34 research outputs found

    Lomas Las Tetas de Cabra fauna

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    88 p. : ill. (1 col.), maps ; 26 cm.Includes bibliographical references (p. 64-70)."Fossil mammal and other vertebrate remains from the Lomas Las Tetas de Cabra in Baja California Norte, Mexico, provide an opportunity to examine the utility of continental scale geochronologies based on land mammal faunas. Early reports proposed a late Paleocene to early Eocene age for this fauna. Recent fieldwork and considerations of cumulative fossil discoveries strongly indicate that the Baja fauna represents the Wasatchian Land Mammal Age (early Eocene) and is strikingly similar to faunas of this age from the western interior of the United States. Wasatchian-age taxa represented in the Baja assemblage include Hyracotherium, Hyopsodus, Meniscotherium (also possibly from Clarkforkian assemblages), Diacodexis, and Prolimnocyon. Also present in the fauna are excellent specimens of Wyolestes and Esteslestes, a new genus of didelphid marsupial, as well as a badly distorted skull of a pantodont. An early Eocene age assignment is supported by analysis of the marine section adjacent to the Tetas de Cabra sequence. The marine organisms are consistent with a middle Ypresian (early Eocene) age assignment. Paleomagnetic analyses of both the terrestrial and marine sections also corroborate this age assignment. These new results substantiate the validity of the Wasatchian as a discrete temporal interval that can be applied at a continental scale. The Wasatchian thus fulfills the expectations for a mammal-based chronology. Similarities, rather than differences, between the Baja assemblage and other Wasatchian-age faunas is the dominant pattern. A choice among dispersal theories for the sources of Wasatchian mammals is not clearly indicated by the faunal evidence"--P. 3

    Author Correction: Multi-ancestry genome-wide association analyses improve resolution of genes and pathways influencing lung function and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease risk

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    Multi-ancestry genome-wide association analyses improve resolution of genes and pathways influencing lung function and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease risk

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    Lung-function impairment underlies chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and predicts mortality. In the largest multi-ancestry genome-wide association meta-analysis of lung function to date, comprising 580,869 participants, we identified 1,020 independent association signals implicating 559 genes supported by ≥2 criteria from a systematic variant-to-gene mapping framework. These genes were enriched in 29 pathways. Individual variants showed heterogeneity across ancestries, age and smoking groups, and collectively as a genetic risk score showed strong association with COPD across ancestry groups. We undertook phenome-wide association studies for selected associated variants as well as trait and pathway-specific genetic risk scores to infer possible consequences of intervening in pathways underlying lung function. We highlight new putative causal variants, genes, proteins and pathways, including those targeted by existing drugs. These findings bring us closer to understanding the mechanisms underlying lung function and COPD, and should inform functional genomics experiments and potentially future COPD therapies

    New basal interatheriids, Chile

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    32 p. : ill., map ; 26 cm.Includes bibliographical references (p. 28-31).Two new basal interatheriids ("notopithecines") are described from central Chile. Specimens of a new taxon, Johnbell hatcheri, derive from Abanico Formation deposits near Termas del Flaco, in the valley of the Rio Tinguiririca, forming a distinctive element of the Tinguiririca Fauna. The Tinguiririca Fauna, which forms the basis of the recently defined Tinguirirican SALMA, documents the co-occurrence of species of archaic, dentally primitive herbivores and basal members of later diverging groups of more advanced hypsodont forms, and other transitional aspects of mammal evolution near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. A specimen recovered from the Abanico Formation in the drainage of the Rio Cachapoal (~100 km north of Termas del Flaco), SGOPV 3451 is referred to Johnbell hatcheri. This is the first time a specimen from elsewhere in the central Chilean Main Range has been assigned to a species represented in the stratotype sequence of the Tinguiririca Fauna (upper Rio Tinguiririca Valley). Ignigena minisculus, the other new basal interatheriid recognized herein, is known only from older strata of the Abanico Formation, from the Tapado Fauna within the Rio Tinguiririca Valley, estimated to be Casamayoran in age. Phylogenetic analysis shows these two new basal interatheriids to be outgroups to the Interatheriinae. Both new taxa are smaller than all other interatheriids known, except Punapithecus. Small body size may reflect geographic provincialism, as these diminutive forms are rest[r]icted to more northern latitudes compared to larger basal interatheriids, which derive from Patagonia. SGOPV 3604, from the Abanico Formation along the Rio Azufre, several kilometers north of the Rio Tinguiririca drainage, is referred to the early interatheriid Antepithecus brachystephanus, a taxon otherwise known only from Casamayoran ("late" Barrancan subage) SALMA deposits in Patagonia. A phylogenetic definition for the name Interatheriidae is proposed on the strength of the resolution achieved in the phylogenetic analysis. This analysis also shows clearly that "Notopithecinae" represents a paraphyletic assemblage. We suggest that taxa formerly termed "notopithecines" are more appropriately referred to as "basal interatheriids"

