110 research outputs found

    Simulated Milky Way analogues: implications for dark matter direct searches

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    We study the implications of galaxy formation on dark matter direct detection using high resolution hydrodynamic simulations of Milky Way-like galaxies simulated within the eagle and apostle projects. We identify MilkyWay analogues that satisfy observational constraints on the Milky Way rotation curve and total stellar mass. We then extract the dark matter density and velocity distribution in the Solar neighbourhood for this set of Milky Way analogues, and use them to analyse the results of current direct detection experiments. For most Milky Way analogues, the event rates in direct detection experiments obtained from the best _t Maxwellian distribution (with peak speed of 223 { 289 km=s) are similar to those obtained directly from the simulations. As a consequence, the allowed regions and exclusion limits set by direct detection experiments in the dark matter mass and spin-independent cross section plane shift by a few GeV compared to the Standard Halo Model, at low dark matter masses. For each dark matter mass, the halo-to-halo variation of the local dark matter density results in an overall shift of the allowed regions and exclusion limits for the cross section. However, the compatibility of the possible hints for a dark matter signal from DAMA and CDMS-Si and null results from LUX and SuperCDMS is not improved

    Dark Matter Interference

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    We study different patterns of interference in WIMP-nuclei elastic scattering that can accommodate the DAMA and CoGeNT experiments via an isospin violating ratio fn/fp=0.71f_n/f_p=-0.71. We study interference between the following pairs of mediators: Z and Z', Z' and Higgs, and two Higgs fields. We show under what conditions interference works. We also demonstrate that in the case of the two Higgs interference, an explanation of the DAMA/CoGeNT is consistent with Electroweak Baryogenesis scenarios based on two Higgs doublet models proposed in the past.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, references and appendix added, match with the published versio

    A Bayesian view of the current status of dark matter direct searches

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    Bayesian statistical methods offer a simple and consistent framework for incorporating uncertainties into a multi-parameter inference problem. In this work we apply these methods to a selection of current direct dark matter searches. We consider the simplest scenario of spin-independent elastic WIMP scattering, and infer the WIMP mass and cross-section from the experimental data with the essential systematic uncertainties folded into the analysis. We find that when uncertainties in the scintillation efficiency of Xenon100 have been accounted for, the resulting exclusion limit is not sufficiently constraining to rule out the CoGeNT preferred parameter region, contrary to previous claims. In the same vein, we also investigate the impact of astrophysical uncertainties on the preferred WIMP parameters. We find that within the class of smooth and isotropic WIMP velocity distributions, it is difficult to reconcile the DAMA and the CoGeNT preferred regions by tweaking the astrophysics parameters alone. If we demand compatibility between these experiments, then the inference process naturally concludes that a high value for the sodium quenching factor for DAMA is preferred.Comment: 37 pages, 14 figures and 7 tables. Replacement for matching the version accepted for publicatio

    Dark Matter attempts for CoGeNT and DAMA

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    Recently, the CoGeNT collaboration presented a positive signal for an annual modulation in their data set. In light of the long standing annual modulation signal in DAMA/LIBRA, we analyze the compatibility of both of these signal within the hypothesis of dark matter (DM) scattering on nuclei, taking into account existing experimental constraints. We consider the cases of elastic and inelastic scattering with either spin-dependent or spin-independent coupling to nucleons. We allow for isospin violating interactions as well as for light mediators. We find that there is some tension between the size of the modulation signal and the time-integrated event excess in CoGeNT, making it difficult to explain both simultaneously. Moreover, within the wide range of DM interaction models considered, we do not find a simultaneous explanation of CoGeNT and DAMA/LIBRA compatible with constraints from other experiments. However, in certain cases part of the data can be made consistent. For example, the modulation signal from CoGeNT becomes consistent with the total rate and with limits from other DM searches at 90% CL (but not with the DAMA/LIBRA signal) if DM scattering is inelastic spin-independent with just the right couplings to protons and neutrons to reduce the scattering rate on xenon. Conversely the DAMA/LIBRA signal (but not CoGeNT) can be explained by spin-dependent inelastic DM scattering.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figure

    Probing the Local Velocity Distribution of WIMP Dark Matter with Directional Detectors

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    We explore the ability of directional nuclear-recoil detectors to constrain the local velocity distribution of weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) dark matter by performing Bayesian parameter estimation on simulated recoil-event data sets. We discuss in detail how directional information, when combined with measurements of the recoil-energy spectrum, helps break degeneracies in the velocity-distribution parameters. We also consider the possibility that velocity structures such as cold tidal streams or a dark disk may also be present in addition to the Galactic halo. Assuming a carbon-tetrafluoride detector with a 30-kg-yr exposure, a 50-GeV WIMP mass, and a WIMP-nucleon spin-dependent cross-section of 0.001 pb, we show that the properties of a cold tidal stream may be well constrained. However, measurement of the parameters of a dark-disk component with a low lag speed of ~50 km/s may be challenging unless energy thresholds are improved.Comment: 38 pages, 15 figure

    Low energy electron/recoil discrimination for directional Dark Matter detection

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    Directional detection is a promising Dark Matter search strategy. Even though it could accommodate to a sizeable background contamination, electron/recoil discrimination remains a key and challenging issue as for direction-insensitive detectors. The measurement of the 3D track may be used to discriminate electrons from nuclear recoils. While a high rejection power is expected above 20 keV ionization, a dedicated data analysis is needed at low energy. After identifying discriminant observables, a multivariate analysis, namely a Boosted Decision Tree, is proposed, enabling an efficient event tagging for Dark Matter search. We show that it allows us to optimize rejection while keeping a rather high efficiency which is compulsory for rare event search.With respect to a sequential analysis, the rejection is about 20 times higher with a multivariate analysis, for the same Dark Matter exclusion limit.Comment: 20 pages, 20 figure

    Dark Matter in 3D

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    We discuss the relevance of directional detection experiments in the post-discovery era and propose a method to extract the local dark matter phase space distribution from directional data. The first feature of this method is a parameterization of the dark matter distribution function in terms of integrals of motion, which can be analytically extended to infer properties of the global distribution if certain equilibrium conditions hold. The second feature of our method is a decomposition of the distribution function in moments of a model independent basis, with minimal reliance on the ansatz for its functional form. We illustrate our method using the Via Lactea II N-body simulation as well as an analytical model for the dark matter halo. We conclude that O(1000) events are necessary to measure deviations from the Standard Halo Model and constrain or measure the presence of anisotropies.Comment: 36 pages, 13 figure

    Capturing geographically-varying uncertainty in earthquake ground motion models or what we think we know may change

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    Our knowledge of earthquake ground motions of engineering significance varies geographically. The prediction of earthquake shaking in parts of the globe with high seismicity and a long history of observations from dense strong-motion networks, such as coastal California, much of Japan and central Italy, should be associated with lower uncertainty than ground-motion models for use in much of the rest of the world, where moderate and large earthquakes occur infrequently and monitoring networks are sparse or only recently installed. This variation in uncertainty, however, is not often captured in the models currently used for seismic hazard assessments, particularly for national or continental-scale studies. In this theme lecture, firstly I review recent proposals for developing ground-motion logic trees and then I develop and test a new approach for application in Europe. The proposed procedure is based on the backbone approach with scale factors that are derived to account for potential differences between regions. Weights are proposed for each of the logic-tree branches to model large epistemic uncertainty in the absence of local data. When local data are available these weights are updated so that the epistemic uncertainty captured by the logic tree reduces. I argue that this approach is more defensible than a logic tree populated by previously published ground-motion models. It should lead to more stable and robust seismic hazard assessments that capture our doubt over future earthquake shaking