703 research outputs found


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    PE NING K AT AN MI NAT M E NG I K UT I B I MB I NG AN K L ASI K AL M E L AL UI PE RM AINAN TE A M W ORK PADA SI SWA K E L AS XI ISM A N 2 B ANTUL Ol eh Sri Rasa Wulan 0710 4241040 AB ST RAK Pe ne l i t ia n i ni be rt uj ua n unt uk me ni ngka tka n mi na t me ngi kuti l a ya na n bi m bi nga n kl a si ka l m el a lui pe rma i na n t e am w ork pa da si s wa ke la s XII SM A N 2 B a nt ul. J e ni s pe ne l i t ia n ya ng di guna ka n i a la h pe ne l i t ia n t i nda ka n ke la s de nga n m e ngguna ka n m ode l Ke m m i s da n M c. Ta gga r t ya n g be rl a ngs un g da l a m dua s i kl us. Subj e k pe ne li t ia n i a l a h s i s wa ke la s XII I P S 2 SM A Ne ge ri 2 B a ntul ya n g be rj um la h 32 s i s wa . Dala m pe ne l i t ia n i ni, t e kni k s a m pl i ng ya n g d i guna ka n a da la h t e knik pur posi ve s ampling . Te knik pe ngum pulan da ta pe nel i t ia n i a la h a ngke t , wa wa nca ra, da n obse rva s i . Da ta ya ng t e l a h t e rkum pul di a na l is i s se ca ra des kri pt if kua nt i ta t if da n kual i ta ti f . Anal i s i s de s kri pt if kua nt i ta t if di guna ka n de nga n m e m ba ndingka n pe rse nta s e s kor ra ta -ra ta m i nat m e ngi kuti l a ya na n bi mbi nga n kl a s i ka l. Ana l i si s kua li t a t if di guna ka n untuk m e nde s kri psi ka n da ta ha s i l wa wa nca ra da n obse rva s i t i nda ka n. B e rda sa r ka n h a si l a ngke t m e ngi kuti bi m bi nga n kl a s i ka l, me nunj ukka n ba hwa pe rm a i na n t e am w ork ma m pu me ni ngka t k a n mi na t me ngi kuti la ya na n bim bi nga n kl a s i ka l s is wa ke la s XII SM A Ne ge ri 2 B a nt ul . Ha l te rs e but di t unj ukka n de nga n m e ni ngka t nya s kor rat a -ra t a ke la s da ri kondis i a wa l s e be sa r 54, 64% (ka t e gori re nda h) me nj a di 67, 31% (ka t e gori c ukup)pa da s i kl us I, da n m e nj a di 73, 04% (ka t e gori t i nggi ) pa da si kl us II. Pe la ksa naa n t inda ka n de nga n pe rma i na n te am w ork di la kuka n da la m dua s i kl us, ma s i ng -m a s ing s i k l u s t e rdi ri a t a s tiga ka l i pe rt e m ua n. Si kl us I pe m be nt uka n ke l om pok di l a kuka n se te la h penj e la s an l a ngka h -l a ngka h pe rm a ina n, s i kl us II pe m be nt uka n ke l om pok di la kuka n s e bel um pe nj el a sa n l a ngka h -la ngka h pe rm ai na n da n pem be ri a n le arni ng poin s e t e la h pe rm a i na n. Be rda sa rkan ha s i l obse rva s i da n wa wa nca ra, a da pe ningka t a n m e ngi kuti bi m bi nga n kla s i ka l pa da s i sa ke la s XII SM A N 2 B ANTUL s e bel um da n s e s uda h di be ri t i nda ka n be rupa pe nya m pai a n la ya na n bi m bi nga n kl a s i kal m e la l ui pe rm a i na n te am w ork. k a t a kunc i : mi nat, l ay anan bi mbing an k l asik al, pe rmainan te am w or


