2,864 research outputs found

    Testing KiDS cross-correlation redshifts with simulations

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    Measuring cosmic shear in wide-field imaging surveys requires accurate knowledge of the redshift distribution of all sources. The clustering-redshift technique exploits the angular cross-correlation of a target galaxy sample with unknown redshifts and a reference sample with known redshifts. It represents an attractive alternative to colour-based methods of redshift calibration. Here we test the performance of such clustering redshift measurements using mock catalogues that resemble the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS). These mocks are created from the MICE simulation and closely mimic the properties of the KiDS source sample and the overlapping spectroscopic reference samples. We quantify the performance of the clustering redshifts by comparing the cross-correlation results with the true redshift distributions in each of the five KiDS photometric redshift bins. Such a comparison to an informative model is necessary due to the incompleteness of the reference samples at high redshifts. Clustering mean redshifts are unbiased at |Δz|< 0.006 under these conditions. The redshift evolution of the galaxy bias of the reference and target samples represents one of the most important systematic errors when estimating clustering redshifts. It can be reliably mitigated at this level of precision using auto-correlation measurements and self-consistency relations, and will not become a dominant source of systematic error until the arrival of Stage-IV cosmic shear surveys. Using redshift distributions from a direct colour-based estimate instead of the true redshift distributions as a model for comparison with the clustering redshifts increases the biases in the mean to up to |Δz|∼0.04. This indicates that the interpretation of clustering redshifts in real-world applications will require more sophisticated (parameterised) models of the redshift distribution in the future. If such better models are available, the clustering-redshift technique promises to be a highly complementary alternative to other methods of redshift calibration

    A gravitational lensing detection of filamentary structures connecting luminous red galaxies

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    We present a weak lensing detection of filamentary structures in the cosmic web, combining data from the Kilo-Degree Survey, the Red Cluster Sequence Lensing Survey, and the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Lensing Survey. The line connecting luminous red galaxies with a separation of 3 − 5 h−1 Mpc was chosen as a proxy for the location of filaments. We measured the average weak lensing shear around ∼11 000 candidate filaments selected in this way from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. After nulling the shear induced by the dark matter haloes around each galaxy, we reported a 3.4σ detection of an anisotropic shear signal from the matter that connects them. Adopting a filament density profile, motivated from N-body simulations, the average density at the centre of these filamentary structures was found to be 15 ± 4 times the critical density

    Meiotic Transmission of Drosophila pseudoobscura Chromosomal Arrangements

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    Drosophila pseudoobscura harbors a rich gene arrangement polymorphism on the third chromosome generated by a series of overlapping paracentric inversions. The arrangements suppress recombination in heterokaryotypic individuals, which allows for the selective maintenance of coadapted gene complexes. Previous mapping experiments used to determine the degree to which recombination is suppressed in gene arrangement heterozygotes produced non-recombinant progeny in non-Mendelian ratios. The deviations from Mendelian expectations could be the result of viability differences between wild and mutant chromosomes, meiotic drive because of achiasmate pairing of homologues in heterokaryotypic females during meiosis, or a combination of both mechanisms. The possibility that the frequencies of the chromosomal arrangements in natural populations are affected by mechanisms other than adaptive selection led us to consider these hypotheses. We performed reciprocal crosses involving both heterozygous males and females to determine if the frequency of the non-recombinant progeny deviates significantly from Mendelian expectations and if the frequencies deviate between reciprocal crosses. We failed to observe non-Mendelian ratios in multiple crosses, and the frequency of the non-recombinant classes differed in only one of five pairs of reciprocal crosses despite sufficient power to detect these differences in all crosses. Our results indicate that deviations from Mendelian expectations in recombination experiments involving the D. pseudoobscura inversion system are most likely due to fitness differences of gene arrangement karyotypes in different environments

    Physical activity as a treatment for depression: the TREAD randomised trial protocol

