9 research outputs found

    Valorisation of agri- and aquaculture residues via biogas production for enhanced industrial application

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    ABSTRACT: Climate changes are nowadays reality and affect all aspects of everyday life. One of the places where these changes influence the society the most is the Brazilian Ceara region and Jaguaribara basin that suffer long-lasting, devastating drought cycles. They have a dramatic negative impact on local economy, forcing change in business models. This work presents the valorisation of wastes and residues from local fish, prawns, and the vegetable-cultivation industry via biogas production forced to adapt to these new circumstances. Along a single year, as much as 189.74 tonnes of wastes and residues can be processed by the biogas production facility, producing as much as 94 GJ of cooling energy and 1 tonne of biofertiliser monthly. Even for such a small biogas production facility, the NPV is positive already after 11 years; its IRR is 6.2%, and accumulated ROI for 20 years of operation is as high as 77.8%. This work demonstrates that a valorisation of industrial wastes and residues via biogas production is a feasible solution for a specific industrial scenario addressing new socio-economic challenges for the particular enterprise.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A importĂąncia dos espaços pĂșblicos e ĂĄreas verdes pĂłs-pandemia na cidade de SĂŁo Paulo (SP)

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    As cidades estĂŁo sofrendo profundas transformaçÔes no campo da saĂșde, cultura, relaçÔes sociais, e principalmente na vida urbana, provocando inĂșmeras reflexĂ”es e questionamentos ao modelo de cidade que poderĂĄ ser desfrutada pĂłs-pandemia da COVID-19, destacando a importĂąncia e o papel dos espaços pĂșblicos e das ĂĄreas verdes em perĂ­odos excepcionais como no caso da pandemia e para o futuro da vida urbana. Diante da atual situação, este artigo tem por objetivo recomendar diretrizes de convivĂȘncia e de uso adequado para as ĂĄreas verdes e espaços pĂșblicos, compatĂ­veis com as exigĂȘncias da saĂșde pĂșblica para o perĂ­odo da pandemia, atĂ© que se tenha uma vacina eficiente, e ao mesmo tempo, colaborar com diretrizes para uma qualidade de vida urbana com maior valorização das ĂĄreas verdes, vencida a pandemia. Esse estudo foi baseado na Pesquisa EmoçÔes MomentĂąneas: Comportamentos e HĂĄbitos Cotidianos PĂłs-Pandemia (XIMENES et al., 2020), nas revisĂ”es de literatura tĂ©cnica e cientĂ­fica, nas anĂĄlises das informaçÔes disponĂ­veis e no mapeamento das ĂĄreas verdes do municĂ­pio de SĂŁo Paulo. A ressignificação das cidades pĂłs-pandemia deverĂĄ abordar a implementação de novas polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas, e meios de apropriação e convivĂȘncia dos espaços pĂșblicos, parques e ĂĄreas verdes da cidade de SĂŁo Paulo, tornando-os mais humanizados, seguros e inclusivos; trabalhando estratĂ©gias integradas ao desenvolvimento urbano sustentĂĄvel na retomada das atividades de lazer, cultura, gastronomia e entretenimento.Cities are undergoing profound transformations in the fields of health, culture, social relations, and especially in urban life, causing numerous reflections and questions to the city model that can be enjoyed after the pandemic of COVID-19, highlighting the importance and the role of public spaces and green areas in exceptional periods as in the case of the pandemic and for the future of urban life. In view of the situation, this article aims to recommend guidelines for coexistence and proper use of green areas and public spaces, compatible with public health requirements for the pandemic period, until an efficient vaccine is obtained, and, at the same time, collaborate with guidelines for the quality of urban life with greater appreciation of green areas after the pandemic is over. This study was based on the Momentary Emotions Research: Post-Pandemic Behaviors and Daily Habits (XIMENES et al., 2020), on the reviews of technical and scientific literature, on the analysis of the available information and on the mapping of the green areas in the city of SĂŁo Paulo. The resignification of post-pandemic cities should address the implementation of new public policies, and means of appropriation and coexistence of public spaces, parks and green areas in the city of SĂŁo Paulo. This will make them more humanized, safe and inclusive; development strategies integraded to sustainable urban development in the return of leisure, culture, gastronomy and entertainment activities


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    Nonhuman primates are considered as the natural hosts of Hepatitis A virus (HAV), as well as other pathogens, and can serve as natural sentinels to investigate epizootics and endemic diseases that are of public health importance. During this study, blood samples were collected from 112 Neotropical primates (NTPs) (Sapajus nigritus and S. cay, n = 75; Alouatta caraya, n = 37) trap-captured at the ParanĂĄ River basin, Brazil, located between the States of ParanĂĄ and Mato Grosso do Sul. Anti-HAV IgG antibodies were detected in 4.5% (5/112) of NTPs, specifically in 6.7% (5/75) of Sapajus spp. and 0% (0/37) of A. caraya. In addition, all samples were negative for the presence of IgM anti-HAV antibodies. These results suggest that free-ranging NTPs were exposed to HAV within the geographical regions evaluated

