9 research outputs found

    Free-form reconstruction of primordial power spectrum using Planck CMB temperature and polarization

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    We present a free-form reconstruction of the primordial power spectrum using Planck 2018 CMB temperature and polarisation data. We extend the modified Richardson-Lucy (MRL) algorithm to include polarisation and apply it to the CamSpec unbinned CC_\ells. Combined with a new regularisation technique inspired by the diffusion equation, we obtain a form of primordial power spectrum with features that improve the fit to each of TT, TE, and EE data simultaneously. The resulting features are consistent with the previous findings from the temperature-only analyses. We evaluate the statistical significance of the features in our reconstructions using simulated CC_\ells and find the data to be consistent with having a featureless primordial power spectrum. The machinery developed here will be a complimentary tool in the search for features in the primordial power spectrum with upcoming CMB surveys

    Harnessing Unresolved Lensed Quasars: The Mathematical Foundation of the Fluctuation Curves

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    Strong gravitational lensed quasars (QSOs) have emerged as powerful and novel cosmic probes as they can deliver crucial cosmological information, such as a measurement of the Hubble constant, independent of other probes. Although the upcoming LSST survey is expected to discover 10310410^3-10^4 lensed QSOs, a large fraction will remain unresolved due to seeing. The stochastic nature of the quasar intrinsic flux makes it challenging to identify lensed ones and measure the time delays using unresolved light curve data only. In this regard, Bag et al (2022) introduced a data-driven technique based on the minimization of the fluctuation in the reconstructed image light curves. In this article, we delve deeper into the mathematical foundation of this approach. We show that the lensing signal in the fluctuation curve is dominated by the auto-correlation function (ACF) of the derivative of the joint light curve. This explains why the fluctuation curve enables the detection of the lensed QSOs only using the joint light curve, without making assumptions about QSO flux variability, nor requiring any additional information. We show that the ACF of the derivative of the joint light curve is more reliable than the ACF of the joint light curve itself because intrinsic quasar flux variability shows significant auto-correlation up to a few hundred days (as they follow a red power spectrum). In addition, we show that the minimization of fluctuation approach provides even better precision and recall as compared to the ACF of the derivative of the joint light curve when the data have significant observational noise.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    CMB bispectrum constraints on DHOST inflation

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    International audienceWe present the first direct constraints on a Degenerate Higher Order Scalar Tensor (DHOST) inflation model using the Planck 2018 Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) results on non-Gaussianities. We identify that the bispectrum consists of a fixed contribution following from the power spectrum and a linear combination of terms depending on five free parameters defining the cubic perturbations to the DHOST model. The former peaks in the squeezed limit, while the latter is maximised in the equilateral limit. We directly confront the model predictions to the CMB bispectrum statistics via the public code CMB-BEST and marginalize over the free parameters. We explicitly show that there are viable DHOST inflationary models satisfying both power spectrum and bispectrum constraints from Planck. However, rather surprisingly, the constraints exclude certain models at the 6σ6\sigma-level even though they pass the conventional fudge factor tests. In this case and despite having a handful of free parameters, the model's large squeezed bispectrum cannot be cancelled out without introducing a large bispectrum in other limits which are strongly constrained by Planck's non-detection of primordial non-Gaussianity. We emphasize that first-order approximations such as fudge factors, albeit commonly used in the literature, may be misleading and provide weaker constraints. A proper analysis of the constraints from Planck requires a more robust approach, such as the one provided by the CMB-BEST code

    CMB bispectrum constraints on DHOST inflation

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    We present the first direct constraints on a Degenerate Higher Order Scalar Tensor (DHOST) inflation model using the Planck 2018 Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) results on non-Gaussianities. We identify that the bispectrum consists of a fixed contribution following from the power spectrum and a linear combination of terms depending on five free parameters defining the cubic perturbations to the DHOST model. The former peaks in the squeezed limit, while the latter is maximised in the equilateral limit. We directly confront the model predictions to the CMB bispectrum statistics via the public code CMB-BEST and marginalize over the free parameters. We explicitly show that there are viable DHOST inflationary models satisfying both power spectrum and bispectrum constraints from Planck. However, rather surprisingly, the constraints exclude certain models at the 6σ-level even though they pass the conventional fudge factor tests. In this case and despite having a handful of free parameters, the model’s large squeezed bispectrum cannot be cancelled out without introducing a large bispectrum in other limits which are strongly constrained by Planck’s non-detection of primordial non-Gaussianity. We emphasize that first-order approximations such as fudge factors, albeit commonly used in the literature, may be misleading and provide weaker constraints. A proper analysis of the constraints from Planck requires a more robust approach, such as the one provided by the CMB-BEST code