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    Published version. Copyright © 2010 BioMed CentralBackground: Depression is one of the most common reasons for consulting a General Practitioner (GP) within the UK. Whilst antidepressants have been shown to be clinically effective, many patients and healthcare professionals would like to access other forms of treatment as an alternative or adjunct to drug therapy for depression. A recent systematic review presented some evidence that physical activity could offer one such option, although further investigation is needed to test its effectiveness within the context of the National Health Service. The aim of this paper is to describe the protocol for a randomised, controlled trial (RCT) designed to evaluate an intervention developed to increase physical activity as a treatment for depression within primary care. Methods/design: The TREAD study is a pragmatic, multi-centre, two-arm RCT which targets patients presenting with a new episode of depression. Patients were approached if they were aged 18-69, had recently consulted their GP for depression and, where appropriate, had been taking antidepressants for less than one month. Only those patients with a confirmed diagnosis of a depressive episode as assessed by the Clinical Interview Schedule-Revised (CIS-R), a Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) score of at least 14 and informed written consent were included in the study. Eligible patients were individually randomised to one of two treatment groups; usual GP care or usual GP care plus facilitated physical activity. The primary outcome of the trial is clinical symptoms of depression assessed using the BDI four months after randomisation. A number of secondary outcomes are also measured at the 4-, 8- and 12-month follow-up points including quality of life, attitude to and involvement in physical activity and antidepressant use/adherence. Outcomes will be analysed on an intention-to-treat (ITT) basis and will use linear and logistic regression models to compare treatments. Discussion: The results of the trial will provide information about the effectiveness of physical activity as a treatment for depression. Given the current prevalence of depression and its associated economic burden, it is hoped that TREAD will provide a timely contribution to the evidence on treatment options for patients, clinicians and policy-makers

    'This is what democracy looks like' : New Labour's blind spot and peripheral vision

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    New Labour in government since 1997 has been roundly criticized for not possessing a clear, coherent and consistent democratic vision. The absence of such a grand vision has resulted, from this critical perspective, in an absence of 'joined-up' thinking about democracy in an evolving multi-level state. Tensions have been all too apparent between the government's desire to exert central direction - manifested in its most pathological form as 'control freakery' - and its democratising initiatives derived from 'third-way' obsessions with 'decentralising', 'empowering' and 'enabling'. The purpose of this article is to examine why New Labour displayed such apparently impaired democratic vision and why it appeared incapable of conceiving of democratic reform 'in the round'. This article seeks to explain these apparent paradoxes, however, through utilising the notion of 'macular degeneration'. In this analysis, the perceived democratic blind spot of New Labour at Westminster is connected to a democratic peripheral vision, which has envisaged innovative participatory and decentred initiatives in governance beyond Westminster

    Pneumocystis cell wall β-glucan stimulates calcium-dependent signaling of IL-8 secretion by human airway epithelial cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Respiratory failure secondary to alveolar inflammation during <it>Pneumocystis </it>pneumonia is a major cause of death in immunocompromised patients. Neutrophil infiltration in the lung of patients with <it>Pneumocystis </it>infection predicts severity of the infection and death. Several previous studies indicate that airway epithelial cells release the neutrophil chemoattractant proteins, MIP-2 (rodents) and IL-8 (humans), in response to <it>Pneumocystis </it>and purified <it>Pneumocystis </it>cell wall β-glucans (PCBG) through the NF-κB-dependent pathway. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms that are involved in the activation of airway epithelium cells by PCBG resulting in the secretion of IL-8.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>To address this, we have studied the activation of different calcium-dependent mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) in 1HAEo<sup>- </sup>cells, a human airway epithelial cell line.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our data provide evidence that PCBG induces phosphorylation of the MAPKs, ERK, and p38, the activation of NF-κB and the subsequently secretion of IL-8 in a calcium-dependent manner. Further, we evaluated the role of glycosphingolipids as possible receptors for β-glucans in human airway epithelial cells. Preincubation of the cells with D-<it>threo</it>-1-phenyl-2-decanoylamino-3-morpholino-1-propanol (PDMP) a potent inhibitor of the glycosphingolipids synthesis, prior to PCBG stimulation, significantly decreased IL-8 production.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These data indicate that PCBG activates calcium dependent MAPK signaling resulting in the release of IL-8 in a process that requires glycosphingolipid for optimal signaling.</p

    Joint constraints on cosmology and the impact of baryon feedback: Combining KiDS-1000 lensing with the thermal Sunyaeva- Zeldovich effect from Planck and ACT