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menganalisis alokasi pemanfaatan dana beasiswa oleh mahasiswa penerima beasiswa, (2) menganalisis ada tidaknya kenaikan indeks prestasi mahasiswa sesudah menerima beasiswa, dan (3) menganalisis ada tidaknya perbedaan capaian indeks prestasi mahasiswa sesudah menerima beasiswa berdasarkan program studi, sumber beasiswa, dan tahun angkatan mahasiswa, dan (4) mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perubahan indeks prestasi. Alat analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji beda dua mean untuk data berpasangan, One Way Annova, dan uji Chi Square. Populasi penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi UNS tahun angkatan 2009 sampai dengan 2011 yang menerima beasiswa pada tahun 2012 dari berbagai sumber. Ukuran sampel ditentukan berdasarkan tabel Nomogram Herry King dengan tingkat kepercayaan sebesar 95%. Dari 176 populasi mahasiswa penerima beasiswa diperoleh sampel sebesar 119 mahasiswa Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata alokasi dana beasiswa adalah sebesar 56% dana digunakan untuk kepentingan akademik, 18% dana digunakan untuk kepentingan non akademik, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 26% dan masih berada dalam bentuk tabungan. Artinya, secara umum tidak terjadi penyimpangan dana beasiswa. Dari uji beda mean diketahui bahwa rata-rata indeks prestasi sebelum menerima beasiswa berbeda dengan rata-rata indeks prestasi sesudah menerima beasiswa. Artinya beasiswa memang efektif dalam rangka meningkatkan prestasi belajar mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi UNS. Dari uji Annova diketahui bahwa terdapat perbedaan rata-rata perubahan indeks prestasi mahasiswa berdasarkan program studi dan tahun angkatan mahasiswa, dan tidak terdapat perbedaan rata-rata perubahan indeks prestasi mahasiswa berdasarkan jenis beasiswa yang diterima. Uji Chi Square menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara keaktifan organisasi dengan perubahan indeks prestasi dan tidak terdapat hubungan antara nominal beasiswa dan status kerja mahasiswa dengan perubahan indeks prestasi. Kata kunci : beasiswa, alokasi, prestasi akademi

    The Effect Of Maternity Position On The Length Of Labor Time During The Active Phase Of Primigravida

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    Normal delivery is the process of fetal discharge and ari-ari in mothers with full-term pregnancy at the time of delivery, the mother needs special support in determining the position of labor because she has not had previous experience, especially in primigravida mothers. The choice of labor position is very important for the mother because the position can provide comfort and can facilitate the progress of labor. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of both variables, namely the position of labor and the length of labor. Observational analytical research method with post test approach with design two experiments, a sample of 26 people consisting of 2 groups, 13 people in squatting and standing position groups and 13 people sitting middle position and left tilt with accidental sampling techniques, research in RB Cahaya 2 Lubuk Pakam, data collection using partograph sheets, data results tested with Simple t test. The results showed that there was an influence of Maternity Position on the length of labor time during the active phase of Primigravida with a p-value 0,00. It is recommended to all mothers who give birth to be able to choose the right position so that labor can take place smoothly and it is also recommended to husbands and health workers to support the positions of mothers who will give birth

    The Effect of Prenatal Gentle Yoga on Sleep Quality and Anxiety Levels in Pregnant Women Trimester III

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    Women who are in pregnancy, especially pregnancy in the third trimester, often experience physical or psychological changes, one of the changes experienced is abnormal sleep quality and anxiety that arises because the time of delivery is approaching, these conditions if not immediately overcome can cause discomfort during pregnancy. Yoga is a complementary therapy that can be applied by pregnant women in overcoming complaints both physically and psychologically. The purpose of the study was to determine how the influence of prenatal gentle yoga on sleep quality and anxiety levels in III trimester pregnant women. The type of research is two group pretest posttest design, namely one group to assess sleep quality and one group to assess the anxiety of pregnant women, which is a sample of III trimester pregnant women with a total of 30 people divided into 2 groups, purposive sampling techniques, research at the Maternity Clinic kasih Ibu Galang, measuring instruments using questionnaires and measuring results are tested with t tests. The results obtained are the influence of prenatal gentle yoga on the sleep quality of third trimester pregnant women with a p value of 0.029 and there is an influence of gentle yoga on the anxiety level of third trimester pregnant women with a p value of 0.000. It is recommended for mothers, especially those who are pregnant in the third trimester, to be able to take part in prenatal gentle yoga to be able to overcome pregnancy complaints such as difficulty sleeping and anxiety facing childbirth