    The earliest-diverging avemetatarsalian: a new osteoderm- bearing taxon from the Triassic (?Earliest Late Triassic) of Madagascar and the composition of avemetatarsalian assemblages prior to the radiation of dinosaurs

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    NesbiÆ°, Sterling J., Patellos, Emily, Kammerer, Christian F., Ranivoharimanana, Lovasoa, Andre, Wyss, R., Flynn, John J. (2023): The earliest-diverging avemetatarsalian: a new osteoderm- bearing taxon from the Triassic (?Earliest Late Triassic) of Madagascar and the composition of avemetatarsalian assemblages prior to the radiation of dinosaurs. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (Zool. J. Linn. Soc.) 199 (2): 327-353, DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad038, URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad03

    Mambachiton fiandohana NesbiÆ° & Patellos & Kammerer & Ranivoharimanana & Andre & Wyss & Flynn 2023, gen.et sp. nov.

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    Mambachiton fiandohana gen.et sp. nov. Etymology: Genus name is a combination of the Malagasy mamba, meaning crocodile, and Ancient Greek χιτών (khiton), which can refer to a suit of armour. A secondary reference to the molluscan chiton is also intended, based on the evocative superficial similarity in armour morphology between Mambachiton fiandohana and polyplacophorans. Species name is the Malagasy word meaning source or beginning, in reference to this taxon’s phylogenetic position near the crocodile–bird split, the node to which Archosauria is definitionally linked. Holotype — UA 8-25-97-132, an articulated series of anterior to posterior cervical vertebrae and osteoderms, anterior cervical vertebra neural arch fragment, cervical rib, and disarticulated osteoderms (Fig. 1A). A right partial postfrontal was directly associated with the holotype. Referred specimen— FMNH PR 5065, middle trunk vertebrae, posterior trunk vertebrae, sacral vertebra one, anterior caudal vertebra, right scapulocoracoid, less scapulocoracoid, right ilium, and right proximal portion of femur (Fig. 1B). All of the referred elements were found near the holotype in the same horizon over a number of field seasons. We consider it highly probable that the holotype and the referred bones pertain to a single individual, based on consistency of size, consistency of character states for a taxon near the base of Archosauria, similar preservation, and the fact that none of the elements are duplicated with the holotype or each other. However, considering the lack of direct association with the cervical series and several years over which these elements were collected in the field, we refrain from including them in the holotype. Our hypothesis that all of these bones belong to Mambachiton fiandohana can only be tested with the discovery of another specimen showing association of these and diagnostic cervical elements; for now, justification for referring these non-holotype elements to Mambachiton fiandohana is given in the description. Locality and age— The holotype and referred elements of Mambachiton fiandohana were collected within the ‘basal Isalo II’ beds/ Makay Formation, in a coarse-grained grey sandstone at Locality M-13, east of Sakaraha in the southern Morondava Basin of south-western Madagascar (precise locality information on file at the AMNH, FMNH, and UA). Other taxa recovered from the holotype’s locality include the traversodontids Menadon besairiei and Dadadon isaloi (Flynn et al. 1999, 2000), the rhynchosaur Isalorhynchus genovefae (Flynn et al. 1999), the lagerpetid Kongonaphon kely (Kammerer et al. 2020), and the other reptile remains described below. The age of the ‘basal Isalo II’ deposits is Ladinian–Carnian (Mid-to-Upper Triassic) based on the correlations and caveats provided in Flynn et al. (2000) and Kammerer et al. (2020). Diagnosis —The holotype of Mambachiton fiandohana differs from all other archosauriforms by the presence of the following combination of character states (asterisks indicate autapomorphies): *small tuber present at the dorsal margin of the prezygadiapophyseal lamina on the lateral side of the prezygapophysis in the cervical vertebrae; epipophyses absent on the dorsal surface of the postzygapophysis; laterally expanded dorsal portion of the neural spine; tapering anterior process of the cervical osteoderms articulating with a distinct groove on the ventral surface of the preceding osteoderm; smooth, unsculptured osteoderms; *high number of osteoderms per cervical vertebra (five to eight, depending on position); staggered arrangement of osteoderms across the midline. Potential further diagnostic character states for this new taxon discernable from the referred material include: neural spines of the trunk vertebrae and first sacral vertebra laterally expanded dorsally; weakly developed hyposphene–hypantrum articulations between the trunk vertebrae; lateral articulation surface of sacral rib anteriorly and posteriorly constricted, resulting in an ‘I’-shape; coracoids with short postglenoid processes; distal end of the scapula expands anteroposteriorly more than the proximal end; rugose tuber occurs just distal to the glenoid of the scapula; ilium with notch on the articular surface for reception of the ischium. Ontogenetic assessment— No histological sectioning was performed, but a number of co-ossifications throughout the skeleton suggest that the holotype and referred materials of Mambachiton fiandohana werenearskeletalmaturityattimeofdeath (see: Griffin et al. 2020). The neurocentral sutures are completely co-ossified throughout the preserved portions of the cervical series (the first preserved neural arch is broken) and the trunk, sacral, and anterior caudal vertebrae are completely or partially co-ossified at the neurocentral sutures; only one side of the neurocentral suture is fully co-ossified in the posterior trunk vertebra. Co-ossification of the scapulocoracoids is complex; anteriorly it is complete, but a clear suture occurs posteriorly on the less element. No co-ossification occurs in this region on the right element. Nomenclatural acts— This published work and the nomenclatural acts it contains have been registered in ZooBank, the online registration system for the ICZN. The ZooBank Life Science Identifiers (LSIDs) can be resolved and the associated information viewed through any standard web browser by appending the LSID to the prefix zoobank.org/. The LSIDs for this publication are as follows: urn:lsid:zoobank. org:pub: 5CD3A1E5-2882-4004-8875-FCD534CF88AF. Mambachiton: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: A15DFD4D-8C6D-4940-B708-464540433830. Mambachiton fiandohana: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 630DA554- FF99-4046-BBAE-42391392FB00. Description Postffontal A largely complete left postfrontal (UA 8-25-97-132; Fig. 2), found directly associated with the holotype, represents the only cranial material potentially referrable to Mambachiton fiandohana. It is uncertain whether this bone actually pertains to Mambachiton fiandohana, or to an otherwise unknown reptile from the quarry. However, it is clear based on its small size and other features, that this element is not that of a rhynchosaur, the most common archosauromorph from the locality. Yet, we cannot exclude the possibility that it could pertain to a different avemetatarsalian or other, unknown archosauriform. This bone, which forms the posterodorsal portion of the orbit, bears a complex sutural surface with the frontal that angles anterolaterally. The dorsal portion of the orbital margin is raised slightly relative to the rest of the element and is faintly rugose. A fossa on the posteromedial portion indicates that the postfrontal would have participated in the supratemporal fossa, but a contact surface at the posterior edge (either for the postorbital or parietal) indicates that the postfrontal did not participate in the supratemporal fenestra. Cervical series The cervical series (UA 8-25-97-132) consists of six complete vertebrae, the first of which articulates with its neural arch; a fragment of the postzygapophyses of an anterior cervical was also recovered (Figs 3–8). The articulated cervical vertebrae encompass most of the cervical series, but their exact positions within the complete series (e.g. vertebrae 3–9) is unclear. The last element of the series is possibly transitional between the cervical and trunk series, but the parapophysis of this element still lies entirely on the centrum. The centra of the cervical series shorten posteriorly (Table 2) to the fourth preserved vertebra, before lengthening again slightly. The lateral sides of the centra bear a shallow fossa (Figs 3, 4) between the articular facets; the depth of these fossae is constant throughout the series, although taphonomic crushing has distorted them on the less side of the sixth preserved vertebra and on the right side of the fissh (Fig. 8A–F). The amphicoelous centra have circular facets. A distinct but weakly extended ridge on the midline of the ventral surface (=ventral