94 research outputs found

    A cosmological constant from the QCD trace anomaly?

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    According to recent astrophysical observations the large scale mean pressure of our present universe is negative suggesting a positive cosmological constant like term. This article addresses the question of whether non-perturbative effects of self-interacting quantum fields in curved space-times may yield a significant contribution. Focusing on the trace anomaly of quantum chromo-dynamics (QCD), a preliminary estimate of the expected order of magnitude yields a remarkable coincidence with the empirical data, indicating the potential relevance of this effect. PACS: 04.62.+v, 12.38.Aw, 12.38.Lg, 98.80.Es.Comment: 4 pages, RevTe

    Historical roots of gauge invariance

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    Gauge invariance is the basis of the modern theory of electroweak and strong interactions (the so called Standard Model). The roots of gauge invariance go back to the year 1820 when electromagnetism was discovered and the first electrodynamic theory was proposed. Subsequent developments led to the discovery that different forms of the vector potential result in the same observable forces. The partial arbitrariness of the vector potential A brought forth various restrictions on it. div A = 0 was proposed by J. C. Maxwell; 4-div A = 0 was proposed L. V. Lorenz in the middle of 1860's . In most of the modern texts the latter condition is attributed to H. A. Lorentz, who half a century later was one of the key figures in the final formulation of classical electrodynamics. In 1926 a relativistic quantum-mechanical equation for charged spinless particles was formulated by E. Schrodinger, O. Klein, and V. Fock. The latter discovered that this equation is invariant with respect to multiplication of the wave function by a phase factor exp(ieX/hc) with the accompanying additions to the scalar potential of -dX/cdt and to the vector potential of grad X. In 1929 H. Weyl proclaimed this invariance as a general principle and called it Eichinvarianz in German and gauge invariance in English. The present era of non-abelian gauge theories started in 1954 with the paper by C. N. Yang and R. L. Mills.Comment: final-final, 34 pages, 1 figure, 106 references (one added with footnote since v.2); to appear in July 2001 Rev. Mod. Phy

    Outline of fungi and fungus-like taxa

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    This article provides an outline of the classification of the kingdom Fungi (including fossil fungi. i.e. dispersed spores, mycelia, sporophores, mycorrhizas). We treat 19 phyla of fungi. These are Aphelidiomycota, Ascomycota, Basidiobolomycota, Basidiomycota, Blastocladiomycota, Calcarisporiellomycota, Caulochytriomycota, Chytridiomycota, Entomophthoromycota, Entorrhizomycota, Glomeromycota, Kickxellomycota, Monoblepharomycota, Mortierellomycota, Mucoromycota, Neocallimastigomycota, Olpidiomycota, Rozellomycota and Zoopagomycota. The placement of all fungal genera is provided at the class-, order- and family-level. The described number of species per genus is also given. Notes are provided of taxa for which recent changes or disagreements have been presented. Fungus-like taxa that were traditionally treated as fungi are also incorporated in this outline (i.e. Eumycetozoa, Dictyosteliomycetes, Ceratiomyxomycetes and Myxomycetes). Four new taxa are introduced: Amblyosporida ord. nov. Neopereziida ord. nov. and Ovavesiculida ord. nov. in Rozellomycota, and Protosporangiaceae fam. nov. in Dictyosteliomycetes. Two different classifications (in outline section and in discussion) are provided for Glomeromycota and Leotiomycetes based on recent studies. The phylogenetic reconstruction of a four-gene dataset (18S and 28S rRNA, RPB1, RPB2) of 433 taxa is presented, including all currently described orders of fungi.Fil: Wijayawardene, N. N.. Qujing Normal University; ChinaFil: Hyde, K. D.. Mae Fah Luang University; TailandiaFil: Al-Ani, L. K. T.. University of Baghdad; IraqFil: Tedersoo, L.. University of Tartu; EstoniaFil: Haelewaters, D.. University of South Bohemia; República Checa. Purdue University; Estados Unidos. Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí; PanamáFil: Becerra, Alejandra Gabriela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Schnittler, M.. Ernst Moritz Arndt University Greifswald; AlemaniaFil: Shchepin, O. N.. The Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences; RusiaFil: Novozhilov, Y. K.. The Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences; RusiaFil: Silva-Filho, A.G. S.. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte; BrasilFil: Gentekaki, E.. Mae Fah Luang University; TailandiaFil: Liu, P.. Jilin Agricultural University; ChinaFil: Cavender, J. C.. Ohio University; Estados UnidosFil: Kang, Y.. Guizhou Medical University; ChinaFil: Mohammad, S.. Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology; IránFil: Zhang, L. F.. Qujing Normal University; ChinaFil: Xu, R. F.. Qujing Normal University; ChinaFil: Li, Y. M.. Qujing Normal University; ChinaFil: Dayarathne, M. C.. Guizhou University; ChinaFil: Ekanayaka, A. H.. Mae Fah Luang University; TailandiaFil: Wen, T. C.. Guizhou University; ChinaFil: Deng, C. Y.. Guizhou Academy of Science; ChinaFil: Pereira, O. L.. Universidade Federal de Viçosa; BrasilFil: Navathe, S.. Agharkar Research Institute; IndiaFil: Hawksworth, D. L.. The Natural History Museum; Reino UnidoFil: Fan, X. L.. Beijing Forestry University; ChinaFil: Dissanayake, L. S.. Guizhou University; ChinaFil: Kuhnert, E.. Leibniz University Hannover; AlemaniaFil: Grossart, H. P.. Leibnitz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries; AlemaniaFil: Thines, M.. Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre; Alemani

