915 research outputs found

    Real-time marker-less multi-person 3D pose estimation in RGB-Depth camera networks

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    This paper proposes a novel system to estimate and track the 3D poses of multiple persons in calibrated RGB-Depth camera networks. The multi-view 3D pose of each person is computed by a central node which receives the single-view outcomes from each camera of the network. Each single-view outcome is computed by using a CNN for 2D pose estimation and extending the resulting skeletons to 3D by means of the sensor depth. The proposed system is marker-less, multi-person, independent of background and does not make any assumption on people appearance and initial pose. The system provides real-time outcomes, thus being perfectly suited for applications requiring user interaction. Experimental results show the effectiveness of this work with respect to a baseline multi-view approach in different scenarios. To foster research and applications based on this work, we released the source code in OpenPTrack, an open source project for RGB-D people tracking.Comment: Submitted to the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automatio

    Explosive first-order transition to synchrony in networked chaotic oscillators

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    Critical phenomena in complex networks, and the emergence of dynamical abrupt transitions in the macroscopic state of the system are currently a subject of the outmost interest. We report evidence of an explosive phase synchronization in networks of chaotic units. Namely, by means of both extensive simulations of networks made up of chaotic units, and validation with an experiment of electronic circuits in a star configuration, we demonstrate the existence of a first order transition towards synchronization of the phases of the networked units. Our findings constitute the first prove of this kind of synchronization in practice, thus opening the path to its use in real-world applications.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett. in pres

    ELVIS: Entertainment-led video summaries

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    © ACM, 2010. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, 6(3): Article no. 17 (2010) http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1823746.1823751Video summaries present the user with a condensed and succinct representation of the content of a video stream. Usually this is achieved by attaching degrees of importance to low-level image, audio and text features. However, video content elicits strong and measurable physiological responses in the user, which are potentially rich indicators of what video content is memorable to or emotionally engaging for an individual user. This article proposes a technique that exploits such physiological responses to a given video stream by a given user to produce Entertainment-Led VIdeo Summaries (ELVIS). ELVIS is made up of five analysis phases which correspond to the analyses of five physiological response measures: electro-dermal response (EDR), heart rate (HR), blood volume pulse (BVP), respiration rate (RR), and respiration amplitude (RA). Through these analyses, the temporal locations of the most entertaining video subsegments, as they occur within the video stream as a whole, are automatically identified. The effectiveness of the ELVIS technique is verified through a statistical analysis of data collected during a set of user trials. Our results show that ELVIS is more consistent than RANDOM, EDR, HR, BVP, RR and RA selections in identifying the most entertaining video subsegments for content in the comedy, horror/comedy, and horror genres. Subjective user reports also reveal that ELVIS video summaries are comparatively easy to understand, enjoyable, and informative

    Designing novel applications for emerging multimedia technology

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    Current R&D in media technologies such as Multimedia, Semantic Web and Sensor Web technologies are advancing in a fierce rate and will sure to become part of our important regular items in a 'conventional' technology inventory in near future. While the R&D nature of these technologies means their accuracy, reliability and robustness are not sufficient enough to be used in real world yet, we want to envision now the near-future where these technologies will have matured and used in real applications in order to explore and start shaping many possible new ways these novel technologies could be utilised. In this talk, some of this effort in designing novel applications that incorporate various media technologies as their backend will be presented. Examples include novel scenarios of LifeLogging application that incorporate automatic structuring of millions of photos passively captured from a SenseCam (wearable digital camera that automatically takes photos triggered by environmental sensors) and an interactive TV application incorporating a number of multimedia tools yet extremely simple and easy to use with a remote control in a lean-back position. The talk will conclude with remarks on how the design of novel applications that have no precedence or existing user base should require somewhat different approach from those suggested and practiced in conventional usability engineering methodology

    The Impact of Different Estrus Synchronization Programs on Postpartum Holstein Dairy Cow Reproductive Performance

