99 research outputs found
Novo conceito em atenção clínica: proposta de uma escala de inteligência moral
Effective communication, especially of those health professionals in management positions, contributes to the entire process of treating patients and can transform the quality of service into the processes of diagnosis, treatment and care. Managers with moral intelligence are able to distinguish right from wrong and can facilitate the relationship between health professionals and patients. The purpose of this study is to develop a scale to measure moral intelligence. The measurement tool created by the Lawshe method was applied to 789 health professionals. Following the calculations of the Content Validity Ratio and the Content Validity Index, the scale included 77 items. After applying it, with the subsequent exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, the scale received its final form with 47 items. The Cα value of the scale is 0.966. The scale has seven dimensions, and they have been defined as “equality”, “empathy”, “moral intelligence”, “justice”, “tolerance”, “self-control” and “kindness”. The Cα values for these dimensions are determined respectively as 0.922, 0.910, 0.874, 0.859, 0.799, 0.840 and 0.772; demonstrating that the scale allows to study the moral intelligence of nurses and doctors. The scale developed had high Cronbach alpha values for each component and element, indicating that the scale provides a survey with high validity to measure the moral intelligence of doctors and nurses. Factor analysis shows a statistically valid distribution of items and components. Taking into account the moral intelligence parameters in the provision of health services will contribute to accurately diagnose disorders, reduce patient anxiety, ensure a shorter hospital stay, reduce the number of patients transferred to other health centers, to prevent negligence, save time and achieve better workforce planning.La comunicación efectiva, especialmente de aquellos profesionales de la salud en puestos directivos, contribuye a todo el proceso de tratamiento de los pacientes y puede transformar la calidad del servicio en los procesos de diagnóstico, tratamiento y atención. Los gerentes con inteligencia moral son capaces de distinguir lo correcto de lo incorrecto y pueden facilitar la relación entre los profesionales de la salud y los pacientes. El propósito de este estudio es desarrollar una escala para medir la inteligencia moral.
La herramienta de medición creada por el método Lawshe se aplicó a 789 profesionales de la salud. Siguiendo los cálculos de la Relación de Validez del Contenido y el Índice de Validez del Contenido, la escala incluyó 77 ítems. Después de aplicarlo, con el posterior análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio, la escala recibió su forma final con 47 ítems. El valor Cα de la escala es 0,966. La escala tiene siete dimensiones, y se han definido como “igualdad”, “empatía”, “inteligencia moral”, “justicia”, “tolerancia”, “autocontrol” y “amabilidad”. Los valores de Cα para estas dimensiones se determinan respectivamente como 0.922, 0.910, 0.874, 0.859, 0.799, 0.840 y 0.772; demostrando que la escala permite estudiar la inteligencia moral de enfermeras y médicos. La escala desarrollada tenía altos valores alfa de Cronbach para cada componente y elemento, lo que indica que la escala proporciona una encuesta con alta validez para medir la inteligencia moral de médicos y enfermeras. El análisis factorial muestra una distribución estadísticamente válida de ítems y componentes.
