18 research outputs found

    Evaluation of COPD patient’s relatives assessment of disease awarness, load of care giving and loss of workforce: Turkish Thoracic Society COPD working group

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    Objective: Our aim is to measure the level of awareness of patient’s relatives COPD, to determine the caregiver burden of patient's relatives, and to determine whether there is a work day loss. Material and method: 252 COPD patients and 252 patient’s relatives from 11 centers were included in this questionnaire study. Ethics committee was approval. Disease information of the patients were recorded and a questionnaire was applied. Socio-demographic characteristics of the patient’s relatives were recorded and a questionnaire consisting of 24 questions including COPD disease, treatment and loss of working days and Zarit Scale used in chronic diseases were used. Results: 128(50.8%) of the patients according to GOLD were group-D.97(38.5%) of the patient's relatives were working. 253(94.4%) knew that COPD was a lung disease. 62(24.7%) were not able to go to work for 1-14 days. 125(57.1%) spent outside the home from 1 to 14 nights, because those accompanied to patients. In univariate analysis were detected mMRC(p<0.001), CAT(p<0.001), the number of comorbidities of patients(p=0.027),Conclusion: In COPD increases caregiving burden. This burden is greater in symptomatic patients and when comorbidities are present. Psycho-social and legal regulations should be investigated and solutions should be produced for the person who gives care to COPD patients

    Analysis of the Role of Physicians in the Cessation of Cigarette Smoking Based on Medical Specialization

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    OBJECTIVE: Physicians do not adequately use their unique professional privilege to prevent patients from smoking. The aim of this study was to investigate the type and extent of advice given to patients by physicians of different medical specialties regarding smoking cessation. METHODS: In total, 317 volunteer physicians were included in this study. The participants rated their attitudes toward the smoking habits of their patients by completing a questionnaire. The approaches used to address the smoking habits of patients significantly differed among physicians working at polyclinics, clinics and emergency service departments (