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to see how the Ovsynch, modified Ovsynch, presynch, and modified presynch protocols affected postpartum reproductive performance in dairy cows. Design: Randomized controlled experimental study Animals: The current research involved 412 dairy cows. Procedures: The cows were split into four groups: GnRH was given on day 0, PGF2∝ on day 7, and GnRH on day 9. Group 1: (Ovsynch protocol, n= 117) received GnRH on day 0 and PGF2∝ on day 7. Group 2 (modified Ovsynch, n=113): PMSG on day 0, PGF2 on day 7, and PMSG on day 9. Group 3 (presynch protocol, n=98) got two doses of PGF2 14 days apart, which allowed for a 12-day delay in the start of Ovsynch. Group 4 (modified presynch protocol, n=84) got two PGF2∝ doses 14 days apart, which was 12 days before the start of modified Ovsynch. All of the animals were artificially inseminated 16 hours following their last GnRH or PMSG dose. The ovarian rebound, number of services per conception, days open, and calving interval were the measures for determining reproductive performance for the dairy cows. Results: The main effect of the synchronisation program showed no significance for ovarian rebound (P >0.05). The S/C, days open and calving intervals were decreased significantly (P<0.05) in the 3rd and 4th groups when compared with the cows that received either GPG or PMSG treatment only. All four groups had a conception rate of 35.04 (41/117), 40.7 (46/113), 44.8 (44/98), and 57.14 (48/84) %, respectively (P<0.05). Conclusion and clinical relevance: It was investigated that giving two PGF2 injections before Ovsynch, either utilizing GnRH or PMSG methods, improved the reproductive performance of dairy cows. Furthermore, cows given PMSG had a greater conception rate than cows given GnRH


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    El presente trabajo determinó factores de riesgo relacionados con la depresión post-parto en gestantes que asistieron al Hospital San Juan de Dios de Pamplona, durante el primer periodo académico del 2012. Para el logro de esta investigación se emplearon los principales conceptos teóricos de Cheril Tatano Back a través de la aplicación de instrumentos validados, tales como: Escala de Ansiedad, Depresión de Goldberg, Apgar familiar, Cuestionario de Apoyo social de Duke-UNC, Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg, y la Escala de Depresión Postparto de Edimburgo a pacientes conscientes y orientados que accedieron voluntariamente a participar, gracias a esto se encontraron factores de riesgo que no fueron significativos para que las gestantes padeciesen depresión post-parto

    Variable stars in the bulge globular cluster NGC 6401

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    We present a study of variable stars in globular cluster NGC 6401. The cluster is only 5.3º away from the Galactic centre and suffers from strong differential reddening. The photometric precision afforded us by difference image analysis resulted in improved sensitivity to variability in formerly inaccessible interior regions of the cluster. We find 23 RRab and 11 RRc stars within one cluster radius (2.4'), for which we provide coordinates, finder-charts and time-series photometry. Through Fourier decomposition of the RR Lyrae star light curves we derive a mean metallicity of [Fe/H]UVES = -1.13 ± 0.06 ([Fe/H]ZW = -1.25 ± 0.06), and a distance of d ≈ 6.35 ± 0.81 kpc. Using the RR Lyrae population, we also determine that NGC 6401 is an Oosterhoff type I cluster.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Variaciones de riesgo en valores de tensión arterial en pacientes hipertensos durante procedimientos odontológicos