    Arterite de Takayasu e Gestação: Relato de Caso Takayasu's Arteritis and Pregnancy: a Case Report

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    A arterite de Takayasu Ă© caracterizada pela oclusĂŁo idiopĂĄtica da aorta e de seus principais ramos. A doença apresenta uma predileção por mulheres jovens, sendo, dessa forma, ocasionalmente encontrada associada Ă  gestação. Apresentamos o caso de uma gestante portadora de um grau avançado de arterite de Takayasu cuja gravidez foi acompanhada por uma equipe formada por obstetras e cardiologistas e apresentou evolução satisfatĂłria. Ocorreu apenas uma hospitalização por exacerbação dos sintomas na 32ÂȘ semana de gestação, que foram controlados com tratamento clĂ­nico. O parto vaginal ocorreu na 37ÂȘ semana, com nascimento de uma criança pesando 2.750 g. A paciente evoluiu sem complicaçÔes clĂ­nicas.<br>Takayasu's arteritis is an idiopathic occlusive inflammation of the aorta and its major branches. The disease shows a striking predilection for young women and thus is occasionally associated with pregnancy. The authors describe a case of a pregnant patient with Takayasu's arteritis. The pregnancy was accompanied by a multidisciplinary group in a satisfactory way. There was only one hospitalization due to an exacerbation of the symptoms during the 32nd week of gestation, controlled by medical treatment. A vaginal delivery occurred at 37 weeks. A live infant weighing 2,750 g was delivered and the patient had an uncomplicated course

    The design and the wicked context across the problem solving : from today to the revisited

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    A partir da segunda metade do sĂ©culo XX, as tentativas de definir o design direcionaram-se ao ciclo problema-solução e ao conhecimento que permeia essa relação. Partindo deste ponto de vista, por meio de revisĂŁo bibliogrĂĄfica, este artigo percorre o ciclo do design observando o modo como os problemas sĂŁo compreendidos. Uma pessoa que cria para si um produto centra o problema no “eu”, a industrialização transferiu a atenção do problema para o produto e o design leva para o usuĂĄrio. Problemas aqui tratados como wicked por sua instabilidade e dificuldade de definição tĂȘm grande influĂȘncia nesta mutabilidade do design. Na atualidade, o centro do problema volta-se ao humano e toma proporçÔes globais trazendo a definição dos super wicked problems e instigando a reflexĂŁo sobre o tema focando tanto no papel do design como disciplina quanto no do profissional designer neste contexto.Since the second half of the twentieth century, the attempts to define design were directed to the problem-solution cycle and the knowledge that permeates this relationship. From this point of view, through a literature review, this article aims to go through the design cycle through the way problems are understood. A person who creates a product for himself focuses the problem on the "I", industrialization has shifted the attention of the problem to the “thing” and the design leads to the user. Problems here treated as "wicked" by their instability and difficulty of definition have great influence in this design mutability. Nowadays, the core of the problem goes back to the human and takes on global proportions bringing the definition of "super wicked problems" and awakening to what would be the role of design as a discipline and the professional designer in this context

    Mediastinal diseases: clinical and therapeutic aspects

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    Background: Mediastinal affections are common and encompass a great number of different diagnoses. Objective: To analyze the clinical aspects and the therapeutic response of 114 patients with mediastinal diseases treated at the Thoracic Surgery Department of Santa Casa de SĂŁo Paulo Hospital, from 1979 and 1997. Method: The patients were grouped according to the benign or malignant nature of the disease, and the two groups were compared regarding gender, age bracket, symptomatology, topography of the lesion, mortality, and response to treatment. Results: Sixty-three patients had neoplasia: 31 benign and 32 malignant. Fifty-one cases were not neoplastic. No difference was found between the groups regarding gender or age bracket. Half of the patients were between 20 and 49 years of age. The anterior mediastinum was the most frequently affected compartment (66 patients), followed by the upper mediastinum (18 patients), the posterior mediastinum (16 patients), and the middle mediastinum (14 patients). The most frequent histological types were: benign thymus diseases (N = 40), mesenchymal tumors (N = 17), lymphomas (N = 15), neural tumors (N = 9), and germ cell tumors (N = 8). Malignant tumors were more frequently symptomatic (91%), and benign tumors were more frequent in asymptomatic patients (92%). The most frequent symptoms were related to myastenia gravis, followed by dyspnea and chest pain. Weight loss, anorexia and fever were significantly more frequent in patients with malignant neoplasias. Conclusions: Regarding the clinical aspects we can state that benign lesions were predominant, that mediastinal diseases were more prevalent in young adults, and that benign lesions were more frequent in asymptomatic patients. Treatment (clinical/surgical) was effective in most patients, benefiting approximately 90% of the patients with benign affections and 45% of the patients with malignant tumors. In 73% of the benign affections, surgical treatment was capable of achieving the cure. Mortality resulting from complications was 1.75%