keel) is present on the first three preserved vertebrae (Figs 6, 7E) and on the anterior half of the fourth (Fig. 7K), but is absent on the fissh (Fig. 8E) and sixth. Paramedian ridges parallel the midline ridge on the first complete vertebra (Fig. 6). On the anterior cervical vertebrae, the posterior surfaces of the parapophyses are oval, the long axis oriented anteroposteriorly, whereas in the more posterior cervical vertebrae, the long axis is oriented posterodorsally. The anteroventral position of the parapophysis creates a concave surface medial to the structure, but lateral to the midline, in the first two preserved vertebrae. The parapophyses and diapophyses are separated throughout the series, though these structures converge posteriorly as the centrum shortens. The neural aches preserve a series of distinct laminae and deep fossae as in other long-necked archosaurs (e.g. Arizonasaurus babbitti, Nesbiư 2005; Teleocrater rhadinus, Nesbiư et al., 2018). Laterally, a deep centrodiapophyseal fossa (sensu Wilson et al. 2011) lies medial and ventral to the diapophysis, and is roofed by a posterior centrodiapophyseal lamina (sensu Wilson 1999). A few small laminae of bone are present within this fossa in the more anterior cervical vertebrae (Fig. 7A–F). A shallow parapophyseal centroprezygapophyseal fossa is present in the first preserved vertebra, deepening posteriorly as the result of a more pronounced prezygadiapophyseal lamina. A small tuber is present at the dorsal margin of the prezygadiapophyseal lamina on the lateral side of the prezygapophysis. A postzygapophyseal centrodiapophyseal fossa is absent in the anteriormost preserved neural arch (Figs 3–5), but appears in the second preserved neural arch (first preserved complete vertebra; Fig. 7A, B) and deepens posteriorly on that vertebra as the posterior centrodiapophyseal lamina develops. The postzygapophyseal centrodiapophyseal fossa is a deep pit, with its anterior extent obscured by the posterior centrodiapophyseal lamina in the second completely preserved vertebra; this condition is similar to that of Teleocrater rhadinus (e.g. NMT RB505) and saurischian dinosaurs (Langer and Benton 2006). The prezygapophyses project anterolaterally at an angle about 45 o from the anteroposterior plane, and a large gap separates the articular surfaces at the midline (Figs 3–8). The postzygapophyses are angled about 45 o laterally (from horizontal) in posterior view; a wide gap between the articular surfaces widens anteriorly. No epipophyses are present at the dorsal margin in any of the cervical vertebrae (structures present in most avemetatarsalians), but a slight swelling of the neural spine posteriorly occurs in the homologous position. A fossa between the pre- and postzygapophyses excavates the base of the neural spine. The neural spine is mediolaterally thin and situated over the posterior two-thirds of the centrum. A shallow fossa occurs at the lateral base of the neural spine throughout the preserved series. Most of the neural spines are hidden under osteoderms, but (computed tomography) reconstructions permit a number of observations (Figs 8, 9). Neural spines are expanded laterally at their dorsal margins, while the dorsal margins are nearly flat. The neural spines are slightly shorter (measured from their bases) than the centra are long. The neural spines shorten anteroposteriorly as their corresponding centra shorten posteriorly. The anterior edge of the neural spine slopes slightly anterodorsally in the more anterior elements, but not to the steep degree seen in aphanosaurs (Nesbiư et al. 2018). The posterior margin of all the neural spines are nearly vertical. A single isolated rib, missing much of the shass, is preserved anteriorly in the cervical series (Figs 3–6). Its disarticulation prevents its position within the cervical series from being assigned with certainty, but it appears to derive from the posterior portion of the series based on the positions of the capitulum and tuberculum. A sheet of bone on one side of the capitulum and the tuberculum may represent an anterior process, as is present in most archosauromorphs. The capitulum is broken, but a thin web of bone links it to the tuberculum. Cervical osteoderms Osteoderms cover the dorsal margins of the cervicals throughout the preserved series (in the holotype UA 8-25-97-132; Figs 3–5, 9, 10). Twenty articulated osteoderms are preserved on the right side of the holotype and nine on the less (Fig. 9). The long (mediolateral) axes of the osteoderms are deflected