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    We conduct a pseudo-analysis of the tomographic cross-correlation between 1000 deg2 of weak-lensing data from the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS-1000) and the thermal Sunyaeva- Zeldovich (tSZ) effect measured by Planck and the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT). Using HMX, a halo-model-based approach that consistently models the gas, star, and dark matter components, we are able to derive constraints on both cosmology and baryon feedback for the first time from these data, marginalising over redshift uncertainties, intrinsic alignment of galaxies, and contamination by the cosmic infrared background (CIB). We find our results to be insensitive to the CIB, while intrinsic alignment provides a small but significant contribution to the lensinga- tSZ cross-correlation. The cosmological constraints are consistent with those of other low-redshift probes and prefer strong baryon feedback. The inferred amplitude of the lensinga- tSZ cross-correlation signal, which scales as I8(Om/0.3)0.2, is low by compared to the primary cosmic microwave background constraints by Planck. The lensinga- tSZ measurements are then combined with pseudo-CAmeasurements of KiDS-1000 cosmic shear into a novel joint analysis, accounting for the full cross-covariance between the probes, providing tight cosmological constraints by breaking parameter degeneracies inherent to both probes. The joint analysis gives an improvement of 40% on the constraint of S8 = I8Om/0.3 over cosmic shear alone, while providing constraints on baryon feedback consistent with hydrodynamical simulations, demonstrating the potential of such joint analyses with baryonic tracers such as the tSZ effect. We discuss remaining modelling challenges that need to be addressed if these baryonic probes are to be included in future precision-cosmology analyses

    Evaluating the successful implementation of evidence into practice using the PARiHS framework : theoretical and practical challenges

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    Background The PARiHS framework (Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services) has proved to be a useful practical and conceptual heuristic for many researchers and practitioners in framing their research or knowledge translation endeavours. However, as a conceptual framework it still remains untested and therefore its contribution to the overall development and testing of theory in the field of implementation science is largely unquantified. Discussion This being the case, the paper provides an integrated summary of our conceptual and theoretical thinking so far and introduces a typology (derived from social policy analysis) used to distinguish between the terms conceptual framework, theory and model – important definitional and conceptual issues in trying to refine theoretical and methodological approaches to knowledge translation. Secondly, the paper describes the next phase of our work, in particular concentrating on the conceptual thinking and mapping that has led to the generation of the hypothesis that the PARiHS framework is best utilised as a two-stage process: as a preliminary (diagnostic and evaluative) measure of the elements and sub-elements of evidence (E) and context (C), and then using the aggregated data from these measures to determine the most appropriate facilitation method. The exact nature of the intervention is thus determined by the specific actors in the specific context at a specific time and place. In the process of refining this next phase of our work, we have had to consider the wider issues around the use of theories to inform and shape our research activity; the ongoing challenges of developing robust and sensitive measures; facilitation as an intervention for getting research into practice; and finally to note how the current debates around evidence into practice are adopting wider notions that fit innovations more generally. Summary The paper concludes by suggesting that the future direction of the work on the PARiHS framework is to develop a two-stage diagnostic and evaluative approach, where the intervention is shaped and moulded by the information gathered about the specific situation and from participating stakeholders. In order to expedite the generation of new evidence and testing of emerging theories, we suggest the formation of an international research implementation science collaborative that can systematically collect and analyse experiences of using and testing the PARiHS framework and similar conceptual and theoretical approaches. We also recommend further refinement of the definitions around conceptual framework, theory, and model, suggesting a wider discussion that embraces multiple epistemological and ontological perspectives

    The holistic phase model of early adult crisis

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    The objective of the current study was to explore the structural, temporal and experiential manifestations of crisis episodes in early adulthood, using a holistic-systemic theoretical framework. Based on an analysis of 50 interviews with individuals about a crisis episode between the ages of 25 and 35, a holistic model was developed. The model comprises four phases: (1) Locked-in, (2) Separation/Time-out, (3) Exploration and (4) Rebuilding, which in turn have characteristic features at four levels—person-in-environment, identity, motivation and affect-cognition. A crisis starts out with a commitment at work or home that has been made but is no longer desired, and this is followed by an emotionally volatile period of change as that commitment is terminated. The positive trajectory of crisis involves movement through an exploratory period towards active rebuilding of a new commitment, but ‘fast-forward’ and ‘relapse’ loops can interrupt Phases 3 and 4 and make a positive resolution of the episode less likely. The model shows conceptual links with life stage theories of emerging adulthood and early adulthood, and it extends current understandings of the transitional developmental challenges that young adults encounter