31 research outputs found

    Deleuze, temps et Ă©thique : les trois synthĂšses du temps et les trois Ă©thiques

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    This dissertation plans to contribute to a study of the philosophy of time and the ethics of Deleuze, by scrutinizing the conception of time drawn from the three syntheses in Difference and repetition and that of ethics which is embodied in the article titled “Spinoza and the three « Ethics » ” (Critical and Clinical), in order to show the isomorphism between the ternary structure of the three syntheses of time and that of the three Ethics. This brings about a meta-ethical stake going beyond the deleuzian scope and also enables to recapture the conception of ethics from a perspective of time. It’s about trying to arrive at a meta-ethical reflection, on the deleuzian ethics inspired by Spinoza and Nietzsche, from this ‘problematique’ of both time and ethics. The approach and the style that are adopted to realize this theme are neither exegetical nor hermeneutical,but inclined to construct the arguments. Hence, instead of adhering to the deleuzian assertions taken for granted, by insisting on an intellectual reserve and by practicing an argumentative attitude, a genuine conceptual dialogue with Deleuze from an external point of view becomes possible. This argumentative dialogue is realized by applyingsome powerful concepts, which don’t necessarily attach to the deleuzian system: the concept of ‘presentism’ is introduced by joining it with that of the spinozian ‘expression’ in order to make all the three syntheses of time univocal; the concept of ‘abduction’ is invited to clarify the particular philosophical manner of Deleuze. Therefore, this dissertation privileges an externalist point of view in the reading of the articulation between ontology of time and ethics.Cette thĂšse se propose de contribuer Ă  l’étude de la philosophie du temps et de l’éthique de Deleuze, en examinant parallĂšlement la conception du temps qui se dĂ©gage des trois synthĂšses dans DiffĂ©rence et rĂ©pĂ©tition et celle de l’éthique qui s’incarne dans l’article ‘Spinoza et les trois « Éthiques »’ (Critique et clinique), en vue de dĂ©montrer l’isomorphisme entre la structure ternaire de ces trois synthĂšses du temps et celle des trois Éthiques. Cela permet de dĂ©gager un enjeu mĂ©ta-Ă©thique qui dĂ©borde le cadre deleuzien, et de ressaisir la conception de l’éthique dans une perspective temporelle. Il s'agit de tenter Ă  partir de cette problĂ©matique Ă  la fois temporelle et Ă©thique, une rĂ©flexion mĂ©ta-Ă©thique, Ă  l’égard de l’éthique deleuzienne, inspirĂ©e par Spinoza et Nietzsche. La dĂ©marche et le style adoptĂ©s pour rĂ©aliser cette thĂ©matique ne sont ni exĂ©gĂ©tiques ni hermĂ©neutiques mais orientĂ©s vers la mise en forme des arguments. Ainsi, au lieu d’ĂȘtre ancrĂ© dans les dĂ©clarations deleuziennes tenues comme acquises, en insistant sur un Ă©cart intellectuel et en pratiquant l’attitude argumentative, un vĂ©ritable dialogue conceptuel avec Deleuze, d’un point de vue externe, devient possible. Ce dialogue argumentatif passe par l’emploi de concepts suffisamment puissants, qui ne font pas nĂ©cessairement partie du corpus deleuzien : le concept de ‘prĂ©sentisme’ est introduit en rejoignant celui d’expression spinozienne pour rendre univoques les trois synthĂšses du temps ; le concept d’‘abduction’ est introduit pour Ă©claircir la maniĂšre philosophique de Deleuze. Cette thĂšse privilĂ©gie donc un point de vue externaliste dans la lecture de l’articulation entre ontologie du temps et Ă©thique