    Interests of Thoracic Surgery: A Questionnaire Study

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    Amaç: Hastanede çalışmakta olan yardımcı sağlık personelleri çoğu zaman hastaların şikayetlerine göre baş- vurmaları gereken branş hakkında danıştıkları kişilerdir. Bu çalışmanın amacı hekim dışı sağlık personellerinin göğüs cerrahisinin ilgi alanları açısından bilgi düzeylerini ortaya koymaktır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Hastanemizde çalışan yardımcı sağlık personellerine gönüllük esasına dayanarak anket yapıldı. Anketler çalışmaya katılmayı kabul eden 35 kişiye dağıtıldı ve cevaplandıktan sonra toplandı. Elde edi- len veriler IBM SPSS Statistics 15.0 ile analiz edildi. Bulgular: Ankete katılan 35 hastane çalışanının %62.9u (n:22) sekreter ve %37.1i (n:13) hemşire idi. Çalışma- ya katılanların çoğu (n:31,%88.6) hastanede çalışan göğüs cerrahisi uzmanını tanıdığını belirtmekteydi. Katılım- cılara göğüs kafesi bölgesindeki organlar sorulduğunda %94.3ü (n:33) akciğerin, %91.4ü (n:32) kalbin, %100ü (n:35) böbreğin, %94.3ü (n:33) dalağın ve %88.6sı (n:31) safra kesesinin lokalizasyonunu doğru bilmekteydi. Timusun göğüs kafesinde olduğunu bilenlerin oranı ise %20 (n:7) idi. Göğüs cerrahisi tarafından tedavi edilen hastalıklara verilen cevaplar değerlendirildiğinde göğüs travmaları, kaburga kırıkları ve göğüs kafesi deformi- teleri yüksek oranda doğru bilinmişti. Özofagus, mediasten, timus bezi ve diafragma hastalıkları ile bölgesel hiperhiroziste doğru cevap oranları düşüktü. Akciğer operasyonlarının göğüs cerrahisi tarafından yapıldığının bilinme oranı %68.6 (n:24) iken, hemşire grubunda bu oran %100 (n:13), sekreter grubunda ise %50 (n:11) idi. Meme ameliyatları ayrı olarak branş bazında sorgulandığında tüm katılımcıların %82.9 (n:29)u genel cerrahi cevabını vermekteydi. Bu oran sadece hemşire grubunda çalışıldığında %100 olarak bulundu. Çalışma genelin- de hemşire grubunun doğru yanıt oranlarının sekreter grubuna göre daha fazla olduğu gözlemlendi. Sonuç: Bu çalışma hekim dışı sağlık çalışanları arasında göğüs cerrahisi konusunda bilgi ve farkındalık dü- zeyinin yeterli olmadığını, özellikle hasta yönlendirmede görevli sekreterlerin bu konuda eğitime ihtiyaçları olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.Background: Allied health personnel are inviduals who is working in hospital and consulted by the patients who needs to learn about which department they should apply according to their complaints. Material and Methods: A questionaire was performed to allied health personel working our hospital based on voluntary. The questionnaires were distributed to the 35 people who agreed to participate in the study and were collected after answered. Obtained data was analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics version 15.0 software program. Results: 62.9% (n 22) of the 35 participants were secretary and 37.1% (n 13) were nurses. Most of the study participants (n 31, 88.6%) said to know thoracic surgery specialists working in the hospital. When asking to participant about organs in region of thorax, of 94.3% (n:33) for lung, of 91.4% (n:32) for heart, of 100% (n:35) for kidney, of 94.3% (n:33) for spleen and of 88.6% (n:31) for gallbladder knew correctly region of organs in thorax. The percentage of Participants who knew the location of timus in the thorax was 20%(n:7). When assesment the answering to question on disease being treated by thoracic surgery, chest trauma, rib fractures and chest deformities were known highly accurate. the correct response rate to answering to question about esophagus, mediastinum, diaphragm and thymus gland diseases and regional hiperhiroz were low.68.6% (n 24) of the participants knew that lung operations were performed by thoracic surgery and the ratio was 100% (n 13) for nurses, and 50% (n 11) for secretary group.When questioned about breast surgery, %82.9 (n:29) of all participants answered as general surgery, this ratio was %100 for nurses. The correct response rate to o questions was higher in nurses compared to secretaries. Conclusion: This study reveals that knowledge and awareness of non-physician health personnels about Thoracic Surgery is insufficient and especially secretarias triaging patients need to be educated on this subject. Key words: Thoracic surgery, questionnaire, State Interest, Secretary, nurses

    Evaluating working memory capacity and cognitive load in learning from goal based scenario centered 3D multimedia

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate working memory capacity and cognitive load in learning from Goal Based Scenario centered 3D multimedia learning environment (GBSc3DM) designed based on Cognitive Load Theory (CLT). GBSc3DM was developed in two versions. In the designed of the first version (+CLT) cognitive load principles were applied. In the second version (-CLT), however, the principles were violated. 47 11(th) grade high school students were selected based on their working memory capacity (WMC). A series of parametric and non parametric statistical techniques were used to analyze the data. The findings are discussed in the following sections

    Somaclonal variation in potatoes (Solanum tubersosum L.)

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    Somaclonal variation was studied in 2 potato varieties (Nif and Granola) and 2 potato clones (106 and 122.) . Nodal cuttings of plantlets obtained from meristem culture were propagated in callus and regeneration media by rapid micropropagation techniques. Plantlets were transferred to pots and then transplanted in nursey beds. Plant height, stem number, branch number, leaf number, were measured. Coefficienty of variation (CV) was used as a criterion in comparing populations for the magnitude of somaclonal variation. Considerable somaclonal variation was found in the populations for tuber yield (Nif, Clone 122 and Granola ), tuber number (Nif, Clone 106), stem number (Nif,Clone 106 and Granola) and leaf number (Granola,Clone 106).Somaclonal variation was studied in 2 potato varieties (Nif and Granola) and 2 potato clones (106 and 122.) . Nodal cuttings of plantlets obtained from meristem culture were propagated in callus and regeneration media by rapid micropropagation techniques. Plantlets were transferred to pots and then transplanted in nursey beds. Plant height, stem number, branch number, leaf number, were measured. Coefficienty of variation (CV) was used as a criterion in comparing populations for the magnitude of somaclonal variation. Considerable somaclonal variation was found in the populations for tuber yield (Nif, Clone 122 and Granola ), tuber number (Nif, Clone 106), stem number (Nif,Clone 106 and Granola) and leaf number (Granola,Clone 106)


