3,846 research outputs found

    Performance of multiple-input multiple-output wireless communications systems using distributed antennas

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    In this contribution we propose and investigate a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communications system, where multiple receive antennas are distributed in the area covered by a cellular cell and connected with the base-station (BS). We first analyze the total received power by the BS through the distributed antennas, when assuming that the mobile's signal is transmitted over lognormal shadowed Rayleigh fading channels. Then, the outage probability of the distributed antenna MIMO systems is investigated, when considering various antenna distribution patterns. Furthermore, space-time coding at the mobile transmitter is considered for enhancing the outage performance of the distributed antenna MIMO system. Our study and simulation results show that the outage performance of a distributed antenna MIMO system can be significantly improved, when either increasing the number of distributed receive antennas or increasing the number of mobile transmit antennas


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    Dalam tugas akhir ini, penulis mencoba mendisain balok beton prategang pada bangunan gedung BPR Bank Jatim yang awalnya menggunakan balok beton bertulang biasa pada ruangan lantai 6 yang digunakan sebagai ruangan pertemuan, dengan digunakannya balok prategang diharapankan bisa bertambah luas space ruangannya karena menghilangkan kolom di tengah-tengah ruangan pada lantai tersebut. Adapun perubahan panjang bentang bangunan, yang awal mulanya bentang dari panjang 10,5 meter menjadi 15 meter dan balok induk beton bertulang yang berukuran 3 meter menjadi balok prategang dengan bentang 15 meter. Metode yang digunakan untuk mendisain beton prategang ini adalah metode prategang sebagian. Dalam metode ini tulangan lunak yang digunakan dalam mendisain balok prategang ikut diperhitungkan untuk menahan momen akibat gaya lateral gempa yang terjadi pada bangunan yang sesuai dengan peraturan ACI 2008. Dengan asumsi, bahwa tendon hanya menerima gaya gempa sebesar 25% saja, sedangkan 75% dari gaya gempa yang terjadi akan dilimpahkan pada baja tulangan lunak. Adapun program bantu tambahan yang digunakan untuk mempermudah perhitungan struktur dalam laporan tugas akhir ini yaitu program ETABS Nonlinear Version 9.7.1. Dan setelah dilakukan perhitungan, maka dibutuhkan 1 selongsong tendon yang berisi 9 buah strand dengan diameter 15,2 mm. Untuk medukung motode prestress partial dibutuhkan tulangan lunak tarik sebanyak 6D20 dan tulangan tekan 3D20 pada daerah tekan pada daerah tumpuan. Sedangkan tulangan lunak tarik sebanyak 3D20 dan tulangan lunak tekan sebanyak 3D20 pada daerah lapangan. Untuk tulangan geser balok digunakan tulangan ϕ8-100 pada daerah tumpuan, sedangkan ϕ8-250 pada daerah lapangan. Pada kolom direncanakan dimensi 600 x 600 dan dibutuhkan tulangan longitudinal sebanyak 20D28. Dan tulangan transverse dengan tulangan ϕ8-150 Sedangkan pada pertemuan hubungan balok kolom, digunakan sengkang ϕ8-150. Kata kunci : beton pratekan, metode pratekan sebagian

    A cost-effective EV charging method designed for residential homes with renewable energy

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    This paper presents a smart and cost effective EV (Electric Vehicle) charging methodology for residential dwellings which have renewable energy sources. The proposed method has many benefits, including reducing peak pressure on the grid, delivering cost savings to the consumer, as well as reducing battery degradation and preventing overcharge, increasing battery lifetime. The performance of the algorithm is verified by conducting simulation studies against running data of a Nissan Altra, which demonstrate that the charging time can be effectively shifted from peak time to off-peak time. The cost savings delivered by the algorithm are compared against data collected in the Beijing electricity market

    A cost-effective electric vehicle charging method designed for residential homes with renewable energy

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    Most of the electrical infrastructure in use around the world today is decades old, and may be illsuited to widespread proliferation of personal Electric Vehicles (EVs) whose charging requirements will place increasing strain on grid demand. In order to reduce the pressure on the grid and taking benefits of off peak charging, this paper presents a smart and cost effective EV charging methodology for residential homes equipped with renewable energy resources such as Photovoltaic (PV) panels and battery. The proposed method ensures slower battery degradation and prevents overcharging. The performance of the proposed algorithm is verified by conducting simulation studies utilizing running data of Nissan Altra. From the simulation study results, the algorithm is shown to be effective and feasible which minimizes not only the charging cost but also can shift the charging time from peak value to off-peak time

