17 research outputs found

    Conductas estereotipadas de dos grupos cautivos de ateles fusciceps robustus con diferente grado de enriquecimiento ambiental

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    Consumo de alcohol y otras sustancias, un problema en estudiantes universitarios de salud

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    Objetivo: caracterizar el consumo de alcohol y otras sustancias, los motivos para consumir o no consumir en estudiantes de pregrado de una universidad privada en Santiago de Cali. Materiales y Métodos: estudio  descriptivo transversal, con una  muestra de 207 estudiantes pertenecientes a dos programas de salud de una universidad privada, estuvo integrada por estudiantes entre los 14 y 49 años de edad,  media de 23 años, seleccionados aleatoriamente por muestreo estratificado proporcional. Se utilizó un cuestionario de auto reporte Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test y preguntas sobre los motivos de consumo de sustancias legales e ilegales. Se realizó análisis univariado y estimadores con intervalos de confianza, en relación con otras variables se calculó prueba de X 2 utilizando Epi Info 7. Resultados: el consumo en el último año para sustancias legales como alcohol es de 76.8% (IC 95%: 70.5-82.4)  para cigarrillo de 15% (IC 95%: 10.4-20.6). Para sustancias ilegales como la marihuana un 1% (IC 95%: 0.1-3.4). Entre las  razones para el consumo los participantes manifiestan  que los hace sentir bien en un  69.3% (IC 95%: 60.6-75.2)  Conclusiones: entre los universitarios del área de la salud,  el  consumo de sustanciales legales es semejante al de la población general. La elaboración de planes de intervención para prevenir el  consumo de drogas legales e ilegales, es una tarea que debe asumir la academia en su labor educativa y de proyección social de manera permanente.PALABRAS CLAVE: consumo de bebidas alcohólicas, drogas ilícitas,  estudiantes, productos de tabaco. Consumption of alcohol and other substances, a health problem in college studentsABSTRACTObjective: to characterize the consumption of alcohol and other substances, and the reasons to consume or not consume in undergraduate students from a private university in Santiago de Cali. Materials and Methods: cross-sectional descriptive study with a sample of 207 students from two health programs at a private university. The study comprised students between 14 and 49 years old, average 23 years, randomly selected by proportional stratified sampling. A self-evaluating questionnaire Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test and questions about the reasons for use of legal and illegal substances were used. Univariate and estimators analysis with confidence intervals were conducted in conjunction with other variables, the X2 test was calculated using Epi Info 7. Results: consumption in the last year for legal substances such as alcohol is 76.8% (95% CI: 70.5 -82.4) for cigarettes of 15% (95% CI 10.4-20.6). For illegal substances like marijuana 1% (95% CI: 0.1-3.4). Among the reasons for consumption the participants that state that it makes them feel good were 69.3% (95% CI 60.6-75.2) Conclusions: among college students health concerns concerning legal substantial consumption is similar to that of the general population. Developing contingency plans to prevent the use of legal and illegal drugs, it is a task that the academy must assume in its permanent educational and social outreach.KEY WORDS: alcohol drinking, street drugs, students, tobaco products. O consumo de álcool e outras substâncias, um problema de saúde em estudantes universitáriosRESUMOObjetivo: caracterizar o consumo de álcool e outras substâncias, e as razões para consumir ou não consumir alunos de graduação de uma universidade privada em Santiago de Cali. Materiais e Métodos: estudo descritivo transversal com uma amostra de 207 alunos de dois programas de saúde em uma universidade privada, foi composta por estudantes entre 14 e 49 anos de idade, com média de 23 anos, selecionados aleatoriamente por amostragem estratificada proporcional. Foram utilizados um questionário de auto-relato Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test e perguntas sobre as razões para a utilização de substâncias lícitas e ilícitas. análise uni e estimadores com intervalos de confiança foi realizado em conjunto com outras variáveis X2 teste foi calculada usando Epi Info 7. Resultados: o consumo no último ano por substâncias legais, como o álcool é 76,8% (IC 95%: 70,5 -82,4) dos cigarros, de 15% (IC 95% 10,4-20,6). Para substâncias ilegais como a maconha 1% (IC 95%: 0,1-3,4). Entre as razões para participantes de consumo indicam que os faz sentir bem em 69,3% (IC 95% 60,6-75,2) Conclusões: saúde entre faculdade consumo substancial legal é semelhante à da população em geral. Desenvolvimento de planos de contingência para prevenir o uso de drogas lícitas e ilícitas, é uma tarefa que deve assumir a academia em seu trabalho de divulgação educacional e social de forma permanente. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: consumo de bebidas álcoolicas, drogas ilícitas, estudantes, productos do tabaco

    Renin angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS) and its suppression in diabetic kidney disease. Control of arterial hypertension and beyond

