5 research outputs found

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    20. yüzyıl başından günümüze Adana'da kent otellerinin gelişimi

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    TEZ6435Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2007.Kaynakça (s.183-190) var.xiii, 225 s. : rnk.res. ; 29 cm.This study is focused on analysing the development of Adana city hotels which built between beginning of the 20th century and today. In this scope, the accomodational concept and accomodational structures are researched, the classification of the hotels and the definition of the city hotel concept is made, the hotel is analysed based on their formal, functional and residential organization, thus the development is aimed to be determined. In addition to the anaysis of the organizational structure of the hotels, to be able to generally research the factors paid attention on positioning the city hotels in Adana city center, the surroundings are analysed on local maps by measuring the distances to the commercial regions, entertaintment places, bus and train stations and airports. By researching the plans of the hotels still functional and the ones closed, how the factors taken into consideration generally effected the city hotels in Adana city center is determined. For this goal, technical personnel of the hotels and the government officials related are consulted, the on-scene locating and measurements are made, the related materials are gathered and in this way the development of the hotels are tried to be determined..Bu çalışma, Adana'da kent otellerinin 20. yüzyıl başından günümüze gelişimini incelemeyi hedeflemektedir. Bu kapsamda, konaklama kavramı ve konaklama tesisleri araştırılmış, otellerin sınıflanması ve kent oteli kavramının tanımlanması yapılmış, otel yapılarının biçimsel, işlevsel ve mekânsal organizasyonu araştırılarak otel yapıları analiz edilmiş, böylelikle gelişim tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Otellerin organizasyonel yapısının analiz edilmesinin yanı sıra; kent otellerinde yer seçiminde dikkat edilen hususların genel olarak incelenebilmesi için, Adana kent merkezinde yer alan ve çalışmada ele alınan otellerin konumlarının araştırılması amacıyla mahalli haritaların üzerinde kentin ticari bölgesine, eğlence mekânlarına, otogar, istasyon ve havaalanı gibi ulaşım merkezlerine olan mesafeleri irdelenmiş ve yer seçimine ilişkin unsurların belirlenmesine ışık tutması amacıyla otellerin yakın çevreleri analiz edilmiştir. Adana'da kent merkezinde günümüzde halen işletmeye açık olan veya işletmeye kapatılmış, projesi temin edilebilen otellerin incelenmesi ile genel olarak dikkate alınan unsurların Adana kent merkezinde bulunan otellerde nasıl ve ne şekilde yer aldığı tespit edilmiştir. Bu amaçlarla otellerin tekeik sorumluları ve gerekli kamu kurumlarının ilgili birimleriyle görüşülüp ve yerinde yapılan ölçme ve tespit çalışmalarıyla gerekli materyallerin toplanarak otel gelişiminin nasıl gerçekleştiği tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştırBu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi Tarafından Desteklenmiştir. Proje No:MMF2006YL1

    Primary and pollen-associated hazelnut allergy in school-aged children in Germany: A birth cohort study

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    Background: Primary hazelnut allergy is a common cause of anaphylaxis in children, as compared to birch-pollen associated hazelnut allergy. Population-based data on hazelnut and concomitant birch-pollen allergy in children are lacking. We aimed to investigate the prevalence of primary and pollen-associated hazelnut allergy and sensitization profiles in school-aged children in Berlin, Germany. Methods: 1570 newborn children were recruited in Berlin in 2005–2009. The school-age follow-up (2014–2017) was based on a standardized web-based parental questionnaire and clinical evaluation by a physician including skin prick tests, allergen specific immunoglobulin E serum tests and placebo-controlled double-blind oral food challenges, if indicated. Results: 1004 children (63.9% response) participated in the school-age follow-up assessment (52.1% male). For 1.9% (n = 19, 95%-confidence interval 1.1%–2.9%) of children their parents reported hazelnut-allergic symptoms, for half of these to roasted hazelnut indicating primary hazelnut allergy. Symptoms of birch-pollen allergy were reported for 11.6% (n = 116 95%-CI 9.7%–13.7%) of the children. Both birch-pollen allergy and hazelnut allergy associated symptoms affected 0.6% (n = 6, 95%-CI 0.2%–1.3%) of children. Assessment of allergic sensitization was performed in 261 participants and showed that almost 20% of these children were sensitized to hazelnut, being the most frequent of all assessed food allergens, or birch-pollen, the majority to both. Conclusions: Based on parental reports hazelnut-allergic symptoms were far less common than sensitization to hazelnut. This needs to be considered by physicians to avoid unnecessary changes in diet due to sensitization profiles only, especially when there is a co-sensitization to hazelnut and birch-pollen.Peer Reviewe