Tomar en cuenta los parámetros de inteligencia moral en la provisión de servicios de salud contribuirá a diagnosticar trastornos con precisión, reducir la ansiedad de los pacientes, garantizar una estadía más corta en el hospital, reducir el número de pacientes transferidos a otros centros de salud, prevenir la negligencia, ahorrar tiempo y lograr una mejor planificación de la fuerza laboral.A comunicação efetiva, especialmente dos profissionais da saúde em cargos diretivos, contribui com todo o processo de tratamento dos pacientes e pode transformar a qualidade do serviço nos processos de diagnóstico, tratamento e atenção. Os gerentes com inteligência moral são capazes de distinguir o certo do errado e podem facilitar a relação entre os profissionais da saúde e os pacientes. O propósito deste estudo é desenvolver uma escala para medir a inteligência moral. A ferramenta de mensuração criada pelo Método Lawshe foi aplicada a 789 profissionais da saúde. Seguindo os cálculos da Relação de Validade de Conteúdo e o Índice de Validade de Conteúdo, a escala incluiu 77 itens. Depois de aplica-la, com a análise fatorial exploratória e confirmatória posterior, a escala recebeu sua forma final com 47 itens. O valor Cα da escala é 0,966. A escala tem sete dimensões que foram definidas como “igualdade”, “empatia”, “inteligência moral”, “justiça”, tolerância”, “autocontrole” e “amabilidade”. Os valores de Cα para estas dimensões foram, respectivamente, determinados como 0,922, 0,910, 0,874, 0,859, 0,799, 0,840 e 0,772, demonstrando que a escala permite estudar a inteligência moral de enfermeiras e médicos. A escala desenvolvida tinha altos valores de alfa de Cronbach para cada componente e elemento, o que indica que proporciona uma pesquisa com alta validade para medir a inteligência moral de médicos e enfermeiras. A análise fatorial mostra uma distribuição estatisticamente válida de itens e componentes. Ter em conta os parâmetros de inteligência moral na provisão de serviços de saúde contribuirá para diagnosticar transtornos com precisão, reduzir a ansiedade dos pacientes, garantir uma permanência mais curta no hospital, reduzir o número de pacientes transferidos para outros centros de saúde, prevenir a negligência, salvar tempo e lograr um melhor planejamento da força de trabalho
Türkiyedeki uluslararası öğrencilerin memleketleri ve motivasyonları: bir uyum analizi
The number of international students in Turkish universities was increased in recent years. Despite the
increasing number of international students in Turkey, it is still below from the other Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries. To understand the reasons of this situation, it is crucial to examine the
selection criteria of international students. The main objective of this study was to examine the most important factors
that affect students’ choice to study abroad. The study was designed as quantitative research. A correspondence
analysis was conducted to identify the information from international students who chose Turkey for higher
education. As a multivariate analysis technique, correspondence analysis graphically portrays the choice criteria of
international students and their country of residence in a single joint space. A survey was developed by the
researchers and distributed to the international students at two public universities in Turkey and the data were
collected from 281 international students. The results revealed that the two-dimensional solution was accepted with a
significant chi-square value and variances accounted for 99% of the total variance explained. Specifically, the
selection criteria for an institution in Turkey and Eskişehir differ with international students’ home country.Türkiye’deki üniversitelerinde bulunan uluslararası öğrencilerin sayısı her geçen yıl düzenli olarak artmaktadır.
Artan bu talebe rağmen Türkiye’deki uluslararası öğrenci oranı diğer Ekonomik Kalkınma ve İşbilirliği Örgütü’nde
(OECD) yer alan ülkelere göre düşüktür. Bu durumun altında yatan sebepleri öğrenmek için uluslararası öğrencilerin
Türkiye’yi seçme kriterlerini araştırma hedeflenmiştir. Bu araştırmanın amacı uluslararası öğrencilerin Türkiye’yi
yükseköğretim için seçme sebeplerini tespit etmektir. Bu çalışma nicel araştırma modeli olarak tasarlanmıştır. Bu
tespit için uyum analizi yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Bir tür çok değişkenli istatistiksel analiz yöntemi olan uyum analizi
ile uluslararası öğrencilerin tercih sebepleri ile onların memleketleri arasındaki ilişkiyi grafik biçiminde ifade etmeye
fırsat vermektedir. Araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen anket Türkiye’deki iki devlet üniversitesindeki uluslararası
öğrencilere dağıtılmıştır ve 281 katılımcıya ulaşılmıştır. Uyum analizi sonuçları gösteriyor ki, iki boyutlu çözüm