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    La enfermedad renal diabética (ERD) es una comorbilidad con alta prevalencia a nivel mundial, siendo una de las complicaciones más frecuentes de la diabetes mellitus (DM). La ERD se relaciona con complicaciones cardiovasculares y progresión de la enfermedad renal crónica (ERC), por ello la identificación de factores modificables, como el control de la presión arterial, es uno de los pilares más importantes en el manejo integral. En esta revisión hacemos un recorrido sobre el papel de la hipertensión y el bloqueo del eje renina angiotensina aldosterona (RAAS) en el curso de la ERD y las estrategias terapéuticas orientadas a la reducción de la presión arterial (PA), el bloqueo RAAS y el impacto en resultados renales y cardiovasculares. El objetivo de este artículo es hacer una revisión de las intervenciones más importantes que actúan bloqueando el eje renina angiotensina aldosterona (RAAS) y determinar si estas medidas en los pacientes con ERD, solo tienen impacto en el control de la presión arterial o si también son estrategias de nefro y cardio-protección. Conclusión: La ERD es una de las complicaciones más frecuentes de la diabetes mellitus (DM). El control de la PA sigue siendo un pilar fundamental para lograr estos objetivos. Los bloqueadores del RAAS (iECAS y BRAs) son los antihipertensivos de elección con efecto terapéutico por el bloqueo RAAS y esto les permite tener además del control de la PA, efectos nefroprotectores y cardioprotectores importantes en pacientes con ERD, sobre todo cuando hay la presencia de albuminuria. Evaluamos que además de los inhibidores de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina (iECAs) y los bloqueadores del receptor de angiotensina (BRAs), vienen tomando importancia los antagonistas selectivos del receptor mineralocorticoide (ARM) como Finerenona.Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is a comorbidity with a high worldwide prevalence, and one of the most frequent complications of diabetes mellitus (DM). CKD is related to cardiovascular complications and the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD), therefore the identification of modifiable factors, such as blood pressure control, is one of the most important pillars in comprehensive management. In this review, we will analyze the role of hypertension and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) and its suppression in the course of CKD, and therapeutic strategies aimed at reducing blood pressure (BP), RAAS blockade, and the impact on renal and cardiovascular outcomes. The objective of this article is to review the most important interventions that act by blocking the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) and to determine if these measures in patients with CKD only have an impact on blood pressure control or if they are also nephron and cardio-protective strategies. Conclusion: DKD is one of the most frequent complications of diabetes mellitus (DM). BP control continues to be a fundamental pillar to achieve these objectives. RAAS blockers (iECAS and ARBs) are the first-line antihypertensive with a therapeutic effect due to RAAS blockade and this allows them to have, in addition to BP control, important nephroprotective and cardioprotective effects in patients with CKD, especially when there is albuminuria. We evaluated that in addition to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), selective mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists (MRA) such as Finerenone are gaining importance

    ¡Atención Poli, con la vista en el riesgo! cuentos para seguritos

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    El contar historias o el storytelling, aparece como una herramienta para autores que no solo buscan el conectar de forma más auténtica con sus lectores; sino que buscan ir más allá al comprender cómo el cerebro procesa esta poderosa forma de comunicación. (Suzuki, W., Feliú-Mójer, M., Hasson, U., Yehuda, R., & Zarate, J. 2018). Esta nueva forma de contar algo, es presentada aquí, en la primera compilación de cuentos como resultado de trabajos de módulos que tratan sobre el cuerpo humano, donde el estudio y la comprensión de la forma cómo funciona nuestro organismo, es uno de los principales objetivos. Además, surge como estrategia pedagógica, que precisamente busca incentivar el desarrollo de la creatividad de los estudiantes dentro de módulos que contienen un importante abordaje de temas y conceptos como base para su desarrollo, módulos que, al incluir un alto contenido teórico, se presentan como retos para que sus temas sean interiorizados por los estudiantes. De este modo, cuando se acude a el uso de la creatividad a través del storytelling, donde se expresan ideas relacionadas con el cuerpo humano, los cuentos realizados por estudiantes aquí presentes logran mostrar cómo emplean dichos conocimientos adquiridos, organizan ideas y crean cuentos que permiten al lector recrease, conociendo diferentes aspectos sobre nuestro cuerpo y a su vez dejándose llevar por la imaginación de los autores

    Identificación de un componente del sistema de endomembranas, atalix, implicado en la señalización del ayuno de fosfato en plantas