    Hypothalamic GABRA5-positive neurons control obesity via astrocytic GABA

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    The lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) regulates food intake and energy balance. Although LHA neurons innervate adipose tissues, the identity of neurons that regulate fat is undefined. Here we show that GABRA5-positive neurons in LHA (GABRA5LHA) polysynaptically project to brown and white adipose tissues in the periphery. GABRA5LHA are a distinct subpopulation of GABAergic neurons and show decreased pacemaker firing in diet-induced obesity mouse models in males. Chemogenetic inhibition of GABRA5LHA suppresses fat thermogenesis and increases weight gain, whereas gene silencing of GABRA5 in LHA decreases weight gain. In the diet-induced obesity mouse model, GABRA5LHA are tonically inhibited by nearby reactive astrocytes releasing GABA, which is synthesized by monoamine oxidase B (Maob). Gene silencing of astrocytic Maob in LHA facilitates fat thermogenesis and reduces weight gain significantly without affecting food intake, which is recapitulated by administration of a Maob inhibitor, KDS2010. We propose that firing of GABRA5LHA suppresses fat accumulation and selective inhibition of astrocytic GABA is a molecular target for treating obesity. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited.11Nsciescopu

    Presentazione del documento

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    The Simons Observatory (SO) is a new cosmic microwave background experiment being built on Cerro Toco in Chile, due to begin observations in the early 2020s. We describe the scientific goals of the experiment, motivate the design, and forecast its performance. SO will measure the temperature and polarization anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background in six frequency bands centered at: 27, 39, 93, 145, 225 and 280 GHz. The initial configuration of SO will have three small-aperture 0.5-m telescopes and one large-aperture 6-m telescope, with a total of 60,000 cryogenic bolometers. Our key science goals are to characterize the primordial perturbations, measure the number of relativistic species and the mass of neutrinos, test for deviations from a cosmological constant, improve our understanding of galaxy evolution, and constrain the duration of reionization. The small aperture telescopes will target the largest angular scales observable from Chile, mapping ≈ 10% of the sky to a white noise level of 2 μK-arcmin in combined 93 and 145 GHz bands, to measure the primordial tensor-to-scalar ratio, r, at a target level of σ(r)=0.003. The large aperture telescope will map ≈ 40% of the sky at arcminute angular resolution to an expected white noise level of 6 μK-arcmin in combined 93 and 145 GHz bands, overlapping with the majority of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope sky region and partially with the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument. With up to an order of magnitude lower polarization noise than maps from the Planck satellite, the high-resolution sky maps will constrain cosmological parameters derived from the damping tail, gravitational lensing of the microwave background, the primordial bispectrum, and the thermal and kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effects, and will aid in delensing the large-angle polarization signal to measure the tensor-to-scalar ratio. The survey will also provide a legacy catalog of 16,000 galaxy clusters and more than 20,000 extragalactic sources

    The Simons Observatory: Astro2020 Decadal Project Whitepaper

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    International audienceThe Simons Observatory (SO) is a ground-based cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiment sited on Cerro Toco in the Atacama Desert in Chile that promises to provide breakthrough discoveries in fundamental physics, cosmology, and astrophysics. Supported by the Simons Foundation, the Heising-Simons Foundation, and with contributions from collaborating institutions, SO will see first light in 2021 and start a five year survey in 2022. SO has 287 collaborators from 12 countries and 53 institutions, including 85 students and 90 postdocs. The SO experiment in its currently funded form ('SO-Nominal') consists of three 0.4 m Small Aperture Telescopes (SATs) and one 6 m Large Aperture Telescope (LAT). Optimized for minimizing systematic errors in polarization measurements at large angular scales, the SATs will perform a deep, degree-scale survey of 10% of the sky to search for the signature of primordial gravitational waves. The LAT will survey 40% of the sky with arc-minute resolution. These observations will measure (or limit) the sum of neutrino masses, search for light relics, measure the early behavior of Dark Energy, and refine our understanding of the intergalactic medium, clusters and the role of feedback in galaxy formation. With up to ten times the sensitivity and five times the angular resolution of the Planck satellite, and roughly an order of magnitude increase in mapping speed over currently operating ("Stage 3") experiments, SO will measure the CMB temperature and polarization fluctuations to exquisite precision in six frequency bands from 27 to 280 GHz. SO will rapidly advance CMB science while informing the design of future observatories such as CMB-S4