anlamlı ki-kare değerine sahiptir ve toplam varyansın %99’unu açıklamaktadır. Bu bulgular doğrultusunda
Türkiye’ye ve Eskişehir’e yükseköğretim için gelen uluslararası öğrencilerin tercih sebeplerinin geldikleri bölgelere
göre farklılık gösterdiği tespit edilmişti
Ochratoxin A biodegradation by Agaricus campestris and statistical optimization of cultural variables
The goal of this study is to identify the optimum conditions for ochratoxin A (OTA) biodegradation by the supernatant of Agaricus campestris strain. The Plackett–Burman and Box–Behnken methods were used to determine optimum OTA degradation conditions of Agaricus campestris under various incubation conditions. The Plackett–Burman method was planned through 16 varied experiments with 15 variants. The three most potent variants, sucrose, yeast extract and wheat bran, were selected using the Box–Behnken methodology. Ochratoxin A biodegradation ratio of 46.67% has been specified in only 1 h under ideal growing conditions. This is the first report on the optimization of OTA biodegradation by Agaricus campestris. When compared to previously published articles, it can be asserted that Agaricus campestris has promise based on its OTA biodegradation ratio in only 1 h of reaction time
Eskişehir’deki tarım makinesi operatörlerinin kabin konforu hakkındaki düşüncelerinin belirlenmesi
Comfort has a great importance in the interior design of tractor and agricultural machinery cabins. Operators are exposed to muscoskeletal system disorders since they spend long time periods during the day in these vehicles. There is a few work in the literature reporting operators’ opinions about cabin comfort of these machineries. In this study, a questionnaire was conducted in order to get information about agricultural machinery operators’ opinions about the comfort of their vehicles. Tractor cabins and combine harvester machine cabins were selected as machineries. The study was conducted in Eskişehir in Turkey. Questionnaire was composed of four groups of questions and five ordered response levels were used in the Likert's scale. Demographic questions, general questions about the machine, personal evaluation questions and open ended questions were asked to the operators. After the questionnaire completed, collected data were classified according to the machine type. Frequency tables were used to present the results. Visibility and the accessibility were the most satisfied issues for the tractor operators with 55.9% and 55.4% percentages, respectively. Seat comfort has the highest satisfaction degree with 43.7% for the combine harvester operators. Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient was used for the satisfaction questions in the applied questionnaire. The reliability of the study was high with coefficients of 0.878 and 0.940 for the tractor and combine harvester questionnaires, respectively. This study will support design and development process of new products by considering operator opinions.Traktör ve iş makinesi kabin içi tasarımında konfor büyük öneme sahiptir. Operatörlerin çoğu bir gün içinde uzun süreler boyunca söz konusu araçları kullandıkları için kas ve iskelet sistemi rahatsızlıklarına maruz kalmaktadırlar. Literatürde bu konuda operatörlerin fikirlerine yer veren çalışmalara az rastlanmaktadır. Bu nedenle bu çalışmada daha konforlu bir araç içi tasarımına ulaşabilmek için geliştirilmesi gereken konular üzerine operatörlerin fikirlerini almak için bir anket çalışması yürütülmüştür. Söz konusu anket çalışmasına konu olarak Türkiye'de yaygın olarak kullanılan traktör kabini ve biçerdöver kabini seçilmiştir. Çalışma Eskişehir/Türkiye'de yürütülmüştür. Operatörlere uygulanan ankette dört grup soru yer almaktadır ve ankette 5'li Likert ölçeği kullanılmaktadır. Operatörlere demografik sorular, makineyle ilgili genel sorular, kişisel değerlendirme soruları ve açık uçlu sorular sorulmuştur. Anket tamamlandıktan sonra toplanan veriler makine tipine göre sınıflandırılmıştır. Derlenen sonuçlar frekans tablolarıyla sunulmuştur. Görünürlük ve erişilebilirlik traktör operatörlerine göre sırasıyla %55.9 ve %55.4 oranlarıyla en çok memnuniyet duyulan konulardandır. Biçerdöver operatörleri için de oturma bölgesi konforu %43.7 oranıyla en çok memnun olunan konudur. Bu çalışmada memnuniyet soruları için Cronbach Alpha güvenilirlik katsayısı kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın güvenilirliği traktör anketi için 0,878, biçerdöver anketi için 0,940 katsayılarıyla yüksektir. Bu çalışma operatörlerin fikirlerini dahil ederek yeni ürün tasarım ve geliştirme sürecini destekleyecekti
Comparison of radon concentrations in soil gas and indoor environment of Afyonkarahisar province