    Regional Transport and Its Association with Tuberculosis in the Shandong Province of China, 2009-2011

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    Human mobility has played a major role in the spread of infectious diseases such as tuberculosis (TB) through transportation; however, its pattern and mechanism have remained unclear. This study used transport networks as a proxy for human mobility to generate the spatial process of TB incidence. It examined the association between TB incidence and four types of transport networks at the provincial level: provincial roads, national roads, highways, and railways. Geographical information systems and geospatial analysis were used to examine the spatial distribution of 2217 smear-positive TB cases reported between 2009 and 2011 in the Shandong province. The study involved factors such as population density and elevation difference in conjunction with the types of transport networks to predict the disease occurrence in space. It identified spatial clusters of TB incidence linked not only with transport networks of the regions but also differentiated by elevation. Our research findings provide evidence of targeting populous regions with well-connected transport networks for effective surveillance and control of TB transmission in Shandong.postprin

    Operation of a hybrid modular multilevel converter during grid voltage unbalance

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    The recently proposed parallel hybrid modular multilevel converter is considered to be a low loss, low component count converter with soft switching capability of the ‘main’ H-bridge. The converter has similar advantages to other emerging modular multilevel converter circuits being considered for HVDC power transmission and can be made compact which is desirable for offshore application. However, during ac network unbalance the individual ‘chain-links’ exchange unequal amounts of power with the grid which requires appropriate remedial action. This paper presents research into the performance of the converter and proposes a suitable control method that enables the converter to operate during grid voltage unbalance. The proposed control concept involves the use of asymmetric third harmonic voltage generation in the ‘chain-links’ of the converter to redistribute the power exchanged between the individual ‘chain-links’ and the grid. Mathematical analysis and simulation modelling with results are presented to support the work described

    Partonic effects on anisotropic flows at RHIC

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    We report recent results from a multiphase transport (AMPT) model on the azimuthal anisotropies of particle momentum distributions in heavy ion collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. These include higher-order anisotropic flows and their scaling, the rapidity dependence of anisotropic flows, and the elliptic flow of charm quarks.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, talk given at "Hot Quarks 2004", July 18-24, 2004, Taos Valley, NM, US

    Epitaxial thin films of Dirac semimetal antiperovskite Cu\u3csub\u3e3\u3c/sub\u3ePdN

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    The growth and study of materials showing novel topological states of matter is one of the frontiers in condensed matter physics. Among this class of materials, the nitride antiperovskite Cu3PdN has been proposed as a new three-dimensional Dirac semimetal. However, the experimental realization of Cu3PdN and the consequent study of its electronic properties have been hindered due to the difficulty of synthesizing this material. In this study, we report fabrication and both structural and transport characterization of epitaxial Cu3PdN thin films grown on (001)-oriented SrTiO3 substrates by reactive magnetron sputtering and post-annealed in NH3 atmosphere. The structural properties of the films, investigated by x-ray diffraction and scanning transmission electron microscopy, establish single phase Cu3PdN exhibiting cube-on-cube epitaxy (001)[100]Cu3PdN||(001)[100]SrTiO3. Electrical transport measurements of as-grown samples show metallic conduction with a small temperature coefficient of the resistivity of 1.5 x 10-4 K-1 and a positive Hall coefficient. Post-annealing in NH3 results in the reduction of the electrical resistivity accompanied by the Hall coefficient sign reversal. Using a combination of chemical composition analyses and ab initio band structure calculations, we discuss the interplay between nitrogen stoichiometry and magneto-transport results in the framework of the electronic band structure of Cu3PdN. Our successful growth of thin films of antiperovskite Cu3PdN opens the path to further investigate its physical properties and their dependence on dimensionality, strain engineering, and doping

    A geometric approach to time evolution operators of Lie quantum systems

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    Lie systems in Quantum Mechanics are studied from a geometric point of view. In particular, we develop methods to obtain time evolution operators of time-dependent Schrodinger equations of Lie type and we show how these methods explain certain ad hoc methods used in previous papers in order to obtain exact solutions. Finally, several instances of time-dependent quadratic Hamiltonian are solved.Comment: Accepted for publication in the International Journal of Theoretical Physic