9 research outputs found

    Comparació de les classes magistrals i la Metodologia Activa mitjançant la discussió d'un cas en un context real d'aula

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    La utilització de les metodologies actives a l'aula s'estan estenent exponencialment en els diversos nivells educatius, desplaçant la principal metodologia utilitzada antigament, la qual es basada en les classes magistrals, també anomenada metodologia tradicional. Aquest treball està encarat a fer un estudi inicial comparant estadísticament els dos tipus de metodologies (la metodologia tradicional contra la metodologia activa), amb la finalitat d'observar si hi ha diferències significatives en l'aprenentatge de l'alumnat. Per dur a terme aquest estudi, s'ha impartit en un mateix grup classe, d'alumnes de primer de batxillerat, una unitat didàctica mitjançant classes magistrals (metodologia tradicional) i una unitat didàctica a través de la discussió d'un cas (metodologia activa). Els resultats obtinguts mostren una millora en l'aprenentatge de l'alumnat quan l'ensenyament de la unitat didàctica es realitza mitjançant la metodologia activa

    GPR37 Receptors and Megalencephalic Leukoencephalopathy with Subcortical Cysts

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    Megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts (MLC) is a rare type of vacuolating leukodystrophy (white matter disorder), which is mainly caused by defects in MLC1 or glial cell adhesion molecule (GlialCAM) proteins. In addition, autoantibodies to GlialCAM are involved in the pathology of multiple sclerosis. MLC1 and GLIALCAM genes encode for membrane proteins of unknown function, which has been linked to the regulation of different ion channels and transporters, such as the chloride channel VRAC (volume regulated anion channel), ClC-2 (chloride channel 2), and connexin 43 or the Na+/K+-ATPase pump. However, the mechanisms by which MLC proteins regulate these ion channels and transporters, as well as the exact function of MLC proteins remain obscure. It has been suggested that MLC proteins might regulate signalling pathways, but the mechanisms involved are, at present, unknown. With the aim of answering these questions, we have recently described the brain GlialCAM interactome. Within the identified proteins, we could validate the interaction with several G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), including the orphan GPRC5B and the proposed prosaposin receptors GPR37L1 and GPR37. In this review, we summarize new aspects of the pathophysiology of MLC disease and key aspects of the interaction between GPR37 receptors and MLC proteins

    Structural basis for the dominant or recessive character of GLIALCAM mutations found in leukodystrophies

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    Megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts (MLC) is a type of leukodystrophy characterized by white matter edema, and it is caused mainly by recessive mutations in MLC1 and GLIALCAM genes. These variants are called MLC1 and MLC2A with both types of patients sharing the same clinical phenotype. In addition, dominant mutations in GLIALCAM have also been identified in a subtype of MLC patients with a remitting phenotype. This variant has been named MLC2B. GLIALCAM encodes for an adhesion protein containing two immunoglobulin (Ig) domains and it is needed for MLC1 targeting to astrocyte-astrocyte junctions. Most mutations identified in GLIALCAM abolish GlialCAM targeting to junctions. However, it is unclear why some mutations behave as recessive or dominant. Here, we used a combination of biochemistry methods with a new developed anti-GlialCAM nanobody, double-mutants and cysteine cross-links experiments, together with computer docking, to create a structural model of GlialCAM homo-interactions. Using this model, we suggest that dominant mutations affect different GlialCAM-GlialCAM interacting surfaces in the first Ig domain, which can occur between GlialCAM molecules present in the same cell (cis) or present in neighbouring cells (trans). Our results provide a framework that can be used to understand the molecular basis of pathogenesis of all identified GLIALCAM mutations

    Megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts: a personal biochemical retrospective

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    Megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts (MLC) is a rare type of leukodystrophy characterized by dysfunction of the role of glial cells in controlling brain fluid and ion homeostasis. Patients affected by MLC present macrocephaly, cysts and white matter vacuolation, which lead to motor and cognitive impairments. To date, there is no treatment for MLC, only supportive care. MLC is caused by mutations in the MLC1 and GLIALCAM genes. MLC1 is a membrane protein with low identity to the Kv1.1 potassium channel and GlialCAM belongs to an adhesion molecule family. Both proteins form a complex with an as-yet-unknown function that is expressed mainly in the astrocytes surrounding the blood-brain barrier and in Bergmann glia. GlialCAM also acts as an auxiliary subunit of the chloride channel ClC-2, thus regulating its localization at cell-cell junctions and modifying its functional properties by affecting the common gate of ClC-2. Recent studies in Mlc1-,GlialCAM-and Clcn2-knockout mice or Mlc1- knockout zebrafish have provided fresh insight into the pathophysiology of MLC and further details about the molecular interactions between these three proteins. Additional studies have shown that GlialCAM/MLC1 also regulates other ion channels (TRPV4, VRAC) or transporters (Na+/K+-ATPase) in a not-understood manner. Furthermore, it has been shown that GlialCAM/ MLC1 may influence signal transduction mechanisms, thereby affecting other proteins not related with transport such as the EGFreceptor. Here, we offer a personal biochemical retrospective of the work that has been performed to gain knowledge of the pathophysiology of MLC, and we discuss future strategies that may be used to identify therapeutic solutions for MLC patients

    Relació estructura-funció de les proteïnes implicades en la leucoencefalopatia megalencefàlica amb quists subcorticals

