803 research outputs found

    İyimserlik (Yaşam Yönelimi) ile Yaşam Doyumu Arasındaki İlişkide Akademik Başarının Aracılık Rolü

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    This article investigates whether academic achievement plays a mediating role in the relationship between optimism and life satisfaction. The study was designed using the correlational survey method. Four hundered and thirty-five (215 females and 220 males) high school students were chosed as the particpants of the study. The mean age of the students was 16.21. The Optimism (Life Orientation) Scale and the Life Satisfaction Scale were used in the study, and the academic achievement grades of the students were obtained from the report card notes from the previous year. To test the mediating effect of the applied model, the regression-based bootstrapping method and the Pearson moment-product correlation coefficient were used. Results showed there was a relationship between optimism, academic achievement, and life satisfaction. Furthermore, it was found that academic achievement played a partial mediating role in the relationship between optimism and life satisfaction. It was also observed that as students’ optimistic thoughts increased, their academic achievement also increased, and consequently, they became more satisfied with life. The findings were discussed in general terms, and recommendations were made accordingly.Bu araştırmanın amacı iyimserlik ile yaşam doyumu arasındaki ilişkide akademik başarının aracı rolüne sahip olup olmadığını incelemektir. Araştırma, ilişkisel tarama modelinde düzenlenmiştir. Araştırma, 215’i kadın, 220’si erkek olmak üzere toplam 435 lise öğrencisi üzerinde yürütülmüştür. Öğrencilerin yaş ortalaması 16.21 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Araştırmada İyimserlik (Yaşam Yönelimi) Ölçeği ile Yaşam Doyumu Ölçeği kullanılmış, öğrencilerin akademik başarı notları ise bir önceki yıl karne notlarından elde edilmiştir. Araştırmada, Pearson momentler çarpımı koreleasyon katsayısı ile uygulanan modelin aracılık etkisini test etmek için regresyon temelli bootstrapping yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre iyimserlik, akademik başarı ve yaşam doyumu arasında ilişkiler bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca iyimserlik ile yaşam doyumu arasında akademik başarının kısmi aracılık rolünde olduğu görülmektedir. Sonuç olarak öğrencilerim iyimserlik düşünceleri arttıkça akademik başarılarının da yükseldiği bunun sonucu olarak da yaşamdan daha fazla doyum aldıkları görülmektedir. Bulgular genel hatlarıyla tartışılarak yorumlanmış ve önerilerde bulunulmuştur

    Povezanost izgaranja u školi i angažiranosti u školi: posrednička uloga stava prema učenju

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    The main purpose of this study is to investigate the mediating role of attitude toward learning in correlation between school burnout and school competence. This study was administered on 471 students. Participants completed School Burnout Scale, School Engagement Scale and Scale of Attitude toward Learning. Data derived from regression analysis show that school engagement and attitude toward learning were predicted negatively and significantly by school burnout. School engagement was predicted positively by attitude toward learning. Furthermore, attitude toward learning was determined to partially mediate the relationship between school burnout and school engagement. Data present that attitude toward learning increased school engagement and it is a significant variable in decreasing school burnout. Glavni cilj ovoga istraživanja je proučiti posredničku ulogu stava prema učenju u odnosu na izgaranje u školi i angažiranosti u školi. Ovo istraživanje provedeno je na 471 učeniku srednje škole. Ispitanici su popunili tri skale, odnosno skalu Izgaranje u školi, skalu Angažiranost u školi i skalu Stavovi prema učenju. Podatci dobiveni regresijskom analizom pokazuju da su angažiranost u školi i stav prema učenju negativno i značajno predviđeni stavom prema učenju. Stav prema učenju pozitivno predviđa angažiranost u školi. Nadalje, stav prema učenju doprinosi odnosu izgaranja u školi i djelomično angažmanu u školi. Rezultati pokazuju da postupci koji bi smanjili izgaranje u školi imaju veliku ulogu kod angažiranosti u školi i stavovima prema učenju

    Influencing Factors of Currency Risk of Deposit Banks in Turkey by Using Probit Method

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    In this paper, we aimed to analyze the factors that affect currency risk of the banks. Within this scope, annual data of 23 deposit banks for the periods between 2005 and 2015 was evaluated. In addition to this situation, panel probit model was used in order to achieve this objective. Regarding the subject of the currency risk, this model was firstly used in this study. According to the results of the analysis, it was determined that 3 independent variables affect the currency risk of deposit banks in Turkey. Firstly, it was identified that there is a positive relationship between total assets and currency risk. This situation explains that when the size of the banks increases, they tend to take more currency risk. In addition to this variable, it was also defined that there is a direct relationship between economic growth and currency risk of the banks. This result refers that in case of an increment in the market stability; banks think that the market is safer and they increase their currency risk. Moreover, it was also concluded that there is a negative relationship between interest rate and currency risk of the banks. This aspect shows that when interest rate decreases, it will lower uncertainty in the market. Thus, banks would take higher currency risk in such markets

    Causality Relationship between Interest Rate of Deposit Banks and Profit Share Rate of Islamic Banks in Turkey

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    The popularity of Islamic banking is increasing day by day. On the other hand, some people also criticized this system in some aspect. One of the criticism is that profit sharing rates of Islamic banks are similar to interest rate of deposit banks. While considering this issue, this study aims to identify the causality relationship between profit sharing rate and interest rate in Turkey. Within this scope, monthly, quarterly, 6-months and yearly data for the period between 2000 and 2016 was analyzed separately. In addition to this situation, Toda Yamamoto causality analysis was used in this study so as to achieve this objective. According to the results of the analysis, it was determined that there is a significant causality relationship between these rates. In other words, it was concluded that interest rate of the deposit banks is the main indicator of the profit share rate of Islamic banks in Turkey. The main reason behind this situation is that indicators in the market affect both deposit banks and Islamic banks. Therefore, it is inevitable that deposit rates and profit share rates will be similar when deposit banks and Islamic banks perform in the same market

