25 research outputs found

    The effect of different mechanized site preparation methods on soi?l properties and growth of stone pine seedlingsin Armutlu province, Yalova

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    YÖK Tez No: 579748Armutlu (Yalova) yöresindeki 66,5 Ha. ormanlık alanda 2014 yılında suni gençleştirme çalışması yapılmış, çalışmaların arazi hazırlığı aşamasında üç farklı makineli arazi hazırlığı (MAH) yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Bu yöntemler; dozerle eğimin %0-40 arasında olduğu yerlerde tam alanda örtü temizliği ve üçlü riperle alt toprak işleme yapılması, dozerle eğimin %40'dan fazla olduğu yerlerde tam alanda örtü temizliği ve seki teras yapılması, eğimin %60'dan fazla olduğu yerlerde mini ekskavatörlerle BUROR Teras şeklinde toprak işleme yapılmasıdır. Her üç yöntemin de uygulandığı arazide; iklimi ve bakısı aynı, rakımı ve toprak özellikleri farklı olan 18 adet deneme alanı belirlenmiştir. Her deneme alanında aynı orijinli dikilmiş 1+0 yaşında Fıstık çamı (Pinus pinea) fidanlarında üç yıl sonra kök boğazı çapı, boyu ve yan dal sayıları üçer tekerrürlü ölçülmüştür. Ayrıca her deneme alanında ve kontrol parselinde toplam 21 adet toprak profili açılarak toprak numuneleri alınmış ve tahlil yaptırılmıştır. Varyans analizi sonuçlarına göre; her üç MAH yönteminde toprak özelliklerinin etkilediği, toprağın toz oranının ve pH değerinin düştüğü, BUROR teras yöntemiyle toprak işlemede iletkenlik değerleri, organik madde miktarı, azot ve fosfor değerlerinin belirgin şekilde arttığı görülmüştür. BUROR teras uygulanan sahalarda; diri örtü temizliği yapılmaması ve etrafta mineralce zengin olan toprağın teras yapılan yere taşınması sebebiyle fidan boyu ortalamasının en yüksek değerlere ulaştığı anlaşılmıştır. BUROR teras yöntemi; hem ekonomikliği hem de doğaya daha az zarar vermesi nedeniyle tercih edilebilir bir yöntem olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu yöntem, hızlı gelişen tür ağaçlandırmalarında ve dikim aralık mesafesi fazla olan türlerde kullanılabilecek bir yöntem olabilir. Dozerle tam alanda örtü temizliği ve üçlü riperle toprak işleme yönteminde potasyum değerlerinin çok yükseldiği, fidan boyu ortalamasının en düşük, kök boğazı çapı ve yan dal sayısının en fazla olduğu, potasyum miktarı ile yan dal sayısı ve fidan kök boğazı çapı arasında doğru orantı bulunduğu belirlenmiştir. BUROR terasların gençleştirme ve ağaçlandırma çalışmalarında doğaya en az zarar veren başarılı bir yöntem olduğu görülmüştür.Artificial rejuvenation work was carried out in 66.5 Ha forest area in Armutlu (Yalova) in 2014 and the and three different machine preparation methods (MAH) were applied during the land preparation stage of the studies. These methods; Pallet tractor (Caterpillar D7 Dozer) with where the slope is %0-40 full area cover cleaning and triple ripper soil processing, Pallet Tractor (Caterpillar D7 Dozer) with where the inclination is more than %40 full-land cover cleaning and wide terrace to make the soil processing, where slope is more than 60% soil cultivation with BUROR terrace with mini excavators. In the land where all three methods were applied; 18 experiment areas with same climate and elevation and altitude and soil characteristics were determined. In each trial area, the root collar diameter, length and number of lateral branches were measured in three replications after 1 year in seedlings of 1 + 0 years old pine (Pinus pinea) planted with the same origin. In addition, a total of 21 soil profiles were opened in each trial area and control parcel and soil samples were taken and analyses were performed. According to variance analyses; all three MAH methods affected soil properties and the soil dust rate and pH value decreased in all three MAH methods. Also, it was observed that conductivity values, organic matter content, nitrogen and phosphorus values increased in BUROR terrace method. In BUROR terraced areas; it was understood that the average height of seedlings reached the highest values due to the lack of cleaning of the living cover and the transportation of the mineral rich soil to the terraced place. BUROR terrace method has been determined as a preferable method because it was both economic and less damaging to nature. This method can be used in fast growing species afforestation and species with high plant spacing. It was also determined that very high potassium values, the lowest average seedling length, the highest root collar diameter and side branch number in the cover cleaning and triple ripper tillage method with the dozer. The amount of potassium and the number of side branches and sapling root collar diameter were found to be directly proportional BUROR terraces have been found to be the least damaging method for nature for artificial rejuvenation and afforestation works