    Frequency of food allergy in school-aged children in eight European countries-The EuroPrevall-iFAAM birth cohort

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked DownloadBackground: The prevalence of food allergy (FA) among European school children is poorly defined. Estimates have commonly been based on parent-reported symptoms. We aimed to estimate the frequency of FA and sensitization against food allergens in primary school children in eight European countries. Methods: A follow-up assessment at age 6-10 years of a multicentre European birth cohort based was undertaken using an online parental questionnaire, clinical visits including structured interviews and skin prick tests (SPT). Children with suspected FA were scheduled for double-blind, placebo-controlled oral food challenges (DBPCFC). Results: A total of 6105 children participated in this school-age follow-up (57.8% of 10 563 recruited at birth). For 982 of 6069 children (16.2%), parents reported adverse reactions after food consumption in the online questionnaire. Of 2288 children with parental face-to-face interviews and/or skin prick testing, 238 (10.4%) were eligible for a DBPCFC. Sixty-three foods were challenge-tested in 46 children. Twenty food challenges were positive in 17 children, including seven to hazelnut and three to peanut. Another seventy-one children were estimated to suffer FA among those who were eligible but refused DBPCFC. This yielded prevalence estimates for FA in school age between 1.4% (88 related to all 6105 participants of this follow-up) and 3.8% (88 related to 2289 with completed eligibility assessment). Interpretation: In primary school children in eight European countries, the prevalence of FA was lower than expected even though parents of this cohort have become especially aware of allergic reactions to food. There was moderate variation between centres hampering valid regional comparisons. Keywords: IgE; birth cohort study; epidemiology; food allergy; prevalence.European Commission Joint Research Centr

    Prevalence and early-life risk factors of school age allergic multimorbidity - the EuroPrevall-iFAAM birth cohort

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    BACKGROUND: Coexistenceofchildhoodasthma,eczemaandallergicrhinitisishigherthancanbeexpectedbychance,suggestingacommonmechanism.Dataonallergicmultimorbidityfromapan-European,population-basedbirthcohortstudyhasbeenlacking. This study compares the prevalence and early-life risk factors of these diseases in European primary school children.METHODS: IntheprospectivemulticentreobservationalEuroPrevall/iFAAMbirthcohortstudyweusedstandardizedquestionnairesonsocio-demographics,medicalhistory,parentalallergiesandlifestyle,andenvironmentalexposuresatbirth,12and24months.Atprimaryschoolage,parentsansweredISAAC-basedquestionsoncurrentasthma,rhinitisandeczema.Allergicmultimorbiditywasdefinedasthecoexistenceofatleasttwoofthese.RESULTS: From10,563childrenrecruitedatbirthin8studycentres,weincludeddatafrom5,572children(meanage8.2years;51.8%boys).Prevalenceestimateswere:asthma8.1%,allergicrhinitis13.3%,eczema12.0%.Allergicmultimorbiditywasseenin7.0%ofthewholecohort,rangingfrom1.2%(Athens,Greece)to10.9%(Madrid,Spain). Riskfactorsforallergicmultimorbidity, identified with AICc,includedfamily-allergy-score, oddsratio(OR)1.50 (95% CI 1.32-1.70)perstandarddeviation;early-lifeallergysymptoms, OR2.72 (2.34-3.16)foreachsymptom;andcaesareanbirth, OR1.35 (1.04-1.76).Femalegender, OR0.72 (0.58-0.90);oldersiblings,OR0.79 (0.63-0.99);andday-care, OR0.81 (0.63-1.06)wereprotectivefactors.CONCLUSION: AllergicmultimorbidityshouldberegardedasanimportantchronicchildhooddiseaseinEurope.Someoftheassociatedearly-lifefactorsaremodifiableandmaybeconsideredforpreventionstrategies.</p