    The Genomes of Oryza sativa: A History of Duplications

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    We report improved whole-genome shotgun sequences for the genomes of indica and japonica rice, both with multimegabase contiguity, or almost 1,000-fold improvement over the drafts of 2002. Tested against a nonredundant collection of 19,079 full-length cDNAs, 97.7% of the genes are aligned, without fragmentation, to the mapped super-scaffolds of one or the other genome. We introduce a gene identification procedure for plants that does not rely on similarity to known genes to remove erroneous predictions resulting from transposable elements. Using the available EST data to adjust for residual errors in the predictions, the estimated gene count is at least 38,000–40,000. Only 2%–3% of the genes are unique to any one subspecies, comparable to the amount of sequence that might still be missing. Despite this lack of variation in gene content, there is enormous variation in the intergenic regions. At least a quarter of the two sequences could not be aligned, and where they could be aligned, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rates varied from as little as 3.0 SNP/kb in the coding regions to 27.6 SNP/kb in the transposable elements. A more inclusive new approach for analyzing duplication history is introduced here. It reveals an ancient whole-genome duplication, a recent segmental duplication on Chromosomes 11 and 12, and massive ongoing individual gene duplications. We find 18 distinct pairs of duplicated segments that cover 65.7% of the genome; 17 of these pairs date back to a common time before the divergence of the grasses. More important, ongoing individual gene duplications provide a never-ending source of raw material for gene genesis and are major contributors to the differences between members of the grass family

    Reasoning in Chinese, An Untimely Effort : a Philosopher and the Chinese Language, the Case of Chen Jiaying

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    La problĂ©matique de « philosopher en chinois » ou de « la philosophie en chinois », diffĂ©rente de celle de « la philosophie chinoise », ne devient enfin pleinement explicite et lĂ©gitime qu’aprĂšs le tournant linguistique. Traitant la philosophie par essence comme une pratique langagiĂšre, elle est Ă©troitement liĂ©e Ă  l’actuelle et Ă©pineuse construction de la subjectivitĂ© intellectuelle du chinois moderne. Adoptant une approche hybride de la linguistique et de la philosophie du langage, cette thĂšse Ă©tudie un philosophe chinois contemporain, Chen Jiaying (1952 - ), dont la philosophie est entendu comme un paradigme (au sens de “one of a kind”), en vue de clarifier ce que c’est « philosopher en chinois » ou bien « raisonner en chinois ». L’étude de cas, concentrĂ©e sur trois monographies, consiste Ă  dĂ©chiffrer la pensĂ©e de cet auteur jointe Ă  son style philosophique, en montrant les implications mĂ©thodologiques pour une pratique philosophique en chinois. J’examine sa dĂ©marche langagiĂšre, surtout son raisonnement invariablement basĂ© sur la clarification de l’usage des mots chinois (ex. le problĂšme dĂ©licat des termes transplantĂ©s) et son style argumentatif et dialogique basĂ© sur des caractĂ©ristiques linguistiques propres Ă  la langue chinoise. Tout ceci en vue de fournir, au-delĂ  de la description analytique de ce qu’est « raisonner en chinois » (et de la conception Ă©thique qui en procĂšde), des rĂ©fĂ©rences de mĂ©thode Ă©clairantes et Ă©ventuellement normatives pour la pratique philosophique — comme « commencer toujours par des mots chinois sensibles », « revenir sans cesse aux choses elles-mĂȘmes ». Cette thĂšse illustre Ă©galement comment les deux modes de raisonnement, linguistique et philosophique, peuvent ĂȘtre conjuguĂ©s pour approfondir et Ă©largir non seulement notre comprĂ©hension du « philosopher en chinois », c’est-Ă -dire de la philosophie en chinois et de la langue chinoise en gĂ©nĂ©ral, mais aussi celle d’un dialogue philosophique universel basĂ© sur la pratique et la traduction des « langues naturelles » en philosophie.The problem of “philosophizing in Chinese” or “philosophy in Chinese”, different from that of “Chinese philosophy”, becomes fully explicit and legitimate only after the linguistic turn. Taking philosophy as a language practice, this approach is closely related to the current thorny construction of the intellectual subjectivity of the modern Chinese language. Adopting a hybrid approach of linguistics and philosophy of language, this dissertation examines the philosophy of a contemporary Chinese philosopher, Chen Jiaying (1952 - ), as a paradigm (in the sense of “one of a kind”), aiming at clarifying what it is to “reason in Chinese” or to “philosophize in Chinese”. The case study, focusing on Chen’s three monographs, amounts to deciphering the author’s thought together with his philosophical style, with a view to explicating the methodological implications for a philosophical practice in Chinese. I examine his language approach, especially his reasoning, which is invariably based on the clarification of the use of Chinese words (e.g. the tricky problem of transplanted terms) and his argumentative and dialogical style based on distinctive linguistic features of the Chinese language. All this is done in order to provide, beyond the mere analytical description of what it is to “reason in Chinese” (coupled with the ethical conception that stems from it), some enlightening and possibly normative methodological references for the practice of philosophy: such as “always begin with the Chinese words that speak to the senses”, “keep coming back to the things themselves”. This dissertation illustrates how the two modes of reasoning, linguistics and philosophy, can be combined in order to deepen not only our understanding of “philosophizing in Chinese”, that is of philosophy in Chinese and more generally of the Chinese language, but also that of a universal philosophical dialogue based on the practice and translation of the “natural languages” in philosophy