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    RESUMENIntroducción: Las variaciones de Tensión Arterial (TA) de origen fisiológico son frecuentes; sin embargo, los procedimientos durante la consulta odontológica podrían generar variaciones a valores de riesgo de TA que pueden alterar el estado sistémico, o generar complicaciones médicas que comprometen la integridad del paciente. Objetivo: Identificar factores que generan variaciones de riesgo de la Tensión Arterial durante los procedimientos odontológicos en pacientes hipertensos y no hipertensos. Materiales y métodos: Se diseñó un estudio observacional descriptivo, en 108 pacientes. Se evaluaron tanto hipertensos como no hipertensos, incluidos por un muestreo probabilístico por conglomerados; se evaluaron variables sociodemográficas, presión arterial antes, durante y después del procedimiento, factores de riesgo cardiovascular y aquellas dependientes del procedimiento. Los datos se procesaron en el programa SPSS 21, utilizando medidas de tendencia central y dispersión, desviación estándar (DE) e intervalos de confianza (IC), frecuencias, chi 2, T test, diferencia de medias, ANOVA de una vía y medidas repetidas. Resultados: La edad media fue 62,3 años con DE 12,5 años; 42(38,9%) fueron no hipertensos y 66(61,1%) hipertensos. Las variaciones de presión sistólica mayor a 20mmHg y diastólica mayor a 10mmHg se presentaron en mayor porcentaje en los hipertensos con control errático. Así mismo las variaciones fueron superiores en mujeres y en procedimientos sin uso de anestésico. Según el tipo de hipertensión, se encontraron diferencias entre el grupo de sanos con los grupos control errático, mal control y sin control. Al aplicar un modelo lineal de medidas repetidas, se encontraron diferencias en las tres mediciones en los diferentes tipos de hipertensión. Conclusiones: Los factores relacionados a variaciones de riesgo fueron el control errático, sexo femenino y duración del procedimiento.Palabras Clave: Hipertensión; Odontología; Tensión Arterial. Risk changes in blood pressure in hypertensive patients during dental proceduresABSTRACTIntroduction: Physiologic changes in blood pressure are frequent, nevertheless dental procedures could trigger an increase in blood pressure, which may alter the state or even generate systemic vascular injury or medical complications, that compromise patient integrity. Objectives: To identify factors, which produce risk variations of blood pressure levels during dental procedures in hypertensive and no hypertensive patients. Materials and Methods: A descriptive study was made in 108 patients; including hypertensive and non-hypertensive patients. Sociodemographic variables were assessed, blood pressure values; before, during and after procedure, cardiovascular risk factors and those dependent of the procedure. Patients were selected using the cluster probability method. The data were processed at SPSS 21, using central tendency measures and dispersion, standard deviation and confidence interval, frequencies, chi2, T test, mean difference, one-way ANOVA and repeated measures. Results: The mean age was 62.3 years with SD 12,5 years, 42 (38.9%) without hypertension and 66(61.1%) hypertensive patients. Changes in systolic pressure greater than 20mmHg in systolic and 10mmHg in diastolic, was present in greater percentage of hypertensive patients with erratic control, in women and procedures without the use of anesthetic. Depending on the type of hypertension, differences were found between the group of healthy control, erratic control group, poorly controlled and uncontrolled group. By applying a linear model repeated measures, we found differences in the measurements of arterial pressure in different types of hypertension. Conclusions: The factors related with risk variations in blood pressure occurred in erratic control hypertension patients, women and duration of the procedure.Keywords: Hypertension, Arterial pressure, Dentist. Forma de citar: Aranzazu-Moya GC, Delgado Jaimes RY, Pieschacón Gutirrez MP. Variaciones de riesgo en valores de tensión arterial en pacientes hipertensos durante procedimientos odontológicos. rev.univ.ind.santander.salud 2014; 46(2): 137-145


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    Objetivo: Identificar los Factores de Riesgo para embarazo en adolescentes de los estratos 1 y 2 de la cuidad de Pamplona, Norte de Santander, en el segundo periodo del año 2012. Materiales y métodos: En el periodo comprendido de septiembre a diciembre del año 2012, se realizó el presente estudio. Los casos fueron adolescentes primigestas con edades entre 14 y 19 años, de cualquier edad gestacional que asisten al control en un Hospital de la ciudad, mientras que los controles fueron adolescentes escolares de estratos 1 y 2 de la ciudad de Pamplona. El tamaño de la muestra calculado fue de 135 adolescentes con una relación caso-control de 1:2. Se calcularon los OR para obtener asociaciones con un IC al 95%; y se realizaron ajustes por edad. Resultados: Se encontró asociación entre el conocimiento de los métodos anticonceptivos y el uso de estos métodos como factor protector para el desarrollo de embarazo, no se encontró relación entre la edad en que la madre tuvo su primer hijo, la religión o el consumo de drogas, se realizo un ajuste por edad donde se encontró que independiente de la edad las personas que usan y conocen los métodos anticonceptivos disminuyen la posibilidad tener un embarazo. Conclusiones: El conocimiento y uso de los métodos anticonceptivos es un factor protector para el embarazo, lo que indica que se deben realizar estrategias para que los jóvenes conozcan estos métodos y así disminuir la cantidad de embarazos adolescentes