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    Tesis Doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología. Fecha de lectura: 29-11-2011Phosphorus is an important nutrient for the growth of all organisms. Plants have evolved throughout its evolution a rescue system involving developmental, metabolic and physiological changes that allows them to adapt their growth to phosphate (Pi)-poor soils. PHR1 (PHOSPHATE STARVATION RESPONSE 1) is one of the key regulatory genes in controlling Pi starvation responses in plants. In order to identify and characterize molecular mechanisms involved in regulating PHR1 activity or that of its target genes, an EMS mutagenesis of phr1 mutant seeds was carried out aiming to identify mutants that suppress the phr1 phenotype. As a result, we isolated the Atalix mutant, which showed an increase in the accumulation of anthocyanins and in the expression of PSI genes (PHOSPHATE STARVATION INDUCED) under Pi deficient conditions compared to phr1 mutant plants, suggesting that AtALIX acts as a negative regulator in the response to phosphate starvation. Furthermore, we found that Atalix alters the localization of PHT1 phosphate transporter and enhances Pi uptake in a pho2 mutant background. In addition, we cloned the AtALIX gene, that encodes a protein with a Bro1 domain that corresponds to the Arabidopsis thaliana ortholog of Bro1 (in yeast) and ALIX (in mammals). These proteins are conserved in eukaryotes and play diverse functions in controlling several regulatory and signalling processes, such as endosomal sorting of transmembrane receptors, programmed cell death, cytokinesis and control of transcription factor activity under specific stress conditions. In this study, we found evidence of the involvement of AtALIX in most of the above mentioned processes, mainly concerning the endosomal system. In this context, studies with an active AtALIX-GFP fusion protein showed that its localized in the cytoplasm and in small vesicles which likely correspond to endosomes. Together, our results suggest that AtALIX plays many different roles in Arabidopsis, like its counterpart in mammals, probably acting as a scaffold protein that brings together different regulatory proteins, including components of the Pi signalling pathway. Actually, we demonstrated that AtALIX is a modulator of Pi starvation responses as well as a component of the endomembrane protein trafficking system


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    The study describes the behavior patterns and stereotyped conduct of two groups of Ateles fusciceps robustus, living in cages or being captive in an  island, respectively, in two different zoological parks (Santacruz and Jaime Duque) located near Bogotá, Colombia. Individuals of the same sex and age had a similar behavior; the same was true for females with infants. The younger individuals showed a larger behavior repertory. Both groups showed more stereotypes before their meal was served and when exposed to loud sounds, such stereotypes being more frequent in individuals enclosed in cages. In order to improve the well-being of the individuals and to reduce their stress levels, environmental enrichment strategies were proposed


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    The study describes the behavior patterns and stereotyped conduct of two groups of Ateles fusciceps robustus, living in cages or being captive in an  island, respectively, in two different zoological parks (Santacruz and Jaime Duque) located near Bogotá, Colombia. Individuals of the same sex and age had a similar behavior; the same was true for females with infants. The younger individuals showed a larger behavior repertory. Both groups showed more stereotypes before their meal was served and when exposed to loud sounds, such stereotypes being more frequent in individuals enclosed in cages. In order to improve the well-being of the individuals and to reduce their stress levels, environmental enrichment strategies were proposed

    Diagnóstico molecular, citogenético y anatomohistopatológico del Síndrome Freemartin en hembras bovinas en Colombia

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    Freemartin syndrome is a intersexuality condition developed in many of the female calfs born from heterosexual multiple calvings (male female). This originates in the fetal development between 30 and 40 days of gestation with transplacental exchange of cells through vascular anastomosis, occurring 60XX/XY chimerism in various tissues, and consequent sterility. In this paper was took blood samples from 106 female calves born from a multiple heterosexual calving. DNA was extracted from leucocytes and searched the SRY gene amplification associated with the Y chromosome by PCR and reading in agarose gel. 90 of 106 samples (84.9%) was amplified the SRY gene, verifying the 60XX/XY chimerism, and 16 samples (15.1%) that did not amplify the gene. Cytogenetic analysis using lymphocytes cell cultures showed the presence of Y chromosome in samples positive for SRY and absence of chimerism in SRY negative samples. The postmortem analysis of female reproductive tracts of SRY positive calves, shows anatomical abnormalities such as clitoris hypertrophia and cervical atresia. Histological examination of gonads of these animals confirmed the presence of ovotestis. This study confirms the usefulness of molecular biology techniques as diagnostic tools of the syndrome, for the use of replacement females in cattle.El síndrome Freemartin es un estado de intersexualidad de muchas de las hembras bovinas provenientes de parto múltiple heterosexual (macho - hembra). Éste se origina en la vida fetal entre los 30 y 40 días de gestación producto del intercambio transplacentario de células mediante anastomosis vasculares, presentándose fenómenos de quimerismo 60XX/XY en varios tejidos, y esterilidad consecuente. En el presente trabajo se tomaron 106 muestras de sangre de terneras provenientes de parto múltiple heterosexual, se realizó extracción de ADN de leucocitos y se buscó la amplificación del gen SRY asociado al cromosoma "Y" mediante PCR y lectura en gel de agarosa. 90 terneras (84.9%) de las 106 amplificaron SRY, verificando el quimerismo 60XX/XY, y 16 terneras (15.1%) que no amplificaron el gen, libres del síndrome quimérico y por lo tanto, aptas reproductivamente. El análisis citogenético realizado mediante cultivo de linfocitos demostró la presencia del cromosoma "Y" en linfocitos de hembras positivas a SRY y la ausencia del quimerismo en hembras SRY negativas. El análisis anatómico post mortem de tractos reproductivos de hembras positivas a SRY detectó anormalidades características del síndrome tales como, clítoris hipertrofiados y atresias ductales cervicales. El análisis histopatológico de placas de gónadas de estos animales evidenció la presencia de ovotestículos. El presente estudio confirma la utilidad de las técnicas de biología molecular como herramientas diagnósticas del síndrome, para el aprovechamiento de hembras de reemplazo al servicio del hato bovino