1,133 research outputs found

    A note on local well-posedness of generalized KdV type equations with dissipative perturbations

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    In this note we report local well-posedness results for the Cauchy problems associated to generalized KdV type equations with dissipative perturbation for given data in the low regularity L2L^2-based Sobolev spaces. The method of proof is based on the {\em contraction mapping principle} employed in some appropriate time weighted spaces.Comment: 14 page

    Sharp global well-posedness for the higher order non-linear Schr\"odinger equation on modulations spaces

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    We consider the initial value problem (IVP) associated to a higher order nonlinear Schr\"odinger (h-NLS) equation tu+iax2u+bx3u+ic1u2u+c2u2xu=0,x,tR, \partial_{t}u+ia \partial^{2}_{x}u+ b\partial^{3}_{x}u+ic_1|u|^{2}u+c_2 |u|^{2}\partial_{x}u=0, \quad x,t \in \mathbb{R}, for given data in the modulation space Ms2,p(R)M_s^{2,p}(\mathbb{R}). Using ideias of Killip, Visan, Zhang, Oh, Wang, we prove that the IVP associated to the h-NLS equation is globally well-posed in the modulation spaces Ms,pM^{s,p} for s14s\geq\frac14 and p2p\geq2

    Decoupled and unidirectional asymptotic models for the propagation of internal waves

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    We study the relevance of various scalar equations, such as inviscid Burgers', Korteweg-de Vries (KdV), extended KdV, and higher order equations (of Camassa-Holm type), as asymptotic models for the propagation of internal waves in a two-fluid system. These scalar evolution equations may be justified with two approaches. The first method consists in approximating the flow with two decoupled, counterpropagating waves, each one satisfying such an equation. One also recovers homologous equations when focusing on a given direction of propagation, and seeking unidirectional approximate solutions. This second justification is more restrictive as for the admissible initial data, but yields greater accuracy. Additionally, we present several new coupled asymptotic models: a Green-Naghdi type model, its simplified version in the so-called Camassa-Holm regime, and a weakly decoupled model. All of the models are rigorously justified in the sense of consistency

    Magnetic transitions in Pr2NiO4 single crystal

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    The magnetic properties of a stoichiometric Pr2NiO4 single crystal have been examined by means of the temperature dependence of the complex ac susceptibility and the isothermal magnetization in fields up to 200 kOe at T=4.2 K. Three separate phases have been identified and their anisotropic character has been analyzed. A collinear antiferromagnetic phase appears first between TN = 325 K and Tc1 = 115 K, where the Pr ions are polarized by an internal magnetic field. At Tc1 a first modification of the magnetic structure occurs in parallel with a structural phase transition (Bmab to P42/ncm). This magnetic transition has a first‐order character and involves both the out‐of‐plane and the in‐plane spin components (magnetic modes gx and gxcyfz, respectively). A second magnetic transition having also a first‐order character is also clearly identified at Tc2 = 90 K which corresponds to a spin reorientation process (gxcyfz to cxgyaz magnetic modes). It should be noted as well that the out‐of‐phase component of χac shows a peak around 30 K which reflects the coexistence of both magnetic configurations in a wide temperature interval. Finally, two field‐induced transitions have been observed at 4.2 K when the field is directed along the c axis. We propose that the high‐field anomaly arises from a metamagnetic transition of the weak ferromagnetic component, similarly to La2CuO4

    Ubicación y dimensionamiento óptimo de fuentes fotovoltaicas en una mini-red aislada

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    This article introduces a new mixed integer linear programming model that guarantees the optimal solution to the location and sizing problem of distributed photovoltaic generators in an isolated mini-grid. The solar radiation curves of each node in the mini-grids were considered, and the main objective was to minimize electric power losses in the operation of the system. The model is non-linear in nature because some restrictions are not linear. However, this article proposes the use of linearization techniques to obtain a linear model with a global optimal solution, which can be achieved through commercial solvers; CPLEX in this case. The proposed model was tested in an isolated 14-bus mini-grid, based on real data of topology, demand and generation adapted to a balanced operation. This model shows, as a result, the optimal location of photovoltaic generators and their optimal capacity produced by the maximum active power delivered at the maximum solar irradiation time of the region. It is also evident that the hybrid operation between small hydroelectric power plants and photovoltaic generation improves the network voltage profile and the electric power losses without the use power storage systems.Este artículo presenta un nuevo modelo de programación lineal entera mixta que garantiza la solución óptima al problema de ubicación y dimensionamiento de generadores fotovoltaicos distribuidos, contemplando las curvas de radiación solar de cada nodo de las mini-redes aisladas y teniendo en cuenta como principal objetivo, minimizar las pérdidas de energía eléctrica en la operación del sistema. El modelo es de naturaleza no lineal, debido a que algunas restricciones no son lineales, sin embargo, en este artículo se propone utilizar técnicas de linealización para obtener un modelo lineal con una solución óptima global, el cual puede ser resuelto a través de analizadores de valor óptimo comerciales, para este trabajo se utilizó el solucionador comercial CPLEX. El modelo propuesto fue probado en una mini-red aislada de 14 nodos, basada en datos reales de topología, demanda y generación, adaptados a una operación balanceada. Este modelo, presenta como resultado la ubicación óptima de los generadores fotovoltaicos y su capacidad óptima dada por la máxima potencia activa entregada en el momento de máxima irradiación solar de la región. También se evidencia que la operación hibrida PCH-PV mejora el perfil de tensión de la red y las pérdidas de energía eléctrica sin la utilización de sistemas de almacenamiento de energía