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    [cat] La Leucoencefalopatia Megalencefàlica amb Quists subcorticals (de l’anglès Megalencephalic Leukoencephalopathy with subcortical Cysts, MLC) és un tipus rar de leucodistròfia caracteritzada per la presència de vacuoles en la substància blanca del sistema nerviós. Es suggereix que la patogènesi de la malaltia és causada pel mal funcionament de les cèl·lules glials en el control de la homeòstasi iònica i el fluid cerebral. Els gens responsables de la malaltia són MLC1 i GLIALCAM que codifiquen per dues proteïnes que reben el mateix nom i que actualment es desconeix la seva funció biològica i la seva estructura. Ambdues proteïnes formen un complex a la membrana plasmàtica que s’expressa principalment en els astròcits que envolten la barrera hematoencefàlica i a la glia de Bergmann del cerebel. Es coneix que aquest complex regula de manera directa a varis canals iònics i transportadors involucrats en el control del flux de ions i de l’aigua en les cèl·lules glials, afectant la seva localització i funció; i indirectament a través de vies de senyalització. El principal objectiu d’aquesta Tesi és augmentar el coneixement estructural d’ambdues proteïnes amb la finalitat d’entendre la seva funció biològica i el mecanisme patològic de la malaltia.[eng] Megalencephalic Leukoencephalopathy with subcortical Cysts (MLC) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by macrocephaly and white matter vacuolization, whose pathogenesis is suggested to rely on a dysfunction on the control of water and ionic homeostasis by glial cells. MLC disease is caused by mutations in either MLC1 or GLIALCAM genes, which codify for membrane proteins that form a complex with an unknown function mainly expressed in astrocytes. GlialCAM, an Ig-like cell adhesion molecule, has also been described as an auxiliary subunit of the chloride channel ClC-2. The main objective of this thesis was increasing the structural knowledge of GlialCAM, proposing a structural model, based on bioinformatic and biochemical evidences, of GlialCAM dimerization through its extracellular domains; and MLC1 protein, characterising a system to express and purify MLC1 to obtain his 3D structure

    RECL 118 - 3-Jun-82

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    In the case of Parkinson’s disease (PD), epidemiological studies have reported that pesticide exposure is a risk factor for its pathology. It has been suggested that some chemical agents, such as rotenone and paraquat, that inhibit the mitochondrial respiratory chain (in the same way as the PD mimetic toxin 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium, MPP+) are involved in the development of PD. However, although the neurotoxic effect of such compounds has been widely reported using in vivo and in vitro experimental approaches, their direct effect on the glial cells remains poorly characterized. In addition, the extent to which these toxins interfere with the immune response of the glial cells, is also underexplored. We used mouse primary mixed glial and microglial cultures to study the effect of MPP+ and rotenone on glial activation, in the absence and the presence of a pro-inflammatory stimulus (lipopolysaccharide plus interferon-γ, LPS+IFN-γ). We determined the mRNA expression of the effector molecules that participate in the inflammatory response (pro-inflammatory cytokines and enzymes), as well as the nitric oxide (NO) and cytokine production. We also studied the phagocytic activity of the microglial cells. In addition, we evaluated the metabolic changes associated with the observed effects, through the measurement of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production and the expression of genes involved in the control of metabolic pathways. We observed that exposure of the glial cultures to the neurotoxins, especially rotenone, impaired the pro-inflammatory response induced by LPS/IFN-γ. MPP+ and rotenone also impaired the phagocytic activity of the microglial cells, and this effect was potentiated in the presence of LPS/IFN-γ. The deficit in ATP production that was detected, mainly in MPP+ and rotenone-treated mixed glial cultures, may be responsible for the effects observed. These results show that the response of glial cells to a pro-inflammatory challenge is altered in the presence of toxins inhibiting mitochondrial respiratory chain activity, suggesting that the glial immune response is impaired by such agents. This may have relevant consequences for brain function and the central nervous system’s (CNS’s) response to insults.NR-L was recipient of an FPU grant (FPU13/05491) from the Spanish Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. This study was supported by grants PI14/00302 and PI15/00033 from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spain) with joint financing by FEDER funds from the European Union. We acknowledge support for the publication fee, by the CSIC Open Access Publication Support Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI)

    Parkinsonian Neurotoxins impair the pro-inflammatory response of glial cells.

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    In the case of Parkinson's disease (PD), epidemiological studies have reported that pesticide exposure is a risk factor for its pathology. It has been suggested that some chemical agents, such as rotenone and paraquat, that inhibit the mitochondrial respiratory chain (in the same way as the PD mimetic toxin 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium, MPP+) are involved in the development of PD. However, although the neurotoxic effect of such compounds has been widely reported using in vivo and in vitro experimental approaches, their direct effect on the glial cells remains poorly characterized. In addition, the extent to which these toxins interfere with the immune response of the glial cells, is also underexplored. We used mouse primary mixed glial and microglial cultures to study the effect of MPP+ and rotenone on glial activation, in the absence and the presence of a pro-inflammatory stimulus (lipopolysaccharide plus interferon-γ, LPS+IFN-γ). We determined the mRNA expression of the effector molecules that participate in the inflammatory response (pro-inflammatory cytokines and enzymes), as well as the nitric oxide (NO) and cytokine production. We also studied the phagocytic activity of the microglial cells. In addition, we evaluated the metabolic changes associated with the observed effects, through the measurement of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production and the expression of genes involved in the control of metabolic pathways. We observed that exposure of the glial cultures to the neurotoxins, especially rotenone, impaired the pro-inflammatory response induced by LPS/IFN-γ. MPP+ and rotenone also impaired the phagocytic activity of the microglial cells, and this effect was potentiated in the presence of LPS/IFN-γ. The deficit in ATP production that was detected, mainly in MPP+ and rotenone-treated mixed glial cultures, may be responsible for the effects observed. These results show that the response of glial cells to a pro-inflammatory challenge is altered in the presence of toxins inhibiting mitochondrial respiratory chain activity, suggesting that the glial immune response is impaired by such agents. This may have relevant consequences for brain function and the central nervous system's (CNS's) response to insults