    Deleuze, time and ethics : the three syntheses of time and the three ethics

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    Cette thĂšse se propose de contribuer Ă  l’étude de la philosophie du temps et de l’éthique de Deleuze, en examinant parallĂšlement la conception du temps qui se dĂ©gage des trois synthĂšses dans DiffĂ©rence et rĂ©pĂ©tition et celle de l’éthique qui s’incarne dans l’article ‘Spinoza et les trois « Éthiques »’ (Critique et clinique), en vue de dĂ©montrer l’isomorphisme entre la structure ternaire de ces trois synthĂšses du temps et celle des trois Éthiques. Cela permet de dĂ©gager un enjeu mĂ©ta-Ă©thique qui dĂ©borde le cadre deleuzien, et de ressaisir la conception de l’éthique dans une perspective temporelle. Il s'agit de tenter Ă  partir de cette problĂ©matique Ă  la fois temporelle et Ă©thique, une rĂ©flexion mĂ©ta-Ă©thique, Ă  l’égard de l’éthique deleuzienne, inspirĂ©e par Spinoza et Nietzsche. La dĂ©marche et le style adoptĂ©s pour rĂ©aliser cette thĂ©matique ne sont ni exĂ©gĂ©tiques ni hermĂ©neutiques mais orientĂ©s vers la mise en forme des arguments. Ainsi, au lieu d’ĂȘtre ancrĂ© dans les dĂ©clarations deleuziennes tenues comme acquises, en insistant sur un Ă©cart intellectuel et en pratiquant l’attitude argumentative, un vĂ©ritable dialogue conceptuel avec Deleuze, d’un point de vue externe, devient possible. Ce dialogue argumentatif passe par l’emploi de concepts suffisamment puissants, qui ne font pas nĂ©cessairement partie du corpus deleuzien : le concept de ‘prĂ©sentisme’ est introduit en rejoignant celui d’expression spinozienne pour rendre univoques les trois synthĂšses du temps ; le concept d’‘abduction’ est introduit pour Ă©claircir la maniĂšre philosophique de Deleuze. Cette thĂšse privilĂ©gie donc un point de vue externaliste dans la lecture de l’articulation entre ontologie du temps et Ă©thique.This dissertation plans to contribute to a study of the philosophy of time and the ethics of Deleuze, by scrutinizing the conception of time drawn from the three syntheses in Difference and repetition and that of ethics which is embodied in the article titled “Spinoza and the three « Ethics » ” (Critical and Clinical), in order to show the isomorphism between the ternary structure of the three syntheses of time and that of the three Ethics. This brings about a meta-ethical stake going beyond the deleuzian scope and also enables to recapture the conception of ethics from a perspective of time. It’s about trying to arrive at a meta-ethical reflection, on the deleuzian ethics inspired by Spinoza and Nietzsche, from this ‘problematique’ of both time and ethics. The approach and the style that are adopted to realize this theme are neither exegetical nor hermeneutical,but inclined to construct the arguments. Hence, instead of adhering to the deleuzian assertions taken for granted, by insisting on an intellectual reserve and by practicing an argumentative attitude, a genuine conceptual dialogue with Deleuze from an external point of view becomes possible. This argumentative dialogue is realized by applyingsome powerful concepts, which don’t necessarily attach to the deleuzian system: the concept of ‘presentism’ is introduced by joining it with that of the spinozian ‘expression’ in order to make all the three syntheses of time univocal; the concept of ‘abduction’ is invited to clarify the particular philosophical manner of Deleuze. Therefore, this dissertation privileges an externalist point of view in the reading of the articulation between ontology of time and ethics

