18 research outputs found

    Trabajo de investigación previo a la obtención del título de Ingeniero en Administración de Empresas y Negocios

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar los procesos internos y la satisfacción del cliente en el restorán “El Rey del Burrito” de la ciudad de Ambato. El enfoque con el cual se trabajó estuvo dado bajo la modalidad cualitativo y cuantitativo, además se empleó una investigación bibliográfica que ayudó a sustentar el marco teórico, también se desarrolló una investigación de campo en donde la población estuvo conformada por dos secciones, la primera fueron los clientes internos a quienes se les aplico una encuesta estructurada a fin de obtener información acerca de los procesos internos del establecimiento mientras que para la segunda se procedió a sacar una muestra de los clientes externos del restorán de quienes se recabo información sobre la satisfacción que perciben. Con base a estos antecedentes se pudo concluir que los procesos internos inciden directamente en la satisfacción al cliente del restorán, razón por la cual para resolver el problema central de investigación se procedió a realizar un manual de procedimientos para mejorar la satisfacción al cliente dentro del restorán “El Rey del Burrito”

    Estudio y evaluación de factibilidad para la creación de una pista de motocross dirigido a niños, jóvenes y adultos ubicado en el sector norte del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito

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    El principal objetivo de esta investigación es comprobar la Factibilidad de la Construcción de una Pista de MotoCross en el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, y así contribuir con la formación de nuevos atletas de alta competencia en la disciplina del MotoCross. En el capítulo primero se realiza un análisis del entorno, donde se revisa la situación actual del país, los principales factores Macroeconómicos y Sociales. Se describe también la información general del deporte, historia del mismo y la práctica del MotoCross en el Ecuador. En el segundo capítulo se desarrolla un Estudio de Mercado y de manera general el Plan de Marketing que tiene como objetivo general determinar la potencialidad y las condiciones actuales de los motociclistas que desean entrenar y competir en una pista de MotoCross ubicada en el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito...

    Subjetividades nas práticas curriculares em matemática na educação de jovens e adultos

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    As práticas curriculares, em especial, as relacionadas à matemática, desenvolvidas na EJA, podem exercer forte influência sobre o sentimento de autoeficácia dos estudantes e, por sua vez, influenciam o processamento cognitivo dos conhecimentos matemáticos. Objetivo: investigar que sentidos de práticas curriculares em Matemática são subjetivados pelas professoras da EJA. Metodologia: narrativas de 5 professoras que atuam no EJA, captadas por meio de entrevistas. Ambiente e participantes: A pesquisa ocorreu emuma escola pública municipal rural localizada uma cidade do interior do Ceará. Coleta e análise de dados: análise textual discursiva. Resultados: as práticas curriculares desenvolvidas na EJA, em especial, as relacionadas à matemática, podem exercer forteinfluência sobre o sentimento de autoeficácia do estudante e influenciam o seu processamento cognitivo dos conhecimentos matemáticos. Os momentos de planejamentos pedagógicos coletivos e de formação, influenciam a seleção dos conteúdos curriculares e de materiais didáticos, orientando as construções das práticas curriculares das professoras, influenciando a construção de suas subjetividades, em uma permanente relação entre sujeitos que interagem e se confrontam de diferentes formas para o seu trabalho pedagógico, inclusive no apoio buscado, junto aos seus pares. Conclusões: pensar em subjetividades dos atores envolvidos na EJA deveria significar voltar a atenção para os processos de ensino e de aprendizagem, que abarcam uma gama de diversidades de grupos sociais com culturas, expectativas, idades e interesses muito diferentes, significando maior atenção para a produção e implementação de currículos e ensinos adequados a estes grupos de estudantes, considerando suas culturas, vivências e experiências anteriores

    Kinetic Analysis of an Efficient Molecular Light-Driven Water Oxidation System

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    We report an efficient molecular light-driven system to oxidize water to oxygen and a kinetic analysis of the factors determining the efficiency of the system. The system comprises a highly active molecular catalyst ([Ru<sup>IV</sup>(tda)­(py)<sub>2</sub>(O)]), [Ru<sup>II</sup>(bpy)­(bpy-COOEt)<sub>2</sub>]<sup>2+</sup> (<b>RuP</b>), as sensitizer and Na<sub>2</sub>S<sub>2</sub>O<sub>8</sub> as sacrificial electron acceptor. This combination exhibits a high quantum yield (25%) and chemical yield (93%) for photodriven oxygen evolution from water. The processes underlying this performance are identified using optical techniques, including transient absorption spectroscopy and photoluminescence quenching. A high catalyst concentration is found to be required to optimize the efficiency of electron transfer between the oxidized sensitizer and the catalyst, which also has the effect of improving sensitizer stability. The main limitation of the quantum yield is the relatively low efficiency of S<sub>2</sub>O<sub>8</sub><sup>2–</sup> as an electron scavenger to oxidize the photoexcited ruthenium sensitizer <b>RuP*</b> to 2 <b>RuP</b><sup><b>+</b></sup>, mainly due to competing back electron transfers to the <b>RuP</b> ground state. The overall rate of light-driven oxygen generation is determined primarily by the rate of photon absorption by the molecular sensitizer under the incident photon flux. As such, the performance of this efficient light-driven system is limited not by the properties of the molecular water oxidation catalyst, which exhibits both good kinetics and stability, but rather by the light absorption and quantum efficiency properties of the sensitizer and electron scavenger. We conclude by discussing the implications of these results for further optimization of molecular light-driven systems for water oxidation

