8 research outputs found

    Shortening Rate and Holocene Surface Rupture on the Riasi Fault System in the Kashmir Himalaya: Active Thrusting Within the Northwest Himalayan Orogenic Wedge

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    New mapping demonstrates that active emergent thrust faulting is occurring within the fold-and-thrust belt north of the deformation thrust front in the NW Himalaya. The \u3e60-km-long Riasi fault system is the southeasternmost segment of a seismically active regional fault system that extends more than 200 km stepwise to the southeast from the Balakot-Bagh fault in Pakistan into northwestern India. Two fault strands, the Main Riasi and Frontal Riasi thrusts, dominate the fault system in the study area. The Main Riasi thrust places Precambrian Sirban Formation over folded unconsolidated Quaternary sediments and fluvial terraces. New age data and crosscutting relationships between the Main Riasi thrust and the Quaternary units demonstrate that the Main Riasi thrust accommodated shortening between 100 and 40 ka at rates of 6–7 mm/yr. Deformation shifted to the southern Frontal Riasi thrust splay after ca. 39 ka. Differential uplift of a 14–7 ka terrace yields a range of shortening rates between 3 and 6 mm/yr. Together, shortening across the two strands indicates that a 6–7 mm/yr shortening rate has characterized the Riasi fault system since 100 ka. Geodetic data indicate that an 11–12 mm/yr arc-normal shortening rate characterizes the interseismic strain accumulation across the plate boundary due to India-Tibet convergence. These data combined with rates of other active faults in the Kashmir Himalaya indicate that the Suruin-Mastgarh anticline at the thrust front accounts for the remainder 40%–50% of the convergence not taken up by the Riasi fault system. Active deformation, and therefore earthquake sources, include both internal faults such the Riasi fault system, as well as rupture of the basal dĂ©collement (the Main Himalayan thrust) to the thrust front. Limited paleoseismic data from the Riasi fault system, the historical earthquake record of the past 1000 yr, the high strain rates, and partitioning of slip between the Riasi fault system and the thrust front demonstrate that a substantial slip deficit characterizes both structures and highlights the presence of a regionally important seismic gap in the Kashmir Himalaya. Slip deficit, scaling relationships, and a scenario of rupture and slip on the basal dĂ©collement (the Main Himalayan thrust) parsed onto either the Riasi fault system or the thrust front, or both, suggests that great earthquakes (Mw \u3e 8) pose an even greater seismic hazard than the Mw 7.6 2005 earthquake on the Balakot-Bagh fault in Pakistan Azad Kashmir

    Overestimation of the earthquake hazard along the Himalaya: constraints in bracketing of medieval earthquakes from paleoseismic studies

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    Abstract The Himalaya is one of the most seismically active regions of the world. The occurrence of several large magnitude earthquakes viz. 1905 Kangra earthquake (Mw 7.8), 1934 Bihar–Nepal earthquake (Mw 8.2), 1950 Assam earthquake (Mw 8.4), 2005 Kashmir (Mw 7.6), and 2015 Gorkha (Mw 7.8) are the testimony to ongoing tectonic activity. In the last few decades, tremendous efforts have been made along the Himalayan arc to understand the patterns of earthquake occurrences, size, extent, and return periods. Some of the large magnitude earthquakes produced surface rupture, while some remained blind. Furthermore, due to the incompleteness of the earthquake catalogue, a very few events can be correlated with medieval earthquakes. Based on the existing paleoseismic data certainly, there exists a complexity to precisely determine the extent of surface rupture of these earthquakes and also for those events, which occurred during historic times. In this paper, we have compiled the paleo-seismological data and recalibrated the radiocarbon ages from the trenches excavated by previous workers along the entire Himalaya and compared earthquake scenario with the past. Our studies suggest that there were multiple earthquake events with overlapping surface ruptures in small patches with an average rupture length of ~300 km limiting Mw 7.8–8.0 for the Himalayan arc, rather than two or three giant earthquakes rupturing the whole front. It has been identified that the large magnitude Himalayan earthquakes, such as 1905 Kangra, 1934 Bihar–Nepal, and 1950 Assam, that have occurred within a time frame of 45 years. Now, if these events are dated, there is a high possibility that within the range of ±50 years, they may be considered as the remnant of one giant earthquake rupturing the entire Himalayan arc. Therefore, leading to an overestimation of seismic hazard scenario in Himalaya

    Neogene shortening and exhumation of the Zagros fold-thrust belt and foreland basin in the Kurdistan region of northern Iraq

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