301 research outputs found

    O processo de comunicação administrativa: um estudo de caso na empresa familiar Canasvieiras Praia Hotel

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio Econômico, Curso de Administração.Esse estudo traz como idéia central demonstrar o processo de comunicação administrativa em uma empresa hoteleira familiar. Para tanto, o método adotado foi de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, descritiva, observação participante e quantitativa, tendo seu percurso através de uma revisão da literatura, onde se busca discorrer sobre estrutura organizacional, comunicação organizacional e hotelaria, com foco na empresa familiar. Na análise dos resultados pôde-se constatar que ocorre a comunicação de forma eficaz, mas faz-se necessário priorizar este processo. Pôde-se concluir que o processo de comunicação dá abertura a resolução de muitos dos problemas de uma empresa, que a importância de o empreendimento ter um grupo trabalhando em harmonia, sempre preservando o bem-estar dos colaboradores, valorizando-os em sua capacitação, e que os meios formais de comunicação são necessários para facilitar o acesso ás informações em todos os setores

    Suitability of dynamic environments in virtual reality for schizophrenia therapies

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    Serious Games (SG) have a significant positive impact on a wide range of purposes. Serious virtual games focused on the rehabilitation of schizophrenia are able to bring improvements to patients who require constant and individualized rehabilitation. Schizophrenia is a mental illness that has no cure and requires intensive rehabilitation for symptoms relief. Virtual Reality (VR) has gained acceptance in the medical field for a variety of rehabilitation by virtue of its immersiveness and versatility. Virtual environments can assist this process, seeking to contemplate important topics for their daily lives, facilitating the understanding of their situation and difficulties. To achieve more effective results, a virtual scenario must be dynamic and suitable to each patient. Nonplayable Character (NPC), which in this work can be human-like or pet-like representations, tasks, varied and objective interactions, and the ambiance all play an important role in determining the expected result. The work described in this paper approaches previously mentioned topics by investigating the contribution of previous works in this context for approaching multiple elements that control the dynamic environment, bringing new modalities and research for the development of a SG for VR focused on the rehabilitation of schizophrenia by facilitating schizophrenics’ daily lives.This work is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Regional Operational Program North 2020, within the scope of Project GreenHealth - Digital strategies in biological assets to improve well-being and promote Green health, Norte-01-0145-FEDER-000042.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ursolic acid, a dietary phytochemical, decreases KRAS signaling and modulates cell death pathways in resistant CRC cells

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    Publicado em "BMC Proceedings 2012, 6(Suppl 3)"KRAS mutations are frequent in colorectal cancer (CRC) and have the potential to activate proliferation and inhibit cell death through effects on MAPK/ERK and PI3K/Akt signaling pathways. Because diet is one of the most important determinants of CRC incidence and progression, we studied the effects of the dietary triterpenoid ursolic acid (UA) on proliferation and cell death induction in human CRC derived KRAS mutated cell lines. Our results show that UA decreases cell proliferation and induces cell death while decreasing signaling through KRAS as indicated by a decrease in ERK and Akt phosphorylation (western blot). UA also induced cell death. TP53 mutated cells are known to be resistant to the chemotherapeutic drug 5-FU. Caspase independent apoptosis (Tunel assay), was increased 6 fold by co-incubation of UA with 5-FU. However, apoptosis was only a small percentage of the total cell death induced by UA. In order to explain these observations, we looked into effects on autophagy. Autophagy is emerging as a promising therapeutic target for drug resistant tumors. UA modulated autophagy by inducing the accumulation of LC3 II and p62 levels an effect dependent on JNK activation. In conclusion, this study shows UA’s anticancer potential as a modulator of KRAS signaling and cell death mechanisms increasing sensitivity to the chemotherapeutic drug 5-FU

    Ursolic acid induces cell death and modulates autophagy through JNK pathway in apoptosis-resistant colorectal cancer cells

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    Colorectal carcinomas (CRCs) with P53 mutations have been shown to be resistant to chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), the most widely used chemotherapeutic drug for CRC treatment. Autophagy is emerging as a promising therapeutic target for drug-resistant tumors. In the present study, we tested the effects of ursolic acid (UA), a natural triterpenoid, on cell death mechanisms and its effects in combination with 5-FU in the HCT15 p53 mutant apoptosis-resistant CRC cell line. The involvement of UA in autophagy and its in vivo efficacy were evaluated. Our data show that UA induces apoptosis independent of caspases in HCT15 cells and enhances 5-FU effects associated with an activation of c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK). In this cell line, where this compound has a more pronounced effect on the induction of cell death compared to 5-FU, apoptosis corresponds only to a small percentage of the total cell death induced by UA. UA also modulated autophagy by inducing the accumulation of LC3 and p62 levels with involvement of JNK pathway, which indicates a contribution of autophagy on JNK-dependent induction of cell death by UA. By using nude mice xenografted with HCT15 cells, we verified that UA was also active in vivo decreasing tumor growth rate. In conclusion, this study shows UA's anticancer potential both in vitro and in vivo. Induction of cell death and modulation of autophagy in CRC-resistant cells were shown to involve JNK signaling.C.P.R.X. and D.F.N.P. were supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Portugal, through grants SFRH/BD/27524/2006 and SFRH/BD/64817/2009, respectively. C.P.W. was guest professor at University of Copenhagen through the grant SFRH/BSAB/918/2009. The work was supported by FCT research grants PTDC/QUI-BIQ/101392/2008 (NaturAge) and PEst-C/BIA/UI4050/2011. All projects are co-funded by the program COMPETE from QREN with co-participation from the European Community fund FEDER