    Effects of fishery complementary photovoltaic power plant on radiation, energy flux and driving forces under different synoptic conditions

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    Abstract The underlying surface was the important media of air-lake interaction by transferring energy. The deployment of photovoltaic arrays on the lake has formed a new underlying surface type. But the new underlying surface is different from the natural lake. The impact of fishery complementary photovoltaic (FPV) power plants on the radiation, energy flux, and driving force is unclear. Therefore, the analysis of radiation, energy flux, and driving force by comparing the difference in the two sites under various synoptic conditions. The results indicated that the radiation components are not significantly different in the two sites under diverse synoptic conditions. The downward shortwave radiation (DSR) and net radiation ( Rn{R}_{n} R n ) were presented with one peak on a sunny day. The daily average DSR and Rn in the two sites were 279.1 W·m−2, 209.3 W·m−2, respectively. The daily average (cloudy day and rainy day) sensible heat flux in the two sites was 39.5 W·m−2 (FPV site), 19.2 W·m−2 (REF site), respectively. The latent heat flux was 53.2 W·m−2 and 75.2 W·m−2 on counterpart. The water body generally absorbs heat from the air (daily average ∆Q was 16.6 W·m−2) in the FPV site on a sunny day. The driving force of sensible heat flux in the FPV site was governed by the temperature of the FPV panel under sunny and cloudy conditions. The latent heat flux was determined by the product between wind speed and water-atmosphere temperature difference

    Salient object detection via reliable boundary seeds and saliency refinement

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    Salient object detection can identify the most distinctive objects in a scene. In this study, a novel graph‐based approach is proposed to detect a salient object via reliable boundary seeds and saliency refinement. A natural image is firstly mapped to a graph with superpixels as nodes. Saliency information is then diffused over the graph using seeds. For the reason that the boundary nodes may contain salient nodes, it is not appropriate to use all boundary nodes as the background seeds. Therefore, a boundary saliency measurement is proposed to obtain more accurate background seeds. After that, the information of background seeds is diffused by a two‐stage scheme. A background‐based map and a foreground‐based map are generated based on the two‐stage scheme. Furthermore, in order to enhance the detection accuracy, a refinement model is presented to fuse the information of background‐based and foreground‐based maps. Experiments on seven public datasets show the proposed algorithm out‐performs the state‐of‐the‐art salient object detection algorithms

    Transcriptomics and Genomics Analysis Uncover the Differentially Expressed Chlorophyll and Carotenoid-Related Genes in Celery

