary system is developed. Assuming an extended set of independent thermodynamic variables formed by the union of the classic set of slow variables and the space of fast variables, we introduce finiteness of the heat and solute diffusive propagation at the finite speed of the interface advancing. To describe the transformation within the diffuse interface, we use the phase-field model which allows us to follow the steep but smooth change of phases within the width of diffuse interface. The governing equations of the phase-field model are derived for the hyperbolic model, model with memory, and for a model of nonlinear evolution of transformation within the diffuse-interface. The consistency of the model is proved by the condition of positive entropy production and by the outcomes of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. A comparison with the existing sharp-interface and diffuse-interface versions of the model is given.Comment: 15 pages, regular article submitted to Physical Review

    Knudsen Effect in a Nonequilibrium Gas

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    From the molecular dynamics simulation of a system of hard-core disks in which an equilibrium cell is connected with a nonequilibrium cell, it is confirmed that the pressure difference between two cells depends on the direction of the heat flux. From the boundary layer analysis, the velocity distribution function in the boundary layer is obtained. The agreement between the theoretical result and the numerical result is fairly good.Comment: 4pages, 4figure

    Frequent allelic deletion at the FHIT locus associated with p53 overexpression in squamous cell carcinoma subtype of Taiwanese non-small-cell lung cancers

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    [[abstract]]The fragile histidine triad (FHIT) gene, encompassing the FRA3B fragile site at chromosome 3p14.2, is a tumour suppressor gene involved in different tumour types including non-small-cell lung cancers (NSCLCs). In the current study, we examined for allelic deletion at the FHIT locus in 58 primary and microdissected NSCLCs, for which a clinicopathologic profile was available. We found a loss of 87.7% in heterozygosity (LOH) frequency at one or more microsatellite markers (D3S1289, D3S2408, D3S1766, D3S1312, D3S1600). Allelic deletion of D3S1766 was related to tumour histology in 10 of 11 squamous cell carcinomas (90.9%) displaying LOH compared with nine of 17 adenocarcinomas (52.9%; P = 0.049). Besides, in the subset of adenocarcinomas, a higher rate of LOH at D3S1289 was observed in male ( six out of eight, 75%) than in female patients (four out of 17, 23.5%; P = 0.028). However, FHIT LOH was not correlated overall with a variety of clinical parameters including sex, smoking status, staging, lymph node metastasis and survival. These results indicated that the high frequency of FHIT gene disruption was important in the development of both squamous cell carcinomas and adenocarcinomas. Furthermore, there was no association between LOH at FHIT and protein expression, suggesting the presence of complex mechanisms of Fhit inactivation. On the other hand, the association between FHIT LOH and p53 protein overexpression assessment reached statistical significance ( P = 0.026), implying that common alterations affect the two genes in tumour progression

    Jarzynski equality for the transitions between nonequilibrium steady states

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    Jarzynski equality [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 56}, 5018 (1997)] is found to be valid with slight modefication for the transitions between nonequilibrium stationary states, as well as the one between equilibrium states. Also numerical results confirm its validity. Its relevance for nonequilibrium thermodynamics of the operational formalism is discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, revte

    Some analytical models of radiating collapsing spheres

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    We present some analytical solutions to the Einstein equations, describing radiating collapsing spheres in the diffusion approximation. Solutions allow for modeling physical reasonable situations. The temperature is calculated for each solution, using a hyperbolic transport equation, which permits to exhibit the influence of relaxational effects on the dynamics of the system.Comment: 17 pages Late

    Identification, cDNA cloning, and targeted deletion of p70, a novel, ubiquitously expressed SH3 domain-containing protein

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    In a screen for proteins that interact with Jak2, we identified a previously uncharacterized 70-kDa protein and cloned the corresponding cDNA. The predicated sequence indicates that p70 contains an SH3 domain and a C-terminal domain with similarities to the catalytic motif of phosphoglycerate mutase. p70 transcripts were found in all tissues examined. Similarly, when an antibody raised against a C-terminal peptide to analyze p70 protein expression was used, all murine tissues examined were found to express p70. To investigate the in vivo role of p70, we generated a p70-deficient mouse strain. Mice lacking p70 are viable, develop normally, and do not display any obvious abnormalities. No differences were detected in various hematological parameters, including bone marrow colony-forming ability, in response to cytokines that utilize Jak2. In addition, no impairment in B- and T-cell development and proliferative ability was detected

    A educação dos filhos com Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade: o que fazer?