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    AbstractThis analysis focuses on the marriage temptations which are represented by the characters in Danielle’s novel The Kiss. There are two married couples in the novel. Both couples experience such temptations in their marriages. Those temptations become the object of this analysis. The analysis is based on the theory of Heitler’s three A marriage breakers. Then, the narrative approach is applied in this analysis. The result shows that there are three forms of marriage temptations found in the novel. First, both married couples in the novel face family problems. Second, there is anger which comes from the protagonist’s husband, and this destroys their happiness. Third, there is love affair which happens among the characters. This is as the impact of the family problems. The three marriage breakers happen to the married couples in the novel.  In conclusion, marriage temptation can happen to each married couple. The most important point of this analysis that actually the marriage temptation teaches a married couple to be more mature. Therefore, the married couple should find any solution to such temptation.Keywords: marriage, temptation, family, couple, reader-response criticism

    Implementation of Massage Efflaurage Method To Reduce Labor Pain During The Active Phase I

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    Childbirth is normal in every pregnant woman, but many pregnant women cannot bear the pain during normal labor. Severe labor pain if not treated immediately can endanger the mother because it can cause the mother's condition to become unstable so that it can cause labor complications. Many methods can be done to reduce labor pain, one of which is the massage effleurage method, this method is very easy to apply, does not require expensive costs and can be done directly by mothers who give birth or family. How to do this method is by giving massage or soft touch on the mother's abdomen above the symplysis until it goes to the fundus and the right and left sides of the mother's abdomen are done repeatedly when contractions come. This community service implementation activity is carried out to increase the knowledge of pregnant women in preparing for childbirth, especially in overcoming labor pain when I. The activity was carried out in March 2023 at the obstetrics polyclinic of Granmed Lubuk Pakam Hospital, the participants of the activity were all pregnant women who visited ANC at Grandmed Hospital as many as 27 people, before being given implementation the majority of participants did not know about the massage effleurage method and after being given 100% implementation (27 people) participants could do massage effleurage. It is hoped that with the holding of this community service activity, pregnant women can have a more mature preparation to carry out normal labor and it is recommended that they can apply it during normal labor, especially during labor

    The Relationship Of Knowledge And Attitude Of Mothers With The Success Of Exclusive Breast Milk

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    Exclusive breastfeeding for babies is important because breast milk is the main source of food for the baby's needs but at this time many mothers who after giving birth do not succeed in giving breast milk because of factors such as uneven milk production, mothers who work outside home or because the mother's knowledge and attitudes are low so that the success rate in breastfeeding is very minimal. The purpose of this study was to determine how the relationship between knowledge and attitudes of mothers with the success of exclusive breastfeeding. This research is a quantitative research with cross sectional design. The samples used were mothers who had babies aged 0-6 months as many as 22 people. The sampling technique used total sampling technique, the test used was the Chi-Square test with the provisions of the p value <0.05. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between knowledge and the success of breastfeeding with a p value of 0.00<0.05 and there was a relationship between attitudes and the success of breastfeeding with a p value of 0.02<0.05. It is recommended to mothers who are breastfeeding to be able to give their breast milk exclusively because breast milk has complete nutritional content for the baby's need

    Konsep Pendidikan Multiple Intelligences Dan Relevansinya Terhadap Pendidikan Islam

