9 research outputs found

    Les effets d'une activité de remédiation cognitive groupale sur les difficultés d'apprentissage liées au développement moral

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    Nous travaillons sur la remédiation cognitive engagée avec des enfants en échec scolaire du fait de problèmes liés au développement moral. La recherche se réfère à Piaget, mais pas seulement, dans la mesure où elle s appuie sur des travaux soit inspirés des recherches de cet auteur, soit sur d autres perspectives complémentaires des précédentes. L objectif a été d établir une façon de travailler favorisant des vécus de coopération et promouvant des situations facilitant l autonomie des enfants. L activité de remédiation a duré 6 mois, 21 enfants de 3 écoles de Lyon y ont participé en petits groupes. Une passation pour l évaluation des domaines cognitif, moral et psycho-affectif est intervenue avant et après la remédiation. Un entretien avec les parents et une fiche d observation remplie par les enseignants complètent la recherche, qui vise au diagnostic, à la prévention et à la remédiation de l échec scolaire.We are working on the cognitive remediation involving children in school failure due to an impediment linked to their moral development. The research refers to Piaget, but not only, in so far as it is based on works inspired either from researchs of this author, either from other prospects complementary to the preceding one s. The aim is to set up a way of working propitiating actual experiences of cooperation and promoting conditions allowing children autonomy. The remediation activity lasted 6 months, and 21 children of 3 schools in Lyon participated in small groups. A passation to evaluate the cognitive, moral and psychoaffective fields took place before and after the remediation. An interview with the parents and an observation form completed by the teachers finish off the research which aims the diagnosis, the prevention and the remediation of the learning disabilities.LYON2/BRON-BU (690292101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Hybrid energy storage configuration method for wind power microgrid based on EMD decomposition and two-stage robust approach

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    Abstract Data centers are usually characterized by high energy loads, which raises increasing sustainability concerns in both academic and daily usage. To mitigate the uncertainty and high volatility of distributed wind energy generation, this paper proposes a hybrid energy storage allocation strategy by means of the Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) technique and the two-stage robust method. First, this paper conducts the evolution analyses for the over- and under-evaluated uncertainty of wind power fluctuation under different time scales. Second, we employ the EMD technique to configure a high-frequency flywheel energy storage device, realizing the wind power transformation from large fluctuations to small fluctuations and the convergence of the wind power fluctuation curves in minute- and hour levels. Finally, based on the hour-level wind energy stable power curves, we carry out two-stage robust planning for the equipment capacity of low-frequency cold storage tanks and lithium bromide chillers. The case study on a data center microgrid in northeastern China confirms the effectiveness of our proposed strategy