    Ice morphology modification and solute recovery improvement by heating and annealing during block freeze-concentration of coffee extracts

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    Several treatments on ice blocks can be applied during block freeze-concentration to increase the solute recovery from the ice. In the present study, the changes in the ice block’s temperature and the application of annealing during the block freeze-concentration of aqueous coffee extracts were studied. The ice block was subjected to heating and annealing prior to the thawing stage. The effect of coolant temperature during ice block heating (T = -10 and -5 °C) and the application of annealing (+, -) on solute recovery and ice structure morphology was evaluated. The use of annealing during block freeze-concentration modified the ice crystal morphology and increased the solute recovery only when it is applied at the highest temperature. In general, the annealing process increased the size and circularity of the ice crystals, consequently improving the solute recovery. Thus, annealing can be used to increase the solute recovery during block freeze-concentration.Postprint (published version

    Integración de los recursos energéticos distribuidos en microrredes aisladas: paradigma colombiano

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    The electrification of rural or isolated areas coupled with increasing environmental concerns have promoted the emergence of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) and the operation by isolated microgrids. However, the integration of such resources involves technical issues related to the reliability and continuity of the electricity supply. Indeed, the uncertainty of renewable generation sources and the reduced inertia of isolated microgrids are challenges for the operation of these distribution systems. One way to address them is by providing ancillary services through all the resources involved in the system’s operation (generation assets, demand share, and storage systems). Accordingly, this paper first presents a literature review of the challenges and potential benefits of integrating DERs into the operation of a distribution system. It also includes some common strategies to mitigate the vulnerability of the introduction of these technologies in microgrids. Afterwards, the current state of each type of resource in Colombia is assessed. Finally, some basic strategies that enhance the benefits of DER integration are outlined along with the overcoming of challenges of microgrid operation in said country. To that end, we consider isolated Colombian regions to be natural laboratories where the effects of DER integration and the requirements for the operation by local production units can be analyzed.La electrificación de áreas rurales o aisladas, junto con las crecientes preocupaciones ambientales, han promovido la aparición de Recursos Energéticos Distribuidos (DER), y la operación por microrredes aisladas. Sin embargo, la integración de dichos recursos trae consigo problemas técnicos relacionados con la confiabilidad y la continuidad del suministro de electricidad. De hecho, la variabilidad e incertidumbre del recurso primario de las fuentes de generación renovables y la poca inercia de las microrredes aisladas son desafíos que se enfrentan en la operación de estos sistemas de distribución. Una forma de responder a estos desafíos es brindando servicios complementarios a través de todos los recursos inmersos en el funcionamiento del sistema (activos de generación, participación de la demanda y sistemas de almacenamiento). Este artículo muestra una revisión de los desafíos y beneficios potenciales de la Integración de DER, en la operación del sistema de distribución reportados en la literatura, junto con algunas estrategias comunes para mitigar la vulnerabilidad de la introducción de estas tecnologías en microrredes. Asimismo, realiza una evaluación del estado actual de cada recurso en Colombia; finalmente, se describen algunas estrategias para aumentar del impacto de los beneficios de la Integración de DER y la superación de algunos desafíos planteados en la operación por microredes en Colombia. Para ello, se considera a las regiones aisladas de Colombia como un laboratorio natural, donde sería posible analizar los efectos de la Integración de DER, así como los requisitos para la operación por parte de las unidades de producción locales

    Integration of distributed energy resources in isolated microgrids: the Colombian paradigm

