101 research outputs found


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    This research purposed to describe the increased independence and learning achievement of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) student through utilization ICT module in X grade student SMA N 1 Ngemplak. This research was an classroom action research held in 2 cycles, each cycle includes four phases of activities, i.e: 1) Planning, 2) Implementation Measures, 3) observation, and 4) Reflection. These research subject were XC grade student SMA N 1 Ngemplak academic year 2011/2012. Data collection technique used observation, tests, interviews and field notes. The research instrument in the form of evaluation tests, observation sheets, interview and field notes. Data analysis in this research using descriptive statistical analysis. The data have been collected are classified into two groups: quantitative and qualitative data. The results showed an increase independence learning Information and Communication Technology XC grade students by using ICT module, the increase can be seen from the increasing number of students who obtained a score of independence learning at intervals over which the interval 22.5 - 26.4 from 0 students (0%) in Cycle 1, increased to 3 students (6%) in cycle 2 and in the interval 18.5 - 22.4 from 3 students (8%) in cycle 1 increased by 22 students (61%) in cycle 2. The results of evaluation tests showed an increase in student achievement, the first cycle of evaluation results show that the average value of the class has increased from 83 in the first cycle and then increased to 93 on the second cycle. Whereas the value of standard deviation in the first cycle of 10 down to 8 on the second cycle. Significant deterioration in the standard deviation can narrow the range of values between high and low so that the value of students in class become more homogeneous. Based on the results of these research concluded that there is increased independence and achievement learning ICT XC grade students through utilization of ICT module. Keywords: Increased Independence Learning, Learning Achievement, Module ICT


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    Fusi citra adalah proses menggabungkan dua atau lebih citra ke dalam satu citra, dengan mempertahankan fitur penting dari masing-masing gambar. Fusi citra adalah salah satu cara untuk menyelesaikan masalah gambar yang tidak fokus hasil dari penggunaan kamera non-profesional. Fusi citra juga dapat digunakan dalam penginderaan jauh, pengamatan, dan aplikasi medis. Dalam penelitian ini, diusulkan teknik fusi citra baru dengan menggunakan SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) sebagai registrasi citra. Prosedur fusi dilakukan dengan mencocokkan fitur gambar SIFT menggunakan RANSAC dan kemudian menggabungkan dua citra dengan aturan rata-rata piksel. Langkah terakhir membandingkan  hasil fusi citra menggunakan QABF, intensitas rata-rata piksel dan standard deviasi. Hasil eksperimental menunjukkan bahwa metode yang diusulkan mengungguli teknik fusi konvensional, terutama untuk citra yang mengalami translasi atau rotasi


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    The purpose of this research  was to determine the use of group guidance services with role playing techniques to overcome the bullying behavior of high school students.  Bullying behavior is a problem that is often faced by adolescent peer refusal to lead to the emergence of bullying behavior in students.  Increased cognitive abilities and awareness of adolescents can prepare teens to deal with stress and emotional fluctuations effectively, many adolescents cannot manage their emotions effectively.  As a result, adolescents are prone to anger, less able to control emotions, which can then lead to the emergence of various problems with negative emotions, one of which is bullying.  The method used in this research is a literature review that refers to previous studies and based on data from related sources.  Based on the results of several previous studies indicate that the implementation of group guidance with effective role playing techniques and helps in overcoming the bullying behavior of high school students.Keywords:    Bullying, Group Guidance, Role Playin

    Tinjauan Kebutuhan Tenaga Kerja Petugas Rekam Medis Berdasarkan Metode Workload Indicator of Staffing Needs (WISN) di Klinik Rawat Inap Ramdani Husada

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    The medical record is one of the most important parts of a health service which must be supported by an adequate number of human resources, so it is necessary to calculate the exact workforce requirements. Medical record activities at Ramdani Husada Inpatient Clinic are not done by officers with medical record education qualifications but are carried out by officers with qualifications of high school education, midwifery diploma, and midwifery diploma. The research objective was to describe the need for medical record personnel based on the WISN (Workload Indicator of Staffing Need) method at the Ramdani Husada Inpatient Clinic. The research design used descriptive quantitative with a cross-sectional approach. The population and sample of the study were all officers who carried out medical record activities as many as 3 people including the clinic manager, head of administration, and administrative staff. The results showed that the available work time was 1,953 hours/year or equivalent to 117,180 minutes/year, the workload standard was not in accordance with the number of available officers, the allowance standard was 1.70 workers. So that the need for medical record officers based on the WISN method is 9 workers. Based on the research results, there is a gap between theory and practice, where the Ramdani Husada Inpatient Clinic does not use the WISN method or other methods for planning its workforce. It is suggested that the Ramdani Husada Inpatient Clinic do deeper planning related to the workforce, especially for medical record officers to increase work productivity and reduce the risk of fatigue in officers


