27 research outputs found

    Dwa teksty staropolskie z przełomu XV i XVI wieku. Dekalog i Oracio contra Febrem

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    The article publishes two hitherto unpublished texts which were written at the turn of the 15th century in two incunabula. One is the Polish Decalogue in verse recorded in the incunabulum of the Library of the Canons Regular of the Lateran in Cracow, whereas the second text is the Latin Oracio contra febram with an insertion in the Polish language from the incunabulum of the National Library in Warsaw

    Mnemotechniczne teksty staropolskie ze zbiorów gnieźnieńskich

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    The article contains an edition of mnemonic poems from the late 15th century and from the first half of the 16th century, discovered in the Archdiocese Archives in Gniezno. They contain the conditions for good confession, the church commandments, and reminders of the Franciscan rule.The article contains an edition of mnemonic poems from the late 15th century and from the first half of the 16th century, discovered in the Archdiocese Archives in Gniezno. They contain the conditions for good confession, the church commandments, and reminders of the Franciscan rule


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    A manuscript stored in the Jagiellonian Library (no. 1564 from 1404) holds a fragment of a Polish calendar, previously unpublished, from the late 14th century or the early 15th century. Written on the last, extra parchment page, it is a fragment of a much larger manuscript. The first 13 days of January have survived (1 to 13 January) and 13 days of February (4 to 19 February). The fragment contains 17 names, five of which are not included in the Słownik staropolskich nazw osobowych (Dictionary of Old Polish Proper Nouns, W. Taszycki, ed., vol. 1-7, Wrocław 1965-1987), namely Arkadyj, Emilijan, Iginij, Sotera, Wedast. The word january (January, in Polish styczeń) has not been recognised by dictionaries, either. There is no equivalent of the calendar in question in Poland or other European countries. It is impossible to indicate the diocese or a milieu where it could have been used. The document includes a few names of saints properly attributed to the days of their cult and names attributed to days not used in other known calendars. This leads to a conclusion that the calendar was either used in an unknown milieu or we are dealing with a simple error of the copyist. The latter theory best explains the peculiarity of this fragment of the calendar. This is confirmed by marking 4 nd 5 February as Ide rather than Nones, and 12 and 13 February as calends rather than Ides. The calendar was probably erroneously planned by the copyist who confused the days and affiliation of saints. Perhaps these errors were spotted early, the copying process was never completed and the parchment was recycled. Most probably, the intention behind the calendar (1564) was a large parchment “poster”, reminiscent of a scroll, used to inform the congregation about the holidays in the year. The calendar is unique because of the names of saints included in it and the fact that it is written in Polish.A manuscript stored in the Jagiellonian Library (no. 1564 from 1404) holds a fragment of a Polish calendar, previously unpublished, from the late 14th century or the early 15th century. Written on the last, extra parchment page, it is a fragment of a much larger manuscript. The first 13 days of January have survived (1 to 13 January) and 13 days of February (4 to 19 February). The fragment contains 17 names, five of which are not included in the Słownik staropolskich nazw osobowych (Dictionary of Old Polish Proper Nouns, W. Taszycki, ed., vol. 1-7, Wrocław 1965-1987), namely Arkadyj, Emilijan, Iginij, Sotera, Wedast. The word january (January, in Polish styczeń) has not been recognised by dictionaries, either. There is no equivalent of the calendar in question in Poland or other European countries. It is impossible to indicate the diocese or a milieu where it could have been used. The document includes a few names of saints properly attributed to the days of their cult and names attributed to days not used in other known calendars. This leads to a conclusion that the calendar was either used in an unknown milieu or we are dealing with a simple error of the copyist. The latter theory best explains the peculiarity of this fragment of the calendar. This is confirmed by marking 4 nd 5 February as Ide rather than Nones, and 12 and 13 February as calends rather than Ides. The calendar was probably erroneously planned by the copyist who confused the days and affiliation of saints. Perhaps these errors were spotted early, the copying process was never completed and the parchment was recycled. Most probably, the intention behind the calendar (1564) was a large parchment “poster”, reminiscent of a scroll, used to inform the congregation about the holidays in the year. The calendar is unique because of the names of saints included in it and the fact that it is written in Polish