    Persistence and clearance of Ebola virus RNA from seminal fluid of Ebola virus disease survivors: a longitudinal analysis and modelling study

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    Background By January, 2016, all known transmission chains of the Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in west Africa had been stopped. However, there is concern about persistence of Ebola virus in the reproductive tract of men who have survived EVD. We aimed to use biostatistical modelling to describe the dynamics of Ebola virus RNA load in seminal fl uid, including clearance parameters. Methods In this longitudinal study, we recruited men who had been discharged from three Ebola treatment units in Guinea between January and July, 2015. Participants provided samples of seminal fl uid at follow-up every 3–6 weeks, which we tested for Ebola virus RNA using quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Representative specimens from eight participants were then inoculated into immunodefi cient mice to test for infectivity. We used a linear mixed-eff ect model to analyse the dynamics of virus persistence in seminal fl uid over time. Findings We enrolled 26 participants and tested 130 seminal fl uid specimens; median follow up was 197 days (IQR 187–209 days) after enrolment, which corresponded to 255 days (228–287) after disease onset. Ebola virus RNA was detected in 86 semen specimens from 19 (73%) participants. Median duration of Ebola virus RNA detection was 158 days after onset (73–181; maximum 407 days at end of follow-up). Mathematical modelling of the quantitative time-series data showed a mean clearance rate of Ebola virus RNA from seminal fl uid of –0·58 log units per month, although the clearance kinetic varied greatly between participants. Using our biostatistical model, we predict that 50% and 90% of male survivors clear Ebola virus RNA from seminal fl uid at 115 days (90% prediction interval 72–160) and 294 days (212–399) after disease onset, respectively. We also predicted that the number of men positive for Ebola virus RNA in aff ected countries would decrease from about 50 in January 2016, to fewer than 1 person by July, 2016. Infectious virus was detected in 15 of 26 (58%) specimens tested in mice. Interpretation Time to clearance of Ebola virus RNA from seminal fl uid varies greatly between individuals and could be more than 13 months. Our predictions will assist in decision-making about surveillance and preventive measures in EVD outbreaks

    Examen Final

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    Uintah County Fair Entrance

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    The entrance to the Uintah County Fair Grounds is ornamented with two cobblerock archways. In the center, at the top, is a chisheled beehive to typify the state emblem. Across the top of the archways is Uintah Coutny Fair, artistically placed in the cobblerock. The fair grounds became a new and permanent location for the Uintah County Fair

    Epidemiological study of behavioural disorders in elderly dogs

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    Clinical records of 270 dogs older than 7 years that presented for a behavior problem at the Animal Behavior Clinic of the Autonomous University of Barcelona were analyzed. Information about age, breed, gender and neuter- ing status, characteristics of the environment, behavior problems and signs of aging were obtained for each dog. Elderly dogs made up the 16% of the total population presented for behavioral consultation. Of the 270 dogs whose records were examined, 10 were affected by CDS. Aggressive behavior (particularly towards people) was the most frequent disorder diagnosed by veterinarians (45%), followed by excessive barking (9%), separation anxiety (8%), disorientation (6.3%) fear/phobias (6%), housesoiling (5%), compulsive disorders (4%) and CDS (2.7%). CDS patients showed signs associated with cognitive decline: 67% had decreased interaction with owners, 50% experienced confusion as well as housesoiling, 35% had sleep-wake cycle alterations and 17% showed depression/apathy

    An experimental device to supervise the daily evaporation in the Guérande's salt marshes

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    International audienceThis article presents a custom-made device designed to monitor water levels in salt marshes. The device is autonomous and embeds a distance sensor to periodically send measurements of water height to a base station using an Ultra High Frequency (UHF) radio link. These are then collected, processed and displayed to salt workers to help them to supervize the salt marshes productivity. An experimental deployement is carried out in the Guérande salt marshes (near the city of Nantes, France). Preliminary results clearly show the water evaporation inside the basin at the end of the afternoon. The device can be easily extended to numerous sensors in order to monitor several sites simultaneously and to control the water entrance through the hatch. More than a technical depiction, this paper describes the requirements of an ancestral task where a simple cyber physical system (CPS) can efficiently assist humans in their daily activity

    What influences reflective interaction in distance peer learning? Evidence from four long-term online learners of French

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    Researchers in text-conferencing have not yet addressed the relationship between changing task designs and learner behaviour, as few have been able to monitor learners over time. We present a study of four learners of French-as-a-foreign-language, interacting within three task frameworks, including semi-structured, highly structured and unstructured contexts. Based on work on learner reflection (Wenden) and learner interaction (Van Lier), we define a pedagogy prioritising 'reflective interaction'. The main question addressed here is whether reflective interaction is more likely to arise from some task types than others. The findings of this study are based on data gathered over 15 months, and relate a content analysis of learner messages to feedback questionnaires. The results appear to challenge the assumption that task type is the main predictor of the volume of reflective interaction