It is well known that radon is the main source of natural radiation exposure to the population. Indoor radon concentrations in an area are affected by ascending radon migration following the convection of groundwater and soil gas along fractures and faults in the bedrock sediments. There are various studies showing that positive radon anomalies in the soil gas are found to coincide with the locations of houses showing the highest concentrations. Moreover, soil gas radon levels and soil permeability are important factors in determining the radon potential of an area, because high permeability enables the increased migration of radon from the soil into houses. Since radon in homes originates mainly from soil gas radon, it is of public interest to study the correlation between soil gas radon and indoor radon in different geographic locations. In the present work, a correlation study was carried in conjunction with radon concentrations in soil gas and indoor environment of Afyonkarahisar Province. The provincial center was assumed to be divided into four regions according to the rock types and tectonic structure to show also the geological structure effect on radon concentrations. The indoor radon concentrations were measured in 74 dwellings using CR-39 passive nuclear track detectors, and the radon concentrations in soil gas were determined in 243 drilled holes using AlphaGUARD detector. The correlation coefficient of 0.97 was obtained between radon concentrations in soil gas and indoor environment of Afyonkarahisar Province.Turkish Atomic Energy Authority
Afyon Kocatepe University Science Research Projects Coordination Uni
Sleep quality and training intensity in soccer players: exploring weekly variations and relationships
The aim of this study was twofold: it (i) analyzed the weekly variations of sleep quality and training intensity of youth soccer players and (ii) analyzed the relationships between sleep quality and training intensity. This study followed an observational design. Twenty men youth players (age: 18.81 ± 0.41 years) were monitored daily over two weeks for sleep quality and training intensity. Sleep quality was measured daily using the 15-item consensus sleep diary. The training intensity was measured daily using the CR-10 Borg’s scale as a measure of rate of perceived exertion (RPE); a heart rate (HR) sensor was used to measure minimum, average and peak; a global positioning system (GPS) was used for measuring the total distance covered and distances covered at different speed thresholds. Repeated measures ANOVA was used to analyze the weekly variations of sleep quality and training intensity. The Pearson correlation test was executed to analyze the relationships between sleep quality and training intensity. Repeated measures ANOVA revealed significant within-week variations in sleep duration (hours) (p = 0.043), quality of sleep (p = 0.035), RPE (p = 0.007), session-RPE (p = 0.011), HRminimum (p = 0.027), HRpeak (p = 0.005), total distance (p 19.00 km/h (p 19.00 km/h and quality of sleep after training (r = 0.286), session duration and rested feeling after training (r = 0.227), total distance and rested feeling after training (r = 0.202), distance covered at 11.00–14.99 km/h and rested feeling after training (r = 0.222) and distance covered at >19.00 km/h and rested feeling after training (r = 0.214). In conclusion, sleep duration was longer in the training sessions during the middle of the week; the training intensity was also greater (485.8 ± 56.8 A.U.). Moreover, sleep outcomes after training were slightly correlated with both physiological and locomotor demandsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
This work presents the synthesis and characterization of a novel compound, 4-(2-(2-(2-formylphenoxy)ethoxy)ethoxylphthalonitrile as the aldehyde functional group substituted as a phthalonitrile derivative. The spectroscopic properties of the compound were examined through Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, Proton nuclear magnetic resonance, Carbon nuclear magnetic resonance, Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, Mass spectrometry and elemental analyses. The molecular structure of the compound was also confirmed using X-ray single-crystal data with a theoretical comparative approach
Effects of a small-sided games training program in youth male soccer players: variations of the locomotor profile while interacting with baseline level and with the accumulated load
Purpose: This study aimed to (1) analyze the impact of a small-sided game training program in the locomotor profle
of youth male soccer players (while interacting with the baseline level – higher and lower level); and (2) test the
relationships between variation in locomotor profle and the accumulated demands in 3v3, 5v5 and match over the
period of observation.
