44 research outputs found

    La escuela inclusiva tiene nombre propio: comunidades de aprendizaje. Una experiencia de más de 10 años en el CEIP de Leikeitio

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    El proyecto educativo integral denominado Comunidades de Aprendizaje pretende impulsar la inclusión efectiva de todo el conjunto del alumnado junto con la superación de cualquier tipo de desigualdad. Para ello promueve un aprendizaje de calidad y de éxito además de un modelo comunitario de convivencia, basándose en la participación plena de la comunidad educativa y de otros agentes sociales tanto en la gestión del currículo como en el funcionamiento y la toma de decisiones del centro. En este artículo se expone la experiencia concreta que desde el año 2000 se está llevando a cabo en el CEIP de Lekeitio. Una Comunidad de Aprendizaje en el que participan 600 niños y niñas, alrededor de 400 familias y más de cien adultos entre el profesorado, monitoras, cuidadoras, cocineras y otras personas voluntaria

    Runtime Scheduling, Allocation, and Execution of Real-Time Hardware Tasks onto Xilinx FPGAs Subject to Fault Occurrence

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    This paper describes a novel way to exploit the computation capabilities delivered by modern Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), not only towards a higher performance, but also towards an improved reliability. Computation-specific pieces of circuitry are dynamically scheduled and allocated to different resources on the chip based on a set of novel algorithms which are described in detail in this article. These algorithms consider most of the technological constraints existing in modern partially reconfigurable FPGAs as well as spontaneously occurring faults and emerging permanent damage in the silicon substrate of the chip. In addition, the algorithms target other important aspects such as communications and synchronization among the different computations that are carried out, either concurrently or at different times. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithms is tested by means of a wide range of synthetic simulations, and, notably, a proof-of-concept implementation of them using real FPGA hardware is outlined

    Low delay network attributes randomization to proactively mitigate reconnaissance attacks in industrial control systems

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    Industrial Control Systems are used in a wide variety of industrial facilities, including critical infrastructures, becoming the main target of multiple security attacks. A malicious and successful attack against these infrastructures could cause serious economic and environmental consequences, including the loss of human lives. Static networks configurations and topologies, which characterize Industrial Control Systems, represent an advantage for attackers, allowing them to scan for vulnerable devices or services before carrying out the attack. Identifying active devices and services is often the first step for many attacks. This paper presents a proactive network reconnaissance defense mechanism based on the temporal randomization of network IP addresses, MAC addresses and port numbers. The obtained information distortion minimizes the knowledge acquired by the attackers, hindering any attack that relies on network addressing. The temporal randomization of network attributes is performed in an adaptive way, minimizing the overhead introduced in the network and avoiding any error and latency in communications. The implementation as well as the tests have been carried out in a laboratory with real industrial equipment, demonstrating the effectiveness of the presented solution

    The Reach of Abduction: insight and trial: a practical logic of cognitive systems. Vol. 2, Dov M. Gabbay and John Woods, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2005, 476 or.

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    Mathematical thought and its objects. Charles Parsons. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2008, xx+378 or.

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    Logika eta logikak: begirada bat logika ez-klasikoei

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    In this paper we present an overview on some non-classical logics starting from the analysis of the fundamental theoretical bases of First Order Logic. We also discuss the fundamental debates from which the new logics arise. Finally we briefly explain the basic ideas of some non-classical logics such as: many-valued systems, modal logic, epistemic logic, intuitionistic logic, and non-monotonic logics

    Mathematical thought and its objects. Charles Parsons. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2008, xx+378 or.

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    The Reach of Abduction: insight and trial: a practical logic of cognitive systems. Vol. 2, Dov M. Gabbay and John Woods, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2005, 476 or.

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    Continuous Quantitative Risk Management in Smart Grids Using Attack Defense Trees

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    Although the risk assessment discipline has been studied from long ago as a means to support security investment decision-making, no holistic approach exists to continuously and quantitatively analyze cyber risks in scenarios where attacks and defenses may target different parts of Internet of Things (IoT)-based smart grid systems. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive methodology that enables informed decisions on security protection for smart grid systems by the continuous assessment of cyber risks. The solution is based on the use of attack defense trees modelled on the system and computation of the proposed risk attributes that enables an assessment of the system risks by propagating the risk attributes in the tree nodes. The method allows system risk sensitivity analyses to be performed with respect to different attack and defense scenarios, and optimizes security strategies with respect to risk minimization. The methodology proposes the use of standard security and privacy defense taxonomies from internationally recognized security control families, such as the NIST SP 800-53, which facilitates security certifications. Finally, the paper describes the validation of the methodology carried out in a real smart building energy efficiency application that combines multiple components deployed in cloud and IoT resources. The scenario demonstrates the feasibility of the method to not only perform initial quantitative estimations of system risks but also to continuously keep the risk assessment up to date according to the system conditions during operation.This research leading to these results was funded by the EUROPEAN COMMISSION, grant number 787011 (SPEAR Horizon 2020 project) and 780351 (ENACT Horizon 2020 project)

    Service Level Agreement-based GDPR Compliance and Security assurance in (multi)Cloud-based systems

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    Compliance with the new European General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) and security assurance are currently two major challenges of Cloud-based systems. GDPR compliance implies both privacy and security mechanisms definition, enforcement and control, including evidence collection. This paper presents a novel DevOps framework aimed at supporting Cloud consumers in designing, deploying and operating (multi)Cloud systems that include the necessary privacy and security controls for ensuring transparency to end-users, third parties in service provision (if any) and law enforcement authorities. The framework relies on the risk-driven specification at design time of privacy and security level objectives in the system Service Level Agreement (SLA) and in their continuous monitoring and enforcement at runtime.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 644429 and No 780351, MUSA project and ENACT project, respectively. We would also like to acknowledge all the members of the MUSA Consortium and ENACT Consortium for their valuable help