    Neutral Particles in Light of the Majorana-Ahluwalia Ideas

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    The first part of this article (Sections I and II) presents oneself an overview of theory and phenomenology of truly neutral particles based on the papers of Majorana, Racah, Furry, McLennan and Case. The recent development of the construct, undertaken by Ahluwalia [{\it Mod. Phys. Lett. A}{\bf 9} (1994) 439; {\it Acta Phys. Polon. B}{\bf 25} (1994) 1267; Preprints LANL LA-UR-94-1252, LA-UR-94-3118], could be relevant for explanation of the present experimental situation in neutrino physics and astrophysics. In Section III the new fundamental wave equations for self/anti-self conjugate type-II spinors, proposed by Ahluwalia, are re-casted to covariant form. The connection with the Foldy-Nigam-Bargmann-Wightman- Wigner (FNBWW) type quantum field theory is found. The possible applications to the problem of neutrino oscillations are discussed.Comment: REVTEX file. 21pp. No figure

    Virulence Evolution of the Human Pathogen Neisseria meningitidis by Recombination in the Core and Accessory Genome

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    Joseph B, Schwarz RF, Linke B, et al. Virulence Evolution of the Human Pathogen Neisseria meningitidis by Recombination in the Core and Accessory Genome. PLoS ONE. 2011;6(4): e18441.Background: Neisseria meningitidis is a naturally transformable, facultative pathogen colonizing the human nasopharynx. Here, we analyze on a genome-wide level the impact of recombination on gene-complement diversity and virulence evolution in N. meningitidis. We combined comparative genome hybridization using microarrays (mCGH) and multilocus sequence typing (MLST) of 29 meningococcal isolates with computational comparison of a subset of seven meningococcal genome sequences. Principal Findings: We found that lateral gene transfer of minimal mobile elements as well as prophages are major forces shaping meningococcal population structure. Extensive gene content comparison revealed novel associations of virulence with genetic elements besides the recently discovered meningococcal disease associated (MDA) island. In particular, we identified an association of virulence with a recently described canonical genomic island termed IHT-E and a differential distribution of genes encoding RTX toxin-and two-partner secretion systems among hyperinvasive and non-hyperinvasive lineages. By computationally screening also the core genome for signs of recombination, we provided evidence that about 40% of the meningococcal core genes are affected by recombination primarily within metabolic genes as well as genes involved in DNA replication and repair. By comparison with the results of previous mCGH studies, our data indicated that genetic structuring as revealed by mCGH is stable over time and highly similar for isolates from different geographic origins. Conclusions: Recombination comprising lateral transfer of entire genes as well as homologous intragenic recombination has a profound impact on meningococcal population structure and genome composition. Our data support the hypothesis that meningococcal virulence is polygenic in nature and that differences in metabolism might contribute to virulence

    The BM@N spectrometer at the NICA accelerator complex

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    BM@N (Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron) is the first experiment operating and taking data at the Nuclotron/NICA ion-accelerating complex.The aim of the BM@N experiment is to study interactions of relativistic heavy-ion beams with fixed targets. We present a technical description of the BM@N spectrometer including all its subsystems.Comment: 34 pages, 47 figures, 6 table

    Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa

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    This article provides an outline of the classification of the kingdom Fungi (including fossil fungi. i.e. dispersed spores, mycelia, sporophores, mycorrhizas). We treat 19 phyla of fungi. These are Aphelidiomycota, Ascomycota, Basidiobolomycota, Basidiomycota, Blastocladiomycota, Calcarisporiellomycota, Caulochytriomycota, Chytridiomycota, Entomophthoromycota, Entorrhizomycota, Glomeromycota, Kickxellomycota, Monoblepharomycota, Mortierellomycota, Mucoromycota, Neocallimastigomycota, Olpidiomycota, Rozellomycota and Zoopagomycota. The placement of all fungal genera is provided at the class-, order- and family-level. The described number of species per genus is also given. Notes are provided of taxa for which recent changes or disagreements have been presented. Fungus-like taxa that were traditionally treated as fungi are also incorporated in this outline (i.e. Eumycetozoa, Dictyosteliomycetes, Ceratiomyxomycetes and Myxomycetes). Four new taxa are introduced: Amblyosporida ord. nov. Neopereziida ord. nov. and Ovavesiculida ord. nov. in Rozellomycota, and Protosporangiaceae fam. nov. in Dictyosteliomycetes. Two different classifications (in outline section and in discussion) are provided for Glomeromycota and Leotiomycetes based on recent studies. The phylogenetic reconstruction of a four-gene dataset (18S and 28S rRNA, RPB1, RPB2) of 433 taxa is presented, including all currently described orders of fungi

    Postbuckling Analysis of Composite Laminated Panels

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