    The Simons Observatory: Astro2020 Decadal Project Whitepaper

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    International audienceThe Simons Observatory (SO) is a ground-based cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiment sited on Cerro Toco in the Atacama Desert in Chile that promises to provide breakthrough discoveries in fundamental physics, cosmology, and astrophysics. Supported by the Simons Foundation, the Heising-Simons Foundation, and with contributions from collaborating institutions, SO will see first light in 2021 and start a five year survey in 2022. SO has 287 collaborators from 12 countries and 53 institutions, including 85 students and 90 postdocs. The SO experiment in its currently funded form ('SO-Nominal') consists of three 0.4 m Small Aperture Telescopes (SATs) and one 6 m Large Aperture Telescope (LAT). Optimized for minimizing systematic errors in polarization measurements at large angular scales, the SATs will perform a deep, degree-scale survey of 10% of the sky to search for the signature of primordial gravitational waves. The LAT will survey 40% of the sky with arc-minute resolution. These observations will measure (or limit) the sum of neutrino masses, search for light relics, measure the early behavior of Dark Energy, and refine our understanding of the intergalactic medium, clusters and the role of feedback in galaxy formation. With up to ten times the sensitivity and five times the angular resolution of the Planck satellite, and roughly an order of magnitude increase in mapping speed over currently operating ("Stage 3") experiments, SO will measure the CMB temperature and polarization fluctuations to exquisite precision in six frequency bands from 27 to 280 GHz. SO will rapidly advance CMB science while informing the design of future observatories such as CMB-S4

    Astro2020 APC White Paper Project: The Simons Observatory

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    The Simons Observatory (SO) is a ground-based cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiment sited on Cerro Toco in the Atacama Desert in Chile that promises to provide breakthrough discoveries in fundamental physics, cosmology, and astrophysics. Supported by the Simons Foundation, the Heising-Simons Foundation, and with contributions from collaborating institutions, SO will see first light in 2021 and start a five year survey in 2022. SO has 287 collaborators from 12 countries and 53 institutions, including 85 students and 90 postdocs. The SO experiment in its currently funded form (SO-Nominal) consists of three 0.4 m Small Aperture Telescopes (SATs) and one 6 m Large Aperture Telescope (LAT). Optimized for minimizing systematic errors in polarization measurements at large angular scales, the SATs will perform a deep, degree-scale survey of 10% of the sky to search for the signature of primordial gravitational waves. The LAT will survey 40% of the sky with arc-minute resolution. These observations will measure (or limit) the sum of neutrino masses, search for light relics, measure the early behavior of Dark Energy, and refine our understanding of the intergalactic medium, clusters and the role of feedback in galaxy formation. With up to ten times the sensitivity and five times the angular resolution of the Planck satellite, and roughly an order of magnitude increase in mapping speed over currently operating (Stage 3) experiments, SO will measure the CMB temperature and polarization fluctuations to exquisite precision in six frequency bands from 27 to 280 GHz. SO will rapidly advance CMB science while informing the design of future observatories such as CMB-S4. Construction of SO-Nominal is fully funded, and operations and data analysis are funded for part of the planned five-year observations. We will seek federal funding to complete the observations and analysis of SO-Nominal, at the 25Mlevel.TheSOhasalowriskandcostefficientupgradepaththe6mLATcanaccommodatealmosttwicethebaselinenumberofdetectorsandtheSATscanbeduplicatedatlowcost.Wewillseekfundingatthe25M level. The SO has a low risk and cost efficient upgrade path the 6 m LAT can accommodate almost twice the baseline number of detectors and the SATs can be duplicated at low cost. We will seek funding at the 75M level for an expansion of the SO (SO-Enhanced) that fills the remaining focal plane in the LAT, adds three SATs, and extends operations by five years, substantially improving our science return. By this time SO may be operating as part of the larger CMB-S4 project. This white paper summarizes and extends material presented in, which describes the science goals of SO-Nominal, and which describe the instrument design