ventrolaterally about 60 o to the horizontal in posterior view. Each osteoderm is thick medially and progressively thins laterally as the osteoderms become dorsoventrally compressed. The dorsal surface of the medial edge sometimes preserves a ridge, with a slight depression adjacent to it. Where exposed, the surface of the medial portions of the osteoderms is slightly rugose, but no interdigitating contact between elements is evident. In anterior view, the lateral portion of the osteoderms flexes slightly dorsally. In dorsal view, the lateral margin is rounded, with a greater lateral extent more posteriorly, and the posterior margin varies from rounded to straight; some osteoderm margins bear small projections, but the paưern is inconsistent. CT data show that each osteoderm possesses a round (in cross-section), anteriorly tapering process (Fig. 9B, C, G–L). This process makes up half the length of the medial edge; although it occurs near the midline, it does not form the midline in articulation. No clear dorsal articular surfaces mark where osteoderms overlap (Figs 9, 10). Dorsal surfaces are smooth and unsculptured, but at least seven non-serial osteoderms on the right side bear a small dimple, which differs in size and location between elements. The osteoderms are consistently shaped throughout the column; they become only slightly longer (anteroposteriorly) posteriorly (see analysis below). In Mambachiton, the configuration of osteoderms relative to each other and to their associated vertebra is unique. They are arranged in two rows along the midline, but are staggered across the midline, as in some pseudosuchians (e.g. Prestosuchus chiniquensis; Nesbiư 2011; Nundasuchus songeaensis, Nesbiư et al. 2014). The osteoderms are imbricated, such that the posterior edge of the more anterior osteoderm overlaps the anterior edge of the subsequent one. Additionally, the tapering anterior process articulates with a distinct groove (Fig. 9J, N) on the preceding osteoderm, an arrangement unique among archosauriforms. The number of osteoderms per vertebra exceeds the typical ‘one paramedian pair to vertebra’ ratio typical in Archosauriformes (Nesbiư 2011). Nine osteoderms cover the longest cervical vertebra in Mambachiton, whereas six or seven osteoderms occur per vertebra in the posterior portion of the preserved vertebral series. The number of paramedian osteoderms per vertebra in Mambachiton is the highest known among any archosauriform. Variation- Our principal components analysis (Fig. 11) show some clustering based on relative location of the osteoderms along the cervical column. PC1 shows the most variance along Landmarks 3, and 1 (respectively) which correlates with the angle between the anterior process and the rugose medial flare. PC2 shows the most variance along Landmark 5, 3, and 4 (respectively) which correlates with the medial edge of the osteoderm. The Principal Component 1 vs. Principal Component 2 graph shows a cluster of similar shapes among anterior and posterior osteoderms respectively (Fig. 11). The shapes of more central osteoderms do not cluster as closely, varying more broadly across both principal components. Anterior osteoderms form a cluster between 0.00 and 0.15 along PC1, and 0.05 and -0.05 in PC2. Posterior osteoderms form a cluster between 0.00 and -0.15 along PC1, and show less variability along PC2, in a cluster between 0.00 and -0.05. This indicates that anterior osteoderm shapes typically show more variation along both PC1 and PC2, whereas the shape of the posterior osteoderms tends to vary along only PC1, and are less variable along PC2. Central osteoderms show higher variability along both PC1 and PC2, more so than either the anterior or posterior osteoderms. Central osteoderms form a cluster mainly between 0.05 and -0.10 along PC1, and between 0.05 and -0.05 along PC2. Two major outliers (central osteoderms 5 and B) cause the central osteoderms to show high deviation in shape, occupying more of the graph space along PC1 and PC2. The PCA graph (Fig. 11) shows liưle apparent separation between right and less osteoderm variation, but this may be the result of a relatively smaller sample size for the right elements. Interestingly, mirrored paired osteoderms (taking into account the slight staggering of the less and right osteoderm columns) plot relatively distantly from each other in PCA space (by a similar length), despite being similar to one another in anatomy. In this case, the mirrored pairs are between osteoderms 3 and A, 5 and C, and 6 and D. These