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    Yoyo adalah sebuah benda dari kain berukuran relatif kecil yang dapat dipakai sebagai benda penghias busana ataupun pada benda lainya. Bentuknya seperti sebuah lingkaran dengan bagian atas berkerut dan bagian bawah datar serta terbuat dari sepotong kain berpola lingkaran. Pada penelitian ini hasil jadi yoyo menggunakan 3 jenis kain satin dan diterapkan pada gaun pesta. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis kain satin dan hasil jadi yoyo pada gaun pesta. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen, variabel bebas yaitu kain satin dengan kandungan sutra 92,90%, 94,18%, dan 96,84%. Variabel terikat yaitu hasil jadi lekapan yoyo pada gaun pesta. Variabel kontrol yaitu teknik jahit, ukuran pola , desain gaun pesta. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dengan 30 observer. Data diolah dengan menggunakan metode analisis statistic anava tunggal dan taraf signifikan α ≤ 0,05 dengan bantuan SPSS 24. Hasil analisis data diketahui bahwa ada pengaruh jenis kain satin terhadap hasil jadi gaun pesta ditinjau dari aspek kesesuain bentuk dan kerapian, kandungan sutra 96,84% mempunyai hasil paling sesuai dan rapi berdasarkan uji Duncan. Dan diperoleh hasil jadi yoyo dengan kandungan sutra 96,84% mempunyai hasil kategori baik pada aspek kesesuaian bentuk dan kategori sangat baik pada aspek kerapian menurut standart skala tanggapan mean

    Analisis Hubungan Service Quality, Perceived Value, Customer Loyalty Dan Word Of Mouth Pada Nasabah Bank Mandiri Surabaya

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    This study aims to analyze the relationship between service quality, perceived value, customer loyalty and word of mouth marketing to Bank Mandiri customers in Surabaya. The population in this study were all customers of Bank Mandiri in Surabaya. The sample in this study were 250 customers of Bank Mandiri in Surabaya. The technique chosen in this study was purposive sampling while collecting data using questionnaires which were distributed through the Google form. A total of 250 respondents participated in this study. Data were analyzed using SEM-PLS. The results showed that service quality has a significant positive effect on perceived value and customer loyalty. As well as service quality and perceived value variables have a positive and significant influence on increasing the word of mouth variable


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    ABSTRAK Kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis di dalam pelajaran matematika adalah salah satu kemampuan yang harus dimiliki oleh siswa guna menyelesaikan permasalahan matematika. Berdasarkan pra penelitian di MTs N 03 OKU Selatan menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis siswa masih rendah. Faktor lain yang mengakibatkan kurang berhasilnya siswa dalam pelajaran matematika adalah self esteem siswa juga masih rendah. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran blended learning berbantuan aplikasi sevima edlink terhadap peningkatan kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan self esteem. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif Quasi Eksperimental Design dengan populasi seluruh siswa kelas VIII MTs N 03 OKU Selatan. Sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling yaitu kelas VIII.1 dan VIII.3. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes pemecahan masalah matematis dan angket self esteem. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah uji Multivariate Analysis of Varians dengan taraf signifikansi 5%. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diperoleh kesimpulan pertama dengan nilai p-value sebesar 0,000 yang menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran blended learning berbantuan aplikasi sevima edlink terhadap peningkatan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis dan self esteem siswa, kesimpulan kedua dengan nilai p�value sebesar 0,001 yang menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran blended learning berbantuan aplikasi sevima edlink terhadap peningkatan kemampuan pemecahan msalah matematis, selanjutnya kesimpulan ketiga dengan p-value sebesar 0,001 yang menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran blended learning berbantuan aplikasi sevima edlink terhadap self esteem. Kata kunci: Blended learning, kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis, self esteem, sevima edlink. ABSTRACT The ability to solve mathematical problems in mathematics is one of the abilities that must be possessed by students in order to solve mathematical problems. Based on pre-research at MTs N 03 OKU Selatan, it shows that students' mathematical problem solving abilities are still low. Another factor that causes students to be less successful in mathematics is self esteem students are still low. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the learning model blended learning application assistance sevima edlink towards improving problem solving abilities and self esteem. This research is a quantitative research Quasi Experimental Design with a population of all students of class VIII MTs N 03 OKU Selatan. The sample in this study uses the technique cluster random sampling namely class VIII.1 and VIII.3. Data collection techniques using mathematical problem solving tests and questionnaires self esteem. The data analysis technique used in this research is test Multivariate Analysis of Varians with a significance level of 5%. Based on the results of the analysis, the first conclusion is obtained with value p-value as much as 0,000 which shows that there is an influence of the learning model blended learning application assistance sevima edlink towards improving mathematical problem solving abilities and self esteem students, the second conclusion with grades p-value as much as 0.001 which shows that there is an influence of the learning model blended learning application assistance sevima edlink towards increasing the ability to solve mathematical problems, then the third conclusion withp-value as much as 0.001 which shows that there is an influence of the learning model blended learning application assistance sevima edlink to self esteem. Keywords: Blended learning, problem solving skill mathematical,self esteem, sevima edlin