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    The concept he called Multiple Intelligence.Based on this, the writer formulates the problem formulation as follows: 1) What is the concept of Multiple Intelligence in The Classroom according to Thomas Armstrong?. 2) How is intelligence according to the Islamic perspective?. 3) How is the relevance of the concept of Multiple Intelligence in the Classroom according to Thomas Armstrong with the concept of contemporary Islamic education?. In accordance with the formulation of the problem stated above, the objectives of this study are to: 1) Understand the concept of Multiple Intelligence in the Classroom according to Thomas Armstrong. 2) Understanding intelligence according to Islamic perspective. 3) Get an overview of the relevance of the concept of Multiple Intelligence in The Classroom according to Thomas Armstrong with the concept of contemporary Islamic education.This research is a type of qualitative research. The author looks for library information through reading scientific journals, reference books, relevant scientific works and various actual research results. Then the researcher describes the concept of intelligence according to Thimas Armstrong, intelligence according to Islam and the relevance of intelligence according to Thomas Armstrong with the concept of contemporary Islamic educationAfter analyzing various literatures and reflecting on Thomas Armstrong's Multiple Intelligence thinking and the concept of intelligence according to Islam, the authors conclude that: 1) Armstrong's intelligence consists of linguistic, logical mathematical, spatial, kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal and natural intelligence. 2) Islam views that intelligence consists of intellectual, emotional and spiritual intelligence. 3) Linguistic, logical mathematical and spatial intelligence is relevant to intellectual intelligence according to Islam. Meanwhile, kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal and intra-personal intelligence are in accordance with emotional intelligence. The author adds existential intelligence and categorizes it as spiritual intelligence along with natural intelligence


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    Masalah Kesehatan yang sering muncul pada wanita hamil selain keracunan kehamilan adalah anemia. Anemia ini merupakan suatu kondisi dimana kadar hemoglobin dalam darah rendah atau kurang dari normal. Dimasa kehamilan ibu hamil akan mengalami anemia fisiologis karena terjadi pengenceran darah, tetapi apalabila tidak diantisipasi dari awal kehamilan maka bisa menyebabkan anemia patologis sehingga dapat menyebabkan komplikasi pada saat persalinan. Di Indonesia kejadian anemia pada kehamilan masih sangat tinggi hal ini di karenakan masih banyak ibu hamil yang tidak patuh dalam mengkonsumsi zat besi selain itu ketidaktahuan ibu hamil terkait dampak dari anemia pada saat kehamilan ataupun kelahiran. Tujuan pengmas ini untuk mengetahui penegetahuan ibu hamil tentang dampak anemia ketika masa kehamilan. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan selama 2 hari dengan membagikan kuisioner sebelum dan sesudah penyuluhan untuk melihat sejauh mana pengetahuan ibu tentang dampak anemia saat hamil. Hasil pengmas menunjukkan bahwa sebelum dilakukan pengmas mayoritas pengetahuan peserta kurang (42,9%) dan setelah dilakukan penyuluhan mayoritas pengetahunya menjadi naik atau baik (47,7%). Disarankan agar ibu-ibu khususnya ibu hamil untuk patuh dalam mengkonsumsi zat besi serta terus menambah informasi seputar kehamilan khsusunya tentang anemia kehamilan


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    Makanan bergizi penting bagi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan balita. Proses tumbuh kembang dan kondisi kesehatan balita sangat ditentukan oleh makanan yang dikonsumsinya. Namun pada kenyataannya masih banyak ibu yang belum mengetahui tentang kriteria makanan bergizi bagi balita. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang makanan bergizi pada balita di Posyandu RT.02 RW.02 Kapasan Sambikerep Surabaya. Desain penelitian adalah deskriptif. Populasi semua ibu yang mempunyai balita sebanyak 34 orang. Sampel semua ibu yang mempunyai anak balita sebanyak 34 responden, pengambilan secara non probability sampling dengan total sampling. Instrumen penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner. Variabel penelitian ini adalah tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang makanan bergizi pada balita. Setelah pengolahan data meliputi editing, scoring, coding, tabulating. Kemudian dimasukkan tabel frekuensi distribusi yang dianalisa dengan deskriptif dalam bentuk persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan ibu balita tentang makanan bergizi hampir setengahnya (47,1%) kurang, hampir setengahnya (32,4%) cukup, dan sebagian kecil (20,6%) baik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa ibu yang mempunyai balita sebagian besar memiliki pengetahuan kurang tentang makanan bergizi. Untuk itu diharapkan bagi tenaga kesehatan untuk lebih aktif dalam melakukan penyuluhan tentang makanan bergizi sehingga pemahaman ibu meningkat,
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