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    Celery (Apium graveolens L.), a plant from Apiaceae, is one of the most important vegetables and is grown worldwide. Carotenoids can capture light energy and transfer it to chlorophyll, which plays a central role in photosynthesis. Here, by performing transcriptomics and genomics analysis, we identified and conducted a comprehensive analysis of chlorophyll and carotenoid-related genes in celery and six representative species. Significantly, different contents and gene expression patterns were found among three celery varieties. In total, 237 and 290 chlorophyll and carotenoid-related genes were identified in seven species. No notable gene expansion of chlorophyll biosynthesis was detected in examined species. However, the gene encoding ζ-carotene desaturase (ZDS) enzyme in carotenoid was expanded in celery. Comparative genomics and RNA-seq analyses revealed 16 and 5 key genes, respectively, regulating chlorophyll and carotenoid. An intriguing finding is that chlorophyll and carotenoid-related genes were coordinately regulated by transcriptional factors, which could be distinctively classified into positive- and negative-regulation groups. Six CONSTANS (CO)-like transcription factors co-regulated chlorophyll and carotenoid-related genes were identified in celery. In conclusion, this study provides new insights into the regulation of chlorophyll and carotenoid by transcription factors

    Discovery and annotation of a novel transposable element family in Gossypium

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    Abstract Background Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is an efficient cytogenetic technology to study chromosome structure. Transposable element (TE) is an important component in eukaryotic genomes and can provide insights in the structure and evolution of eukaryotic genomes. Results A FISH probe derived from bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone 299N22 generated striking signals on all 26 chromosomes of the cotton diploid A genome (AA, 2x=26) but very few on the diploid D genome (DD, 2x=26). All 26 chromosomes of the A sub genome (At) of tetraploid cotton (AADD, 2n=4x=52) also gave positive signals with this FISH probe, whereas very few signals were observed on the D sub genome (Dt). Sequencing and annotation of BAC clone 299N22, revealed a novel Ty3/gypsy transposon family, which was named as ‘CICR’. This family is a significant contributor to size expansion in the A (sub) genome but not in the D (sub) genome. Further FISH analysis with the LTR of CICR as a probe revealed that CICR is lineage-specific, since massive repeats were found in A and B genomic groups, but not in C–G genomic groups within the Gossypium genus. Molecular evolutionary analysis of CICR suggested that tetraploid cottons evolved after silence of the transposon family 1–1.5 million years ago (Mya). Furthermore, A genomes are more homologous with B genomes, and the C, E, F, and G genomes likely diverged from a common ancestor prior to 3.5–4 Mya, the time when CICR appeared. The genomic variation caused by the insertion of CICR in the A (sub) genome may have played an important role in the speciation of organisms with A genomes. Conclusions The CICR family is highly repetitive in A and B genomes of Gossypium, but not amplified in the C–G genomes. The differential amount of CICR family in At and Dt will aid in partitioning sub genome sequences for chromosome assemblies during tetraploid genome sequencing and will act as a method for assessing the accuracy of tetraploid genomes by looking at the proportion of CICR elements in resulting pseudochromosome sequences. The timeline of the expansion of CICR family provides a new reference for cotton evolutionary analysis, while the impact on gene function caused by the insertion of CICR elements will be a target for further analysis of investigating phenotypic differences between A genome and D genome species

    Discovery of a male-biased mutant family and identification of a male-specific SCAR marker in gynogenetic gibel carp Carassius auratus gibelio

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    Gibel carp ( Carassius auratus gibelio) is a uniquely gynogenetic species with a minor ratio of males in natural habitats, but its male origin and sex determination mechanisms have been unknown. In this study, a male-biased mutant family was discovered from the gynogenetic gibel carp, and a male-specific SCAR marker was identified from the mutant family. Normal spermatogenesis was observed in the male testes by immuno. fluorescence histochemistry. Nearly identical AFLP profiles were observed between males and females, but a male-specific 86 bp AFLP fragment was screened by sex-pool bulked segregant analysis and individual screening. Based on the male-specific AFLP fragment, a total of 579 bp sequences were cloned by genome walking. Subsequently, a male-specific SCAR marker was designed, and the male-specific DNA fragment was confirmed to be steadily transmitted to the next generation and consistently detected only in males. (C) 2009 National Natural Science Foundation of China and Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier Limited and Science in China Press. All rights reserved