    Avaliação da iluminância no Centro de Pesquisa e Educação Científica da Universidade Estadual de Goiás de acordo com as normas brasileiras

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    Having knowledge about illuminance measurements and resources is essential for establishing design parameters in architecture in the face of a widely discussed bias on maintaining and designing visual comfort. The correct use of natural and artificial lighting provides a sense of well-being and increased visual clarity. The recommending and guiding instruments for this study, such as the standards of NBR 15215/4 (ABNT, 2003) and NBR 8995/1 (ABNT, 2013), take into account the evaluation post-occupation, since they become guidelines regarding the ideal lighting for human needs and the specific use of the environment, avoiding risk to the health of users. Alternatives for optimizing lighting include the use of glass protection barriers and evaluation and study of the immediate surroundings and, whenever possible, predicting the dynamism of the landscape. The object of analysis is a classroom at the Research and Scientific Education Center (CEPEC) at the Goiás State University (UEG)


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    There are few studies on the effects of fire on the seasonal semideciduous forest of the Cerrado region. This study aimed to assess the effect of fire on Semideciduous forest fragments located in the Altamiro Moura Pacheco State Park (AMPSP). The study area is located in the central state of Goiás. A total of 10 plots (50 x 20 m; 1,000 m2) were drawn in the remaining forests seeking to portray two areas: area which underwent forest fire (burned area; B) and unburned area (unburned; UB). A total of 771 individuals with DBH (≥ 5 cm) were identified. A total of 303 individuals were recorded in the burned area (B), comprising 28 families, 41 genera and 47 species, while the unburned area (UB) had 468 individuals comprising 25 families, 43 genera and 50 species. The species Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.) Brenan, Emmotum nitens (Benth.), Zanthoxylum rhoifolium Lam, Tapirira guianensis Aubl., Myracrodruon urundeuva Allemão and Luehea candicans Mart. had the highest Importance Value Index (IVI) values and occur in both areas. The percentage of dead trees differed between the areas, where the burned area had a mortality of 12.69% and the unburned area of 7.29% in regards to the number of individuals. Density per plot was the only parameter that differed between the areas, where the burned area (B) had the lowest values. The fire affected all diameter classes, demonstrating the fragility of this vegetation type in regards to fire. The fire had a greater effect on trees in the smaller diameter classes, reducing the frequency of individuals in the burned area and changing height distribution, which may have favored the establishment of lianas and invasive species.

    Innovation for Sustainability and Networking

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    Throughout human history, innovation has been the main factor in adapting humanity to its settings. On the basis of earlier practice, human creativity allows the finding of new, permanent ways to do things. their applications encourage new spaces, new necessities and new lifestyles. Innovation has been an element of human capacities from its earlier stages, but it has been recognized only recently as a clear device of social and economic change


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    A grande demanda por áreas favoráveis ao desenvolvimento da agricultura tem intensificado a degradação ambiental dos agroecossistemas. Objetivou-se com esse estudo diagnosticar as principais causas de degradação, uso e ocupação do solo em áreas de nascentes na microbacia hidrográfica do rio Guarabira, localizada no município de Pilõezinhos-PB. A coleta de dados ocorreu durante o primeiro semestre de 2016, com visitas ao local de estudo para a coleta de dados e registro de material iconográfico. Utilizou-se a ferramenta Google Earth para localização das nascentes e o Índice de Impacto Ambiental das Nascentes (IIA), para avaliação macroscópica do nível de degradação da área. A área de nascentes apresenta estágio avançado de degradação, com diminuição de área de recarga devido à ocupação desordenada e à degradação florestal avançada. A atividade agropecuária é um dos fatores responsáveis pela degradação das nascentes.&nbsp

    Estudo experimental sobre possível atividade da violeta de genciana na profilaxia da transmissão da toxoplasmose por transfusão de sangue

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    Devido a evidências sugestivas da possibilidade de transmissão da toxoplasmose por transfusão de sangue, os autores se propuseram avaliar o papel preventivo da violeta de genciana, à semelhança do que já é estabelecido para a doença de Chagas. O experimento em camundongos revelou a ação profilática da violeta de genciana quando adicionado ao sangue a ser transfundido na concentração de 1/1000 e permanência por 48 horas na geladeira.The Authors proposed a study for the evaluation of the prevention of toxoplasmose transmission through blood transfusion by the gentian's violet as has been made for Chagas's Disease. Experiments with mice showed that the gentian's violet added to the blood in the concentration of 1/1000 keeped in refrigerator for 48h prevents the transmission