6,575 research outputs found

    The LYRA Instrument Onboard PROBA2: Description and In-Flight Performance

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    The Large Yield Radiometer (LYRA) is an XUV-EUV-MUV (soft X-ray to mid-ultraviolet) solar radiometer onboard the European Space Agency PROBA2 mission that was launched in November 2009. LYRA acquires solar irradiance measurements at a high cadence (nominally 20 Hz) in four broad spectral channels, from soft X-ray to MUV, that have been chosen for their relevance to solar physics, space weather and aeronomy. In this article, we briefly review the design of the instrument, give an overview of the data products distributed through the instrument website, and describe the way that data are calibrated. We also briefly present a summary of the main fields of research currently under investigation by the LYRA consortium


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    The pathological process of compression-ischemic radiculomyelopathy (CIRMP ) is accompanied by high energy costs. Therefore, topical is the use of drugs that improve energy metabolism in hypoxic conditions.The aim of the study – to investigate the features of the immuno-inflammatory process in CIRMP under the influence of meldonium.Materials and Methods. The parameters of 45 patients with CIRMP were investigated. All patients received conventional therapy. Patients of the group 1 (26 patients) received meldonium additionally, and in the group 2 (the main one – 19 patients) included "capicor". The levels of endothelin-1, cGMP , NO , interleukin-1β and -4, tumor necrosis factor-α were studied, aggregation properties of platelets were studied.Results and Discussion. Against the background of the treatment of patients with the use of meldonium and meldonium+γ-butyrobetan dihydrate, positive changes in the biochemical parameters: endothelin-1, cGMP , NO , interleukins 1β and 4, tumor necrosis factor α, aggregation properties of platelets, improvement of the function of the endothelium and blood circulation in the microvessels of the rootlets, which, in turn, led to the restoration of the functional state of roots and spinal cord.Conclusions. The use of meldonium and meldonium+γ-butyrobetaine in the therapy of patients with CIRMP was accompanied by a regression of clinical manifestations, which is associated with an improvement in blood circulation in the vessels of the spinal roots and back muscles. A more pronounced effect was influenced by meldonium in combination with γ-butyrobetaine.Патологический процесс при компрессионно-ишемической радикуломиелопатии (КИР МП) сопровождается высокими энергозатратами. Поэтому актуальным на сегодняшний день является применение препаратов, улучшающими энергообмен в условиях гипоксии.Цель исследования – исследовать особенности иммуновоспалительного процесса при КИР МП под влиянием препаратов мельдония.Материалы и методы. Исследовано показатели 45 больных с КИР МП. Все пациенты получали общепринятую терапию. Больные первой группы (26 лиц) дополнительно получали мельдоний, а второй группе (основная, 19 лиц) включали препарат “Капикор”. Изучали уровень эндотелина-1, цГМФ, NO , интерлейкинов-1β и -4, фактора некроза опухолей-α, исследовали агрегационные свойства тромбоцитов.Результаты исследований и их обсуждение. На фоне проведенной терапии больные с применением мельдония и мельдония+γ-бутиробетана дигидрата отмечали позитивные изменения биохимических показателей: эндотелина-1, цГМФ,NO , интерлейкинов-1β и -4, фактора некроза опухолей-α, агрегационных свойств тромбоцитов, что свидетельствует о уменьшение воспаления, улучшение функции эндотелия и кровообращения в микрососудах корешков, что, в свою очередь, приводило к восстановлению фунционального состояния корешков и спинного мозга.Выводы. Применение мельдония и мельдония+γ-бутиробетаина в терапии больных с КИР МП сопровождалось регрессом клинических проявлений, что связано с улучшением кровообращения в сосудах спинномозговых корешков и мышцах спины. Более выраженный эффект был под влиянием мельдония в комбинации с γ-бутиробетаином.Патологічний процес при компресійно-ішемічній радикуломієлопатії (КІРМП) супроводжується великими енергозатратами. Тому актуальним на сьгодні є застосування препаратів, що покращують енергетичний обмін в умовах гіпоксії.Мета дослідження – дослідити особливості імунозапального процесу при КІРМП під впливом препаратів мельдонію.Матеріали і методи. Досліджено показники 45 хворих із КІРМП. Усі пацієнти одержували загальну терапію. Хворі першої групи (26 чоловік) додатково одержували мельдоній, а пацієнти другої (основної) групи (основна 19 осіб) включали препарат “Капікор”. Визначали рівень ендотеліну-1, цГМФ, NO , інтерлейкінів-1β та-4, фактора некрозу пухлин-α, досліджували агрегаційні властивості тромбоцитів.Результати досліджень та їх обговорення. На тлі проведеної терапії хворі з застосуванням мельдонію та мельдонію+γбутиробетаїну дигідрату відмічали позитивні зміни біохімічних показників – ендотеліну-1, цГМФ, NO , інтерлейкінів-1β та-4, фактора некрозу пухлин-α, агрегаційні властивості тромбоцитів, що свідчить про зменшення запалення, поліпшення функції ендотелію та поліпшення кровообігу в мікросудинах корінців, що, у свою чергу, приводить до відновлення функціонального стану корінців та спинного мозку.Висновки. Застосування мельдонію і мельдонію+γ-бутиробетаїну дигідрату в терапії хворих із КІРМП супроводжувалося регресом клінічних проявів цієї патології, що пов’язано з поліпшенням кровообігу в судинах спинномозкових корінців та м’язах спини. Більш виражений ефект був під впливом мельдонію у комбінації з γ-бутиробетаїном.