Methods: The cohort lasted 3-weeks. Twenty under-17 male amateur soccer players (16.8±0.41 years; experience:
6.35±0.67 years) were assessed twice for their fnal velocity at 30−15 intermittent ftness test (VIFT), peak speed at
30-m sprint test (PSS) and anaerobic speed reserve (ASR). The PSS was estimated using a Global Positioning System,
while the VIFT was estimated using the maximum level attained by the players during the test. Based on the baseline
levels, the scores were standardized using the Z-score. The total score of athleticism (TSA) was calculated per player to
organize the players into two groups: lower TSA and higher TSA. Over the three weeks of observation, the small-sided
games of 3v3 and 5v5 and match demands were monitored using polar team pro. The heart rate responses (mean
and peak), distance covered (overall and split by speed thresholds), and peak speed in these games were obtained
and summed over the weeks. The repeated measures ANCOVA tested the variations (time) of the locomotor profle of
players while considering the baseline as covariable and the group as a factor. The Pearson-product correlation test
analyzed the relationships between variations in locomotor profle (Δ, post-baseline) and the accumulated demands
in 3v3, 5v5, and match.
Results: Between-groups analysis (lower TSA vs. higher TSA) revealed no signifcant diferences on VIFT (p=0.915),
PSS (p=0.269), ASR (p=0.258) and TSA score (p=0.138). Within-group (baseline vs. post-observation) analysis
revealed signifcant diference on VIFT (p<0.001), PSS (p=0.008), while no signifcant diferences were found on ASR
(p=0.949) and TSA score (p=0.619). Signifcant correlations were found between ΔPSS and match total distance (r=0.444; p=0.050), match Z2 (r=0.481; p=0.032) and match Z3 (r=0.454; p=0.044). Signifcant correlations
were found between ΔTSA and match total distance (r=0.457; p=0.043), match Z1 (r=0.451; p=0.046), match Z2
(r=0.500; p=0.025) and match Z3 (r=0.468; p=0.037).
Conclusion: Signifcant improvements were observed after the period of observation. However, the ftness base‑
line level and the accumulated training load in the small-sided games seem to have no signifcant impact on the
observed improvements.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Difference between preferred and non-preferred leg in peak speed, acceleration, and deceleration variables and their relationships with the change-of-direction deficit
The aim of this study was two-fold: (i) analyze the variation of kinematic measures between using preferred and non-preferred legs while braking during the 5–0–5 change of direction test; and (ii) test the relationships between kinematic measures, and change-of-direction deficit (CODD). A cross-sectional study using twenty adult male soccer players (21.6 ± 2.0 years; 73.2 ± 6.1 kg; 174.8 ± 4.5 cm) was employed. Players performed three repetitions of the 5–0–5 test using each leg during the braking phase. Players have used the Polar Team Pro to obtain the kinematic measures of peak speed, peak acceleration, and peak deceleration. Additionally, the CODD was also obtained using single-beamed photocells. Comparisons revealed a significantly greater peak acceleration (+ 0.22 m/s2; p < 0.001) and deceleration (+ 0.17 m/s2; p = 0.004) for the non-preferred leg. There were no significant correlations were found between CODD and peak accelerations (r = − 0.014, [− 0.193; 0.166]), peak decelerations (r = − 0.052, [− 0.229; 0.128]) or peak speed (r = 0.118, [− 0.063; 0.291]). This study revealed that preferred and non-preferred leg must be analyzed differently since they are different in the kinematic variables. However, CODD seems independent of leg preference and the kinematic measures of a 5–0–5 change of direction test.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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