    Variaciones de riesgo en valores de tensión arterial en pacientes hipertensos durante procedimientos odontológicos

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    RESUMENIntroducción: Las variaciones de Tensión Arterial (TA) de origen fisiológico son frecuentes; sin embargo, los procedimientos durante la consulta odontológica podrían generar variaciones a valores de riesgo de TA que pueden alterar el estado sistémico, o generar complicaciones médicas que comprometen la integridad del paciente. Objetivo: Identificar factores que generan variaciones de riesgo de la Tensión Arterial durante los procedimientos odontológicos en pacientes hipertensos y no hipertensos. Materiales y métodos: Se diseñó un estudio observacional descriptivo, en 108 pacientes. Se evaluaron tanto hipertensos como no hipertensos, incluidos por un muestreo probabilístico por conglomerados; se evaluaron variables sociodemográficas, presión arterial antes, durante y después del procedimiento, factores de riesgo cardiovascular y aquellas dependientes del procedimiento. Los datos se procesaron en el programa SPSS 21, utilizando medidas de tendencia central y dispersión, desviación estándar (DE) e intervalos de confianza (IC), frecuencias, chi 2, T test, diferencia de medias, ANOVA de una vía y medidas repetidas. Resultados: La edad media fue 62,3 años con DE 12,5 años; 42(38,9%) fueron no hipertensos y 66(61,1%) hipertensos. Las variaciones de presión sistólica mayor a 20mmHg y diastólica mayor a 10mmHg se presentaron en mayor porcentaje en los hipertensos con control errático. Así mismo las variaciones fueron superiores en mujeres y en procedimientos sin uso de anestésico. Según el tipo de hipertensión, se encontraron diferencias entre el grupo de sanos con los grupos control errático, mal control y sin control. Al aplicar un modelo lineal de medidas repetidas, se encontraron diferencias en las tres mediciones en los diferentes tipos de hipertensión. Conclusiones: Los factores relacionados a variaciones de riesgo fueron el control errático, sexo femenino y duración del procedimiento.Palabras Clave: Hipertensión; Odontología; Tensión Arterial. Risk changes in blood pressure in hypertensive patients during dental proceduresABSTRACTIntroduction: Physiologic changes in blood pressure are frequent, nevertheless dental procedures could trigger an increase in blood pressure, which may alter the state or even generate systemic vascular injury or medical complications, that compromise patient integrity. Objectives: To identify factors, which produce risk variations of blood pressure levels during dental procedures in hypertensive and no hypertensive patients. Materials and Methods: A descriptive study was made in 108 patients; including hypertensive and non-hypertensive patients. Sociodemographic variables were assessed, blood pressure values; before, during and after procedure, cardiovascular risk factors and those dependent of the procedure. Patients were selected using the cluster probability method. The data were processed at SPSS 21, using central tendency measures and dispersion, standard deviation and confidence interval, frequencies, chi2, T test, mean difference, one-way ANOVA and repeated measures. Results: The mean age was 62.3 years with SD 12,5 years, 42 (38.9%) without hypertension and 66(61.1%) hypertensive patients. Changes in systolic pressure greater than 20mmHg in systolic and 10mmHg in diastolic, was present in greater percentage of hypertensive patients with erratic control, in women and procedures without the use of anesthetic. Depending on the type of hypertension, differences were found between the group of healthy control, erratic control group, poorly controlled and uncontrolled group. By applying a linear model repeated measures, we found differences in the measurements of arterial pressure in different types of hypertension. Conclusions: The factors related with risk variations in blood pressure occurred in erratic control hypertension patients, women and duration of the procedure.Keywords: Hypertension, Arterial pressure, Dentist. Forma de citar: Aranzazu-Moya GC, Delgado Jaimes RY, Pieschacón Gutirrez MP. Variaciones de riesgo en valores de tensión arterial en pacientes hipertensos durante procedimientos odontológicos. rev.univ.ind.santander.salud 2014; 46(2): 137-145