    Microscopic description of the beta delayed deuteron emission from \bbox{^6}He

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    The beta delayed deuteron emission from 6^6He is studied in a dynamical microscopic cluster model. This model gives a reasonably good description for all the subsystems of 6^6He and 6^6Li in a coherent way, without any free parameter. The beta decay transition probability to the 6^6Li ground state is underestimated by a few percents. The theoretical beta delayed deuteron spectrum is close to experiment but it is also underestimated by about a factor 1.7. We argue that, in spite of their different magnitudes, both underestimations might have a common origin. The model confirms that the neutron halo part of the 6^6He wave function plays a crucial role in quenching the beta decay toward the α\alpha + d channel.Comment: LATEX with REVTEX, Submitted to Phys. Rev. C, 11 pages, 3 figures (not included) are available upon request. ATOMKI-93/

    Measures to prevent state default under martial law

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    Development of High Granulated Straw Chambers of Large Sizes

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    We have developed the baseline design for the straw drift tube tracking detectors for high rate environment application. The low-mass inner straw elements and the technology of the multianode straws assembly was devised and checked. The prototype chamber was constructed and studied the granularity of similar chambers can be reduced to one cm2. Submitted to Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, LettersComment: 6 pages, 10 figure

    Two-electron state in a disordered 2D island: pairing caused by the Coulomb repulsion

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    We show the existence of bound two-electron states in an almost depleted two-dimensional island. These two-electron states are carried by special compact configurations of four single-electron levels. The existence of these states does not require phonon mediation, and is facilitated by the disorder-induced potential relief and by the electron-electron repulsion only. The density of two-electron states is estimated and their evolution with the magnetic field is discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 1 fi

    The Application of Schematic Compensation Technique for Increasing of Radioelectronic Devices Reliability

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    The schematic method development of radiation degradation compensation of operating amplifiers’ input currents and offset voltages on basis of radiation-sensitive parameter degradation research of integral microcircuits and discrete transistors is presented and experimentally verified

    Outbreak of West Nile virus infection, Volgograd Region, Russia, 1999.

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    From July 25 to October 1, 1999, 826 patients were admitted to Volgograd Region, Russia, hospitals with acute aseptic meningoencephalitis, meningitis, or fever consistent with arboviral infection. Of 84 cases of meningoencephalitis, 40 were fatal. Fourteen brain specimens were positive in reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction assays, confirming the presence of West Nile/Kunjin virus

    Three-Body Halos. II. from Two- to Three-Body Asymptotics

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    The large distance behavior of weakly bound three-body systems is investigated. The Schr\"{o}dinger equation and the Faddeev equations are reformulated by an expansion in eigenfunctions of the angular part of a corresponding operator. The resulting coupled set of effective radial equations are then derived. Both two- and three-body asymptotic behavior are possible and their relative importance is studied for systems where subsystems may be bound. The system of two nucleons outside a core is studied numerically in detail and the character of possible halo structure is pointed out and investigated.Comment: 16 pages, compressed and uuencoded PosrScript file, IFA-94/3

    On the low-temperature lattice thermal transport in nanowires

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    We propose a theory of low temperature thermal transport in nano-wires in the regime where a competition between phonon and flexural modes governs the relaxation processes. Starting with the standard kinetic equations for two different types of quasiparticles we derive a general expression for the coefficient of thermal conductivity. The underlying physics of thermal conductance is completely determined by the corresponding relaxation times, which can be calculated directly for any dispersion of quasiparticles depending on the size of a system. We show that if the considered relaxation mechanism is dominant, then at small wire diameters the temperature dependence of thermal conductivity experiences a crossover from T1/2T^{1/2} to T3T^3-dependence. Quantitative analysis shows reasonable agreement with resent experimental results.Comment: 12 pages, 3 eps figure