    Struktur Cerita Rakyat Kunun Puti Bensu Model Vladimir Propp

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    Abstract This study aims to describe the functions of actors in 3 versions of the Kunun Puti Bensu folklore. The approach used in analyzing the functions of actors is based on the structure theory of Vladimir Propp's folklore which contains 31 functions of actors. The research results obtained in analyzing the functions of the perpetrators of the 3 versions of the Kunun Puti Bensu folklore based on the folklore structure theory of Vladimir Propp's model were the discovery of 20 of the 31 functions of the actors, including (β) a family member leaving the house, (γ) a prohibition uttered to the main character, (δ)Prohibition is broken, (ε)The robber tries to spy, (ζ)The robber receives a report about his enemy, (ŋ)The robber tries to deceive his prey in order to own it or possess his possessions, (θ)The prey is deceived and unknowingly helps his enemies, (А)The robber causes trouble for a family, (а) A family feels deprived and wants to have something, (Β)An accident or shortage is announced, the main character is asked or ordered, he is allowed to go or sent, (C )The seeker agrees or decides to take revenge, (↑)The main character leaves the house, (F)The main character gets a powerful agent, (G)U character first delivered, given directions to the destination or object sought, (J)The main character is injured, (I)The robber is defeated, (K)The initial accident or shortage is resolved, (↓)The main character goes home, (Rs)The main character is saved, (W) The main character gets married and ascends the throne.  Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan fungsi pelaku yang terdapat pada 3 versi cerita rakyat Kunun Puti Bensu. Adapun pendekan yang digunakan dalam menganalisis fungsi pelaku adalah berdasarkan teori struktur cerita rakyat Vladimir Propp yang memuat 31 fungsi pelaku. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dalam menganalisis fungsi pelaku terhadap 3 versi cerita rakyat Kunun Puti Bensu berdasarkan teori struktur cerita rakyat model Vladimir Propp adalah ditemukannya sebanyak 20 fungsi pelaku dari 31 fungsi pelaku antara lain (β)Seorang anggota keluarga meninggalkan rumah, (γ)Suatu larangan diucapkan kepada tokoh utama, (δ)Larangan dilanggar, (ε)Perampok mencoba untuk memata-matai, (ζ)Perampok menerima laporan tentang musuhnya, (ŋ)Perampok mencoba memperdaya mangsanya dengan tujuan untuk memilikinya atau memiliki kepunyaannya, (θ)Mangsanya terpedaya dan tanpa disadari membantu musuhnya, (А)Perampok menyebabkan kesusahan seorang keluarga, (а) Seorang keluarga merasa kekurangan dan ingin memiliki sesuatu, (Β)Kecelakaan atau kekurangan diumumkan, tokoh utama diminta atau diperintahkan, ia dibenarkan pergi atau di utuskan, (C)Pencari setuju atau memutuskan untuk membalas dendam, (↑)Tokoh utama meninggalkan rumah, (F)Tokoh utama memperoleh agen sakti, (G)Tokoh utama diantar, diberi petunjuk menuju ke tempat tujuan atau objek yang dicari, (J)Tokoh utama terluka, (I)Perampok dikalahkan, (K)Kecelakaan atau kekurangan awal diatasi, (↓)Tokoh utama pulang, (Rs)Tokoh utama diselamatkan, (W)Tokoh utama menikah dan menaiki tahta