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    Atualmente, o Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade(TDA/H) é um dos distúrbios mais comuns apresentados nainfância. Na pesquisa sobre esse assunto, a grande maioria dostrabalhos encontrados se refere às dificuldades e ao estresse dasfamílias, pois o relacionamento entre pais e filhos apresenta-se deforma mais conflituosa que o comum. Este estudo se propôs aestudar os pais de crianças em idade escolar com o diagnóstico deTDA/H, com o objetivo de identificar os tipos de estratégiaseducativas das quais eles fazem uso e quais consideram mais eficazesna orientação e educação dos filhos, bem como as estratégias maisutilizadas. Para tal, foi realizada a técnica do grupo focal, eentrevistas individuais. No tratamento dos dados, foi utilizada aanálise de conteúdo, conforme Olabuénega (1999), partindo dosseguintes eixos temáticos previamente estabelecidos a partir daliteratura existente: descrição da parentalidade; dificuldadeseducativas dos TDA/H; estratégias educativas utilizadas; eficáciadas estratégias. Os resultados mostraram que as estratégias utilizadassão: negociação, bater, castigo, chantagem e a tomada deconsciência, como as mais usadas pelos pais

    Pumping Speed Measurement and Analysis for the Turbo Booster Pump

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    This study applies testing apparatus and a computational approach to examine a newly designed spiral-grooved turbo booster pump (TBP), which has both volume type and momentum transfer type vacuum pump functions, and is capable of operating at optimum discharge under pressures from approximately 1000 Pa to a high vacuum. Transitional flow pumping speed is increased by a well-designed connecting element. Pumping performance is predicted and examined via two computational approaches, namely the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method and the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method. In CFD analysis, comparisons of measured and calculated inlet pressure in the slip and continuum flow demonstrate the accuracy of the calculation. Meanwhile, in transition flow, the continuum model of CFD is unsuitable for calculating such rarefied gas. The pumping characteristics for a full 3D model on a rotating frame in transition and molecular regimes thus are simulated using the DSMC method and then confirmed experimentally. However, when the Knudsen number is in the range 0.5 < Kn < 0.1, neither CFD computation nor DSMC simulation is suitable for analyzing the pumping speed of the turbo booster pump. In this situation, the experimental approach is the most appropriate and effective method for analyzing pumping speed. Moreover, the developed pump is tested using assessment systems constructed according to ISO and JVIS-005 standards, respectively. Comparisons are also made with other turbo pumps. The compared results show that the turbo booster pump presented here has good foreline performance

    Pore-size dependence of the thermal conductivity of porous silicon : a phonon hydrodynamic approach

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    Phononhydrodynamics is used to analyze the influence of porosity and of pore size on reduction in thermal conductivity in porous silicon, with respect to crystalline silicon. The expressions predict that the thermal conductivity is lower for higher porosity and for smaller pore radius, as a consequence of phononballisticeffects. The theoretical results describe experimental data better than the assumption that they only depend on porosity

    Steady State Thermodynamics of Langevin Systems

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    We study Langevin dynamics describing nonequilibirum steady states. Employing the phenomenological framework of steady state thermodynamics constructed by Oono and Paniconi [Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. {\bf130}, 29 (1998)], we find that the extended form of the second law which they proposed holds for transitions between steady states and that the Shannon entropy difference is related to the excess heat produced in an infinitely slow operation. A generalized version of the Jarzynski work relation plays an important role in our theory.Comment: 4 page