    Foaming behavior of Ti6Al4V particle-added aluminum powder compacts

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    The foaming behavior of 5 wt.% Ti6Al4V (Ti64) particle (30–200 μm)-added Al powder compacts was investigated in order to assess the particle-addition effects on the foaming behavior. Al compacts without particle addition were also prepared with the same method and foamed. The expansions of Ti64 particle-added compacts were measured to be relatively low at small particle sizes and increased with increasing particle size. At highest particle size range (160–200 μm), particle-added compacts showed expansion behavior similar to that of Al compacts without particle addition, but with lower expansion values. Expansions studies on 30–45 μm size Ti64-added compacts with varying weight percentages showed that the expansion behavior of the compacts became very similar to that of Al compact when the particle content was lower than 2 wt.%. However, Ti64 addition reduced the extent of drainage. Ti64 particles and TiAl3 particles formed during foaming increased the apparent viscosity of the liquid foam and hence reduced the flow of liquid metal from cell walls to plateau borders. The reduced foamability in the compacts with the smaller size Ti64 addition was attributed to the relatively high viscosities, due to the higher cumulative surface area of the particles and higher rate of TiAl3 formation between liquid Al and Ti64 particles.TÜBİTAK for the grant #106M18

    On the existence of Hopf cycles in optimal growth models with time delay

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    Ankara : The Department of Economics and the Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of Bilkent University, 2008.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2008.Includes bibliographical refences.In this thesis, we analyzed the existence of cycles `a la Poincar´e-AndronovHopf in optimal growth models with time delay. The analysis builds upon a new method developed, which investigates the number of pure imaginary roots of the characteristic equation. The method was applied to the time-tobuild models of Asea and Zak (1999) and Winkler (2004).Yüksel, Mustafa KeremM.S

    Essays on nonlinear dynamics in optimal growth models

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    Ankara : Department of Economics İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University, 2014.Thesis (Ph. D.) -- Bilkent University, 2014.Includes bibliographical references leaves 79-84.Economic models with time delay have long been considered in economic theory. It is considered that delay forces the economic system into persistent cycles which can be interpreted as intrinsic crises of the capitalist economy. The e§ect of delay on economic dynamics is analyzed by Hopf bifurcation according to the recent developments in economics and mathematics. Hopf bifurcation depends on the existence of a pair of pure imaginary eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix evaluated at the steady state. However, recent studies are inconsistent in a determinate way to decide whether the optimal growth model with investment lags admits persistent cycles or not. In the second chapter of this thesis, the author tries to sharpen the analysis of one sector optimal growth model with one control and one state variables and time delay. We Örstly give a brief outline of the mathematical history and ëknow-howíof delays in economic models, as well as its interpretation, and then, we further the analysis set of the model of Asea and Zak (1999) and try to introduce of a new technique for the exposition of the eigenvalues of the characteristic equation of these type of models in a generalized framework. In the third chapter we introduce a new technique (see Louisell, 2001) to the study of economic models with delays and incorporate this technique to evaluate the cycleinducing e§ects of capital dependent population growth in economic models with time delay. We employ the Solow-Kalecki framework and show that the presence of capital dependent population growth induces cycles. Other than the introduction of a new technique into the area of economics, one particular contribution of this chapter is that the results clearly shows that delay is not su¢ cient in inducing cycles even in the most simple economic models. In the forth chapter, we show that Hopf bifurcation may emerge in an overlapping generations resource economy through a feedback mechanism between population and resource availability. In overlapping generations resource economy models, the cycle inducing factor is mainly the nonlinearity of the regeneration of the resources. On the contrary, we assume linear regeneration and yet, endogenize the population growth rate. We show that the interaction between instantenous population growth and regeneration rate triggers persistent cycles in the economy. In the Öfth chapter, we employ a continuous delay structure in the process of recruitment in the population growth in an optimal growth model and hence obtain cyclic solutions. We exploit Erlangian process in the population growth mechanism. As far as we know, the incorporation of Erlangian process in optimal growth models is handled in this chapter for the Örst time in economic literature. Through this mechanism, not only the population is considered as a function of per capita capital, or in other words, population growth is endogenized, but also the current level of population growth is linked with those of older generations. We Önd out that the interaction between the e§ect of older generationsífertility choices and the accumulation of capital induces cyclic behaviour in the economy. The sixth and the last chapter concludes with future research agenda. Overall, the thesis considers the e§ects of delay and endogenized population on the economies of interest (Solow, overlapping generations, optimal growth model) economically and tries to introduce the existing methods and develop new ones to investigate the e§ects of delay and endogenized population on the eigenvalues of the Jacobians that the drive the economies of interest at their steady states.Yüksel, Mustafa KeremPh.D

    Closed posteromedial dislocation of ankle in a 12 year-old boy: a case report

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    Ankle fractures and fracture dislocations are common injuries in orthopaedic practice however pure ankle dislocation without an associated fracture is extremely rare. There are a few cases reporting such a lesion in the literature. Also this injuries are generally open high energy trauma injuries. Closed treatments are reported to be effective and ligament injuries are generally not reported. In this study, we report a closed pure posteromedial ankle dislocation with anterior talofibular ligament rupture and its treatment and outcome in a 12 year-old boy. We think that this is an extremely rare lesion