variations among the osteoderms are congruent with our morphometric analysis. Anteriorly positioned osteoderms appear more rounded, whereas posterior elements appear more angular and more parallelogram shaped. Central osteoderms lie somewhere between these two end members, though the morphometric analysis results shows no clear paưern that would indicate a gradual transition in shape from one extreme to the other. Rather, anterior and posterior osteoderms show liưle variability, and plot separately within the PCA space. Central osteoderms are much more variable, and can overlap in morphology with either the anterior or posterior osteoderms. Less and right paramedian osteoderms are nearly identical, but not when paired together. Other osteoderms A variety of other osteoderms were recovered with the holotype (UA 8-25-97-132), but their position in the skeleton is unknown. A cluster of three disarticulated, but similarly oriented, osteoderms prepared in ventral view are the most similar to the osteoderms articulated along the cervical vertebral column (Fig. 10). These osteoderms may have belonged to the anterior portion of the neck dorsal to the vertebrae, given that this part of the neck is slightly disarticulated and the morphology of these osteoderms closely matches the more anterior osteoderms in the articulated cervical series. These osteoderms are triangular, and this triangular shape becomes posterolaterally extended anteriorly. These three osteoderms have long and tapered anterior processes near their medial edges; their posterolateral portions broaden, as in the articulated neck osteoderms. A deep, anteroposteriorly oriented groove lies near the medial edge, probably the articulation surface for the long anterior process, reminiscent of the groove on the ventral surface of the cervical osteoderms (observed through CT data) discussed earlier. The medial surface, thickest dorsoventrally, is covered by a system of ridges and grooves, probably marking the midline and contact surface with its antimere osteoderm. A rectangular osteoderm also was found directly associated with the holotype (Fig. 11F, G). We are tentatively assigning it to the holotype given its close proximity to the cervical series and because no other taxa from the quarry are known to bear osteoderms. Nevertheless, we do recognize the possibility that another, currently unknown reptile taxon (e.g. an aetosauriform) could be the source of this single osteoderm. Given the highly divergent shape of this osteoderm relative to of all others known from this locality, its position and anatomical directions are unknown. Accordingly, we employ the anatomical orientation of a typical paramedian aetosaur osteoderm, given their general similarities (Parker 2007, 2008, Desojo et al. 2013). This rectangular osteoderm is about twice as wide as long, with a distinct bend just off the mediolateral centre. The presumed anterior edge of the dorsal surface bears a flat lamina across its entire edge. The dorsal surface is ornamented; small dimples are present near the apex, and the medial and lateral portions bear more elongated grooves and rounded ridges. This isolated osteoderm is consistently thick dorsoventrally throughout its body. Its ventral surface is smooth and concave.Overall, this osteoderm is aetosaur-like in form, the presence of an anterior articulation surface (=anterior bar, anterior lamina) being rather rare among archosauriforms. The ornamentation of this osteoderm also is similar to small-bodied aetosaurs (e.g. Small and Martz 2013). Table 2. Continued Two other fragments found with the holotype also appear to be osteoderms, but this cannot be confirmed definitively (Fig. 10E). Both have compressed, tapered processes that could correspond to the anterior processes of the other osteoderms. Referred vertebrae Four trunk vertebrae (part of FMNH PR 5065) found near the holotype are referred to Mambachiton fiandohana based on similar size, consistency of character states, preservation, and the fact that none of the elements are duplicated with the holotype or each other; we consider it possible, and even likely, that all these vertebrae belong to the same individual as the holotype (Figs 12, 13). Two of these vertebrae are from the middle trunk (Fig. 12), and two from the posterior trunk (Fig. 13), judging from centrum shapes as well as diapophysis and parapophysis shapes. The well-preserved middle trunk vertebrae (Fig. 12) both are essentially complete. The centra are strongly waisted between the anterior and posterior