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    This study investigated the learners' satisfaction, motivation, and mental effort in Goal Based Scenario centered 3D multimedia learning environment (GBSc3DM). The design of the GBSc3DM was based on the Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) principles. Two versions of the GBSc3DM were developed. While Cognitive Load Theory principles were taken into account and implemented in the design of the first version (+CLT), those principles were not applied in the design of the second version (CLT). A total of 82 9th grade high school students participated in the study. Mixed methods were used to gather the data. The findings of the study revealed that the learners were satisfied with the Goal Based Scenario components and the CLT principles implemented in the first version of GBSc3DM. The learners pointed out that GBSc3DM and CLT principles motivated them to learn the topic. However, not only were the learners not satisfied with the second version (CLT), but they also found it distracting. The findings showed that the learners invested higher mental effort in the second version (-CLT) of GBSc3DM

    Mounier-Kuhn Syndrome Accompanied by Cases: A Distinguishing Diagnosis of Treatment Resistant Bronchospasm

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    Mounier-Kuhn Sendromu (MKS), trakea ve bronşların genişlemesi, tekrarlayan solunum yolu enfeksiyonları ve bronşektazi ile karakterizedir. Burada MKS sapta- nan iki olgu nadir görülmesi nedeniyle sunuldu. Ol- guların ortak özellikleri yıllardır zor astım/KOAH tanılarıyla takip edilmeleri, radyolojik incelemelerinde bronşektazi varlığı ve bronş sekresyonlarında nadir görülen bakterilerin üremesiydi. Birinci olgu 43 ve ikinci olgu 63 yaşında kadın olup toraks radyolojisin- de trakea ve ana bronş çaplarının ileri derecede geniş olması ile tanı aldılar. Tedavi olarak birinci olguda trakeaya stent konuldu ve semptomları dü- zelmekle beraber her seferinde stent yerinden çıkıp hemoptiziye yol açınca vazgeçildi. İkinci olguda ise hipoksemisi olmamasına rağmen polistemisi vardı. Her iki olguya tedavi olarak bronkodilatör, mukolitik ve enfeksiyon kontrolü için proflaktik antibiyoterapi ve aşılarla immünizasyon uygulandı. Sonuç olarak MKS, tedaviye dirençli bronkospazmda ayırt edici tanı ola- rak akla getirilmelidir.Mounier-Kuhn syndrome (MKS) is a syndrome char- acterized by the expansion of the trachea-bronchus, recurrent respiratory tract infections, and bronchiecta- sis. Herein, two cases were presented with MKS, as a rare disease. For years, cases had been followed up as asthma/chronic-obstructive-pulmonary-disease. In the radiological examinations of cases, there were bronchiectasic areas, and the growth of rare bacteria in bronchial secretions. The two women were diag- nosed as MKS when they were 43 and 63-yrs-old respectively, with severe enlargement of the tracheal and main bronchus diameter in the thoracic radiolo- gy. A tracheal stent was placed in case-1, and alt- hough her symptoms were relieved, we stopped trying the procedure because of the recurrent displacement of the stent caused by hemoptysis. Case-2 had poly- cythemia with no hypoxemia. Both cases were given supportive therapy including bronchodilator, muco- lytic, prophylactic antibiotic to control infection and vaccine immunization. As a result MKS should be kept in mind in the distinctive diagnosis of treatment resistant bronchospasm