    Cognitive processes in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

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    Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) consists of a pattern of symptoms that include cognitive, affective, sensory and behavioral systems. In PTSD, the individual experiences disturbing emotions and sensations such as anxiety, panic, depression, anger, tension, high startle response and hyper-vigilance as a result of re-experiencing traumatic memories, flashbacks, attention difficulties, memory loss, nightmares and intrusive thoughts. To get rid of these emotions, he avoids all stimuli that remind the traumatic event. The cognitive approach asserts that cognitions play a triggering and maintaining role for these symptoms and tries to explain them with the information processing framework. According to this approach, the traumatic event that is experienced is processed differently from daily, ordinary events. This different information processing strategy stands out in attention, memory, dissociation, cognitive beliefs, cognition-affect processes and coping strategies. In the present paper, research on how these constructs that are parts of the information processing in cognitive systems function in PTSD will be reviewed.Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) consists of a pattern of symptoms that include cognitive, affective, sensory and behavioral systems. In PTSD, the individual experiences disturbing emotions and sensations such as anxiety, panic, depression, anger, tension, high startle response and hyper-vigilance as a result of re-experiencing traumatic memories, flashbacks, attention difficulties, memory loss, nightmares and intrusive thoughts. To get rid of these emotions, he avoids all stimuli that remind the traumatic event. The cognitive approach asserts that cognitions play a triggering and maintaining role for these symptoms and tries to explain them with the information processing framework. According to this approach, the traumatic event that is experienced is processed differently from daily, ordinary events. This different information processing strategy stands out in attention, memory, dissociation, cognitive beliefs, cognition-affect processes and coping strategies. In the present paper, research on how these constructs that are parts of the information processing in cognitive systems function in PTSD will be reviewed

    Tosya (Kastamonu) İlçesinden Türkiye’nin A4 ve A5 Kareleri için Yeni Kayıtlar

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    In this study, 47 taxa are given as new records from Tosya district in Kastamonu province. The research area is situated in A4 and A5 squares according to the Davis' grid system. 23 Angiospermae taxa for A4 square and 24 Angiospermae taxa for A5 square, totally 47 taxa belonging to 23 families have been determined as new records. One of them is rare and 9 taxa are endemic.Bu çalışmada 47 takson Tosya (Kastamonu) ilçesinden yeni kayıt olarak verilmiştir. Araştırma alanı Davis’in kareleme sistemine göre A4 ve A5 karelerinde yer almaktadır. A4 karesi için 23 Angiospermae taksonu ve A5 karesi için 24 Angiospermae taksonu olmak üzere toplamda 23 familyadan 47 takson yeni kayıt olarak tespit edilmiştir. A4-A5 karesi için yeni kayıt olarak verilen taksonlardan biri nadir, 9 tanesi ise endemiktir

    Some Aromatic and Medicinal Plants from Bingöl (Turkey)

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    The use of aromatic and medicinal plants in developing countries has been widely observed. The increasing human population and demands in the late decades has led to over exploitation of land in many areas thus reducing the biodiversity of medicinal plants. Aromatic and medicinal plants possess odorous volatile substances and the characteristic aroma is due to a variety of complex chemical compounds. This study was carried out in order to contribute aromatic and medicinal plants knowledge of Eastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. This investigation included twenty medicinal or aromatic plant specimens collected and photographed from Bingöl provinces during the vegetation seasons 2016. With this study some medicinal and aromatic plants recorded and photographed; that might be useful for health-care programme, aromatic and medicinal plants knowledge, aromateraphy, phytoteraphy, economic agricultural policy development, alternative food programme, ethnobotany and development of drug sector

    Genetic Diversity In Populations Of Isatis Glauca Aucher Ex Boiss. Ssp. From Central Anatolia In Turkey, As Revealed By Aflp Analysis

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    Background Isatidae L. is a complex and systematically difficult genus in Brassicaceae. The genus displays great morphological polymorphism, which makes the classification of species and subspecies difficult as it is observed in Isatis glauca Aucher ex Boiss. The aim of this study is characterization of the genetic diversity in subspecies of Isatis glauca Aucher ex Boiss. distributed widely in Central Anatolia, in Turkey by using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) technique. Results Eight different Eco RI-Mse I primer combinations produced 805 AFLP loci, 793 (98.5%) of which were polymorphic in 67 accessions representing nine different populations. The data obtained by AFLP was computed with using GDA (Genetic Data Analysis) and STRUCTURE (version 2.3.3) software programs for population genetics. The mean proportion of the polymorphic locus (P), the mean number of alleles (A), the number of unique alleles (U) and the mean value of gene diversity (He) were 0.59, 1.59, 20, and 0.23 respectively. The coancestry coefficient (ϴ) was 0.24. The optimal number of K was identified as seven. The principal component analysis (PCA) explained 85.61% of the total genetic variation. Conclusion Isatis glauca ssp. populations showed a high level of genetic diversity, and the AFLP analysis revealed that high polymorphism and differentiated subspecies could be used conveniently for population genetic studies. The principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) based on the dissimilarity matrix, the dendrogram drawn with UPGMA method and STRUCTURE cluster analysis distinguished the accessions successfully. The accessions formed distinctive population structures for populations AA, AB, E, K, and S. Populations AG1 and AG2 seemed to have similar genetic content, in addition, in both populations several hybrid individuals were observed. The accessions did not formed distinctive population structures for both populations AI and ANP. Consequently, Ankara province might be the area, where species Isatis glauca Aucher ex Boiss. originated. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1999-3110-54-48) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.PubMedWoSScopu