    Sprofilowanie oddziału chirurgicznego w kierunku chirurgii onkologicznej istotnie poprawia wyniki leczenia raka żołądka

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    Wstęp. Gastrektomia z powodu raka pozostaje wyzwaniem dla pacjenta i dla zespołu leczącego. Wyzwala znaczący uraz w organizmie pacjenta. Towarzyszy jej ryzyko powikłań i kilkuprocentowe ryzyko śmiertelności okołooperacyjnej. Doświadczenie w zakresie leczenia chirurgicznego oraz we właściwym przygotowaniu i doborze pacjenta do operacji to czynniki wpływające na wyniki leczenia tej choroby. Celem pracy jest analiza zmian w jakości doraźnych i odległych wyników leczenia raka żołądka na materiale własnym nowo utworzonego, powołanego do leczenia nowotworów złośliwych oddziału chirurgii onkologicznej w centrum onkologicznym na przestrzeni pierwszych 6 lat funkcjonowania oddziału. Materiał i metody. Materiał stanowi 114 kolejnych chorych poddanych zabiegowi resekcyjnemu z powodu raka gruczołowego żołądka w pierwszych 6 latach istnienia Oddziału Chirurgii Onkologicznej. Oddział został utworzony na bazie istniejącego wcześniej Oddziału Chirurgii Ogólnej. Wykonano 87 resekcji radykalnych i 27 paliatywnych. Zdecydowaną większość zabiegów stanowiły gastrektomie (84%). Materiał podzielono na dwie grupy: chorych operowanych w pierwszych 3 latach istnienia oddziału (grupa I, n = 47) oraz chorych operowanych w 3 następnych latach (grupa II, n = 67). Wyniki. W grupie II stwierdzono: wyższą medianę wieku operowanych chorych (67,7 vs 63,1 roku), wyższy odsetek pacjentów leczonych żywieniem sztucznym w okresie okołooperacyjnym (94% vs 66%), większą liczbę wyciętych węzłów chłonnych (21,3 vs 15,9), niższy odsetek nieszczelności zespolenia przełykowo-jelitowego (0% vs 8,5%) oraz wyższy wskaźnik 2-letnich przeżyć (62,7% vs 44,7%). Wszystkie wymienione powyżej różnice osiągnęły próg istotności statystycznej. Śmiertelność okołooperacyjna wyniosła w II grupie 1,5% w porównaniu z 8,5% w grupie I (p > 0,05). Wnioski. Profil oddziału chirurgicznego skupionego wyłącznie na leczeniu nowotworów sprzyja osiąganiu lepszych wyników leczenia u pacjentów z resekcyjnym rakiem żołądka

    “Pieśni nabożne…” from the Cracow-based printing office of Antoni Wosiński (1627)

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    The article analyses the unique copy of the old Polish catholic hymn book "Pieśni nabożne na święta uroczyste według porządku Kościoła ś. katolickiego na cały rok z wielką pilnością zebrane" [Songs of piety and devotion...] published in Cracow in 1627 and found at the library at Escorial in Spain. The book, apparently the first known printed Polish catholic extensive hymn book, contained over 140 songs, in Polish and Latin, including works written by Jan Kochanowski and Mikołaj Rej. The article also describes later editions of the hymn book. This is a particularly important book in the history of Polish culture because it was repeatedly republished in different printing offices, not only Catholic, under the same or slightly changed title as late as until the nineteenth century. Numerous editions of the hymn book constitute a valuable source for the study of Polish Catholic hymns as they make it possible to follow and trace the chronology of works, their textual variations and the popularity of particular songs or hymns within a particular time frame, as well as their range of influence and regional occurrence.19329345Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literack