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    La electrificación de áreas rurales o aisladas, junto con las crecientes preocupaciones ambientales, han promovido la aparición de Recursos Energéticos Distribuidos (DER), y la operación por microrredes aisladas. Sin embargo, la integración de dichos recursos trae consigo problemas técnicos relacionados con la confiabilidad y la continuidad del suministro de electricidad. De hecho, la variabilidad e incertidumbre del recurso primario de las fuentes de generación renovables y la poca inercia de las microrredes aisladas son desafíos que se enfrentan en la operación de estos sistemas de distribución. Una forma de responder a estos desafíos es brindando servicios complementarios a través de todos los recursos inmersos en el funcionamiento del sistema (activos de generación, participación de la demanda y sistemas de almacenamiento). Este artículo muestra una revisión de los desafíos y beneficios potenciales de la Integración de DER, en la operación del sistema de distribución reportados en la literatura, junto con algunas estrategias comunes para mitigar la vulnerabilidad de la introducción de estas tecnologías en microrredes. Asimismo, realiza una evaluación del estado actual de cada recurso en Colombia; finalmente, se describen algunas estrategias para aumentar del impacto de los beneficios de la Integración de DER y la superación de algunos desafíos planteados en la operación por microredes en Colombia. Para ello, se considera a las regiones aisladas de Colombia como un laboratorio natural, donde sería posible analizar los efectos de la Integración de DER, así como los requisitos para la operación por parte de las unidades de producción locales.The electrification of rural or isolated areas coupled with increasing environmental concerns have promoted the emergence of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) and the operation by isolated microgrids. However, the integration of such resources involves technical issues related to the reliability and continuity of the electricity supply. Indeed, the uncertainty of renewable generation sources and the reduced inertia of isolated microgrids are challenges for the operation of these distribution systems. One way to address them is by providing ancillary services through all the resources involved in the system’s operation (generation assets, demand share, and storage systems). Accordingly, this paper first presents a literature review of the challenges and potential benefits of integrating DERs into the operation of a distribution system. It also includes some common strategies to mitigate the vulnerability of the introduction of these technologies in microgrids. Afterwards, the current state of each type of resource in Colombia is assessed. Finally, some basic strategies that enhance the benefits of DER integration are outlined along with the overcoming of challenges of microgrid operation in said country. To that end, we consider isolated Colombian regions to be natural laboratories where the effects of DER integration and the requirements for the operation by local production units can be analyzed

    Island operation capability in the Colombian electrical market: a promising ancillary service of distributed energy resources

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    Hoy en día, la mayoría de los generadores distribuidos no están diseñados para operar bajo condiciones de isla. El servicio complementario de capacidad de operación por islas se presenta como un servicio de soporte técnico con la capacidad de aumentar la resiliencia, confiabilidad, seguridad y flexibilidad de un sistema eléctrico de distribución. Sin embargo, la operación por islas presenta unos desafíos técnicos, económicos y sociales que deben discutirse y analizarse durante la etapa de planificación.En este artículo, se presenta una comparación entre una operación intencional por islas y una isla planificada previamente, así como una descripción de los principales desafíos y beneficios de la operación por islas. Además, se realiza una evaluación económica de la confiabilidad del servicio de energía eléctrica al implementar la capacidad de operación por islas como un servicio complementario. Dicha evaluación muestra que la operación por islas tiene el potencial de minimizar la energía no suministrada hasta en un 50%. Además, se muestra un análisis técnico para la implementación del servicio complementario de capacidad de operación por islas. Luego, se estudia un sistema eléctrico de distribución existente con pequeñas centrales hidroeléctricas como un estudio de caso, con el fin de identificar los requisitos técnicos establecidos tanto para el sistema de distribución como para la fuente de generación. Finalmente, y teniendo en cuenta las normativas y regulaciones vigentes, se esboza una propuesta para la implementación del servicio complementario de capacidad de operación por islas en el sistema eléctrico colombiano.Nowadays most distributed generators are not designed to operate under islanded conditions. The ancillary service of islanded operation capability is proposed as a technical support service with the ability to increase the reliability, security and flexibility of an electrical distribution system. Nevertheless, island operation entails technical, economic and social issues that must be discussed and analyzed during the planning stage.This article compares an intentional island project to a preplanned island and describes the main issues and benefits of islanded operation. Additionally, the reliability of the service to implement the islanded operation capability as an ancillary service is economically assessed, which shows that island-based operation has the potential to minimize non-supplied energy up to 50%. Also, a technical analysis of implementing island operation capability ancillary service is presented. Subsequently, an existing electrical distribution system with small hydropower plants is considered as a study case in order to identify the technical requirements set out for both, the distribution system and the generation source. Finally, taking into account the current Law and regulations, a proposal is outlined for the implementation of the island operation capability ancillary service in the Colombian electrical system